System Change

Chapter 218: Sabrina Elras Part I

Five Years Ago—Kingdom of Indria

It was a normal morning for Sabrina. She woke, bathed, was dressed by her servants, and left her room to have breakfast with her father, the Duke, her mother, and her younger brothers. When she arrived at the dining room, only her father was there waiting for her. She looked around, and could find nobody else, not even a servant.

“Father.” She said. “Is there something wrong? Where is mother?”

Her father smiled at her. “They will join us later. There is something we must discuss first.” He snapped his fingers, and a barrier went up around them. This way, nobody would be able to listen in to their conversation.

Sabrina frowned. This was weird. She had never been in a situation like this with just her and her father. It felt almost like an ambush. What was going on? What was so important that they needed a sound barrier around them?

Her father let out a long sigh. “The King has sent for you.”

Sabrina felt the weight of the bombshell her father had dropped on her. She had met her uncle, the King of Indria, only twice in her life, and she was much too young to remember the first time. For him to summon her out of the blue like this, she was at a loss for words.

“B-but why?” She managed to squeak out.

“Honestly, my daughter… I do not know. I can think of a few reasons, but I dare not speculate. He wants to see you in the Throne Room this evening, therefore, you will be there.” Her father said.

“I… very well.” Sabrina said.

“Remember your etiquette. Do not speak unless spoken to.” Her father cautioned. “He is your uncle, and he loves you, but he is also the ruler of the greatest Kingdom on this continent. Do not embarrass him or me.”

Sabrina nodded slightly. “I will do my best, father.”

Her father nodded. “Good.” He snapped his fingers once again, and the sound barrier disappeared. He clapped his hands and their servants began bringing in their breakfast. Sabrina’s mother and brothers soon joined. “Eat well, you have a big day ahead of you.”

A big day, indeed… Sabrina thought. She did not eat well that morning. She lost her appetite the moment her father told her about the summons. Her father only met with the King, who was his own brother, a few times each year, and that was to report on the lands that he ruled as a Duke. Sabrina had no clue what the King could want with her.

She wasn’t going to take over once her father stepped down. No, that position would go to her older brother, who was in the army. If it was him being summoned, she would be able to wrap her head around it, but she was non-important.

As the daughter of a Duke, she had more status and opportunities than most, but really, her job should be to marry into a strong family in the Kingdom to strengthen the bonds between the Royals and the other nobles. It’s one of the reasons she focused more on her studies and propriety than her own strength.

Sabrina picked through her meal. Maybe this is about marriage. She thought. I am thirty-five years old this year… that’s not too young to be given away. She was still young by Elven standards. Her race was notoriously infertile, but made up for it with their lifespan. Even without increased Vitality and Endurance from the Great System, a pureblooded elf could live for hundreds of years. That was more than long enough to produce an heir or two, especially with the addition of alchemical potions.

Just look at her parents. Sabrina was the second oldest of four siblings, and the only daughter. Her eldest brother was already in his late seventies, and her younger brothers were twins, and both sixteen. Her eldest brother wasn’t even born until her father was in his two-hundreds…

Maybe it is time… It wasn’t the worst thought. She’d prepared for it for most of her life. In fact, the longer she thought about it, the more she was looking forward to it. If it was a match that even the King was involved in, then maybe she would meet the perfect suitor.

Sabrina retired from breakfast in a much better headspace than she was in previously. As she pushed open the door to leave the dining room, it knocked into one of the servants carrying tea.

Sabrina snapped at the servant. “Watch where you’re going!”

“Y-yes milady.” The human fell to her knees and began to frantically gather up the spilled tea.

“Hmmph.” Sabrina snorted. “I should have you flogged, but you’re lucky I’m in a good mood today. Get this mess cleaned up… and I better not see you again today.” She half skipped to her bedroom. Not even an inept slave could ruin her good mood today.

Sabrina and her father arrived at the palace later that day. Throughout the day, she had convinced herself more and more that today was going to be the day that she met her betrothed. She could barely keep the smile off her face, no matter how many times her father told her to remove it.

Her father led her to the Throne Room to finally meet her King, and hopefully, her intended. Once they stepped into the hall, she noticed a problem. It was quiet… there was nobody there to announce their arrival.

She looked up and around. There was only her uncle, the King of Indria, sitting on the throne. There were no advisors, no commanders, no guards… just him, her, and her father.

About that time, her father nudged her, breaking her out of her thoughts. She hurriedly gave the King a proper bow, then waited. The King looked her up and down. She waited. His eyes met hers and he smiled. She waited.

Finally, after who knows how long, the King spoke. “Brother.” He said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Her father replied.

“You are dismissed.”

Her father opened his mouth, but couldn’t find any words. Finally, he bowed once again. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Sabrina was in a panic. Her father had abandoned her alone in the palace with the King. She wasn’t prepared to meet the King alone. What would she say? What should she do? Why was she here? Obviously, it wasn’t to meet a suitor. Or maybe it was, and her uncle only wanted to ask her about it in private before arranging it. She could only hope.

“Sabrina… correct?” The King asked.

“Y-yes, Your Majesty.” She replied.

The King nodded. “Good… very good.” He said. “I have not seen you in… what has it been? Twenty years? You have blossomed into a fine young maiden.”

“T-thank you, Your Majesty.”

“I am sure you have many questions about this meeting. Rest assured, you are in no trouble. In fact, the Kingdom needs your help.” The King explained.

Sabrina looked at the King, confusion written all over her face. “My help?” She asked, then stammered. “Your Majesty.”

“It is just the two of us. There is no need to be so proper.” The King said. “You are my niece, after all.” He smiled a brilliant smile.

King Elras of the Indria Kingdom was one of the most stunning looking elves Sabrina had ever seen. For being centuries old, the man looked no older than herself. He had the same silver hair and emerald green eyes that were prominent among the Elras lineage, but his hair glistened and eyes sparkled just a bit more than any other she had seen. It could have been just her imagination because of his status, but she doubted it.

Sabrina gave a shy smile and looked back up at the King. “Yes… uncle.” She waited for the reprimand, but it never came. It still seemed odd that someone of such status, who was known to be a champion of propriety, would allow such a casual shift, even if they were the only two. She didn’t question it, though.

“We have been in talks with the Kingdom of Cydaria and have come to a conclusion that it is time to send a royal envoy to strengthen our ties. The mission will last for around five years.” The King explained, then motioned Sabrina to come closer. She hesitated, but stepped forward. Soon, the King erected a soundproof barrier around the two of them. “Of course, that is just what you will be doing on the surface.”

The King then went on to explain that he had assets in the Kingdom of Cydaria, ones that would report to her. It was hard to get proper reports because messages via crystals could be easily intercepted by certain figures and were never secure. He explained that there was a human who played a big role in supplying the Kingdom with its servants, and that he would be her inside source. Her role would be to gather as much information about the inner workings of Cydaria, then report back.

She was chosen for this task because of her status within the Kingdom. She was the niece of the King, an important figure in the Indria Kingdom. Sending someone of her status would show how seriously Indria was taking the situation.

Sabrina was taken aback. Becoming an envoy, no… a spy, was the last thing she thought she would be summoned for. Still, it was a mission from the King himself, and she could not refuse. Well, she could, it would be allowed. The King made sure to emphasize that she didn’t have to take it on, but she would accept it. For herself, her father, and her King… she would do it.

“I accept.” She said.

“Wonderful.” The King said. “Now, there are some very important things you must know.” He flicked his hand and summoned a necklace. “First, you must wear this at all times.”

She took the necklace. It was quite mundane, just a round emerald sitting on a silver chain. Nothing fancy. She carefully placed the necklace around her neck.

“That necklace is a powerful artifact.” The King explained. “There are two people who live in the Cydarian Kingdom that you must be wary about. The first is Natalie Savannah. You will be spending much of your time in Savannah, so it is only natural that you will come across the City Lord.”

Sabrina nodded along as she listened with rapt attention.

“She has some kind of appraisal skill that allows her to see the history of objects and people. The necklace will protect you from that kind of invasion.”

Sabrina clucked the emerald in her hand as she listened.

“The second person is a half-elf. Not much is known about her other than the fact that she settled down in Cydaria decades ago and started up the most popular and successful business in the entire Kingdom. Even her passive voice controls weaker people. If she actively uses her skills, then even the strongest have the comply with her demands.

“Her name is Alanah Swan. She is the owner of the Crown Restaurant. Hopefully, the necklace will protect against her as well. Though, I don’t suspect you will have many, if any, interactions with her. It is best to avoid her, as I do not know what protection the necklace will provide against her.” The King explained.

Sabrina took everything in. Five years. She needed to gather information for five years. She would complete this task to the best of her abilities.

The King kept Sabrina for hours longer, giving her information that she would need. She also had to swear a system oath, but that wasn’t a big deal for something as important as this. By the time they were finished, it was past midnight. She stayed in the palace that night.

The next morning, she met her guard. They weren’t the strongest fighters, but they were some of the most loyal. She happily informed her father of being selected as an envoy to another country and expressed her excitement at being chosen.

Three weeks later, she entered the Capital of Cydaria and was greeted by the Crown Prince and Princess of Cydaria. She held back the disgust she felt at greeting humans as equals and fell into her role. She would make her King proud.

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