System Change

Chapter 324: Countdown

Chapter 324: Countdown

The light dissipated, and Derek and his party reappeared in front of all the dungeon orbs. Everyone else looked at the returning group with different emotions playing on their faces. Some looked angry, some looked shocked, and some seemed to be content. However, the majority of them looked curious more than anythingand why wouldnt they be? Nobody learned of what the rewards were for the previous trial, and now another trial had been completed.

Not only had another trial, the final trial, been completed, but it was another epic trial like the whale had been. With the amount of beasts, Derek could assume it was bordering on legendary, even. It was only moments before 19 of the 21 remaining members of the dungeon party were all gathered around.

So? Elena Webb, the number one healer in the party, stepped forward. How was the trial? I actually expected you all to come back sooner.

Derek liked Elena, and the only real reasons she hadnt been taken on the last trial with them was because Jasper had a drake companion, and she had already been the healer on three of the six trials.

We would have, Derek replied. It was kind of like the second trialafter taking care of the enemies, we had to wait for the rest of the day to pass. We didnt have to wait too long, but still.

And what of the rewards from it? she asked, drawing everyones attention to their conversation.

Derek shrugged. Stat points and Skill Upgrade Points.

Good rewards! she said.

Again, Derek shrugged. He was still pretty bitter at not receiving the rewards that everyone else got. He had some theories bouncing around in his head, though, and he had some ways to test those theories. He just needed to get out of this dungeon and make sure Cydaria, but mostly his people, were no longer in danger.

Are yall ready to get this over with? Derek half shouted at the group, so nobody had any difficulty hearing him. Seeing that nobody objected, and since their party had already recovered while waiting to leave the trial, he walked past the trial orbs and placed his hand on the bigger, now active dungeon orb. When his hand touched it, he received a notification.

Dungeon Boss

Boss Type

UnknownĐiscover new chapters at



Boss Difficulty


Please Select Participants


Preparation Time Remaining: 1 Day 23 Hours 58 Minutes 27 Seconds

Now this is finally starting to look like a raid boss. Derek smiled. When he first took up the task of going on the raid, a giant boss that required all members of the party to take down was what he imagined. It was what he had grown used to during his teen years when he played a few popular video games.

Fuck the preparation time, Derek thought as his eyes traced over it. He selected every remaining member of the raid party and tried to start it. Unfortunately, the dungeon wasnt having that, and he received a new notification.

Derek raised his right hand, and she went silent. Just a few more In his head, he counted down with the clock. Three two one When the timer hit zero, the cell door to cell number 001 in front of them opened, becoming slightly ajar. Derek waited, but Bones, who was inside the cell, didnt seem to have any intent of pushing the cell the rest of the way open.

Derek was interested in seeing how the man had fared while inside the prison. The only ones he had to go by right now were the Void Beast he captured and put inside, and Clay Torith. The Void Beast was only in for a short time, and Clay Toriths outcome was less than desired. Even with as terrible as the young man was, Derek still felt a bit bad about it.

Seeing that Bones didnt plan on leaving on his own will, Derek placed his hand on the side of the door and gently pulled it open. What small amount of light Derek had in his Time Prison at the moment crept in and slightly illuminated the inside of the cell.

Sitting cross-legged with his back to the door, a shirtless man with raven black and gray hair down to his shoulder blades, and bones that seemed to almost stick through his skin, turned his head and met eyes with Derek and the others.

Bones, Derek said cautiously. You can come out now.

To Dereks surprise, the man sighed and began to stand. Derek winced as the mans bones made multiple cracking sounds as he stood. When he got to his feet, Derek noticed the shirt in his hand, and the man pulled it over his emaciated body.

So, the monster has returned, Bones said as he took a wobbly step toward him. The man seemed to be much less disturbed by his prison than Derek had thought he would be. Are you to give us to the kingdom now? Has the guild made a deal to take us back? Maybe feed us to the dogs for our failure?

After a few more steps, the thin man finally seemed to look behind Derekbehind him and at Vanessa Hodges, the Shadow With.

With a sense of recognition, the skeletal mans eyes widened, and he fell to one knee. Vice Leader! I only jest.

So, this is why you brought me here, Vanessa said. We all did wonder what had happened to the duo assassins. Though they were only mid-ranked assassins, they had a stellar record.

Whats your opinion on Bones and Ogre? Derek finally asked, letting the man continue kneeling on the ground.

They were quite good at their job, Vanessa said. Both taken in by the guild at a young age and raised together, almost as brothers. Never took any missions against those who had yet to unlock the Great System. They preferred a challenge when picking their assassination targets, even from a young age. If they had been left to grow, they surely would have moved up in the hierarchy of the guild. Bones may have even made it to a head position. Ogre not so much. Didnt have the brains for it.

You know more than I thought you would about them, Derek said.

Vanessa shrugged. It was my job to keep an eye on talented individuals.

Something in Vanessas words seemed to provoke a response from Bones. He looked up from the ground and met her eyes. Was? he asked.

Vanessa smiled wryly down at Bones. Yes was, she replied. It seems you and your partner are not the only ones who have fallen into harsh times by attacking someone you should not have attacked.

B-but youre the Shadow Witch! Bones was beside himself. Youre power it its

A lot of good it did me, the Shadow Witch cut him off. This is just what happens when you accept work from the wrong people

So the Assassins Guild? Bones asked.

No clue, Vanessa shrugged. Its been well for them, I guess its been well over a year since Ive been a part of the guild.

A year? Bones asked, then looked at Derek. How long was I in there?

Ah, Im glad you asked, Derek said and took a step inside the cell and pulled the man up to his feet. But before that, I have some questions for you.

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