System Change

Chapter 288: Circulation

Chapter 288: Circulation

Derek arrived at Tyrons workspace to find the smith still hard at work, dismantling all the beasts he had received. He noticed that there were multiple storage rings laying on his workbench, and after the smith stored another set of materials in one he was holding, he tossed that ring over to the bench along with all the others.

By Dereks count, Tyron should be getting close to completing his task. Just a couple more storage rings full of materials, and he would be finished dismantling and could get on with the more interesting part, crafting Derek the perfect glaive-one that he would bond with and hopefully would grow beside him. Because, of course, he still wasnt sure how bonded weapons worked. But a man could dream about never having to search for another weapon. Though he did have Void Creation to make up for his lack of weapons now.

With nothing else to do, and not wanting to disturb the smith, Derek moved a couple hundred feet away and cleared out an area for himself. He put the table that used to be inside his Time Prison down in the clearing, then proceeded to set all his most comfortable chairs around it. Since he, Edgar, Avery, and Jasper were all pretty much banned from the trials for now, there was no sense in making his own camp close to the rest of the party.

If Edgar or the others wanted to join him, or if Tyron wanted to take a break, this area would be open to them. He would even allow them to use his comfy chairs well, all but the one he was sitting in. It was his and his alone.

Like that, Derek made some coffee and watched the smith in silence, occasionally taking a sip. Time flowed, and soon, Tyron was finished with the materials. The smith brought six storage rings over to Derek and put them down on the table before taking a seat. Rocky wriggled his way over and dozed off under the table in the shade.

This one has the wyvern parts, this one has the wyvern meat. Tyron slit two rings to Derek while pouring his own cup of coffee and taking a sip. The rest are assorted between the lesser beasts-all are separated by material.Geett the latest novels at

Thanks, Derek said. Its much appreciated.

I think Im on the winning side of our arrangement, Tyron said as he summoned a large sheet of paper out of his own storage ring and unrolled it along the table. Heres what I was thinking for your glaive

The idea Tyron had for Dereks glaive was quite simple. He would use bone from the death attuned wyvern to make the pole, while using a combination of fangs and scales for the blade, and creating dragon leather out of the hide to wrap it in. Of course, there would be other materials, ones that would come out of Tyrons own personal stash, used to bind the glaive.

Like Derek was thinking, the glaive would be simple, but it would be highly functional.

Around seventy percent competition, Im going to need your help to attune the weapon to you. I can do it myself and make a weapon that is a good fit for most, but if you help in that process, it will be perfect for you, Tyron explained.

Sounds good to me, Derek said. I dont have anything else to do, so Ill just be hanging out around here for the time being. Just let me know when Im needed.

Tyron nodded. Great. The smith took another drink of his coffee. I really like this stuff.

Me too, Derek agreed.

By the way, the smith commented. Did you know that your hair has changed colors? Its not a lot different, but its sleeker and seems to have a hint of purple.

Unfortunate side effect of leveling one of my passive skills. Derek laughed. Well worth it, though.

You ready? Tryon asked.

As ready as I can get at the moment, Derek replied.

Good. Go ahead and grab on and start pumping your mana in. Its already quite conducive to mana because of the material, so it should accept it easily, the smith explained.

Derek nodded gravely and began. With immense focus, he pushed the sluggish void through his body and into his right hand, which was grasping the base of the pole. With a thought, he pushed the void into the weapon until he felt that he could push no more, then held it.

Holy- Tyron started to say something, but paused. Thats good. Keep at it. As we go, youre going to feel like youre able to fill it with more mana. When you can, do it. We are trying to get as much in it as possible. But keep an eye on your mana and stamina pools. If you run out, thats it. Thats as conductive as well be able to make the weapon.

Derek, with his eyes closed in concentration, nodded and continued holding his mana steady inside the glaive. He heard a clanging ring out and opened one eye slightly to see Tyron sweating over the workbench, swinging his hammer. Each time the hammer hit the glaive, Derek felt a little more space open up inside, and he pushed more mana in.

Six hours later, the hammering slowed down. I cant do this much longer the smith panted as he swung his hammer.

Derek had to agree. His stamina and mana were fine, as he had slipped into Greater Meditation early on to keep them up, but his mind was as fatigued as it had ever been. Honestly, it didnt feel unlike what he had felt back when he tested the mind potion for Roman. Still, he believed he could continue on for a few more hours at least, but if the smith couldnt then that was it.

Thats it the smith said. Im going to seal it. Hold the mana steady. No more in, no more out.

Derek listened to the smith and concentrated on keeping the mana inside the glaive still. Watching the giant smith with one eye, he saw his hammer disappear into his storage ring. Then, the man pulled out a small stack of paper-like material, which he proceeded to grasp between his two hands, almost in a prayer-like gesture, and closed his eyes.

All of the sudden, Tyrons eyes shot open, and he opened his arms wide. In between his hands, connecting his two palms, was a molten-like chain with runes unknown to Derek. Derek watched the best he could as he focused on holding his mana.

Finally, the smith slammed both hands down onto the pole of the glaive, and the chained runes wrapped themselves around it. Then, before his eyes, Derek saw the runes disappear into the weapon, almost like they had never been there in the first place.

With a sigh of relief, Tyron took a step backwards, then fell to the ground. He sat with his head in his hands, panting. He brought out multiple potions and drank them down one by one, before finally looking up at Derek.

Monster he said, then breathed deeply once again. Im going to need at least two days to recover, then Ill finish it. Three days from now, maybe four, and you will have your new weapon. You can go now.

Derek struggled with it, but after a few moments of hesitation, he released his grasp on the unfinished glaive. With just six hours, he felt connected to it. Well, it was probably because of all the void embedded mana I pumped into it; he thought as he walked away, back to his area. He didnt say anything to Tyron or ask him about the skill he had used at the end. Those were his secrets. He wouldnt pry.

Finally, Derek fell into his comfy chair. Only three days to go. Derek was excited.

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