System Change

Chapter 202: Going Home

Derek sat in the middle of the final area of the dungeon. He was finally finished. With his most recent run through the dungeon, he reached level 171. Finally, being past level 170, he would no longer be able to enter the dungeon.

He rubbed his temples. That wasn’t near as bad as that mind potion that Roman had me drink. Derek had just finished going through the breakthrough for what he considered his third most important stat, Wisdom. I guess with my Endurance and Vitality like they are, I shouldn’t expect much at the 1,000 point threshold. Derek shrugged and looked over his stats.








Stat Points Remaining



1500 (???)

1500 (???)




With the new breakthrough in Wisdom, his mana pool was sitting at 15,000 points. He’d be able to go all out for much longer now. Well, if I meet something that can put me to the test. So far, Greater Meditation has been more than enough to keep my expenditure at a minimum.

Strength and Dexterity turned out to be his most useless stats. Unfortunately, Derek didn’t have any passive or active movement skills that he could use during battle to increase his speed, so he had to rely on his basic Strength and Dexterity stats for his speed. Fortunately, his ‘low’ Strength and Dexterity didn’t affect his battles too much, as he could always use Void Shift to slow down his surroundings and surprise his enemies.

Derek’s next plan was to get Intelligence up to its threshold. Because everything he did used elements, Intelligence would help his attacks pack a bigger punch. He hadn’t needed it thus far, but since his two survival stats hit what seemed to be a hard cap, he could focus more on his other stats.

Derek checked his skill points. I have 18 skill points… I guess it wouldn’t hurt to take near useless skill now. He received the Lesser Explorer Award a while ago, but because the reward that came with it wasn’t too useful, and he wasn’t sure about how rare skill points were going to be for him, he chose to let the skill reward sit. Now, he decided to take it.

I probably should have picked it up a while ago, but that kind of speed has never been an issue. He thought as he focused on Lesser Traveler and the notification popped up.

Enhanced Movement Speed

The ability to move at a faster pace while out of combat. 1% increase in movement speed per level.

Cost: 1 Skill Point

Would you like to learn Enhanced Movement Speed?

Derek used the single skill point to learn the skill.

Enhanced Movement Speed Learned Successfully

Skill Points Remaining: 17

Well… that’s that. There were now no more skills other than General Skills that Derek could learn.

Derek stood from his sitting position and dressed. Since he was going to go through a breakthrough, he had stored his clothes before adding the stat points. With how his body acted with Vitality and Endurance, he hadn’t wanted to take any chances.

For the final time in this dungeon, he summoned his mask and wore it, just in case someone finally made an appearance outside. He checked the system time. I guess it’s time to get back. If I hurry, it will have been exactly two weeks. Besides, I guess there are some people waiting for me.

During his short conversation with Malorie, he had found out about the auction moving up, and Alanah already being in Savannah. Derek was actually quite nervous about meeting the powerful woman he had only ever communicated with via crystal.

After placing his hand on the dungeon orb, he disappeared. The next instant, he was back outside. Derek did a quick check of his map and plotted his course. He was going to head straight home without any detours… Hmm… Home… I guess I can really consider it home.

With that thought, Derek kicked off the ground and made his way back.


Derek made good time on his way back. Before, he was able to get from Savannah to the Golem Dungeon in a little over half a day because of how often he had to stop to refill his mana so he could continue using Void Steps.

This time, though, with a much bigger mana pool, and his Void Steps skill at a higher level, he didn’t have to take near as many breaks as before. When he arrived at Savannah’s front gate, he had only been traveling for seven hours. Still, because of his late start, night had already fallen.

Leaving the city was an entirely different thing than entering. When he left Savannah, he had jumped over the wall and took off, much to the dismay of some of the guards. If he were to enter the city the same way, without checking in, it may end up being troublesome for Derek.

So, instead of continuing with Void Steps and hopping over the wall, Derek touched down and began walking. He made sure his Onyx Badge was well placed on his shoulder, where it was easy to see, and headed toward the gate. Luckily, because of the time, there was nobody else trying to get in.

“Sir!” One of the guards greeted Derek.

Derek nodded, noticing the guard’s eyes on his badge.

“May we see some identification?” The guard asked.

Derek frowned. “Identification? What kind of identification do you need?”

“Ah…” the guard stammered. “Have you been to Savannah before?”

“Yes. I left two weeks ago and am just getting back now.” Derek said.

“That’s easy, then. Just show us your papers you received before leaving.”

Derek scratched the back of his head. “Well… uh… something came up, and I had to leave in a hurry, so I didn’t exactly go through the gate…”

“Ah!” Another guard pointed at Derek. “You’re the man who jumped over the wall and left. You had that purple aura underneath you.”

“That would be me.” Derek smiled. “Actually, I own a shop here in Savannah. I have the papers. Will that work?”

The guard shook his head. “Unfortunately, because of the way you left, you will have to re-register and pay the fee before entering the city again.”

If I had Edgar with me, I could have just come back in, like last time. Derek clicked his tongue. “Fine.”

The guard nodded, then took out a stone tablet. “Please place your hand on the tablet and answer any questions to the best of your ability.”

“This is just like the teleportation building.” Derek said, getting a nod from the guard. He placed his hand on the tablet.

“Name.” The guard said.

“Derek Hunt, I currently live in Savannah.” Derek said. The tablet glowed blue.

“You can remove your hand now.” The guard said.

“That’s it?” Derek asked. The last time he did this, he had to answer a lot more questions.

The guard nodded. “Yes. As you are a resident of Savannah, we just had to confirm the truth.”

“That’s great.” Derek said.

“The entry fee is five gold.” The guard said and reached out his hand.

Of course. Derek thought. He waved his hand, and the gold coins fell into the palm of the guard.

Along with the gold coins, the guard placed his hand on the tablet. The tablet glowed, then faded, then disappeared along with the currency.

The guard looked up and smiled. “If you stop at the gate next time, you can get a pass and won’t have to pay the entry fee again.”

“Noted.” Derek said.

“You may enter.”

Derek nodded at the guards around the gate, then walked inside. It was late, so meeting Alanah was going to have to wait until the next day. Derek started running at a brisk pace. The city was big, so it was still going to take him a bit to get home.


When Derek arrived at his shop, he unlocked the door and opened it. As soon as he stepped inside, a purple blur hit him right in the solar plexus. Derek lost his breath and coughed. I didn’t even think it was possible to get the wind knocked out of me after my upgrades.

Derek looked down at the little murder bunny on the floor, staring daggers at him. “Ugh… Silvi… what was that for?”

Asshole!’ Silvi’s voice chimed inside Derek’s head.

What? What did I do?’ Derek was confused.

Increased your Vitality and Endurance at the same time. I thought I was going to die.’ Her childlike voice said.

Derek thought about what she said. Oh, no. I put both of my stats to 1499 at the same time originally. That would have put her stats over 1000 each… at the same time. Derek thought about the struggle he went through when his stats hit 1000. ‘I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking.’

‘Asshole.’ Silvi chirped again. Then she hopped onto Derek’s head. ‘Don’t do that again.’

‘Next time, I promise to give it some time after I increase a stat to the point it will put you past the threshold.’ Derek comforted her. He thought about it. That would be just over 1100 points.

Fine. You owe me tasty food.’ She said.

Then I’ll have to get you some tasty food tomorrow. I hear Alanah’s in town.’

‘Beautiful, delicious lady came by asking when you’ll be back. Wants you to meet boss. Mal told her.’ Silvi said.

Derek nodded. ‘Where is everyone?’

All asleep except maniac. Maniac in basement.’

‘Maniac?’ Derek asked.

Brandi. She’s a crafting maniac. And it’s not even Cooking. How can she do so much without a tasty reward? She’s a maniac.’ Silvi explained.

‘I… see.’ Derek said. I guess I better check on her. Derek closed and locked the door behind him. He would make sure Brandi was doing well before calling it a night himself. He hadn’t rested in two weeks, and sleep sounded very good.

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