System Change

Chapter 378: One By One

Chapter 378: One By One

Derek had noticed a significant decrease in the number of soldiers trying to fight against him when he felt the icy aura that was emanating from the former king Traven disappear. He had done his best to see what caused the change, but when he found the old elven elder, the other man was nowhere to be seen. It didnt take a rocket scientist to put together that the former king had died already, and that those who were directly under his command took that chance to get out of the dire situation that they found themselves in by going up against he and Silvi.

More soldiers fled from the battle not long after, and he found the reason was because Queen Cassandra had also met her demise. It didnt seem like Alanah had gone easy on the queen. Though Derek was surprised that her fight actually lasted longer than Marricks.

When he noticed the odd reactions from the soldiersand the glee they had in their eyes when they realized that it was no longer their fightDerek had quickly looked around to find out who had died. There, he saw a cloud of putrid smoke or something surrounding a silhouette. For a moment, he was actually worried that something bad had happened to Alanah, but then, the cloud dissipated and he saw the half-elf standing next to the corpse of Queen Cassandra and realized that he had been worrying for nothing.

With his focus back on the remnants of the army in front of him, Derek sliced out with another Sweeping Slashed enhanced by Multi-Strike. He aimed the skill low, only a foot or two above the ground. This was so that when the skill hit, it would hit his enemies legs instead of anywhere that could cause fatal damage. He had gotten the idea from Silvi earlier in the fight. There were plenty of healers around, and since they werent completely destroying the limbs, it wouldnt be hard to reattach them.NewW novels updates at

It also took soldiers out of the fight for far longer than a normal wound. His Void Lightning Bolt to a mans chest, then another to a womans stomach, had caused massive damage to both of them, but it let them keep their mobility and it didnt take long for the healers to fix them up.

So, though extremely bloody and quite terrifyingly, he had chosen the same option as Silvi. He felt a little bad about it, but they were soldiers and guardshe was sure theyd experienced moderate to severe pain before. If they hadnt, then that was just bad luck. It was his best course of action that halted the army from joining in the fight against the leadership while creating as few casualties as possible.

Unfortunately, even after his announcement that those who tried to get past him to join that fight would die, multiple soldiers still did so. He didnt go easy on those soldiers. He had warned them before, so he would feel no remorse over their deaths. Seven people had chosen that route, and seven bodies lay dead between his battle and the one with the leadership.

Youve gone with an interesting strategy, a female voice sounded out from behind Derek as the soldiers in front of him scattered to do their best to avoid the giant arc of energy from Sweeping Slash.

Derek turned his head to see Alanah standing there with a half smile on her face. He shrugged. It was the quickest and easiest method I could think of to stop the army from advancing.

And the dirtiest, she commented.

Well, we all werent able to have an easy one-on-one fight against a member of the royal family, now were we? he asked with a snort.

Nope, Alanah laughed. Im going to go join in on the fun, she said. It looks like we may be able to get out of this without any casualties.

As he was about to join everyone else to celebrate their victory and figure out what to do next, Derek noticed Terrin stand. To his surprise, the dukes hands, which were supposed to be in a pair of bracelets that had runes to dampen his power, were free. From the tips of his fingers, the dark blue ice began to slowly move up his hands, then his face started to transform. The next instant, he jumped at Tara, who was not paying any attention to the prisoner beside her.

Derek made to use Active Void Shift to swoop in and save Tara, but before he could, a massive tail blindsided the duke and he was launched flying through the air. Tara may have taken her eye off their prisoner, but Lyra had not. Lyra didnt move to continue her attackkeeping Tara safe was good enough. Lyra was probably one of the most patient and smartest beings there at the moment. She knew that the one tail whip was all that was needed.

As everyone else turned to look at the commotion, Derek finally used Active Void Shift. The next instant, he appeared in the flight path of Duke Terrin, who had already sprouted wings on his back and was working on using his momentum to escape. Derek couldnt have that.

With as much void as he could pump into Harbinger in such a short amount of time, Derek swung down vertically with Sweeping Slashed enhanced with Multi-Strike. Terrin saw the attack coming, and his eyes widened as he tried to avoid it. Unfortunately for the duke, Derek wasnt finished.

With another swipe of his glaive, Derek activated Spacial Rend. Derek couldnt really see the effects as he had aimed the skill to attack the duke from behind, but he did see the signs of space tearing open, then, the duke let out a gasp and his right wing fell limp. Derek had hoped to hit Terrin directly between the shoulder bladessending him forwardand had somewhat accomplished his goal. He still didnt have the best aim with his new skill.

The attack didnt end up pushing the man towards Dereks other attack, instead, it crippled his movement for a short time. That was all his main attack needed to land vertically on the mans chest. Now, from his experience, Derek knew that his attack wouldnt do any damage to the mans head, as it was transformed. However, also from experience, he knew that his organs were still normal.

For the second time, the dukes wings shattered, and he fell to the ground like a puppet with no strings. This time, however, the duke wasnt as lucky. The first time hed been hit by Dereks attack was without him adding Sweeping Slash to it, and it was on the side. Even then, the duke had entered a dying state, forcing Alanah to waste one of her precious potions to keep him alive.

This time, Derek received the notification of his death before he even hit the ground. Shortly after, Derek moved tot he ground and stored the dukes corpse in his storage bracelet before moving back to where everyone else was. When he arrived beside Alanah and Avery, he dumped the body out with the rest of Astruss dead leadership. He also noted that there was no sign of former king Traven.

Just what did that old coot do to that man? Derek wondered, but didnt voice his question. So uh we dont still need the duke alive or anything like that, do we? Derek ran his hand over the back of his neck. He hadnt thought about it when he seen the man attack Tara then try to escape, but the plan had been to hold a public execution of the duke.

No I dont think that would be necessary anymore, Osian said as he walked up with his brother. We have the soldiers, a couple of nobles who opted not to fight, and whoever was watching from the city to spread the news. We should be fine without a public execution. It is good that his corpse is easily recognizable, though. Osian glanced up at Marrick, who was slowly floating down. It is good to have it if it is needed.

Good, Derek said. What now? he asked to nobody in particular.

Now, Marricks almost fragile, but excited, voice sounded out as he landed beside Derek and stepped off of his cloud of sand. We take the capital then Astrus is no more.

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