System Change

Chapter 331: Wearing Down

Chapter 331: Wearing Down

Dereks attention was drawn to the distant sky where each star created by the Starfury Leonarus began to blink out, one by one. While he was distracted by the slow loss of power of the beasts skill, the others in his party were not. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a blur speed by, then, as he followed the movement, he saw Avery appear on the beast with his daggers in hand.

Avery thrust each dagger into an already weakened part of the flesh of the beastknowing that it would be hard to make fresh wounds with his close attacks, the archer chose to cut into the portions of the monster that his Drill Shots had already cut open. To Derek, it looked like Avery was trying to save some of his stamina while still inflicting as much damage as he could. It was a good strategyespecially since they didnt know how much more damage the beast would be able to soak up.

With Avery attacking the beast, Derek broke out of his daze. Even though he knew it wasnt much, he shot out a Void Lightning Boltdirectly behind where his Sweeping Slash had landed. Following his attack, earthen spikes appeared from the ground around him and shot up toward the beast with staggering force. Instead of hitting the monster and breaking, this time they struck with precisionthe tip of each spike landing on an already vulnerable area of the beasts flesh. It seemed that Victor had taken after Avery and traded quantity with quality with his attacks.

Derek wished he could get a good look at the massive beasts face just to see how much light was left in its eyes, but his position underneath the beast was just too much to pass up. If he could continue underneath it until his major skills came off of cooldown, he would be able to inflict another major injury on it. So, getting a good look into the creatures eyes just wasnt currently possible if he wanted to stay in his current position.

He was, however, growing more and more confident in their combined attacks as the rays of light slowly crept in and the range of the starry night sky above them diminished. If the beast wasnt in good enough shape to keep its skill active, even if it wasnt on the verge of dying, the fact that the skill was disappearing showed that it was at least weakening.

By continuing their onslaught of attacks, they would surely whittle the creatures health down, bit by bit. The Starfury Leonarus may have been a beast from another system or world, or even something else entirely, but with their combined might, unless the monster was overwhelmingly strong and was just toying with them, Derek didnt believe they would be defeated.

At this point, Derek had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to use his trump card. Feeling that it was the perfect time, and he was in the perfect position, Derek gripped Harbinger tightly and inspected the durability of the weapon. It hadnt lost a lot, but just over twenty durability had disappeared from the glaive due to his attacks on the otherworldly beast and its high endurance.

He wouldnt be able to keep the skill active long, but Material Drain should be able to cause a massive amount of damage in the short time it would take to repair itself with the beasts material. With both hands gripping Harbinger, Derek willed the repair skill to activate.

Slowly, the skill formed into that of a small, deep purple ball on the end of Harbingers blade. With a deep breath, Derek thrust his weapon upwardinto the chest of the beast. If he could take out its heart in one go, that would be for the best.

Derek focused on the end of his blade as he waited for Material Drain to begin and the flesh of the beast to vanish and be used as fuel to fix his glaive. However, as seconds passed, and with him applying more and more pressure, the area covered by the deep purple ball at the end of his blade never moved forward, and the flesh never disappeared.

Derek examined Harbinger once again and frowned. Not only had the beast not been hurt by Material Drain, but Harbinger hadnt gained a single point of its durability back during its use. In fact, Harbingers durability had actually decreased by a single point.

Derek cursed inwardly and put every bit of strength he could muster into pushing his glaive into the beast. Still, it showed no signs of working. What the hell is going on? Doesnt the description say that it works on ANY material? It worked just fine on that big fish and even the materials from the wyvern. Why isnt it working on this asshole?

With a curse, Derek withdrew Material Drain and charged up another of his normal void channeled attack in combination with a Void Lightning Bolt. The attacks, even in combination, wouldnt do fatal damage to the creature, but surely they would cause some harm. Maybe they would even help keep the beast stationary long enough for Multi-Strike to come off cooldown.

As he attacked, he wondered why Material Drain wasnt working. He didnt know if it wasnt functioning properly due to the monster not being from the Great System, or if it was because the beast was a higher tier than Harbinger. If he had to guess, he would go with the latter.

Shut up! Im busy! Silvis reply threw him for a loop. He wasnt expecting her to get testy with him, especially not in the middle of such a big fight.

Youre bus he tried to ask, but was cut off by his companion.

I said shut up! Busy!

Dammit! Derek shouted as he swung his glaive over and over at the beasts skull.

Once again, with Derek out from under the beast, the ground grew around ittrapping it inside just above its legs. Victor was doing what he could to keep the beast tied up, just in case it decided to break out of its trance and attack.

Whats going on? Averys voice came through via Telepathy.

The fuckers meditating, Derek replied. It looks like no matter what we do, its regeneration is able to keep up with our damage. On top of that, I dont know what the hell Silvis up to.

I see, Avery replied. How long until you can do that big attack again?

Not long, Derek sent. But it wont matter if its already healed itself past where it was before my last one landed.

If we need to retreat, are you confident in keeping yourself alive if the others have to move into your space? Avery asked. His tone was serious, without a hint of the usual fun he had during fights. If he was making plans for retreat, the situation was even worse than he thought.

I am. I also have a way to get out of here if an escape scroll wont work. Though Im unsure what it will do to everyone else.

That will be our last resort, Avery said.

Got it, Derek replied. Until then, we need to keep at it. Maybe its more injured than we think.

With that, Derek attacked again, and Avery changed his fighting style back to his bow, but continued to stay in close range. Along with that, Derek tossed the man whatever stamina potions he could spare. It was getting down to crunch time, and they needed to be as fresh as possible for whatever came next.

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