System Change

Chapter 396: Ceremony

Chapter 396: Ceremony

I would like to thank everyone who has chosen to come to this event, King Edwin began projecting his voice so that everyone could hear him and began speaking as he and King Osian stood side by side on the top of the palace stairs. Both Derek and Marrick had gone quiet and were watching the proceedings intentlyjust in case. Todays ceremony is a monumental event that will change the landscape of our entire continent for generations to come.

King Edwin is correct, Osian began his part. Today marks the day that our three kingdoms are united. It will mark the conclusion of the endless tension between our kingdoms, and through this new found peace, all of our kingdoms will prosper. Never in my long life did I think a great day like this would come. Because of the rash decisions made by myself and Astruss previous rulers, I believed that all was lost.

The statement caused many in the crowd to begin muttering to one another. Those who were watching and listening from outside the palace courtyard were the loudest. All of the nobles already knew what had happened at this point, but for the regular peoplethe regular citizenseverything had just been pure speculation and rumor.

However, Osian began, his voice carrying through all of his surroundings and reaching everyone in the areanear and far. Through the mercy and grace of Cydaria, an opportunity has risenan opportunity that will alter the course of our kingdoms. They have offered us not only mercy, but an alliance forged in unity. The marriage between my niece, Sabrina Elras, and King Edwins nephew, Robert Cydaria, is a union unlike any other in our kingdoms histories.

This is a union that will transcend bordersa union that will bridge our nations together. With this marriage, we can hope for a future of peace and prosperity as Robert and Sabrina no as future King Robert and Queen Sabrina begin their rule of Astruswhich will from now on be known as the Kingdom of Indaria! Osian finished his speech and paused, giving the crowd time to applaud.

Derek had to say, hed heard Edward give many speeches over the last week, but he preferred the one Osian had just given. It indicated that Cydaria was being merciful to both kingdoms, even though they brought it all on themselves, but he also made it clear that what was happening would be beneficial for all parties involvedhopefully going even further to pacify his own nobles and those of the new Indaria.

Thank you, my friend. King Edwin turned to Osian, and the two grasped forearms with each other. After a nod between kings, Edwin turned back to the awaiting crowd and continued. As King Osian has stated, I look forward to my children and their children seeing a peace that lasts long after I have died. For us under the Great System, war and tension have slowed our progress and diminished our numbersI hope that the future generations never have to experience such conflicts between our three kingdoms.

Once again, applause rang out from the crowd. Derek still watched closelyscanning the occupied seats over and over to make sure that nothing seemed out of the ordinary. With the ceremony happening so quickly, it had given any conspirators less time to prepare their attacks should they choose to do so. In the back of his mind, Derek still hoped that everything would go off without a hitch, but he also know that the formal investigations hadnt been conducted yet, and that there were surely some noble houses that were hiding things.

He also knew that many people who were precious to others had died, and he knew from experience that it wasnt easy to just accept the death of loved ones just like that. So, while Edwin and Osian spoke, he kept watch.

Thank you! Edwin half bowed to the crowd, then continued. Now, I am sure that you are all tired of listening to a couple of decrepit old men Edwin looked over at Osian and dramatically rolled his eyes after scanning the elf from top to bottom. Well at least this old man. He muttered, but made sure that all could hear himhe got a light chuckle out of the crowd. Anyway, he said after the laughter died down. Without further ado, let the ceremony begin.

With that announcement, Osian moved to the left side of the palace stairs and Edwin moved to the right. Then, a lovely melody began playing, followed by Robert Cydaria walking out beside his father and taking his place between both kings. His father turned and moved to stand behind Edwin, while Robert looked out over the crowd and took a deep breath in, then let it out. Derek could see his hand slightly shaking under the intense stares of all the nobles. The man clenched his fist tightly to stop the shaking.

Next, Sabrina walked out from the palace doors being accompanied by Ryven. Again, her father moved to take his place behind Osian, and she stood in the middlenext to Robert. Her eyes wandered the crowd, and soon they fell on Derek, but she quickly adverted them.

Now, if I could have you, Sabrina, and you, Robert, each place your hand on the marker on the podium, Callum said, and the two each placed their palm on a part of the podium. Great! Now, if you agree to the terms of the contract, and agree to this marriage, please place your mark into the contract.

Sabrina and Robert looked hard at one another for a few seconds, then they both nodded. Soon, each one injected a portion of their mana into the podium, and the pure mana flowed into the contract. The contract rose into the air, then splitone part disappearing into Robert and the other disappearing into Sabrina. Finally, they removed their hands.

By the power vested to me as Master Contract Makergiven to me by the Great Systemand the position granted by the Kingdom of Cydaria, I, Callum Taylor, now pronounce you husband and wife. May you find love and happiness in your new journey as one.

With that, the crowd erupted, and everyone jumped to their feet. Dereks vigilance hit an all-time high as he thought this would be the perfect opportunity for a strikewhile everyone is celebrating. But soon, the applause died down, and everyone was directed back to their seats by Callum.

Thank you for showing your support for the new couple, Callum said. But the ceremony is not over. Today is not only a marriage but also the crowning of a new king and queen. If there are no objections, I will begin.

Oh Derek thought. So thats how theyre going to do it, and thats why Callum is doing this. Derek imagined that the contracts for becoming a king and queen of a new nation ought to be much more intensive thanaccording to the mana basic marriage contract.

Today marks the day that the new Kingdom of Indaria is formed. With the formation of the kingdom, new rulers must be named. These rulers are the newly wed King Robert and Queen Sabrina. As Master Contract Maker, it is my duty to ensure that Indarias rulers act in the best interest of their kingdom and citizens. As such, I have created soul contracts for each new ruler to sign, Callum informed the audience.

Callum pulled out another contract from his storage ring and began. The terms of this soul contract are already known by the couple and have been agreed upon by both Indria and Cydaria. Included in this contract are both the alliance between nationswhich has previously been signed by Cydaria and Indriaand a set of changes that must be made for Indaria to have a more prosperous future.

Crown Prince Edward, King Osian, if you would be so kind, Callum said while he once again placed the contract on the middle of the podium in front of him. From the side, Osian stepped forward until he was beside Callum, and Edward stood from his seat in the audience and walked up the stairs to take his own position. Good. Now, if you all agree to the terms as stated before the ceremony, please bind the contract.

With that, the four of them all placed their hands on the podium and inject their mana into the contract. Because it was a soul contract, chains arose from it and began their binding. Four chainsone for each personwrapped around them and disappeared into their bodies. Then, the contract split, and a piece of it flew to each person. It was a bit different from the previous soul contract that Derek had seen, but it was also a different contract.

This contract also included the alliance and other termssome of which Derek hadnt bothered to learn beforehand. He was sure that Edwin and Edward knew what they were doingespecially now that they had the support of King Osian.

Great! Callum, who now looked quite pale, waved his hand and the podium disappeared. He took two steps forward and held his hands out, which were taken by Sabrina and Robert. For the first time as a couple, and rulers of Indaria, I give you, King Robert and Queen Sabrina!

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