System Change

Chapter 338: Dave III

Chapter 338: Dave III

Recipes, ingredients, and opposable thumbs? Dave questioned with a laugh. I think I can do something about those first two requests, but that last ones a bit much. There are some transformation skillsnone of which I havethat could grant you opposable thumbs for a certain amount of time, but I cant seem to recall any turning a beast into a human or human-like being.

Youd most likely be turning into a different beast that happens to have thumbs, and I cant imagine that transformation from your current form being easy or painless. Besides, if you truly wanted changes with your current self, then your evolutionthe one assisted by the Origin Systemwould have helped build you a body that matches your ideal form. Instead, it helped you move away from pure void into a hybrid crafting class, and it even changed your race, but your form barely changed at all, the man explained.

Derek took it all in. This Dave was extremely knowledgeable and much too generous. He had taken the time to explain some things that had been plaguing Derek since he arrived in this world actually, even before that. Hed answered questions hed had ever since the system first came to Earth. And now, he was even going out of his way to help Silviif she was even paying attention to his explanationit didnt look like she care much about what hed been saying. So, while he would receive the items hed been given, he was still waiting for the other shoe to drop.Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

Then ingredients and recipes! Silvi said, seemingly not too upset about his explanation.

If Derek were to be honest, he preferred Silvi the way she was. If she wanted to change that, it would be fine, but he just couldnt imagine her being some type of bunny girl orheaven forbidsome transformed bunny ape just so she could obtain a pair of opposable thumbs. How would that even work? Would she be considered some beast chimera if she transformed like that?

Recipes and ingredients I can do, Dave said, drawing Dereks attention back in.

The fact that he planned on giving Silvi any rewards at all was interesting. That was one of the upsides and the drawbacks that hed always known about their bondthey count as one person in a dungeon, but at the same time, they only get rewarded as one.

For recipes, there are a few that I can think of which you may find interesting, Dave said. One is for your precious Void Beasts. With it, you will be able to squeeze more out of the prepared meals than some of the other recipes floating around on this planet. It may not be very helpful to you currently, but it could end up being very handy in the future.

There are two others which are personal favorites of mine. Ill have to change some things around so they work with the materials you currently have access tothe benefits may be dramatically reduced, but the taste should still be quite good.

With that, instead of taking out a scroll or something, Dave brought out some paper and a writing utensil. In seconds, he wrote down some recipes on the paper, then handed them off to Silvi. Here you go. As a chef, Im sure you can change the recipes to suit your own taste. They are yours to do with as you wish. As for ingredients, I believe you wont have any problems finding base ingredients such as meats and the like, so I have some seasonings that could work. Its best to use them sparingly. Too much can ruin a dish and may even cause harm.

Two small containers full of spices appeared in the mans hand. The first container had a flaky red-colored spice or herb in it, reminding Derek of some of the crushed red peppers hed always enjoyed, but a bit more slivery than crushed. The other container contained something he really couldnt compare with anything he could remember. It was an extremely fine green powderlike if garlic powder or even cinnamon powder was green.

As soon as the mans grip loosened on the two containers, they both quickly floated up and swiftly moved in front of Silvis eyes. After a short time, it seemed Silvi figured out how the containers worked, as part of the top of the green powder opened, and she brought it to her nose. She took in a deep breath, then released it happily before storing the powder.

Though I imagine essenceor levelgrowth will be the least of your problems in the future. Thats the easy part for everyone. Affinity is the problem. Dave gave Derek a knowing look, but Derek didnt really get why.

Sure, it seemed that him reaching 50% or even higher in his Affinity seemed to be something impressive. Otherwise, why would this Origin System take so much interest in me? Going as far as to give me a challenge to complete in the process. What do you mean? Derek asked.

Dave waved the question off. Youll find out sooner or later. For now, it seems that our time has come to an end. With a swipe of his hand, everything other than where Derek and Silvi were sitting disappeared. Much longer and your raid party may find you missing. Now, hurry and learn those two skills before I take them away.

Derek laughed and injected his mana into each of the two skill scrolls Dave had given him. First Spatial Rend was consumed, then Spatial Collapse. He was excited to try out his new skills, and he also wanted to level up his new Mental Resistance skill as fast as possiblehe had the perfect person to go to for help, too.

Good, Dave said Up, up. The man waved his hand, and both Derek and Silvi raised off their seats, then were gently placed how they were when they camewith Derek standing and Silvi sitting on his shoulder.

Then, before his eyes, everything else in the room disappeared, and Derek and Silvi were left standing there aloneeven Dave had disappeared from the room. Derek searched, but there was no sign that anyone was or had ever been in the space with them. Is that it? Derek thought. After all that, that mans just going to send us back to the party without anything else? Hes just that kind? What? He felt bad about the Origin System interfering? I dont buy it.

But soon, Derek didnt have to think about it anymore. He got his answer.

Oh, and Mr. Hunt, the mans voice called out from nowhere.

Yeah? Derek asked, looking up and around, but still not able to find even a trace of Dave.

One day soon, Ill need a favor, the voice said and Dereks heckles rose.

Here it comes, Derek said. There are no free meals. I knew it was all too good to be true. You even made me use the skill scrolls so I wouldnt throw them in your face he said on the outside, but inwardly, he had already accepted that there was no way he was getting all this information and skills out of the kindness of the mans heart.

Dont be like that. What I ask of you will be beneficial to you, as well as me. A blinding white light washed over Derek and Silvi as Derek heard the man say one last thing. I do hope you accept, for both of our sakes.

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