System Change

Chapter 392: Singed

Chapter 392: Singed

Derek couldnt respect Malorie any more than he already did, but if he could, it would be because she was able to keep anyone from interrupting his beauty sleep. In the days that he spent doing absolutely nothing except for sleeping, eating prepared food he still had left from Silvi in his room, and occasionally having to get up to go to the restroom, nobody bothered him.

Once, on his way back to his bedroom, he saw Jacks going to his own, but the man did nothing but nod in his direction and carry on. It was obvious to him that Malorie had given everyone some type of command, or at least a stern talking to. Hed actually gone to bed expecting to be bothered about something, or at least expecting Brandi to visit, but not even she had.

Needless to say, Dereks mental fatigue was lessened greatly after all the sleep hed received. That was one of the most amazing things about being part of a system and having high statshe never had to worry about feeling crappy after waking up from too long of a sleep. That just didnt happen anymore. With his stats and everything, he reckoned he could sleep for days or even weeks and just wake up feeling refreshed.

He was no longer jealous of Alanah getting her hours of sleep after she used her odd transformation. Though, hed never actually exhausted himself so much mentally that he passed outat least not since the system came. If he was talking about pre-system in college, that would be a different story. What young man didnt spend days without sleep because a new game came out at the same time as finals?

Derek let out a deep breath and stretched as best as he could while laying in his comfortable bed. Then, he sat up and threw his legs over the side and his feet hit the floor. Okay now that the mental fatigue is mostly gone and my heads clear, I can actually go over what Ive gained recently. It probably wont be too much, but I did have to take care of multiple level 250 soldiers the other day, and the battle with the rest of the army should have given me a decent skill boost.

Hed not been in a hurry to go over his new status while everything was happening. All he had done was dismiss the notifications as they appearedand couldnt be bothered to check them out. So, now that he was well rested and not in a big time crunch, he pulled up his stats sheet.


Personal Information







Derek Hunt




Void Monarch (Mythical)

Human (Void)














Stat Points Remaining









Alanah Swan (Crown Restaurant)

Silvi (Bonded Beast)

Stella Brighton (Crown Restaurant)

No Proxy (Torith Adventurers Guild)

Rudolph Mckinney














Active Void Shift Lv. 18, Advanced Cooking Lv. 10, Advanced Mage Hand Lv. 10, Advanced Telekinesis Lv. 7, Battle Chef Knife Mastery Lv. 9, Charge Lv. 18, Chop Lv. 11, Cleaning Lv. 16, Cook What You Kill Lv. 1, Cooking Lv. 20, Fire Resistance Lv. 2, Julienne Lv. 4, Magic Resistance Lv. 1, Mental Resistance Lv. 3, Mince Lv. 5, Physical Resistance Lv. 1, Void Creation (Cooking) Lv. N/A, Void Lightning Bolt Lv. 14, Mage Hand Lv. 18, Meditation Lv. 18, Telekinesis Lv. 17, Telepathy Lv. 5

Shared Skills from Companion: Void Sense Lv. 10, Void Travel Lv. N/A

Skills Shared to Companion: Active Void Shift Lv. 10, Void Lightning Bolt Lv. 10

Available Skills to Share:

Active Void Shift Lv. 10, Battle Chef Knife Mastery Lv. 9, Chop Lv. 10, Cook What You Kill Lv. 1, Julienne Lv. 4, Mince Lv. 5, Void Lightning Bolt Lv. 10

Whew Derek let out a breath. It had been a while since he looked over his companions stats. She definitely hadnt been slouchingespecially in her cooking. He couldnt remember where everything was last time he checked, but he was proud that her Meditation was drawing closer and closer to Greater Meditation, and he knew for sure that her Active Void Shift, Charge, and Chop skills had advanced greatly. I only wish we could share skills with each other beyond the level 10 cap.

It also looked like she had already learned all the resistance skills she had gotten from the treasurynot only that, but he could tell that shed spoken to Alanah, as her Metal Resistance skill was already leveled to 3. Also, her Fire Resistance skill leveled, too. I bet that comes with the territory of cooking. Of course, her stats were still identical to his own. Derek sighed and dismissed all the status windows.

Finally, with a flick of his wrist, the three skill scrolls that hed chosen for himself appeared in his hands. With a thought, he learned all three: Whirlwind Slash, Powerstride, and Fire Resistance. After learning the skills, he viewed them in their entirety.

Whirlwind Slash

Your slash creates an arc attack 360 degrees around you, damaging enemies up to 3 feet away, causing damage up to 30% of your normal attack. Level the skill to increase damage and range and reduce the cost and cooldown.

Cost: 3500 Mana

Cooldown: 5 Minutes

Whirlwind Slash had a long way to go to catch up to his Sweeping Slash skill. The mana cost was trivial for both skillsat least to Derek. While his new skill cost 3500 mana, and Sweeping Slash cost 130 mana at level 20, it didnt matter to him at all. What he wanted was the increased damage and range, and the decreased cooldown.

Sweeping Slash had a cooldown of only 30 seconds at level 20, so he hoped Whirlwind Slash would eventually get there as well. The same was true of its damage and range. Sweeping Slash went as far as 30 feet with 100% power, and when he channeled the void with it, the void energy went even further than that. He hoped that the same would remain true for his new skill.

Next, he checked out Powerstride.


By channeling your strength and mana directly into your legs, you are able to cover a great distance in an instant. Distance covered is based on mana channeled. Continue leveling the skill increase distance and lower mana cost and increase amount of mana channeled allowed.

Cost: 3500 + Mana Channeled

Just like with Void Steps, the skill didnt have a cooldown. However, even with his giant pool of mana, he would only be able to use the skill ten times in a row before it ran outand that depended on how much mana he channeled into his legs. Of course, that was at level one. He was sure the cost would greatly decrease as he leveled it. He was anxious to see how far he could travel. It was the first skill that hed obtained that required a cost and channeled mana. Thats why it doesnt say the exact distance. I bet purity of mana from intelligence also plays a role in it, too.

After dismissing those two skills, he checked the Fire Resistance skill, too. It was nothing specialworking the exact same as Magic Resistance, except with just a single element. He dismissed the skill.

Finally standing up, Derek stretched one last time before heading out of his room and into his bathroom for one last shower before he had to go. It was a nice few days, and he hated that he had to leave so soon, but he didthey wanted the wedding to happen quick, and it would.

After his shower, Derek dressed in his best black t-shirt and his pair of jeans with the least amount of holes in them. He wanted to look proper if he was going to a wedding. His boots still stuck out like a sore thumb with the flowing star pattern on them, but he wasnt about to not wear them after seeing what the skill infused into them could do. It was an army destroyer, after allthe perfect big weapon.

Finally, he headed downstairs and into the basement to check on Brandi. When he got there, it was the first time in a long time that hed arrived when she wasnt in the middle of creating something. Instead, she was leaning against the wall while dressed in a pair of coveralls, and with her goggles resting on her forehead while she downed a container of water.

Uhem, Derek cleared his throat to get her attention.

Brandi looked over, then, after seeing who it was, quickly made her way to him. Youre finally out of your room! she said excitedly. Mom wouldnt let me see you. She said you needed rest and that I would be a bother. I told her you wouldnt care but she still said no.

Haha, Derek laughed and ruffled the girls hair. She was just looking out for me.

So you have to go to a wedding? Brandi asked. Mom told me all about it.

Yup, Derek replied. But I wanted to give you something before I left. With a flick of his wrist, the Fire Resistance skill scroll appeared in his hand and he handed it to the young smith, who took it.

This Brandi smiled wearily and handed it back to Derek. I already have this skill. You should give it to someone else. Its a good skill.

Oh I didnt know. Did Mal buy it for you? Derek asked.

No Brandi looked down at her feet and her face turned a shade of red. Remember how I kept burning off my eyebrows? she asked, and Derek nodded. After the tenth time you accidentally explode yourself and the project youre working on you get an Achievement that comes with that skill. Its called Singed.

Derek couldnt help it. He fell into a laughing fit, and Brandi looked at him with a scrunched-up face. I Im sorry. Its not funny its not funny. He tried to stop laughing, but failed. Okay its a little funny.

Hmph Brandi snorted. Thats why I didnt want to tell anyone.

Well, I want to know more, Derek said when he finally calmed down. And when I get back from this wedding, youre going to tell me all about it. With that, Derek gave her another quick pat on the head and left. He was sure everyone was waiting for him at the palace.

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