System Change

Chapter 372: Not Giving a Damn

Chapter 372: Not Giving a Damn

Okay, everyone, calm down. Edward motioned with his one hand, trying to get a little control of the situation.

And why is the crippled crown prince here? Traven rolled his eyes at Edwards gesture, but did seem to calm down some afterward. Seriously, Edwin? Youre going to let this failure of a prince take charge? Pathetic.

And how is your crown prince doing? Marrick cut back in. The old mans former hunched posture was now nowhere to be seen. He was standing straight-backed and actually had a few inches of height over Edward. The former feeble old man was completely gone. I heard he just didnt have the heart for battle.

To Dereks side, he heard Alanah let out a small gasp, then a slight chuckle before she covered her face. What is it? he sent to her telepathically.

I uh I ripped the Crown Prince of Astruss heart out in front of the combined army, she answered. It was right after I transformed for the first time in decades. Hed kind of struck a nerve Wait hes

Before anyonealmost anyonerealized it, a piercing sharp spike made of black ice flew from the former king and at Marrick at a blinding speed. Derek, wanting to make sure that nothing happened to the old coot, quickly shifted into the void and began to make his way toward the man. However, before he even moved a muscle, he saw that the old man had everything in his control.

From his place, and while still shifted into the void, Derek watched the spike of ice travel inch by inch toward Marrick. The old elf didnt look scared at all, and just as fast as the piece of ice was moving, earth and sand was beginning to rotate around the elfs feet and move up his body.

Soon, the earth and sand formed into a small shield that moved just in front of the old mans forehead. Derek continued to stay shifted just to make sure that the small earthen shield was enough to protect the man. His worries were unfounded, because the spike soon hit the shield of sand. The sand stretched an inch or soallowing an impression in the sand of the ice spike to move within an inch of the mans forehead.Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

Then, the ice stopped, and the sand completely encompassed it. The sand then began to rotate around the dark ice spikelike a grinder grinding the ice. Soon enough, the sand spread out and rotated back around the old elfs bodythe ice had disappeared like it had never existed in the first place. The whole while, the elven elder stood with a half smirk on his facenot batting an eye.

Everything happened in an instant, but because Derek had used Void Shift, he saw the whole proceedings in an almost slow motion. Derek shook his head, then moved back out of the void. Alanah looked over at him with a sly grin on her face as well.

It looks like you werent needed after all, she sent to him.

It sure seems that way, he sent back. He looked back at Marrick and silently chuckled to himself.

His hair was almost completely white, with just a few patches of brown here and there. It was also thinning quite badly with a bald spot threatening his crown, but he had still chosen to keep it longshoulder lengthand in a ponytail. Derek could also see the mans eyes from this tilted head, which were the same brown color as the few patches of colored hair he had left on his head.

At that time, Marrick turned his head ever so slowly, and his own eyes met Dereks gaze. The old man grinned devilishly, then winked before changing his expression back to stone and facing forward. What an interesting geezer, Derek thought.

The old bastard is correct! a different voice finally spoke up. Derek saw that it was coming from the woman who was standing by his sideTevarians widowCassandra. We didnt gather here to negotiate. You murdered my husbandthe king of this entire country. For that, youre all going to have to pay. You may think youre stronger than us and that wed cower in fear of some wyverns and winged serpents, but youre wrong.

Everyone here is the strongest in Astrus, and youre outnumbered three to oneincluding your dragons. If they were so weak that youa crippled princecould force one into a contract, then there is nothing for us to worry about. We have the support of an army behind useven if youre stronger individually, the numbers dont lie.

Well I mean they do, really, Derek thought. He couldnt help but wonder how strong the best in Astrus were, though.

Derek, Edwards voice interrupted his thought, and he turned to meet the crown princes eyes. Could you and Silvi he sighed, then continued. I hate constantly relying on you, but could you and Silvi unleash your auras and direct them at the group in front of us, then at the army? I dont believe that every one of them is willing to throw their lives away for this.

I really didnt want to get involved this early, but I guess it cant be helped, he sent back to Edward. He had wanted to wait until they actually needed him in a battle, but it seemed from the fact that Astrus hadnt outright attacked yetother than what Traven did to Marrick, but that seemed personalthat not everyone was firmly behind the former king and current queen. If using his aura early on would be enough to scare some of them and keep those weaker soldiers from dying for no reason, who was he to say no?

Derek looked over at Alanah, but she shrugged. It didnt seem like she planned on getting involved yet, either, and it looked like Edward hadnt asked her to do anythingwhich was probably smart considering she was the one to kill the former kings grandson, and the queens son. With a half snort, Derek began walking and moved between the small group of people who were in front of him.

When he took a step beside Marrick, he slapped the old man on his hunched back. It was like hitting steel. Youre much more sturdy than you look, he commented quietly as he took another step and soon found himself standing beside Edward and Osian.

And who the hell are you? former king Traven shouted at Derek as soon as he made it to the front. Wait that bunny. Its the pet that killed your son, isnt it, Osian? Travens scowl turned into a toothy grin. And youre working with the pet and its owner? Truly a traitorous bastardeven to your own kin.

Osian kept his face set in stone and didnt respond to the other mans jabs. Silvi, on the other hand, didnt seem to enjoy being called a pet over and over. Derek could feel her shaking with excitement on his shoulder.

And what was your name? Derek something or other? What do you want? Traven shouted again.

Im just here to let everyone know exactly what theyre up against and why youre going to die, Derek said, then, he and Silvi unleashed their auras.

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