System Change

Chapter 205: First Meeting

Derek stood from the couch and openly gawked as Alanah walked out of her bedroom. Finally, he knew why the Crown chose emerald green as the primary color for its palette. The woman’s lush green hair flowed just down past her shoulders. Derek could just make out a pointed ear hidden underneath. An ear that reminded him almost of the elves he saw, but more closely resembled a half elf.

Alanah was taller than most women he’d seen, human or otherwise. Derek may have been taller by an inch or so, but that was it. Her sparkling green eyes matched her hair and gave off an aura of mischief. She wore a sleeveless white mini-dress with straps on the waist tied to fit her form. The dress was simple, but Alanah made it look priceless.

“Derek, dear.” The beautiful woman spoke again. “Are you finished staring?”

Derek snapped back to the real world. “S-sorry.” He said. “That was… rude.”

“Not at all. It’s actually a little flattering.” Alanah replied as she stepped forward. “Sit, sit. We have so many things to discuss.” She walked past the couch and sat on the chair across from him. Stella followed her lead and sat on the other.

Derek waited for both ladies to sit, then sat back down on the sofa. “It is nice to finally meet you in person, Alanah. I have to say, you look a little different from the picture I had of you in my head.”

Alanah giggled. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Derek nodded. “Very much so.”

“Now, first off all.” Alanah leaned forward. “Tell me, are my presence and words having any adverse effect on you right now? Do you feel a pull, or the need to do anything I say?”

Derek thought about the question. When he first began chatting with Alanah through the communication crystals, he would occasionally feel a tug on his consciousness. But after so many conversations over the last month or so, that had completely gone away.

She had also told him that meeting her in person would cause the effect to be amplified. However, it seemed like he didn’t have to worry about that now. He shook his head. “No, actually. It feels like I’m just talking to a regular person.”

“Oh, that’s just wonderful.” Alanah clasped her hand in her fist and pulled them to her chest. “Finally, someone I can talk to without having to wait. Someone other than Edwin and Avery.”

Derek smiled. “I’m glad.”

A light shined in Alanah’s eyes. “Derek, dear. Would you mind if I used a skill on you? Just to see the extent that you are able to withstand my ability?”

Derek hesitated, but shrugged. “Just don’t make me do anything embarrassing, like strip naked and hop on one foot.”

Alanah covered her mouth and chuckled. “I would never.”

Stella rolled her eyes and muttered. “Yes, you would.”

“Well… I won’t right now.” Alanah said. “Are you ready?”

Derek nodded. He was staring deep into Alanah’s eyes. Soon, her iris’s expanded and the whole of her eyes turned green. It was like when Derek used his aura. Then he felt something trying to invade his mind. The pressure was intense. He fought back, eventually even using Greater Meditation to focus and clear the hold trying to form on his mind.

“Stand.” Alanah commanded.

Instantly, all Derek could think about was how much he wanted… no… how much he needed to stand. But, with his focus and willpower, he was able to for his legs to stop moving to stand up. It was hard—insanely hard—but he was able to keep it from happening.

Soon, the pressure went away, and Derek relaxed. He looked back up at Alanah to see her eyes back to normal.

“Oh. Now, isn’t that something? Either your willpower is terrifying, or you’ve had a second breakthrough in Wisdom… or both, actually. I’m quite sure that command would have been hard to counteract with just Wisdom alone.” Alanah said, then turned to Stella. “You can sit now, Stel.”

“Ah… sorry.” Stella sat back down.

It took Derek a moment to gather himself. “That was intense.” He said. “What happened to you?” he asked Stella.

“Because she was so close to us, she was caught up in my aura. She didn’t get hit with the ability, like you, but she still has a way to go before she can function ideally beside me.” The half elf explained in her stead.

“I see.” Derek had a thought just then. “Alanah, I believe you are most probably the most powerful person I have met, correct?”

Alanah smiled wryly. “You are most likely correct.”

“Would you allow me to use a skill as well, just as a test? I need to know its limits.” Derek said.

“Oh? I would be delighted. Does it have to do with your… element?” She asked.

Alanah was one of the few people who knew that Derek used the void element. She had put everything together after he brought the Void Beasts to the Crown.

“It does.” He said.

“Then, by all means.”

Derek prepared himself, then entered Void Shift. He had used it against many of beasts, but he had yet to find its limit. Shae had been able to reflexively track him while he used it, but he was unable to do anything about it.

Derek pulled himself off the sofa and moved toward Alanah. As he slowly moved closer, he focused intently on the woman’s face. Hmm… it looks like she doesn’t sense anything… that can’t be right.

When he was only a few feet away from the woman, her head turned. She looked him dead in his eyes and smiled brightly. He watched, terrified, as she slowly brought her hand up and snapped her fingers. A sonic wave blasted out in a circle just big enough to encompass herself and Derek.

The moment it hit Derek’s ears, he lost control of his skill and moved back to reality. It was a shock to his senses. Usually, when he enters Void Shift, all sound is muddled, like he is moving underwater. How Alanah was able to direct such sound into Derek’s ears while he was shifted, he didn’t know.

When Void Shift broke, Derek had quickly righted himself as to not fall. Whatever Alanah did only messed with his active skill, it didn’t affect his balance. It did, however, leave him with ringing ears, and if he hadn’t already broken through in Endurance, he was sure he’d be bleeding out of them.

“That…” Alanah said. “Was a most fascinating skill.”

Even though his pride was a little hurt, Derek was thankful to Alanah. Now he knew that Void Shift wasn’t the be all end all of skills. It was better to find out that there were those who could counter it while in a friendly setting than while in battle.

“I would love to know how it works.” She said.

Derek walked back over to the sofa and took a seat. “That was unexpected.” Derek said. “But thank you.”

“What happened?” Stella asked. “You were just on the couch, then you were falling in front of Alanah. What exactly did you do? Was it teleportation?”

“No.” Alanah answered. “It wasn’t teleportation. He was… between. Here without being here.”

“That’s…” Derek said. “Probably a good way to explain it. Actually, I’m not sure if I could explain it better. I just wanted to see what type of limitations it may have against someone with a high strength. Thank you for showing me.”

“Well. I don’t think you have to worry about too many people or beasts being able to truly dismantle your skill. Like I said, it was quite fascinating. I just so happened to be one of the few equipped with a way to… deactivate certain skills.” Alanah explained.

Derek nodded. “I see. I used it against Shae—the Savannah Adventurer’s Guild Master—and he was able to keep track of me, but he wasn’t able to do much else.”

“Yes, he would be able to. With his Dexterity, he would certainly have the reflexes, but he would still be defenseless… depending on how your skill works when you attack. It’s those with high Wisdom or Intelligence that you will have to worry about. They would truly be able to see you. That skill of yours would be the bane of physical based classes, but magic based classes could find they’re own ways to counter.”

Derek agreed. He was still unsure of Alanah’s power, and whether he would find others as powerful, but he would keep this experience to heart.

“Well, I know why I wanted to see you.” Alanah said. “But why have you requested a meeting so early this morning?”

Derek looked at Alanah, then at Stella. Stella didn’t exactly know what his element was, unless Alanah had told her. He thought about it for some time before coming to the conclusion that he was strong enough to protect himself, and he trusted Stella enough.

“As you know…” he said to Alanah. “I use the void element.”

“I knew it.” Stella said, garnering her a look from him. “What? It just makes too much sense.”

Derek shrugged and stood. He walked over to the side of the sitting area where there was some free space and put his hands together. Then he ripped the void open, showing the contents of his Void Storage to the room.

“I happened to come across a few extra materials.”

“Oh, my god. Derek… what the-?” Stella said.

“Language, my girl.” Alanah chided before giggling. “Derek, my dear. You really know how to make a presentation.”

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