System Evolution Of Soul
Chapter 20 - 17 Walking in Barl
"Travel to other worlds?"
"Yes, for example, we could go to the world you come from"
"Mmm ... I don't want to go back ... or at least not for now"
"I plan to go to a world that does not have too much difficulty living there, but should is technologically advanced and is preferable that has a lot of monsters but them are not so strong, so we can raise our level without much danger"
"What world would it be? And when would we go?"
"I haven't decided yet, will thinking about it for the rest of the day and is better going immediately, tomorrow, probably, we should have more strength to be more safe in this world."
"Tomorrow? I haven't got used to this world and now we have to go to another ... haaa ..."
"It's the suitable, I don't feel calm having to interact with people over 50 levels that can kill me because they don't like me as I look at them.
While I try to think of a appropriate place, for now let's walk through the city of Barl and see what interesting things it has "
"Didn't just say you don't want to interact with people now? Have changed your mind so quickly?"
"Hahaha, I can't suppress my curiosity either. Besides, if we find any danger our weapons can gain enough time to leave for another world immediately and it's not like we go to the slums of the city. We will walk the main streets"
After talking for a moment we decided to walk around the city, I think about removing the grimoire and it disappears into a light inside my chest as before. We leave the room and go down the stairs to the reception.
Meet the little lady hobbit again and she welcomes us with a smile. Next to she are 3 small girls and a boy. We interrupt their talk with our presence and they watch us, when we arrives at the counter, she asks.
"What did you think of the room?"
"Not bad"
"Unn, They are my children, the girls help as waitresses at the bar and the boy helps his father in the kitchen and other work of the inn, so you will surely see them walking around here. If you need anything can ask them. Let's go. guys introduce yourself "
"I'm Leina to the oldest, I'm 17 years old"
""We are Dela and Delu, are twins and we are 15 years old""
"I'm Ulen, 13 years old"
"I am Tena and am the youngest with 10 years !!"
"How cute!!"
Kurisu runs and hugs the smallest ... I feel envious. Well I will have my time at night, but still everyone seems younger than they say ... having a mother of 33 years with the appearance of 10 makes sense.
"Come on Kurisu, they are not toys. You can disturb them"
"Don't worry, they are used to it, by the way I don't introduced myself, I'm Vila and am the owner of this inn"
"As I said before am Alexander, and the one who seems to want to kidnap your children is Kurisu ... I don't mind saying it, but is it some kind of formality to say the age when you introduced yourself here?"
"No, that's just a hobbit habit"
"I understand ... Well, we'll both go for a walk in the city for a while, probably be back for dinner. What time do you serve food?"
"After 8"
With a nod we leave the paradise of the lolicons after handing the key to Vila, Kurisu sadly releases the hobbit girl and follows me. We will return at night, can play with she all you want when we return, do not have to put that face.
"Are we looking for something to eat? We only have breakfast"
"It's okay"
With that in mind we walk down the street looking for an establishment or place where the food looks appetizing. Crossing a few streets and we find a street stall with some customers, if this have people who frequent it there are only two options. The food they serve is good or has a beauty serving it, anyone works for me.
"Let's see there"
We approach and see a grill with several skewers of meat in it with the oil flowing making the fire squeak. It is a pity that the one who attends is not a beauty, but it looks good. Before I can ask something Kurisu speaks.
"Of what animal is the meat?"
Correct, was that thing with Melanie in the morning, I don't want to eat goblin meat either, so it's good to confirm it first. The owner of the position looks up from his product and answers.
Ostrich? Are those chickens super developed? Maybe it's the chicken equivalent here. I have not eaten it but for me is acceptable to fill my stomach . I look at Kurisu and she nods.
"Give me four of those please"
We sat at the bar and immediately gives us a plate with the 4 skewers. Each of us takes one and blows it to cool it. I take a bite and the juice of the meat floods my mouth with each bite, the taste permeates my tongue and causes me the urge to swallow.
5 minutes later the plate was empty, without further choice I order another 4 and the process is repeated. Should I bring food from this world to the other? I will miss the glorious flavors of Gaia ... no, is essential to take it to another world. After having eaten 6 skewers each one of us, asked the owner the account.
"How much is it?"
"16 skewers for 5G ... 80G"
"Here are 100G, sir, how many skewers do you still have?"
"Emmm… I don't know, about 200?"
"I take them all"
"Eh? All? But what will I sell the rest of the day? Besides, they're not cooked yet."
"It doesn't matter, I want them to cook them myself and you can go home early today. Are you are OK with that?"
The man thinks about it for a moment and then starts counting the skewers, after a few minutes he counts the 200 remaining some to sell, but will probably finish them very soon.
"Here they are, it would be 1000G"
"Take, can you take them to the inn" Sweet dreams "? Also, if tomorrow prepares me 500 for when the sun rises, I'll give 3000G for them. What do you think?"
"It's a deal !! I will be there tomorrow before the sun rises and when finished here will take the 200 you paid me and deliver them "
With that agreement, we left the post, continuing to walk around the city to digest the food. I think the estimate of 1, 000G per day was wrong if people in Gaia eat more than normal ... Fuuu.
"They were good, but did you need to buy so many?"
"Tomorrow we will leave for another world and probably cannot taste Gaia's food in a time unless I takes it with me"
" Eh, how long will we last in the other world? Will those be enough?"
"I think it will be enough for a while"
We continue walking down the street observing people and the stalls, so it seems,was a peaceful place, if you exclude the weapons that will occasionally see carried by the adventurers, it was a normal city. No one was looking for problems especially, probably because they could kill you if did that or the laws made by the lord who rules here were strict.
Loitering for a time a shop that specializes in weapons caught my attention. It was a respectable building and many adventurers came in and out of it. It will not harm go to window-shoping for a while. With that idea we enter the arm shop.
From what you could see they sold all kinds of weapons, it was like seeing an exhibition of ancient times in my world. Prices varied, weapons that my evaluation did not have a range have a value 500G to 1,000G, those of rank J rose to 3,000G-5,000G and a few of rank I cost up to 6,000G-10,000G.
Kurisu's equip consists mostly of objects of rank [I], she wearing about 30,000G on her. Well, she can't say that I've been stingy with her. To check something I approach the counter where a small man with a beard is. Noticing he, my question that was thinking go in the background and my mouth pronounces before I realize.
"Are you a muscular hobbit?"
"Nonsense !! Clearly I'm a dwarf, do not go and confuse me with those little scrawny. Brat why you are in this place? Here we do not make toys"
"Old man, don't get like this. I almost haven't seen other races."
"I'm not old am 17 years old! I'm the youngest son of the blacksmith in this store!"
"F.u.c.k! Don't lie, you seem to be over 40, if you're going to reduce years, make it more credible."
"Ku-hum, Alex if it bothers you that they confuse you as a woman, don't criticize others for their appearance"
"Right, I'm sorry ... young man"
"Tch, what do you want or just came to bother?"
"No, I wanted to ask if you have weapons similar to these."
I take my colt and ask Kurisu for the rifle that on in the shoulder, has had with her since I gave it and show them to the dwarf. He takes them and reviews them in detail, then his eyes shine and respond.
"You're lucky, brat, I have a similar one and since am in a good mood will give you a special price of 10,000G for it"
Run to some trunks behind the counter and take out what appears to be a very old rifle, of which you had to insert a rod to introduce the bullet and the powder charge. But before he can deliver it to see it, the voice of a man is heard and then he comes out through a door in front of Kurisu and me.
"What was all the hustle and bustle of before ... useless son you're doing selling the nonsense you bought to some lucky guy who wanted to get rid of it and found the idiot indicated"
"D-dad, this ... they asked about this weapon, I didn't offer it to them !!"
A thicker man with a longer beard than the one who attended us comes out, bites a pipe and looked annoyed, when he sees what his son was in the hands, roars in rage.
"Does the gun have a problem, or isn't it worth what he says?"
"Mmn? How much did he ask?"
"If you ask me if that value is worth it, I will have to answer yes. This idiot paid 15,000G for it and for the power of the weapon I still wouldn't say it's expensive."
"So what is the problem?"
"Take out the projectiles useless son !!"
After talking with the new dwarf, he orders the other ol-... the young man dwarf with his words and this searches again in the previous trunk, he takes out 6 small metal spheres and small packages that should be gunpowder or something similar.
"Only these projectiles remain, although it would be more expensive than creating an arrow it is possible to make the metal spheres, the problem is the small packages, I have asked alchemists throughout the city and they cannot create these.
So after you use those 6 shells, in the best case you will be left with a 10,000G stick to wield to defend yourself and with its value it does not mean that is resistant, will probably break after some blows leaving you with nothing.
If you want the weapon to be useful you will have to look for the one who made it and ask for more projectiles to be manufactured "
"I see"
Saying I turn to see the young dwarf who was trying to sell the gun, che, really someone with a black heart. Well, I wasn't going to buy a gun anyway, I just wanted to check what Aurora told me.
"W-what? You were the one asking about the gun"
"True, but I can't buy it if can't have more projectiles. Sorry to waste your time, if we have a chance we'll come another time. Until then."
Saying that I say goodbye to the two dwarves and we return to the road, well, what time will it be? Is dinner already at the inn?
[It's 7:20]
Can you know, Aurora?
[Of course, the system can also show you if you wish]
It is more pleasant to hear your voice. It's time to return to the inn, hopefully the food is as good as the meat skewers from a while ago.
[Fufufu ... I understand, can tell you when you like Alexander]
"It's time to return to the inn"
"Great !!, let's go back to the den of those little cuties"
I look at the map at the location of the inn and walk to it through other different streets that we came to map the area, but always trying to go on the busy streets. It takes us about 20 minutes to see the "Posada Dulces Sueños" sign. We enter and there inside is lively, the bar business also seems to be going well too.
Were Dela and Delu? The hobbit twins welcome us, they are undoubtedly prettier than the dwarves ... they trot up to us and speak again.
""Dinner will be in a moment, it will be sucker stew. You can go to the bar and wait or we'll take it to your room, what do you want?""
"What do you want to do Kurisu?"
"I'd rather eat quietly in the room if it's okay"
"You've heard it, please take both dishes to our room"
"Sure! Besides, someone left that for you."
One of the twins says pointing to a box and the other goes to the counter, takes out the key and returns to hand it to me. I hand the key to Kurisu and take the box to load it.
With a nod, we walked to the stairs to go to our room. We pass the two floors, Kurisu opens the door with the key and everything is as we leave it, enter and when it closes I throw the box into the inventory. I walk to bed and lie on it, then Kurisu sits next to me.
"You can say it was a quiet day now"
"You're right"
"Have you already decided which world we will go to?"
"I thought about it while we were walking, it will certainly be an interesting world"
"Mmm, I don't know if I should ask ... don't think we consider the same things interesting"
"It is a similar world from which we both come ... or should I say was? The truth is that it meets the requirements that said earlier"
"Haaa ... anyway, promised to follow you and I will do that"
I smiled and she does too, when we enjoyed the quiet atmosphere created someone knocks on the door. I get up in a jump and approach to open, but not before asking who he is.
"" We are ""
I open and let the twins in, go straight to the small table that the room has and place the two plates and a basket with bread on it. They turn and in unison say.
""Enjoy it""
Then they pass me and go out trotting down the hall, I close and approach the table at the same time that Kurisu does. After minutes we finished, I have no complaints everything have ate in Gaia has been delicious. After eating, Kurisu goes to bathe and when she finish I do too, we settle in bed and sleep while waiting for tomorrow.
[Knock]… [Knock] [Knock]
The next day the sound of someone knocking at the door wake me, I yawn and try to get up, but I am prevented from doing so by the arms of Kurisu that surround my back, she hugged me like a pillow. I don't mind because I was lying on two soft warm cushions.
"Kurisu, wake up ... Kurisu, if you don't wake up I'll play tricks while you're asleep"
"Hnn? ... what's happen Alex?"
"I need you to free me to open the door"
"Free you?"
With my words she sees our situation with me over her, while hugs me tightly. The same time she blushes frees me, I get up and go to the door that sounds again.
"I'm coming, one second"
I open and there is the tiny owner of this inn, look at her and she smiles at me while says in a good mood.
"Good morning, I'm sorry to wake you up early, but there is a person downstairs who brings a package that says you ordered it."
"Package? ... ah, the food. Please tell him to waite, I down now"
"Of course, by the way, breakfast is ready. You can have it whenever you want."
Close the door after Vila turns around and proceeds to put me the armor while I tell Kurisu.
"Let's go down the two, we'll have breakfast and leave to go to another world."
I meet with the street vendor of skewers and I pay 3,000G for two boxes with these, he happy run out. Then we headed to the bar and ate, breakfast was fried eggs of some kind of animal. We finish and proceed to say goodbye to Vila when I give her the room key.
"Thank you for staying here, don't you want to extend your stay for longer?"
"No, we will leave the city now and probably not be back in a while"
"It's sad to hear that, take care and you should stay here when you return to Barl"
With that I take a box and Kurisu another and leave the inn "Sweet dreams" listening to Vila shout goodbye.
"Have a good trip guys, and make sure you come back"
"Yes, for example, we could go to the world you come from"
"Mmm ... I don't want to go back ... or at least not for now"
"I plan to go to a world that does not have too much difficulty living there, but should is technologically advanced and is preferable that has a lot of monsters but them are not so strong, so we can raise our level without much danger"
"What world would it be? And when would we go?"
"I haven't decided yet, will thinking about it for the rest of the day and is better going immediately, tomorrow, probably, we should have more strength to be more safe in this world."
"Tomorrow? I haven't got used to this world and now we have to go to another ... haaa ..."
"It's the suitable, I don't feel calm having to interact with people over 50 levels that can kill me because they don't like me as I look at them.
While I try to think of a appropriate place, for now let's walk through the city of Barl and see what interesting things it has "
"Didn't just say you don't want to interact with people now? Have changed your mind so quickly?"
"Hahaha, I can't suppress my curiosity either. Besides, if we find any danger our weapons can gain enough time to leave for another world immediately and it's not like we go to the slums of the city. We will walk the main streets"
After talking for a moment we decided to walk around the city, I think about removing the grimoire and it disappears into a light inside my chest as before. We leave the room and go down the stairs to the reception.
Meet the little lady hobbit again and she welcomes us with a smile. Next to she are 3 small girls and a boy. We interrupt their talk with our presence and they watch us, when we arrives at the counter, she asks.
"What did you think of the room?"
"Not bad"
"Unn, They are my children, the girls help as waitresses at the bar and the boy helps his father in the kitchen and other work of the inn, so you will surely see them walking around here. If you need anything can ask them. Let's go. guys introduce yourself "
"I'm Leina to the oldest, I'm 17 years old"
""We are Dela and Delu, are twins and we are 15 years old""
"I'm Ulen, 13 years old"
"I am Tena and am the youngest with 10 years !!"
"How cute!!"
Kurisu runs and hugs the smallest ... I feel envious. Well I will have my time at night, but still everyone seems younger than they say ... having a mother of 33 years with the appearance of 10 makes sense.
"Come on Kurisu, they are not toys. You can disturb them"
"Don't worry, they are used to it, by the way I don't introduced myself, I'm Vila and am the owner of this inn"
"As I said before am Alexander, and the one who seems to want to kidnap your children is Kurisu ... I don't mind saying it, but is it some kind of formality to say the age when you introduced yourself here?"
"No, that's just a hobbit habit"
"I understand ... Well, we'll both go for a walk in the city for a while, probably be back for dinner. What time do you serve food?"
"After 8"
With a nod we leave the paradise of the lolicons after handing the key to Vila, Kurisu sadly releases the hobbit girl and follows me. We will return at night, can play with she all you want when we return, do not have to put that face.
"Are we looking for something to eat? We only have breakfast"
"It's okay"
With that in mind we walk down the street looking for an establishment or place where the food looks appetizing. Crossing a few streets and we find a street stall with some customers, if this have people who frequent it there are only two options. The food they serve is good or has a beauty serving it, anyone works for me.
"Let's see there"
We approach and see a grill with several skewers of meat in it with the oil flowing making the fire squeak. It is a pity that the one who attends is not a beauty, but it looks good. Before I can ask something Kurisu speaks.
"Of what animal is the meat?"
Correct, was that thing with Melanie in the morning, I don't want to eat goblin meat either, so it's good to confirm it first. The owner of the position looks up from his product and answers.
Ostrich? Are those chickens super developed? Maybe it's the chicken equivalent here. I have not eaten it but for me is acceptable to fill my stomach . I look at Kurisu and she nods.
"Give me four of those please"
We sat at the bar and immediately gives us a plate with the 4 skewers. Each of us takes one and blows it to cool it. I take a bite and the juice of the meat floods my mouth with each bite, the taste permeates my tongue and causes me the urge to swallow.
5 minutes later the plate was empty, without further choice I order another 4 and the process is repeated. Should I bring food from this world to the other? I will miss the glorious flavors of Gaia ... no, is essential to take it to another world. After having eaten 6 skewers each one of us, asked the owner the account.
"How much is it?"
"16 skewers for 5G ... 80G"
"Here are 100G, sir, how many skewers do you still have?"
"Emmm… I don't know, about 200?"
"I take them all"
"Eh? All? But what will I sell the rest of the day? Besides, they're not cooked yet."
"It doesn't matter, I want them to cook them myself and you can go home early today. Are you are OK with that?"
The man thinks about it for a moment and then starts counting the skewers, after a few minutes he counts the 200 remaining some to sell, but will probably finish them very soon.
"Here they are, it would be 1000G"
"Take, can you take them to the inn" Sweet dreams "? Also, if tomorrow prepares me 500 for when the sun rises, I'll give 3000G for them. What do you think?"
"It's a deal !! I will be there tomorrow before the sun rises and when finished here will take the 200 you paid me and deliver them "
With that agreement, we left the post, continuing to walk around the city to digest the food. I think the estimate of 1, 000G per day was wrong if people in Gaia eat more than normal ... Fuuu.
"They were good, but did you need to buy so many?"
"Tomorrow we will leave for another world and probably cannot taste Gaia's food in a time unless I takes it with me"
" Eh, how long will we last in the other world? Will those be enough?"
"I think it will be enough for a while"
We continue walking down the street observing people and the stalls, so it seems,was a peaceful place, if you exclude the weapons that will occasionally see carried by the adventurers, it was a normal city. No one was looking for problems especially, probably because they could kill you if did that or the laws made by the lord who rules here were strict.
Loitering for a time a shop that specializes in weapons caught my attention. It was a respectable building and many adventurers came in and out of it. It will not harm go to window-shoping for a while. With that idea we enter the arm shop.
From what you could see they sold all kinds of weapons, it was like seeing an exhibition of ancient times in my world. Prices varied, weapons that my evaluation did not have a range have a value 500G to 1,000G, those of rank J rose to 3,000G-5,000G and a few of rank I cost up to 6,000G-10,000G.
Kurisu's equip consists mostly of objects of rank [I], she wearing about 30,000G on her. Well, she can't say that I've been stingy with her. To check something I approach the counter where a small man with a beard is. Noticing he, my question that was thinking go in the background and my mouth pronounces before I realize.
"Are you a muscular hobbit?"
"Nonsense !! Clearly I'm a dwarf, do not go and confuse me with those little scrawny. Brat why you are in this place? Here we do not make toys"
"Old man, don't get like this. I almost haven't seen other races."
"I'm not old am 17 years old! I'm the youngest son of the blacksmith in this store!"
"F.u.c.k! Don't lie, you seem to be over 40, if you're going to reduce years, make it more credible."
"Ku-hum, Alex if it bothers you that they confuse you as a woman, don't criticize others for their appearance"
"Right, I'm sorry ... young man"
"Tch, what do you want or just came to bother?"
"No, I wanted to ask if you have weapons similar to these."
I take my colt and ask Kurisu for the rifle that on in the shoulder, has had with her since I gave it and show them to the dwarf. He takes them and reviews them in detail, then his eyes shine and respond.
"You're lucky, brat, I have a similar one and since am in a good mood will give you a special price of 10,000G for it"
Run to some trunks behind the counter and take out what appears to be a very old rifle, of which you had to insert a rod to introduce the bullet and the powder charge. But before he can deliver it to see it, the voice of a man is heard and then he comes out through a door in front of Kurisu and me.
"What was all the hustle and bustle of before ... useless son you're doing selling the nonsense you bought to some lucky guy who wanted to get rid of it and found the idiot indicated"
"D-dad, this ... they asked about this weapon, I didn't offer it to them !!"
A thicker man with a longer beard than the one who attended us comes out, bites a pipe and looked annoyed, when he sees what his son was in the hands, roars in rage.
"Does the gun have a problem, or isn't it worth what he says?"
"Mmn? How much did he ask?"
"If you ask me if that value is worth it, I will have to answer yes. This idiot paid 15,000G for it and for the power of the weapon I still wouldn't say it's expensive."
"So what is the problem?"
"Take out the projectiles useless son !!"
After talking with the new dwarf, he orders the other ol-... the young man dwarf with his words and this searches again in the previous trunk, he takes out 6 small metal spheres and small packages that should be gunpowder or something similar.
"Only these projectiles remain, although it would be more expensive than creating an arrow it is possible to make the metal spheres, the problem is the small packages, I have asked alchemists throughout the city and they cannot create these.
So after you use those 6 shells, in the best case you will be left with a 10,000G stick to wield to defend yourself and with its value it does not mean that is resistant, will probably break after some blows leaving you with nothing.
If you want the weapon to be useful you will have to look for the one who made it and ask for more projectiles to be manufactured "
"I see"
Saying I turn to see the young dwarf who was trying to sell the gun, che, really someone with a black heart. Well, I wasn't going to buy a gun anyway, I just wanted to check what Aurora told me.
"W-what? You were the one asking about the gun"
"True, but I can't buy it if can't have more projectiles. Sorry to waste your time, if we have a chance we'll come another time. Until then."
Saying that I say goodbye to the two dwarves and we return to the road, well, what time will it be? Is dinner already at the inn?
[It's 7:20]
Can you know, Aurora?
[Of course, the system can also show you if you wish]
It is more pleasant to hear your voice. It's time to return to the inn, hopefully the food is as good as the meat skewers from a while ago.
[Fufufu ... I understand, can tell you when you like Alexander]
"It's time to return to the inn"
"Great !!, let's go back to the den of those little cuties"
I look at the map at the location of the inn and walk to it through other different streets that we came to map the area, but always trying to go on the busy streets. It takes us about 20 minutes to see the "Posada Dulces Sueños" sign. We enter and there inside is lively, the bar business also seems to be going well too.
Were Dela and Delu? The hobbit twins welcome us, they are undoubtedly prettier than the dwarves ... they trot up to us and speak again.
""Dinner will be in a moment, it will be sucker stew. You can go to the bar and wait or we'll take it to your room, what do you want?""
"What do you want to do Kurisu?"
"I'd rather eat quietly in the room if it's okay"
"You've heard it, please take both dishes to our room"
"Sure! Besides, someone left that for you."
One of the twins says pointing to a box and the other goes to the counter, takes out the key and returns to hand it to me. I hand the key to Kurisu and take the box to load it.
With a nod, we walked to the stairs to go to our room. We pass the two floors, Kurisu opens the door with the key and everything is as we leave it, enter and when it closes I throw the box into the inventory. I walk to bed and lie on it, then Kurisu sits next to me.
"You can say it was a quiet day now"
"You're right"
"Have you already decided which world we will go to?"
"I thought about it while we were walking, it will certainly be an interesting world"
"Mmm, I don't know if I should ask ... don't think we consider the same things interesting"
"It is a similar world from which we both come ... or should I say was? The truth is that it meets the requirements that said earlier"
"Haaa ... anyway, promised to follow you and I will do that"
I smiled and she does too, when we enjoyed the quiet atmosphere created someone knocks on the door. I get up in a jump and approach to open, but not before asking who he is.
"" We are ""
I open and let the twins in, go straight to the small table that the room has and place the two plates and a basket with bread on it. They turn and in unison say.
""Enjoy it""
Then they pass me and go out trotting down the hall, I close and approach the table at the same time that Kurisu does. After minutes we finished, I have no complaints everything have ate in Gaia has been delicious. After eating, Kurisu goes to bathe and when she finish I do too, we settle in bed and sleep while waiting for tomorrow.
[Knock]… [Knock] [Knock]
The next day the sound of someone knocking at the door wake me, I yawn and try to get up, but I am prevented from doing so by the arms of Kurisu that surround my back, she hugged me like a pillow. I don't mind because I was lying on two soft warm cushions.
"Kurisu, wake up ... Kurisu, if you don't wake up I'll play tricks while you're asleep"
"Hnn? ... what's happen Alex?"
"I need you to free me to open the door"
"Free you?"
With my words she sees our situation with me over her, while hugs me tightly. The same time she blushes frees me, I get up and go to the door that sounds again.
"I'm coming, one second"
I open and there is the tiny owner of this inn, look at her and she smiles at me while says in a good mood.
"Good morning, I'm sorry to wake you up early, but there is a person downstairs who brings a package that says you ordered it."
"Package? ... ah, the food. Please tell him to waite, I down now"
"Of course, by the way, breakfast is ready. You can have it whenever you want."
Close the door after Vila turns around and proceeds to put me the armor while I tell Kurisu.
"Let's go down the two, we'll have breakfast and leave to go to another world."
I meet with the street vendor of skewers and I pay 3,000G for two boxes with these, he happy run out. Then we headed to the bar and ate, breakfast was fried eggs of some kind of animal. We finish and proceed to say goodbye to Vila when I give her the room key.
"Thank you for staying here, don't you want to extend your stay for longer?"
"No, we will leave the city now and probably not be back in a while"
"It's sad to hear that, take care and you should stay here when you return to Barl"
With that I take a box and Kurisu another and leave the inn "Sweet dreams" listening to Vila shout goodbye.
"Have a good trip guys, and make sure you come back"
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