System Change

Chapter 299: Broken Contracts

Chapter 299: Broken Contracts

Okay, Derek said after taking in what Walter had told him. So, what do you all think is going on? Is it only happening in Torith? Derek and the bunch still called the sub-city Torith even though its name had most likely been changed already, seeing how that surname was now a stain on the Cydarian Kingdoms reputation.

One moment, well talk about this later, Edgar said. Lets see what the next trial is going to be. Id like to get this raid over quickly now that things are becoming odd. The prince next headed to the orb that had activated once Derek returned and placed his hand on it. After a few seconds, he nodded and moved back.

Avery, Victor, Vanessa, Shae, Elena, Tristan, and Kieron, Edgar said loudly, getting the attention of the seven raid members, including Victor, who made his way back once he heard his name called. Were not taking any chances anymore. The next trial is a simple tower trial. Usually, that means that you clear a number of floors of lesser beasts, then fight a boss-type beast at the top. But, like I said, that is what usually happens. This trial is epic, just like the last one.

With this setup, you have two healers, one support, and four damage dealers, both physical and magical, close combat and ranged. The lowest level in the party will be Tristan, who is a level 240 light healer. Avery will be in charge of this team Victor stepped forward to say something, most likely to dispute the leadership, but Edgar just continued on. With this team, you should be able to complete a legendary trial, much less an epic one. Now, Victor Edgar looked directly at the elven mage who had just lost his cousin. Will you be a problem? Do you need to be replaced for this trial?

Derek saw a flash of anger, then acceptance show on the elfs face. No. Ill be fine.

Good, Edgar said. Are there any questions?

Surprisingly, Tristan Allister was the one to step forward with a question, or rather, a request. You should swap me out for Jasper or Walter. Ciera is still in the process of healing, and I would like to stay with my patient to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Edgar scratched his chin, then looked at Jasper and Walter. After his eyes met Walters, they moved back to Jasper, then his dragonkin companion. Walter, are you up for another trial? Of course, the old healer had gained more than most in the first trial. With however many levels he gained in the trial, plus the experience and skills he already had, he had already become one of the most capable healers in the kingdom.

Walter closed his eyes for a moment and seemed to hesitate. Finally, he reopened his eyes and nodded. It would be my pleasure.

Good. In that case, Avery, Victor, Vanessa, Shae, Elena, Walter, and Kieron, with Avery as raid leader and Elena second-in-command, will complete the tower trial. Are there anymore questions or concerns? No? Good. Get to it and please make haste. Edgar commanded. John, Ray I know the two of you have yet to have a go at a trial. Ill do my best to let you in one, but I make no promises.

Edgar was talking about John Doyle and Ray Fergus, who Derek remembered were a wind mage and earth mage, respectively. They were lower leveled than the rest, and didnt get the opportunity to enter the first trial like many of the other lower leveled participants participants like Shae and Walter. Both of who were now either close to level 250 or were already level 250. So, Edgar was still trying to help them out, but they were most likely at the bottom of his list of things to worry about.

After his command, he walked toward Derek and put his arm around him, which made Derek a bit uncomfortable, but he allowed it. Come on, we need to have a discussion.

Derek only nodded and fell in line with the prince, who shot a look at Cain. When their eyes met, Cain hurried over and began to walk in stride with the duo. When they were a bit away from the others, Blitz came forward and allowed the three of them to board. With one last glance at the trial orbs, Derek saw Avery place his hand on the fifth one, then the seven members that made up the trial team disappear. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Lyra disappear along with the rest of them.

Finally, Derek adjusted himself on Blitz and grabbed hold tightly. With that, the wyvern beat his wings once, and they were in the air, then, they were off.

A few minutes later, Derek, Cain, and Edgar were all sitting around the table close to Tyrons temporary work area. So, can we talk now? Whats going on? Derek asked.

Derek winced. Thomass family was from that area in one of the small villages. Were they okay? Clare should be in the capital, and Bronson was supposed to have headed that way as well. So those two should be fine. Plus, Im sure Walter has a contract with Bronson, so he will know if hes dead, Derek thought. It was no wonder Walter hesitated to go into the trial this time.

So, what do you think is really going on? Derek asked, yet again.

We have a few theories, Edgar said as he pulled out a map and placed it on the table. The map was littered with markings. Edgar pointed at a spot at the southwest of Cydaria that was circled in red. This is Wilmette. As you can see, its both close to the Astrus border and the ocean.

Derek nodded. He hadnt ever seen such a detailed map of the kingdom before, so he didnt know where all the cities and sub-cities were located. He still wasnt completely sure of the size of the kingdom. Wilmette was about the same distance away from Astrus as it was to the southern coast. While he had the chance, Derek also looked for Torith, which he found.

It was a bit closer to the coast, which made sense since it was once known as Searidge. He also found the forest that he found Silvi in, which seemed even bigger than he once thought. Finally, after perusing the map for a few moments, he lifted his head and looked at Edgar to continue.

So, our first theory, and the one I believe is least likely, is that there was an uprising after Geralds capture and the elimination of multiple nobles and perhaps even their entire houses. I doubt this is what has happened because we would be seeing deaths across the entire kingdom, not just the southwest.

My second theory is that some kind of beast has arrived from the ocean and is wreaking havoc on the surface. I find this explanation quite possible because of the places that it has hit. However, the theory that Im leaning towards is the next one Cydaria has been invaded by Astrus.

Derek frowned. Hed heard that the border with Astrus and Cydaria was tense, and they were always ready for something to break.

If they found out that a bunch of us, especially you, went into a dungeon and wouldnt be out for some time, it would be a good chance to attack, Derek said. It wasnt hard to connect those dots.

Exactly, Edgar replied, then frowned. But Im still not sure about it. I dont believe Astrus has the might to be confident in an attack. Its why they havent attacked so far.

Derek thought for a bit. He had limited knowledge of everything and barely knew anything about Astrus, Indria, and Vallum. Could they have help?

Edgars frown deepened. I want to say no. Weve been on good enough terms with Indria for a while now. We even have their kings niece as a diplomat, and I doubt Vallum would ever pick sides with anyone. They would prefer to stay back and do nothing.

Derek shrugged. Well, what do you want to do?

Right now, I think its best that we have everyone keep a close eye on their contracts. I have to trust that my father and brother have things handled. They were obviously able to evacuate most of Wilmette, so we should just believe in them. For now, however, I think we should focus on completing the dungeon as soon as possible. Just in case, Edgar explained.

Derek and Cain both nodded, and Derek said, Then well do just that.

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