System Evolution Of Soul
Chapter 13 - 10 VS Goblin settlement (Part 2)
Kurisu was in front of me completely n.a.k.e.d, again I glimpsed something that should only exist as art or be unreal for its degree of perfection. Being honest I was a little nervous about the feeling of spoiling or blemish such a creation of God. Wouldn't I be cursed or punished for doing it? Well, people would surely do it and curse me with all their heart, but those were not the ones that worried me ...
Slowly I touched her skin with my hand running through her body in a caress from her back to her waist, she felt like pure silk, but at the same time warm and soft, giving me an impulse to bite her playfully and my goal was the two mounds in front of my eyes with the buds of a pink flower.
I looked up at her face which had a redder color than normal and her wet eyes looked directly at me, then her full lips opened.
"How long are you going to make me wait? Or do you want to embarrass me?"
To hell, if I am punished so be it. I will not regret it, it is something worth dying for. I pushed her shoulder gently to lay her down and climb on her body while thanking Cross for giving me this life.
[Alexander !!]
"What's up? Wait about 2 more hours or at least one ... let me enjoy this moment and you'll have my attention completely for later Aurora"
[Stop talking asleep and open your eyes]
"Eh, asleep?"
To confirm her words my eyes widened and only darkness filled my vision. The n.a.k.e.d kurisu had been abandoning me ... damn, you would have let me at least finish my sweet dream Aurora. Now I'm just exited ... hell, I think the image of Kurisu's n.a.k.e.d body was a lot for the body of a twelve-year-old boy in which the hormones look like small nuclear reactors working at everything they give.
[Stop nonsense, the enemy is approaching the cave]
I quickly get up extending my domain and wiping the drool that wet my cheek and chin. I feel several presences on the edges of it, confirming Aurora's words, take my armor of my inventory and put it on while approach Kurisu trying to wake her up.
"Kurisu, wake up something comes close to us"
"Alex ... nooo ... you have to be gentle"
"Kurisu !! Wake up fast and tell me what you dreamed"
"E-eh? Alex ... a-a dream?"
"Yes, what was it about?"
"W-we were both ... wait, why do I have to tell you? D-dumb"
Ah damn, her mental clarity was restored too quickly ... she could give me at least some details, right?
[Concentrate Alexander]
Correct, it is not the time for this, curiosity won me and wanted to know if it was one of those shared dreams. Sorry Aurora, do you have any idea what it can be?
"Kurisu, take all your equipment and stay prepared, something is approaching the cave, most likely it is hostile. Have your weapons loaded for whatever it may be."
"I understand"
[Most likely they are goblin who tracked you to the cave. They must have realized that something was killing them and went out to investigate]
I assumed that, but they tracked me? ... Aah, I forgot to spray the odor blocking powder when we returned.
The goblins kept approaching and the number that entered my domain increased. They were already about 100m from the cave. Went to the entrance and watched the outside, it was dark and the moonlight illuminated very little ... we are at a great disadvantage this time.
"Grouw" "Gruuuon" "Grrr"
Their growls reached my ears more and more clearly, touch my colt on my waist and tap on it with my index finger. The first is to nullify they advantage of their night vision ... Aurora, buy about 10 hand flares and a flare gun.
[It's 200C for 10 flares and 150 for the gun. Are you okay with that?]
Do I have enough resources? If I have them do not hesitate, it is not that can spend them once I am dead. For now it is better to solve our visibility even at the expense of all my wealth.
[It's enough. I used 150C and 2000G yours, the objects are in the inventory]
"Do you know how many enemies they are?"
Kurisu asks me to stand by my side tightly holding the M-14, even I feel somewhat restless with this situation, that she looks calm enough comforts me a little.
"Enough, so far sense 22 approaching to the cave"
"We have struggled with 18 right? 4 more is not a big difference"
I said smiling at her not to scare she. But not only were 22, more appear every few seconds ...
"You go back a little in the cave and knock down those who are far from the entrance, I will take care of those who approach blocking them here"
"B-but I don't know if can see them from a distance ..."
"That will change soon."
I said taking 4 flares in my hands. It only remains to wait for the attack to throw it and counterattack. I will use the flare gun when we have time fighting each other to also serve as a distraction.
Damn, their number keeps increasing. Now there are 30 ... also on the edge of the cave clearing, among the trees and in the shadows I notice some of they. But it seems that they are not going to attack, are probably waiting for others.
As we watched the minutes passed, then in the darkness of the forest there was a loud roar that penetrated to the soul. Kurisu next to me trembled and the goblin also, but after the initial surprise they charged to the two of us in the cave.
Hit the base of the flares on the wall of the cave causing them to ignite, and one by one I throw them in the area of the clearing in front with a few meters between each one, in a way that illumination covers a larger area.
They were amazed by the sudden fluorescence in a red hue, put their hands in front of eyes because of the discomfort caused by the glare and thus block it a little. Logically I didn't have to wait for them to adapt to the light, shot and emptied the charger over them and following my example behind my Kurisu did the same.
I didn't take a new magazine out of the bags on my leg, eject the one in the gun and fill it again. Maybe I should have bought more chargers ... well, it's too late to regret it.
The bodies of the goblin fell constantly, but because of the short distance in which we were both sides and their number that did not seem to decrease, after using all the bullets that had just filled in the cartridge they managed to reach the entrance of the cave.
I draw Black Moon taking it with my right hand while with the left I hold the colt. I advance to the goblin that attacks with the club against me and evading the blow make a low cut amputating his leg, he loses balance and falls.
I take the seconds until the next one comes, nail the sword to the ground and remove the magazine without bullets from the colt and replace it with one of the 2 that have in my leg. Pick up my sword and receive the next two goblin that arrive.
With a cut from top to bottom diagonally I take care of the first and the second who intended to throw me a rock got a shot in the forehead preventing him from doing so. Unfortunately there was no rest, three others arrived taking the place of those who fell.
When I looked at them, they had the name of elite goblin on their head. Great, these also come in groups, in addition to being a little stronger than normal is the problem that they carry better weapons. Two of them had swords battered by lack of maintenance and the last one a dagger.
I shoot the first one and knock him down, even with better weapons if they don't get close enough are no different than the others, die equally from the bullets of my gun. With a smile on my face at the thought of that, I aim to the second, but before can pull the trigger feel that something is taking my leg. Turn my vision and find the goblin who I had cut a leg trying to bite me. It is good that this time wear lizard skin shoes because only feel the pressure of his teeth on the area and there is no pain, embed my sword in his head until to the ground.
When I retire, leave the goblin who was spitting blood from the mouth, staining my shoes, the two elite goblin reached me. The one with the sword comes in my direction so I block it with mine, but the one with the dagger takes my side and takes advantage of the fact that am entangled with his partner to try to stab me with the dagger.
When I clench my teeth in anticipation of the pain that will come, see a part of his head bursting where the bullet shot from Kurisu comes out. Ah, hell that was close ... both his dagger and the bullet. I feel my legs shake a little.
Only the elite goblin with whom I crossed swords remained, his strength was greater than mine, so he pushed me back slowly. I slip the colt with which supported the back of the blade edge and aligned it with his head and shot. The weapon that tried to cut me lost its strength and fell along with its owner.
The goblins continued to attack the cave no matter how many down in the process, it was mentally exhausting to look up and see that their number did not seem to decrease.
I knock down the same amount of goblin as the remaining load of the magazine's bullets inside the weapon and proceed to insert the last one. At that moment a shout from Kurisu and Aurora reach me at the same time.
["Watch out Alex / Alexander"]
I raise my head and suddenly feel an impact on my head making my world wobble. With my hand squeezing the part that hurts, realized that a rock has been thrown at me. I shake my head to try to take away the stuning, but without giving me time more goblins come to my place.
With a shout to my enemies, concentrate my domain on the closest ones, causing their steps to stop and tremble at the pressure and intimidation created by the sound. Charge towards them and take their lives with cuts and shots.
The fearsome roar is heard again throughout the area, and looking for its origin find the largest goblin I have seen, probably from the height of Kurisu or a little taller. In his head stood two horns that were visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye. He had a muscular or chubby body and wielded a large ax.
With a presence that stood out on the battlefield appears riding what looks like a wolf. The goblins stop and watch him with fear and idolatry.
Damn, isn't he giving himself too much air to be a simple goblin? ... well, it's not a simple goblin, I could read over his head [Goblin leader level 22]. Let's think positively and say that he save me the work of going to his den to take it out.
Fuuu ... let's see what it's done. Pointed with the colt at this and shot, he must have been watching us for quite some time because the ax intercedes between his body that shrink it covering.
"Tch ... well, it would be weird if he died with just that"
While expressing my thoughts charges towards me, with the speed of the wolf does not take long to arrive and waves his weapon. By instinct I cover with Black Moon, which was a bad idea. The impact shakes my body and sends me several meters flying, roll a couple of times and when stop I was on my knees with one hand on the ground and the other holding my sword.
My arms were numb and lost the colt from the blow. The goblin leader looks at me and from what I can interpret from his features, seems to be laughing having fun because of my situation.
"Kurisu, Kill his wolf !!"
"Y-yes, are you alright?"
"Don't worry, it's just a couple of scratches."
I take out two flares and the impact on the ground causing them to activate. The goblin leader who intended to charge misgiving about it and observes the sparks of the flares. By staying still, focus my domain on the wolf that rides ... if with the elite goblin it doesn't have much effect, I can expect the leader to be worse.
"Kill the wolf"
The wolf's legs give up and his head touches the ground m.o.a.ning in pain, the goblin leader who mounted him follows when loses the balance. I throw the flares in the direction of where was before flying away looking for my gun, see it and run to where it is.
Thank God it wasn't far, I take it and unload the charger in where the goblin leader stood. A few hit the target, but as if he barely noticed them, roared to where was taking the ax and fiercely hit the wolf by throwing it in my direction.
The wolf's body passes to the side of me howling in lament. Well, if he treats his allies like that, I don't want to know what awaits me if fall into his hands ...
I go back to where Kurisu is aiming the rifle at the Goblin chief. I hear the shot and see a good piece of meat detach from the shoulder with which he holds the ax. With the opposite hand, press the wound.
He looks at us as if we had killed his family ... which makes sense because we have done that. The first flares I throws begin to fade, losing their brightness and the darkness regains its lost dominion.
"Kurisu lend me your beretta"
I keep the colt in the inventory and take the beretta with the magazine from her hands , place them on my waist and in my leg bags respectively. I take the flare gun and aim it at the sky and pull the trigger.
[Bang]… [Puum]
A short bang is heard followed by a little explosion drowned accompanied by a light hiss and the entire area around the cave is illuminated in a reddish tone.
"Graon" "Greew" "Grrrun" "Grown"
The crowd of goblin is disturbed by the sudden little sun in the sky and growls in fear. The leader observes with distrust and restlessness and seems to be deciding what to do next. Replacing the flare gun with the beretta in my hands, I begin to walk and shoting the normal goblins.
The goblin leader gives an order and goes back to the forest while looks at us and covers himself with the ax, with his steps the other goblin run to the forest in terror. I only managed to knock down a couple more before they disappear from my vision on the tree security.
Seconds later the place returns to tranquility with only the sound of insects in the background. Haaa ... we have resisted, clean the blood that drained from my temple to my chin stopping the falling drops.
"What do we do now?"
Kurisu's voice interrogates me as she approaches as sweat slips down her forehead and the hair adheres to it. Think for a moment, but before answering I ask Aurora. Aurora do you know how much is left for dawn?
[Less than 1 hour]
"Let's rest for about 15 minutes while we prepare everything to follow them, with the amount we killed yesterday and those knocked down now I think we have reduced their number quite a bit. Besides, their leader is injured, he is probably frustrated and whole camp will be in disarray for their lost"
"I get it"
"Let's finish the mission and get out of the forest"
With that said I take out all the loaders and we begin to fill them while remain attentive for what surrounds us. They could still come back and attack us, I keep my domain and focus on it for any suspicious movement that occurs.
Slowly I touched her skin with my hand running through her body in a caress from her back to her waist, she felt like pure silk, but at the same time warm and soft, giving me an impulse to bite her playfully and my goal was the two mounds in front of my eyes with the buds of a pink flower.
I looked up at her face which had a redder color than normal and her wet eyes looked directly at me, then her full lips opened.
"How long are you going to make me wait? Or do you want to embarrass me?"
To hell, if I am punished so be it. I will not regret it, it is something worth dying for. I pushed her shoulder gently to lay her down and climb on her body while thanking Cross for giving me this life.
[Alexander !!]
"What's up? Wait about 2 more hours or at least one ... let me enjoy this moment and you'll have my attention completely for later Aurora"
[Stop talking asleep and open your eyes]
"Eh, asleep?"
To confirm her words my eyes widened and only darkness filled my vision. The n.a.k.e.d kurisu had been abandoning me ... damn, you would have let me at least finish my sweet dream Aurora. Now I'm just exited ... hell, I think the image of Kurisu's n.a.k.e.d body was a lot for the body of a twelve-year-old boy in which the hormones look like small nuclear reactors working at everything they give.
[Stop nonsense, the enemy is approaching the cave]
I quickly get up extending my domain and wiping the drool that wet my cheek and chin. I feel several presences on the edges of it, confirming Aurora's words, take my armor of my inventory and put it on while approach Kurisu trying to wake her up.
"Kurisu, wake up something comes close to us"
"Alex ... nooo ... you have to be gentle"
"Kurisu !! Wake up fast and tell me what you dreamed"
"E-eh? Alex ... a-a dream?"
"Yes, what was it about?"
"W-we were both ... wait, why do I have to tell you? D-dumb"
Ah damn, her mental clarity was restored too quickly ... she could give me at least some details, right?
[Concentrate Alexander]
Correct, it is not the time for this, curiosity won me and wanted to know if it was one of those shared dreams. Sorry Aurora, do you have any idea what it can be?
"Kurisu, take all your equipment and stay prepared, something is approaching the cave, most likely it is hostile. Have your weapons loaded for whatever it may be."
"I understand"
[Most likely they are goblin who tracked you to the cave. They must have realized that something was killing them and went out to investigate]
I assumed that, but they tracked me? ... Aah, I forgot to spray the odor blocking powder when we returned.
The goblins kept approaching and the number that entered my domain increased. They were already about 100m from the cave. Went to the entrance and watched the outside, it was dark and the moonlight illuminated very little ... we are at a great disadvantage this time.
"Grouw" "Gruuuon" "Grrr"
Their growls reached my ears more and more clearly, touch my colt on my waist and tap on it with my index finger. The first is to nullify they advantage of their night vision ... Aurora, buy about 10 hand flares and a flare gun.
[It's 200C for 10 flares and 150 for the gun. Are you okay with that?]
Do I have enough resources? If I have them do not hesitate, it is not that can spend them once I am dead. For now it is better to solve our visibility even at the expense of all my wealth.
[It's enough. I used 150C and 2000G yours, the objects are in the inventory]
"Do you know how many enemies they are?"
Kurisu asks me to stand by my side tightly holding the M-14, even I feel somewhat restless with this situation, that she looks calm enough comforts me a little.
"Enough, so far sense 22 approaching to the cave"
"We have struggled with 18 right? 4 more is not a big difference"
I said smiling at her not to scare she. But not only were 22, more appear every few seconds ...
"You go back a little in the cave and knock down those who are far from the entrance, I will take care of those who approach blocking them here"
"B-but I don't know if can see them from a distance ..."
"That will change soon."
I said taking 4 flares in my hands. It only remains to wait for the attack to throw it and counterattack. I will use the flare gun when we have time fighting each other to also serve as a distraction.
Damn, their number keeps increasing. Now there are 30 ... also on the edge of the cave clearing, among the trees and in the shadows I notice some of they. But it seems that they are not going to attack, are probably waiting for others.
As we watched the minutes passed, then in the darkness of the forest there was a loud roar that penetrated to the soul. Kurisu next to me trembled and the goblin also, but after the initial surprise they charged to the two of us in the cave.
Hit the base of the flares on the wall of the cave causing them to ignite, and one by one I throw them in the area of the clearing in front with a few meters between each one, in a way that illumination covers a larger area.
They were amazed by the sudden fluorescence in a red hue, put their hands in front of eyes because of the discomfort caused by the glare and thus block it a little. Logically I didn't have to wait for them to adapt to the light, shot and emptied the charger over them and following my example behind my Kurisu did the same.
I didn't take a new magazine out of the bags on my leg, eject the one in the gun and fill it again. Maybe I should have bought more chargers ... well, it's too late to regret it.
The bodies of the goblin fell constantly, but because of the short distance in which we were both sides and their number that did not seem to decrease, after using all the bullets that had just filled in the cartridge they managed to reach the entrance of the cave.
I draw Black Moon taking it with my right hand while with the left I hold the colt. I advance to the goblin that attacks with the club against me and evading the blow make a low cut amputating his leg, he loses balance and falls.
I take the seconds until the next one comes, nail the sword to the ground and remove the magazine without bullets from the colt and replace it with one of the 2 that have in my leg. Pick up my sword and receive the next two goblin that arrive.
With a cut from top to bottom diagonally I take care of the first and the second who intended to throw me a rock got a shot in the forehead preventing him from doing so. Unfortunately there was no rest, three others arrived taking the place of those who fell.
When I looked at them, they had the name of elite goblin on their head. Great, these also come in groups, in addition to being a little stronger than normal is the problem that they carry better weapons. Two of them had swords battered by lack of maintenance and the last one a dagger.
I shoot the first one and knock him down, even with better weapons if they don't get close enough are no different than the others, die equally from the bullets of my gun. With a smile on my face at the thought of that, I aim to the second, but before can pull the trigger feel that something is taking my leg. Turn my vision and find the goblin who I had cut a leg trying to bite me. It is good that this time wear lizard skin shoes because only feel the pressure of his teeth on the area and there is no pain, embed my sword in his head until to the ground.
When I retire, leave the goblin who was spitting blood from the mouth, staining my shoes, the two elite goblin reached me. The one with the sword comes in my direction so I block it with mine, but the one with the dagger takes my side and takes advantage of the fact that am entangled with his partner to try to stab me with the dagger.
When I clench my teeth in anticipation of the pain that will come, see a part of his head bursting where the bullet shot from Kurisu comes out. Ah, hell that was close ... both his dagger and the bullet. I feel my legs shake a little.
Only the elite goblin with whom I crossed swords remained, his strength was greater than mine, so he pushed me back slowly. I slip the colt with which supported the back of the blade edge and aligned it with his head and shot. The weapon that tried to cut me lost its strength and fell along with its owner.
The goblins continued to attack the cave no matter how many down in the process, it was mentally exhausting to look up and see that their number did not seem to decrease.
I knock down the same amount of goblin as the remaining load of the magazine's bullets inside the weapon and proceed to insert the last one. At that moment a shout from Kurisu and Aurora reach me at the same time.
["Watch out Alex / Alexander"]
I raise my head and suddenly feel an impact on my head making my world wobble. With my hand squeezing the part that hurts, realized that a rock has been thrown at me. I shake my head to try to take away the stuning, but without giving me time more goblins come to my place.
With a shout to my enemies, concentrate my domain on the closest ones, causing their steps to stop and tremble at the pressure and intimidation created by the sound. Charge towards them and take their lives with cuts and shots.
The fearsome roar is heard again throughout the area, and looking for its origin find the largest goblin I have seen, probably from the height of Kurisu or a little taller. In his head stood two horns that were visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye. He had a muscular or chubby body and wielded a large ax.
With a presence that stood out on the battlefield appears riding what looks like a wolf. The goblins stop and watch him with fear and idolatry.
Damn, isn't he giving himself too much air to be a simple goblin? ... well, it's not a simple goblin, I could read over his head [Goblin leader level 22]. Let's think positively and say that he save me the work of going to his den to take it out.
Fuuu ... let's see what it's done. Pointed with the colt at this and shot, he must have been watching us for quite some time because the ax intercedes between his body that shrink it covering.
"Tch ... well, it would be weird if he died with just that"
While expressing my thoughts charges towards me, with the speed of the wolf does not take long to arrive and waves his weapon. By instinct I cover with Black Moon, which was a bad idea. The impact shakes my body and sends me several meters flying, roll a couple of times and when stop I was on my knees with one hand on the ground and the other holding my sword.
My arms were numb and lost the colt from the blow. The goblin leader looks at me and from what I can interpret from his features, seems to be laughing having fun because of my situation.
"Kurisu, Kill his wolf !!"
"Y-yes, are you alright?"
"Don't worry, it's just a couple of scratches."
I take out two flares and the impact on the ground causing them to activate. The goblin leader who intended to charge misgiving about it and observes the sparks of the flares. By staying still, focus my domain on the wolf that rides ... if with the elite goblin it doesn't have much effect, I can expect the leader to be worse.
"Kill the wolf"
The wolf's legs give up and his head touches the ground m.o.a.ning in pain, the goblin leader who mounted him follows when loses the balance. I throw the flares in the direction of where was before flying away looking for my gun, see it and run to where it is.
Thank God it wasn't far, I take it and unload the charger in where the goblin leader stood. A few hit the target, but as if he barely noticed them, roared to where was taking the ax and fiercely hit the wolf by throwing it in my direction.
The wolf's body passes to the side of me howling in lament. Well, if he treats his allies like that, I don't want to know what awaits me if fall into his hands ...
I go back to where Kurisu is aiming the rifle at the Goblin chief. I hear the shot and see a good piece of meat detach from the shoulder with which he holds the ax. With the opposite hand, press the wound.
He looks at us as if we had killed his family ... which makes sense because we have done that. The first flares I throws begin to fade, losing their brightness and the darkness regains its lost dominion.
"Kurisu lend me your beretta"
I keep the colt in the inventory and take the beretta with the magazine from her hands , place them on my waist and in my leg bags respectively. I take the flare gun and aim it at the sky and pull the trigger.
[Bang]… [Puum]
A short bang is heard followed by a little explosion drowned accompanied by a light hiss and the entire area around the cave is illuminated in a reddish tone.
"Graon" "Greew" "Grrrun" "Grown"
The crowd of goblin is disturbed by the sudden little sun in the sky and growls in fear. The leader observes with distrust and restlessness and seems to be deciding what to do next. Replacing the flare gun with the beretta in my hands, I begin to walk and shoting the normal goblins.
The goblin leader gives an order and goes back to the forest while looks at us and covers himself with the ax, with his steps the other goblin run to the forest in terror. I only managed to knock down a couple more before they disappear from my vision on the tree security.
Seconds later the place returns to tranquility with only the sound of insects in the background. Haaa ... we have resisted, clean the blood that drained from my temple to my chin stopping the falling drops.
"What do we do now?"
Kurisu's voice interrogates me as she approaches as sweat slips down her forehead and the hair adheres to it. Think for a moment, but before answering I ask Aurora. Aurora do you know how much is left for dawn?
[Less than 1 hour]
"Let's rest for about 15 minutes while we prepare everything to follow them, with the amount we killed yesterday and those knocked down now I think we have reduced their number quite a bit. Besides, their leader is injured, he is probably frustrated and whole camp will be in disarray for their lost"
"I get it"
"Let's finish the mission and get out of the forest"
With that said I take out all the loaders and we begin to fill them while remain attentive for what surrounds us. They could still come back and attack us, I keep my domain and focus on it for any suspicious movement that occurs.
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