System Change

Chapter 358: Kingdom's Plan

Chapter 358: Kingdom's Plan

I could take care of that right now, Derek said, motioning to the still unconscious duke. With someone who had no way out of dying, Derek thought it would be the perfect opportunity to perform his second test with his Void Travel skill. The duke was relatively powerful and would be perfect.

No, the king said, disappointing Derek. We will go with Edgars plan. A public execution of the second highest power in the Kingdom of Astrus should have the desired effect, especially after they have learned of the death of their king. Which, might I ask, is there anything left of him?

Derek looked over at Silvi, but she just stared back, sullenly. No, I dont believe there is, he said.

Thats unfortunate, but it wasnt a necessity. It would have been better to have something, but we can make do with just Duke Terrin, the king said. I am sure that many in the kingdom have already learned of the death of their king.

Then what will we do first, father? Edward asked.

First, the king began. Your brother, Ms. Swan, and Mr. Hunt, if they are willing, that is, will invade the capital of Indria and bind the royal family with a soul contract. Indrias royal family will be bound to Cydarias royal family, and thus, Indria will become a vassal kingdom to Cydaria. Too many have perished already, and it would be best to end this war with as little bloodshed as possible.

What about Astrus? Edgar asked.

Once Indria is taken care of, myself and, hopefully, King Osian will execute Duke Terrin in the Astrus capital. Post that, we will establish a new royal family with soul contracts as well, making Astrus a vassal kingdom, the king explained.

So, basically, Derek started. You are going to do to the other kingdoms what they wanted to do with Cydaria?

No, Natalie chimed in from the side. They wanted to eliminate the Cydarian royal family and anyone close to it and force many of the citizens into servitude that may not have been much better than slavery. With Edwins plan, Astrus and Indria will both continue to exist, just with new rules and lawsthe rules and laws of Cydaria.

Speaking of slavery, how deep does whatever Gerald was doing go? Was the royal family involved? Or was that just some side project for him while he fed them information? Because if they were behind it, your plan may need some adjusting, Derek said to the king.

Unfortunately the king started with a sigh. The overwhelming majority of those we found involved in Geralds business, were actually noble families from Cydaria. As far as we have been able to tell, he may have initiated some trades with some Indrians, but he never had actual contact with the royal family. At least not that he knew of.

Well, I guess I can always find out more once we get to Indria Derek shrugged. Whatever, he said. Im in. When do we leave?

Wait, wait, wait, Edgar cut in. If its the three of us going, then how are we going to initiate the soul contract? That would require either Edward or you, he asked his father.

Brother, Edward stepped forward and held up his arm that was missing his hand and much of his forearm. I have failed too many times. It seems that at every move that I make, I am being saved by you or others. Father and I have discussed this much over the last weeks. You have proven your strength and commitment

No! Edgar flat out stopped Edward, then he shot Derek an annoyed glare.

Told you, Derek sent Edgar via Telepathy. My Liege.

I refuse to become king, Edgar said. In fact, if you insist on it, once everything here is taken care of, I will leave to go explore the rest of the world. But I will not become king.

But King Edwin began.

No buts, father. It is impossible.

I have a suggestion, Derek said, and everyone looked in his direction. We all know how I feel about how Edwin has run his kingdom. I havent exactly been silent about it. However, Edward has seen his faults, and seems to be of the right mindset. So what if he lost an arm? Edgar brought him a dragon. Or, your daughter could be queen, Derek said as he looked at the woman, who had been quiet all this time. The dragon doesnt exactly have to be Edwards. But I dont know much about her.

I am Elouise Cydaria, Princess of Cydaria, the young lady stepped forward. And unfortunately, I am no more cut out for becoming queen than Edgar is for becoming king.

Then Edward it is! He smiled at Edgar, who was looking at him thankfully. If you have been discussing it, then I imagine you are planning on stepping down as king? he asked Edwin.

I do, Edwin replied. I plan on giving up my throne as soon as this war business is settled.

Great, Derek said, then looked at Alanah. Alanah, how long do you need to recover?

Put it in, put it in!

She didnt have to ask twice. Derek grabbed the lid, which surprisingly felt and weighed just as much as he would have expected a real one to. Then, he put the boar inside. Instantly, the pot lifted into the air and hovered above Silvi as she hopped into the void tunnel.

However, Derek watched in dismay as the lid slightly lifted up once they were inside, then fell back shut. The boar had opened the lid, and had been hit with all the void from the tunnel. The current experiment was a bust, and even Silvi knew it. She hopped back out and placed the pot on the ground.

Derek opened it and looked inside. Sure enough, in that split second that the lid was opened, a chunk had disappeared out of the boars head.

Try the other one, Silvi said, and chucked the body of the dead boar out of the pot.

Sure, Derek agreed, and soon he had placed the third boar inside.

This time, along with telekinesis carrying the pot, multiple Mage Hands floated around it, holding the lid down. Silvi also waited twenty minutes inside. Then, when she hopped out, she opened the lid, and every looked on with bated breath. Finally, the boar jumped out of the now open pot and began running around the room. It had worked. The boar was still alive.

How big and how many of those can you make? Derek asked.

Just one. And not too much bigger than that.

So I can take one person, hopefully, and she should be able to carry one maybe two. Interesting.

Derek turned to the king and asked, Do you have anyone scheduled for execution or the like?

Multiple conspirators from some of the great houses, the king replied. We have performed most of our public executions. The others will be taken care of once this war is finished. We have not had the time.

Great. Take me there, and give me someone who knows who is to be executed and why, he said. Then he looked at Silvi. Lets go. Close the tunnel.

Phillip. The king turned to his adviser. Please escort Silvi and Mr. Hunt to the dungeons and help him with anything he wishes.

Yes, Your Majesty. The adviser bowed. Mr. Hunt, if you would follow me.

With that, Derek followed behind the Kings Adviser and was soon led to the dungeon below. It wasnt as nice as the one under Natalies residence, but it seemed to work just as well. The cells all had many of the same runes on them as Natalies, preventing any of the prisoners from escaping or using much of their powers.

We are here, Mr. Hunt, Phillip said.

Do I know anybody? Derek asked.

I do not believe so, Mr. Hunt, the adviser answered.

Alright, then, just pick someone. Someone who completely deserves to be executed. He wasnt sure how much pain being inside the space would cause, and he wasnt one for torture. So, he wanted to make sure that whoever he experimented with really deserved it if it didnt work and ended up being extremely painful.

Phillip opened up a cell, and a middle-aged man appeared.

What did he do? Derek asked.

He was one of the people Gerald trusted to supply him.

Got it, Derek said. He would feel nothing if the man ended up dead from the experiment. Silvi, if you would.

Silvi opened the portal, and once again, they began their tests.

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