System Change

Chapter 175: King Edwin

Chapter 175: King Edwin

Three consecutive knocks sounded from the door to the office. Alanah brushed her emerald green hair to the side and raised her head from her accounts. A strand of hair fell in front of her eyes, tickling her nose. Alanah scrunched her face and blew the hair to the side.

The knocks sounded again, grabbing her attention from the unruly pieces of hair. She brushed her dress down and sat upright. She weaved her hand back through her hair, removing the unruly strands from her face.

“Enter.” She said in a singsong voice.

Avery stepped in and closed the door behind him.

“Oh, it’s just you.” She said, looking back down at her accounts.

“Mis…” Avery began, but was cut off by a glare from Alanah’s piercing green eyes. “Alanah.” He said.

“That’s better.”

Avery sighed. “The King has requested your presence today at noon.”

Alanah frowned. “What does that bag of bones want from me this time?”

Avery shrugged. “The messenger did not say. I suspect it has something to do with your new business partner. Perhaps the coffee has gotten his attention.”

“Perhaps Derek has gone and done something stu… impulsive again?” She sighed.

“Perhaps…” Avery agreed.

“Stella hasn’t mentioned him taking any actions lately. Her last report had him building a shop in Savannah. It should be finished sometime today.” Alanah leaned her chin on her hand, thinking. “Maybe Derek making it to Onyx Rank has caught the King’s attention.”

“Your guess is as good as mine.” Avery said. “Maybe he wants to talk to you about the upcoming auction. The rumors have already started spreading.”

Alanah smiled. “Of course they have. I can’t have a proper auction until every person with a membership can attend. Where’s the fun when there’s no bidding war? The rumors will prepare the members for the upcoming announcement.”

“I see…”

“Oh… about the auction.” Alanah suddenly recalled her plan. “We’ll be auctioning the meals from the lesser Void Beast and part of the baby Void Beast at Savannah.”

“What? Why would we do that?” Avery asked.

Alanah smiled again. “So I can finally meet my new friend, of course.”

“You want to meet him that bad?”

“I would like to.” She responded. “There’s no sense in letting Stella have all the fun.”

Avery shook his head. “Whatever you want.”

“We’ll use the auction in Savannah to prepare everyone for the big auction here in the Capital. It should generate quite a lot of buzz if we announce that we have even more powerful meals prepared for another auction. Especially after seeing the quality of the meals at the Savannah auction.” She explained.

Avery nodded.

“You will be in charge of everything here in the Capital while I’m gone.”

“Naturally.” Avery smiled.

“How are the boys doing?” Alanah changed the subject.

Avery’s eyes sparkled at the mention of the boys. “Zac and Luke are both very gifted. Once they unlock the Great System, I expect great things from them.”

“As do I.” Alanah said. “Have either of them gravitated towards an element or weapon yet?”

Avery grinned. “Both have.” He said. “Zac has been infatuated with the lightning room. He even sleeps in it most nights, when he isn’t with Luke. As for Luke, he is going to be a natural tank. He’s been drawn to every greatshield he’s come across, even though he can’t even lift one. He started with the earth element, but eventually found that he was more attracted to the metal particles inside, so I believe metal will be his element. I can’t wait to see what classes they end up with in two years.”

Alanah smiled warmly at Avery. “You will take good care of them.”

“Of course.”

“Don’t forget to prepare the Awards that give skill points for them. When they can unlock the General Skills, you must make sure they have enough skill points available so they can level the skills before they hit level 10.” Alanah explained.

“Don’t worry. I’ve already prepared for them to receive multiple Awards. It’s just a matter of time now.”


After talking, Alanah dismissed Avery and went back to her accounts. They were the most boring part of her businesses, but she preferred to handle them herself. Both Avery and Stella had better things to do, and they were the only ones she trusted enough with them.

Not long after she closed the books, another knock rang from her door.


Avery stuck his head in. “Alanah, it is almost noon. Are you planning on visiting the King?”

Alanah stood and brushed her hands along the sides of her formal black dress. It was closer to a business attire than a regular dress. She looked down, making sure she was presentable. This will do. It’s only the old man.

She let out a breath. “Let’s go see why that old man wants a personal visit from me. I have a perfectly good communication crystal he could have called me on.” She shook her head. “You’re coming with me.”

Avery shrugged. “Very well.”

On the way out of the restaurant, they passed the host counter. “Jessica, you have the restaurant until we get back. We have a meeting with the King.”

“Y-yes Master Swan… Mistress Swan.” The attendant performed her most formal bow.

The duo walked out of the restaurant after. Avery shook his head. “I see why you don’t like being called Mistress. Master leaves a much worse taste in my mouth.”

“Exactly.” She agreed.

Before long, the two came upon the Royal Palace.

“It’s just so gaudy.” Alanah said. “If I ever mention building my own palace, please slap me aside the head.”

Avery snorted.

“That was an order.”

“Fine. I will slap you aside the head if you ever want to build a palace. How much strength would you like me to use?” Avery asked, faking seriousness.

“However much is needed to set my mind right, because if I’m suggesting it, there must be something wrong with my brain.”

The two walked up the steps and met with two guards.

“Lady Swan, Lord Avery.” The first guard said. “The King is expecting you in his Throne Room.”

“Oooh, the Throne Room. This must be serious.” Alanah said.

The other guard said something through a communication crystal and soon after, the giant door they were guarding opened wide. One of the King’s attendants appeared and greeted the two from the Crown.

“Lady Swan, Lord Avery. If you would please follow me.” The man turned and led the two through the door and straight in to another large door, the one that leads to the Throne Room.

“I’m starting to feel a little underdressed.” Avery whispered to Alanah.

Alanah snorted. “Our business attire puts all those nobles’ formal attires to shame. If anything, we are both overdressed. Remember, the King asked if I would come today. He did not order it.”

The attendant opened the door and walked in. In a loud voice, he said, “Lady Swan and Lord Avery.” He slid off to the side and motioned them forward with a formal bow.

The duo walked forward on the overly long red carpet. I hate the palace. It’s all just tacky. Alanah stared forward at the man sitting on the throne.

He was wearing a crown along with his royal dress, an overly embellished tunic with a surcoat on top with his family crest embroidered onto it. Wrinkles adorned his face, and long white hair flowed down onto his surcoat.

Edwin must be very serious today. I know how much he hates wearing that surcoat. To the left of the King stood Alanah and Derek’s favorite person, Gerald Torith. On the King’s right was his other advisor, Phillip.

Both Torith and Musgrave today. The gang’s all here. She thought. The four Generals of the Kingdom’s army were all in attendance as well. They lined the right side of the Throne Room, parallel to the carpet, behind their commander, Crown Prince Edward. On the left were Princess Elouise and her Royal Guard.

We’re missing two Princes. If they were present, we’d have the entire immediate Royal Family here. I don’t see what the reason for such an event is, unless Derek has somehow taken over the entire city of Savannah and I’m not yet aware of it. She did her best not to sigh as she stood in front of the King and gave a slight bow. Avery followed suit.

“Impudence.” Gerald shouted.

Alanah glared at the advisor, daring him to take a step forward.

“Enough, Gerald.” The King commanded.

“Alanah, do you know why I asked you here today?” King Edwin asked.

“I have been wondering.” She answered.

“You know the man, Derek Hunt, correct?” The King asked.

“Of course.”

“I have heard that he has murdered Advisor Gerald’s son and grandson, along with all the guards stationed in Torith. Is that correct?” The King asked.

“That is incorrect.” Alanah answered.

“You dare!” Gerald shouted again.

“Enough!” The King shot Gerald another look. “What do you mean by incorrect? I have it on good authority this Derek Hunt murdered Malcolm.”

Alanah smiled. “You see, you asked if he murdered the Torith’s and their guards stationed in Torith. He did not do that, as Malcolm, his son, and all the guards were not in Torith at the time. They were running, and running fast because, and excuse my language, my King… they fucked up, and they knew it.”

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