System Change

Chapter 277: Gotta Catch ’Em All

Chapter 277: Gotta Catch ’Em All

The last few minutes passed at a crawl, with everyone waiting in anticipation. Everyone had something to gain from another wave of enemies, so they all hoped to hear the screeching of a wyvern or a roar of another dragonkin at least one more time.

Just as the last minute passed, they heard it. Another almost deafening roar sounded in the distance, followed by a chorus of similar roars. With the sound of one beast, the tension between the five party members disappeared, and everyone relaxed.

It looks like luck is on our side today, Edgar said.

Yeah, its a good thing you suck at taming beasts. Imagine if you would have finished contracting with Blitz any sooner. The trial would have been over at least, I think, Derek said. He really wasnt sure about the ending condition of the trial. It had been to survive for ten days or defeat the enemy champions, and he was almost sure that the wyverns were considered the champions.

If they werent then he couldnt imagine what would come next. Well, actually, he could. It would have to be some form of Ancient Dragon, and if the rarity of the current monsters were anything to go by, they would end up being at a rank higher than legendary. But that shouldnt be possible, as the rank of the trial they were currently in was only legendary.

So, either they had to defeat a certain amount of wyverns, or defeat them within the time limit of the attack. The system hadnt exactly been clear on its conditions.

Edgar rolled his eyes at Dereks comment, and Avery snickered. It was all in jest and good fun. Who would actually taunt a person that had literally just tamed a legendary dragon species in only around one hour of fighting? Honestly, it was quite impressive.

With everything prepared and the wave incoming, Derek took the lead. Jasper Tara cast your buffs on everyone. Tara, avoid casting on Jasper just in case there is dragonkin out there that his healing is a perfect counter for.

With that command, multiple auras of light fell around the group, including the new additions to the party: Blitz and Lyra. The two dragonkin being hit by the auras shined like a beacon of light on a dark night, even though it seemed to be in a constant dusk since they started the trial.

Once all the spells were cast, even though Derek doubted anyone would actually need them anymore, especially with the two additional team members, he continued, Alright, now the two of you need to go inside the prison and get in one of the cells closest to the door. Well be taking the beasts to the back. That way, you will be out of the way and wont risk any injury if Avery and Lyra lose control.

With no arguments, the two supporters made their way into his Time Prison. Of course, toward the end, they would have to leave the cells to make space for any additional beasts, but for now, it was the safest place for them.

Edgar, youre on tanking duty. Draw all the attention and kite err lead them around while Avery picks some out. Avery, get some good ones. If you find a plant-based wyrm, get it. Also, look for anything smaller, like we discussed. If its small, get it. Also, see if you can find something that may be weak against wind, he directed, and both Avery and Edgar nodded before disappearing along with their new companions.

Avery nodded with a big smile on his face. That was even easier than expected. Then, he turned and looked at Lyra, who had turned around and was now guarding the door instead of leering inside. Though, Lyra will only be able to do that a few more times with the lesser beasts before she needs to recharge. It takes a lot out of her. And we may need your help with the wyvern when its time.

Thats no problem. Just let me know when you need me, Derek said.

With that, Avery turned around and jogged out of the prison, hopping on Lyras back and soaring off into the distance as soon as he got outside. Derek sighed and looked back at the cell door. He really did miss Silvi. I should have forced her to come along with me.

He could only lament and get back to work. With one of the cells now occupied by a new resident, Derek put all his focus on it and tried to shrink it down. To his delight, it began shrinking. He was actually shocked that it was working.

However, after shrinking for a few moments, and even unabsorbing one of the cells beside it, it refused to shrink any further. He then realized that he was at the smallest sized the system, or at least his Time Prison, would allow him to adjust a cell with a beast the size of the amphithere inside. It was still a success, in his opinion.

He wouldnt have to worry about proficiency. No matter the beast stored inside, he would be able to place it in the smallest cell possible without too much extra hassle. On that note, he ran over to the cells that Bones and Ogre were in and were actually able to shrink the cell that Bones was in by a small amount. The same couldnt be said for Ogre, as the mountain of a man barely fit in that cell to begin with.

The slightly shrunken cell didnt actually allow for much extra room for the cell beside it, but an argument could be made that every bit of space counted. So, Derek wouldnt complain. He actually agreed with that argument.

Derek went back to the end of the lobby, next to the cell that now contained an amphithere. One other thing that he wasnt sure about was whether the imprisoned beasts would count toward the end goal of the trial, or if he would even be able to let them out of his Time Prison once the trial or dungeon ended.

That had failed before doing the reverse with a Void Beast, but he hadnt tried to take anything out. Though, he suspect he wouldnt have much of a problem because of his encounter with the Acidic Ghoul back at the undying dungeon, and the fact that dungeon breaks were a thing. It meant that the system shouldnt have a problem with removing beasts from the dungeon.

He also knew that he could put someone inside his prison and bring them into a dungeon, but that also hadnt been completely experimented with. He did, however, draw the conclusion that it was based solely on the number of people allowed in the dungeon.

He still needed to figure out if that meant once the participant limit was reached, nobody would be allowed outside the prison, even if one of the original members died, or if it was less stringent and would allow him to sub people in and out like a basketball team. He imagined it was the former, and he planned on testing it one day, preferably with more people he trusted.

Whether any of that was how it worked or not, he would have to find out later. Right now, Avery was on his way back with a drake, and Derek needed to prepare its new home. We gotta catch em all. Well at least ten or so the rest have to be relegated to XP and material. I hope I can get a good glaive out of this.

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