System Change

Chapter 279: Hindsight

Chapter 279: Hindsight

Derek awaited the notification he knew he was about to receive with much anticipation. This was actually the first time he wasnt the person to initiate the completion of a dungeon well, a trial dungeon, but a dungeon nonetheless. So, he wasnt sure about the prompts he would be getting from just being a member, and he had never questioned Thomas or any of the rest of his group that he speed ran through dungeons.

Still, he didnt have to wait long to find out, as a notification similar to one he had seen so many times before flashed in front of his eyes.

Trial Complete

Assigning Rewards

Congratulations, you have received Skill Scroll: Dragon Fire

Instantly, a scroll appeared in his hand, and he examined it.

Skill Scroll: Dragon Fire

Upon activation, the user will learn the magical skill, Dragon Fire. As this is a skill from a scroll, no skill points are required and it will not be forgotten upon class change.

He looked around to see that everyone else was holding a scroll similar to his, though he didnt know what skills they had received. To be completely honest, he was let down by the reward.

He was sure that a skill based on a legendary dragon would be amazing, and something almost anyone else would jump for joy at receiving, but to him, he just didnt have any interest in learning a fire-based skill.

Speaking of people jumping for joy at receiving a skill. Everyone else was giddy as they looked over the scrolls they received.

Did you all get dragon related skill scrolls? Derek asked, causing everyone to shift their attention away from their rewards. Everyone looked at each other before nodding.

If all the skills are different, what if we took them all and gave them to one low-level person? Would they unlock some legendary class as their first class? What kind of monster could we create? Those thoughts were the first things that went through Dereks mind after he got over his disappointment with his personal reward.

So, he decided to voice his idea. Hey, if we combine the scrolls and giv- He stopped all the sudden as Averys scroll unfurled and then crumbled right in front of their eyes. The man had barely waited a few seconds before learning his new skill.

Derek was still looking at him with his mouth open.

What? Avery asked. There is no chance in hell that Im giving this away. With that, a grayish-silver pair of dragon wings sprouted from the archers back, and with one thrust, he was hovering off the ground. A flight skill that takes stamina, Avery said. I love the Great System!

The one thing Derek had heard Avery complain about over and over while he had known him was his ability to fly or battle in the air, or in Averys case, his lack of that ability. It seemed the system had taken notice of that and had not only allowed him to contract with a deadly flying beast, but had also given him the only skill he really wanted as a reward.

Derek felt cheated yet again. First, he didnt get nearly as many skills as others did when he upgraded his class. Sure, his skills were powerful, but hed seen others with extremely powerful skills as well. Then there were the rewards he received from completing dungeons. They always seemed to be disappointing and not something he ever really wanted. Sure, Cure Toxin was nice to have and may have even saved him once, but it really didnt add anything to his build.

What did you get? Edgar asked. Why havent you used the scroll?

Dragon Fire Derek muttered.

And you dont want it? Edgar asked. From experience, I know that dragon flames arent anything to scoff at. He patted Blitz, who was standing patiently beside them all. The wyvern had been a fire type wyvern before they bonded.

Just isnt the sort of skill I would usually use, Derek said. He also preferred close ranged physical attacks. And it looked like Dragon Fire was more of a mid to long ranged magical attack.

So, what are you going to do with it? Edgar asked with a glint of greed in his eyes.

Im sure I can think of something. Didnt you already get enough out of this? Derek said.

Says the person with a stable full of dragonkin squirreled away. Edgar rolled his eyes and everyone chuckled.

True, but you all profit from that as well. Derek smiled. But there are still five trials and whatever that big one at the end is, so theres still a chance for a good reward. Im hopeful.

Damn right! Avery sounded out as he whooshed down and landed in the middle of the group. No point in complaining. We still have an entire Trial Raid Dungeon full of rewards to plunder. This is the best vacation ever!

Derek couldnt help but break down and begin laughing along with everyone else as he saw the crazy look in Averys eyes. The man had gotten a good fight, a good companion, and a good reward, and he wanted more. Who could blame him? Someone of his nature shouldnt be cooped up doing business all day long. He needed to let loose.

Well is there anything else we need to do here? Derek asked.

I dont think so, Edgar looked around and nobody spoke up. We have two hours to leave the trial.

Derek nodded. In that case. He pulled out five of Silvis prepared meals from his storage bracelet and handed them around. Might as well fuel up before heading out.

Everyone was thankful for the food, and they all sat down to eat while talking about the trial. Avery recounted what it was like to fly with his new skill, and the way he described soaring and gliding among the clouds with child-like enthusiasm was something to behold.

Edgar agreed with everything Avery said and told them all about how he flew away from the capital and stayed away for almost two months testing his flying skill once he got it. Flying in the sky just seemed more magic to Derek than skipping along in the air. Which was basically what he did with his Void Step.

Before long, they finished their meals, and it was time to go. They all stood, and Edgar reached out and placed his hand on the trial orb. They were then encompassed by a blinding flash, and when Derek opened his eyes once again, they were standing around the trial orbs in the dungeon.

They were standing around the trial orbs, and everyone else was running around, yelling and preparing for battle. Derek got in a fighting stance and looked for an enemy, then he heard someone scream something about a dragon. Finally, he put two and two together and looked over at Edgar, who had a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

Maybe we should have thought about how to introduce our new companions before we came back? Edgar muttered.

Hindsight, Derek said.

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