System Change

Chapter 333: Starfury's End

Chapter 333: Starfury's End

Dereks attack died on his blade before he even released it. He canceled out Void Step and fell to the ground, landing just in front of the swollen beast. Seconds later, Avery landed beside him, followed by others who were in the fight. They were all speechlesseach of them must have gotten a notification stating that the beast was dead.

What happened? Avery asked. He was as surprised as anyone else.

Derek, of course, knew exactly what happened. He just didnt quite believe it. It all came to him the moment Silvi told him to attack through their bond. The dread that he felt, it was very common with something elsethe feeling of the portal from Void Travel opening up beside him. How did I not recognize it to begin with? He was too focused on the rest of the fight to really put two and two together until Silvi reached out to him.

The first light feeling of dread was most likely her opening the portal from somewhere in the distance. Then the last, more heavy feeling of dread had to have come from her literally opening the portal directly inside the Starfury Leonarus. He felt dumb for not instantly recognizing the flames that the beast began spewing, too. They were obviously the dragon flames that Silvi had used in front of him a few times already.

Silvi happened, Derek answered. He was proud of his small companion. She had thought outside the box for her final attack. He was no longer irritated that she had cut him off. He would have done the same if he was setting up an attack like that.

Silvi? Where is she? Vanessa asked.

Derek pointed at the beast which was slowly deflating. After a few more moments, it had returned back to its previous size, which was still massive, but it was no longer inflated. Finally, the beast started shaking, which caused almost everyone to take a step back. Eventually, the shaking made its way to the head, then, the mouth openedrevealing a small, soot covered beast.

Silvi was well, she was naked. Gone was her cloak, collar, and storage rings. Derek even noticed that some of the dark spots on her fur werent actually soot, they were burn and singe marks. She must have injured herself while burning the beast up from the inside. Mostly, her small muzzle and nose were nothing but scarred, burned flesh. But the flesh was slowly repairing itself right in front of everyones eyes.

Derek felt bad. His companion was beat all to hell. He quickly searched in his storage bracelet to find the best healing potions he had, then unstoppered it and ran over to Silvi. He kneeled before holding the vial out. Here, drink this. Silvi tilted her head back, and Derek poured the liquid into her mouth.

Combined with her endurance and vitality, the healing properties of the potion didnt take long to kick in. She had also closed her eyes and began meditating to expedite the process. Soon, she was technically back to one-hundred percent. Her fur still needed to grow back. Derek would have to ask Roman about a potion for that when he got back. He still wasnt sure how stats affected hair. It was something he never thought about.

I cant believe that you did that, Silvi, Derek said. I dont know whether to thank you or scold you for putting yourself in so much danger.

At that time, Walter came running out from where the TIme Prison was. He was carrying Silvis collar and rings. When he arrived, he handed the equipment to Derek, who reached out and put the collar around her neck. With the collar around her neck, Silvi opened her eyes and her cloak magically appeared back on her back. Put my rings in my pockets, she said.

Derek laughed and slowly dropped her extra storage rings inside her small pockets sewn into her cloak. There you go, he said. Now, why did you do that?

It deserved it, she replied seriously. Then, the old Silvi came back and her eyes brightened. And I get to cook it, right?

Derek couldnt help but laugh. Everyone was fighting for their lives, and she was worried about doing the final bit of damage so she could use her skill on such a monster. If he was being honest, he looked forward to seeing what she could create from the lion. Ive never had lion before. I never would have thought Id ever want lion before. But after seeing and tasting the plain steaks from the wyvern, he couldnt wait to see what she made out of the lion.

Oh, no! Walter called out, then ran over in one direction.

What? Derek frowned and followed the healer with his eyes.

Soon, Walter stopped, then a flood of water poured out of his hands. Derek watched as the man lifted a body into the airit was Cain Ibarra, the Guild Master of the Adventurers Guild in the capital. Derek had wondered what had happened to the guy. He had taken Silvis place when she went to regenerate, but Derek hadnt heard from him since the boss began shooting stars.

Derek rushed over and sighed in relief. The man wasnt deadjust unconscious. Somehow, he had survived having half of his side blown off. Luckily, the attack didnt seem to have hit his heart, brain, or limbs. And because Walter got to him before he was thrown into a Dying State, the man should be fine after a while.

That was a close one, Derek said as he walked up to Walter.

Let me look at it, Elena said. Kierons healed. She was in a Dying State earlier, so she just needs some rest and shell regain consciousness.

Sure Derek said, and sat beside the top healer. Then, with his leg stretched out, he undid his Void Creation. The prosthetic instant vanished and blood begin to pour out.

Huh Elena blurted out. Fascinating. She stared at his missing foot in awe.

What is it? he asked.

Hold on, she said, then, she reached out and held her hand over his leg. Green light spilled from it, and he watched as his foot began to regrowand fast. What!?

What is it? Derek asked. I thought only Tristan had the ability to regrow limbs.

He is the only person who can regrow limbs she muttered. But your body its like it has its own memory and its regrowing it for you. Im only helping with the healing.

Derek frowned. Could it be because of my endurance and vitality? Theyre maxed well, over max.

The question marks? Elena asked.

Something like that, Derek said. He actually didnt have the question marks beside his stats anymore.

No, she replied. That cant be it. Ive healed people who have broken through the final threshold in either endurance or vitality. Neither showed signs of regrowing their own limbs. They didnt have both maxed out, but surely one would have shown something.

Its got to be the evolution. My body was completely rebuilt by the void. It even changed my race. Derek didnt know what to tell her. I dont think I can tell her about the evolution without messing with that forced oath. I guess Im just special.

Sure Elena said as the rest of his foot regrew. Then, she moved on to his battered knee on his other leg and healed it up. Everybody has their secrets.

Derek nodded. Thanks. He rubbed his knee, and wincednot because it hurt, but because of the massive hole in the armor hed just received. Tyrons going to be pissed.

Im going to go help Tristan. Everyones stable now. We just need to keep some wounds from healing over. The others are fine. Elena got up and walked away.

Derek also stood and went and examined everyone else. Wait, wheres Bones and Ogre? He hadnt seen them since he came in. Finally, he looked over at the cell that Ogre used to stay in, and the door was shut as tight as it could be without actually being shut. He walked over and tugged on it. After a slight resistance, it opened.

What are the two of you doing? He asked once he saw that they were both untouched.

Well, Bones began. I thought it best for us to stay away from your other visitors for the time being, so before they arrived, we moved to a cell. From the commotion outside, I am happy we did.

Me too, Derek replied. Good job.

Bones nodded.

The boss is dead. All thats left is going to the orb and completing the dungeon, Derek said. Then we can get out of here.

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