System Change

Chapter 408: Research to be Had

Chapter 408: Research to be Had

After using her boots and learning what she needed to do to make them work more efficiently and better, then testing out her new skills on Derek, Brandi was beat. Slaving away in her smithy day after day was exhausting to her, but using the rocket boots and fighting skills required her to stretch muscles that she normally didnt useespecially when she had to continuously direct mana into the correct pathways to the runes on them.

She was both mentally and physically exhausted when everyone got back to the shop that eveningso much so that instead of going directly back down to her workplace and working on an even better version of her boots or writing down her current findings, she decided to head upstairs and have dinner with everyone. This seemed to help get Malorie over the bit of anger and irritation shed had during all the testing.

Nothing like having everyone at the dinner table to bring the mood up, Derek thought as he served himself another helping of chilled zesty pasta that Silvi had prepared while they were gone. This normally wasnt a favorite dish for Derek, as he preferred his pasta hot or spaghettibut it seemed like Silvi could make even his least favorite dishes worth eating.

And then I face-planted into the ground and mom almost had a heart attack, Brandi said to Rayna and Rudy as she stuffed her mouth full of the pasta.

Oh, no! Rayna said. It didnt hurt too much, did it?

Not at all, Brandi said, and her eyes shifted to Malorie before turning back to Rayna. I thought mom was gonna kill Derek though. It was bad. He told her to calm down.

He didnt? Raynas mouth dropped, and she turned to look at Derek. You didnt really, did you?

It just kind of slipped out. Derek shrugged. But she was perfectly fine. Whats a couple of bumps and bruises here and there, anyway? Its still much safer than running dungeons with people at her level. You should have seen Thomas in his first dungeon. He got hurt much worse than Brandi just did, but he came out of it with a much better mindset, and I think hes better off for it.

Speaking of Thomas, Malorie said. When are you going to go see him?

I was thinking about heading to the academy to give it a look sometime within the next few days, Derek replied. Im interested to see how hes doing and if hes made any real friends. Hes probably been a lot more cautious over things like that since the incident in Torith. Everyone at the table had already heard the story of what happened, and they could only nod their heads in agreement.

Of course, Derek was talking about the boy befriending a girl and then being betrayed and almost killed by Malcolm Toriths son, Clay. There was no way that something like that wouldnt have long-lasting effects on a 13, now 14, year old boy.

Im sure that hed like that very much, Malorie said.

What happened to his grandparents? Derek asked. He knew that Alanah had gotten Delilah and Richard to safety, but he hadnt looked any deeper into it. Do you know?

They are fine, Malorie said. They stayed here in Savannah for a while, but after Miss Swan and Prince Edgar pushed back the armies when they tried to take over the city, she made arrangements for Richard and Delilah to go to the capital to visit Thomas. Though Leon, Sana, Bart, and Laura should still be here in Savannah. They come visit occasionally, but mostly they are just enjoying the city, thanks to Miss Swan and Stella.

I see Derek said. He remembered Leon and Sana, they were husband and wife and Leon was the chief of Brandis village, which was destroyed, and Bart was the innkeeperor bartenderat Raynas village. Connecting the dots, he figured that Laura was Barts wife that he only barely met when she examined the hide that he used to buy a room at their inn, but he wanted to make sure. Laura? he asked.

Barts wife, Rayna confirmed. Shes never been too sociablewhich was always funny, considering her husband.

I can see that, Derek replied with a chuckle. Bart was definitely something else. How about the rest of the village? Do you know about it?

Unfortunately, Malorie said. We dont. We dont get a lot of news herewere not exactly high on the list of people who need to know things. But, from what Ive heard, most of the people from the cities and villages that were either captured or destroyed are okay, at leastwith some casualties.

The excitement in Freias eyes disappeared, and she said, Oh how can I help you, then?

Well he said. I was wanting to see Roman and talk with him about the permanence potions and give him a few other materials to work with. I think I have some that could help produce some great new potions.

Really? Once again, Freias attitude changed, and another fire was lit in her eyes. What kind of material? No wait, dont tell me. We can find out together, thats much more efficient. Hold on for one second.

Freia then sidestepped Derek and walked to the entrance to the shop. Just before she got there, the sound indicating a new customer was entering rang out. Derek turned and watched as Freia rapidly explained to the person that they were closing down for some time to take inventory, then hurried him back outside before closing the door, locking it, then placing a sign on the glass saying that they were closed.

It was very entertaining, to say the least. Freia was another one of those people, like Brandi or Edgar. They were all dedicated to their craftor fighting, in Edgars caseso much so that it came first over almost anything else. And, like Brandi was with her smithing, Freia was like that with her alchemy research and herbology.

Derek was actually a little surprised that she had made her own potions that needed to be tested. Then again, he thought. Im sure she has to level up and increase her alchemy skills, just like every other alchemist. He just couldnt see straight up research being able to level. Unless she actually has research skills which would be interesting.

Okay, thats that. Follow me. Roman is in the back, Freia said as she walked back past him and through the door to the back of the shop. Derek smiled wryly and followed the woman. She wasnt one for mincing words, especially when there was research to be had.

Freia led Derek to the same room they had been in when Derek became Romans guinea pig and tested his potions that would have killed a lesser person.

Ill go get him, Freia said, then disappeared without waiting for a reply. Moments later, she re-entered the room, this time practically dragging Roman behind her.

I said I wasnt finis the halfling half shouted at Freia as they entered, then he paused when he saw Derek standing there. Oh, Derek. Youre back! His demeanor completely changed. Okay, okay. You can let me go now, he pleaded with his assistant, who finally did just that.

That seems to be the case, Derek replied.

Its good to see you again. Its been awhile, Roman said. I heard that youd made it back from the raid in one piece, then up and joined the shenanigans between the countries. So thats finished now?

Pretty much, Derek said. Everyone else is still back there dotting the Ts and crossing the Is, but that paperwork stuff doesnt involve me, so I came back before them.

I see I see, Roman said. Thats good, then. That war stuff wasnt good for anybody. Made it much harder to get materials. Luckily, I had already bought enough to last me a few years if anything happened. Its always best to be prepared.

I agree, Derek said, then was interrupted.

Tell him about the new materials, Freia said, one hand holding her notebook, the other a writing utensil.

What materials? Roman asked, his eyes finally matching his assistants.

Well Derek started. Have you ever worked with wyverns?

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