System Change

Chapter 327: Two Peas in a Pod

Chapter 327: Two Peas in a Pod

Everyone at the table went silent as they took in the small bunny that had appeared out of nowhere. Silvi tilted her head and looked around the table until her gaze fell on the massive giant of a man sitting at the side of the table.

Is this him? Silvis voice rang out from the communication crystals attached to her collar. The meatball?

Yes, this is him, Derek said for all to hear. It seemed that Silvi had chosen this conversation to be a public one, so he would go along. Silvi, this man is Ogre. Because of his unique constitution, it seems that he needs to consume more food, or at least higher quality food, than a normal person.

Hmm Silvis voice chimed as she looked the man over.

Ogre, Derek said, turning the giant mans attention away from Silvi and back toward himself. This is Silvi. I have talked with her, and she may be able to help you with your food problem.

Ogre frowned and looked back and forth between Derek and his companion. Too small, he finally said. Ogre would still be hungry after eating.

Derek stared at the man for a moment before what he was saying clicked. He thinks Silvi is here so he can eat her At that moment, he almost burst out laughing. I think the two of them are going to make a great pair. I bet Silvi is currently assessing Ogre and wondering what a giant would taste like. Truly two peas in a pod.

Uh no, Derek said. Silvi is not here to consume. She is a chef, a very good one, might I add, and she has agreed to allow you to work with her. That means you will be consuming the food she cooks quite often. You can literally think of her as your meal ticket.

Silvi snorted. As if the meatball could hurt me.

Derek rolled his eyes. Anyway, I hope the two of you can get along in the future. If things go well, youll be spending a lot of time together.

As soon as Derek finished his sentence, a variety of dishes appeared on the table in front of Ogre.

Eat them, Silvi said.

She didnt need to tell the big man twice, as he had already started for the food almost as soon as it appeared. However, after grabbing and stuff his face with multiple items at once, Silvi quickly flashed over and kicked a slab of meat out of his hand before he could cram it in his mouth as well.

One at a time, her voice sounded out as she appeared back on the table. And wait at least thirty seconds between each item.

Derek frowned and mentally asked Silvi a question. What are you doing? Whats up with the food?

Experimental recipes, she replied. Changed by stupid Void Travel. Want to see if poisonous.

Do me a favor, Derek said. Use your skill and attack me from inside. Lets see if the attacks can actually make their way out. Since it was a specific direction given to attack him, doing so wouldnt break the oath that Bones made.

Bones backed up, and Derek watched as a small spatial tear appeared behind the skeletal man. It was the first time Derek saw the skill up close. From the tear, various knives and blades began to shoot out. Unfortunately, it seemed that the system knew what Derek was planning, and the weapons were stopped by the invisible barrier just as the man himself had been.

It doesnt look like youll be able to get in on the upcoming fight, Derek said. Thats a shame, he muttered. He had hoped to at least bask in some rewards from his two loyal employees if the system didnt give him any after the fight. Still, he planned to leave the Time Prison door open in case anyone decided that the fight was too much for them and needed to run to a safe place.

Perhaps Bones and Ogre would get rewards for just being there with the door open. He could hope, couldnt he? But none of that mattered right now. Instead, Derek was still looking at the small spatial tear in the air behind Bones. After fighting the man once, he had wondered about the mans class, but never got the chance to speak about it. Now that he knew about affinities, he wondered if Bones might actually have an affinity for space.

Derek turned around and walked back inside the Time Prison with Bones. The two were alone by the doorway, it seemed that Avery was still intrigued with Silvi and Ogres interaction, so hed chosen to stay. Vanessa was also still sitting at the table, looking relatively bored.

Not one to beat around the bush, at least not currently, Derek asked Bones his questions. You dont need to answer if you dont want, but I wanted to know a few things. He began, and seeing Bones nod, he continued. Do you use the space element? Also, how do you control so many weapons?

Bones stayed silent for a moment, as if formulating a response, then he said, I have a mark that leave on any weapon I want to control. When I mark it, a portion of my mana is tied to the weapon, which also decreases my maximum amount of mana available. Fortunately, controlling the weapons after linking them isnt as costly as one would think.

Derek nodded along with his explanation. It made sense. Most of the weapons that he used had a blue glow to them. He had gotten a decent look at them when he tried to attack from inside the Time Prison. He also made yet another mental note that Bones needed to upgrade his weapons. They honestly werent of very good quality. It seemed he had just marked whatever weapons he found.

Derek would remedy that soon. Those weapons may have worked against the people Bones was used to fighting, but now that he worked for Derek, there was no telling what idiot might get it in their head and come after him. So, the man would have to be properly equipped. Luckily, just like they had a resident chef to take care of Ogres needs, they also had a resident smith. And Derek looked forward to seeing just how much she had grown since hed been gone.

What about the element? Derek broke out of his daydream and asked.

I can not say for certain, Bones replied. The Weapon Storage skill came with my class, and I have since learned to use it in tandem while controlling my weapons. I am more drawn to the blades, so I do not believe my class is elemental based. Unless that element is purely the mana I use to mark my weapons.

Hmm Derek rubbed his chin in thought. He may actually have a blade or sharpness affinity. I dont entirely know how affinities work, but I know it isnt possible for them to all be elements like void or lightning. If that was the case, people like Avery would never have the chance to increase it though, thinking about Avery, I would be that man has a stamina affinity. I think affinity is just what your subconscious is drawn towhether you want it or not.

That makes sense, Derek said. By the way, you said that Ogres hunger comes from his race and class, right? What is his race? If you dont mind me asking.

Hes never concealed it, Bones said. He is a half-giant. I cant be for certain, but I believe there has to be a giant race somewhere out there on one of the other continents. If not that, then he was just born special. His mother died during birth, so too did any answers she carried with her. But, as you have seen, Ogre isnt one to dwell on such things.

I guess he isnt, Derek agreed. Alright, Ill let you get back to Ogre. I have some things to take care of. If all goes well, we should be back in Cydaria in around two days. Derek was hoping that the final boss wouldnt take up much more of his time. With the time dilation, every minute counted.

Derek left his Time Prison and headed back to camp. He was ready, and he needed to make sure everyone else was ready. He cracked his knuckles and went on his way. He was itching for a real fight, and couldnt wait to see what the system had in store for him.

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