System Evolution Of Soul
Chapter 23 - 20 New members in the group
After I knocked down two Zombies where the student lockers were, we left the campus to the front yard of the school where the parking lot is located
"Where is the bus?"
"To the right"
The nurse's voice responds to me, I turn my head a little in reaction to her voice and then I see an impressive scene. Her two big b.r.e.a.s.ts shake from top to bottom, and as if they created waves by their movements my soul also shakes accordingly. I am surprised that she can maintain her balance and not fall for the force generated by their weight and gravity.
"Alex! Put your eyes on the road"
With Kurisu's words I manage to look away, close my mouth that without knowing had opened and take care of the zombie that was a few steps away from me.
"It seems that you are a man after all, fufufu"
Saeko who was following me closely speaks, I just smiled in response. That is the nature of a man, it is not uncommon for your eyes to be attracted to them, the strange thing is to be able to ignore them as if nothing happens, that would be simply unnatural.
Komuro and his girl were also active killing zombies during the journey preventing them from reaching the center, so they in the middle only had to concentrate on running. In addition, with the occasional help of Kurisu and the type of lenses we advance easily.
"Is that an M-14? Can I see it? "
"I think so ... no, Alex will get mad if I lend you the gun."
Kurisu knocks down a zombi with the rifle, the type of lens witnessing it gets excited and asks her for the weapon to see it ... it is good that Kurisu maintains common sense and does not give a weapon to someone who has just know.
The school bus was getting closer, but zombies came out from everywhere and tried to surround us with their numbers. Thanks to the fact that we kept running without stopping and with me , Saeko, Komuro and the brown-haired girl making our way we all arrived safely.
Being the most advanced Saeko and I are the first, I advance to the door of the truck and take the key out of my pocket, focus on the lock and while sheathe [Black Moon] shout at Saeko.
"Cover me Saeko-chan"
In a few seconds the door opens and with an almost perfect synchronization the others arrive, I step aside and let them pass by keeping an eye on the zombies that drag their feet in our direction.
"Ladies first"
"How nice"
When there is only me and Saeko, I tell her to get on the bus, she answers me smiling and enters it. I board behind following her, inside the others look for a place to sit, the nurse takes the wheel, sees me inside and closes the doors.
I approach and hand over the key, enter it and try to start the engine. After a couple of attempts it turns on and the sound of the cylinders moving is heard. Turn the steering wheel, introduce the gear in the transmission and step on the accelerator.
The bus moves and those who were standing have to hold on to something so as not to fall, for my luck the closest thing was Saeko, so I hug her to keep the balance and she with one arm holds me and with the other hand takes a tube as support.
[Mission / Main "Conquest of the Heart (Saeko) -D"]
To maintain confidence in a person must be based on some emotion, the stronger the greater security will be created.
Objective: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100 Current: Affection 75 (Friendly) Loyalty 60 (companionship)
Reward: 1x Coupon for a random rank [G] weapon
1x Random sword technique [D]
Skill [Focus-J]
"You're fine?"
"Yes, very comfortable"
Now is Saeko eh? For now, let's not focus on that, just let nature take its course. If I try to conquer the girls proactively, will feel that do it for other reasons than the fact of just liking it, so will just enjoy my time with them and whatever happens has to happen.
I raise my head from between her chest to look out the windshield and see zombie bodies fly as they are hit by the bus. The nurse drives around the parking lot and runs over everyone in her path.
"How long are you two going to be hugging !!?"
Kurisu raises her voice questioning, seems jealous of my actions. Probably when the nurse did not find another target to crush with the tires, she stops the bus. Consequently, I and Saeko do separate, so I extend my arms and walk towards Kurisu smiling at she.
"Don't get like that Kurisu, come I'll give you a hug too"
"F-fool, that's not the problem. Hump"
Even saying that does not reject my progress, She only blushes when my hands wrap her and snorts as a last resort when don't know what to do. Taking us out of our moment, hear the voice of a girl.
"Can we leave that for another time, now that we have the bus where we will go? Can we go to our homes?"
The origin of the voice was the pink-haired girl, still hugging Kurisu turned me head to inform the new members of our goal.
"First we will go to the nurse's house, after that we can make other decisions"
Those who already knew simply nod to my words, but the new ones have doubts about the objective and the most dissatisfied is the girl of Komuro who unsatisfied claims.
"Why do we have to go to her house first? I can't contact my father and am worried that something might happen to him."
"Well, surely everyone else has the same concerns, you are not the only one who is uneasy to think about how his relatives will be. But we will go to the nurse's house because she has weapons in this, and as I said, after that, we can decide how to continue "
"Yes, my friend is some kind of military, the house belongs to her and she has a big vehicle and weapons"
To the doubt of the new members the nurse speaks explaining, all then accept to go and the discussion stops. I tell the nurse to drive with a gesture, but when she prepares to make it walk, a frantic pounding coming from the door is heard.
All are surprised and direct their attention to the place, there were several students desperate and afraid asking to open the door to enter. When the nurse drive the bus had to make enough noise to be heard and when clearing the parking lot to smash the zombies, they should took the opportunity to get here.
The others look at me as if waiting for me to make a decision, assent and the nurse takes the lever to open the door and activates it. Soon those who were outside while panting begin to climb.
There are 4 men and 6 women students, plus a young man in glasses who enters at the end. Everyone starts to take a seat and the one who must be a teacher at this school speaks.
"Thank you for opening, we must help each other now in these times of uncertainty"
When he speaks, reviews each one of our group and his eyes go through the body of each one of the girls. The most affected seems to be Komuro's girl, who doesn't bother to pretend her displeasure since he entered.
Honestly, I don't find it pleasant either, when everyone entered, activate the ability in my eyes to check them and all the students are in an altered mental state understandable by what is going on, but he even with his smile and calm attitude has a black aura that It covers his entire body that I did not go unnoticed.
"Some should know me, but for those that don´t, I am Koichi Shido, teacher of this school"
With the smile on his face in a demure way, presents himself, mainly for me and Kurisu in which puts the eyes, in truth his look produces an unpleasant feeling, even causing me to shiver, so I respond coldly.
"I don't care, take a seat like the others"
"Who is your leader?"
With his sentence everyone in my group directs his gaze to me ... it seems that I steals Komuro's role, but if I remember well, he has a more passive personality, so if he sees someone taking the lead will surely step back.
"That a cute little girl bears everyone's responsibility is not right, as a teacher let me take that role. I will strive to make everyone survive this calamity, we will overcome all obstacles to be able to go to a better future. Besides ..."
Out of nowhere he began to give a speech about everything would do as if were running for a political candidacy. The people who came up with him listened to him almost with idolatry and commence to say words of support. Those who were initially with my group had different reactions, some listened only because he was talking, others opt to ignore it and some seem to have swallowed something bitter.
"It's true, Shido sensei will protect us"
"As the eldest of the group should be who directs us"
"Yes, yes. He has saved all of us."
But among them the brown-haired girl could not stand it anymore, she stood up with obvious distaste and shouted furiously.
"If he stays, I'm leaving. I don't plan stay in the same place-"
"Hey, weasel four eyes, come here a moment"
Before she could finish I spoke, saw him in the anime, he was someone manipulative and I remember that he had a problem with that girl. I wasn't going to do anything against him if he didn't bother me, but this is the third mistake he has made since entered the bus. Questions what were they? The first was to look with those eyes as if licking all the girls in my group, can let it happen that he do with brown and pink hair, but not with Kurisu, Saeko and the nurse.
His second mistake was to direct those eyes with the same previous emotions on my body. And last but not least, tell me cute little girl. As a result with a cold voice I called him.
"Does anyone else look like a weasel and bring glasses? Yes, you, come here"
With a confused look he obeys my orders and his feet move to where I was, stops about 30cm from me and asks with a warm tone of voice, but also a flash of coldness appeared in his gaze for a moment.
"What's wrong little girl? You know, you have to respect your elders, surely you are in fear by everything that happened so I will ignore it, but you must be more pol-ickuuu"
Before he could finish what him said, received a kick in his twins from me, for the strength of this and the pain that I generate is hunched forward holding the crotch. I take it from the collar of the shirt and drag it so he looks at me with the back against the bus door.
I ignore everyone that is taken by surprise for my actions and he who tries to say something, take the colt and place the end of the barrel against the forehead stopping his words and causing his lips to tremble when he sees the gun .
"I will give you two options, so choose carefully. Your first option is to go away and screw someone else. For the second, I will be good and do you a favor, will make you avoid the suffering of being eaten alive by them, putting a bullet in your head ... decide quickly, because otherwise in 3 seconds I will make the decision for you "
"W-what are you saying?"
"No, you can't do it"
"Hiiii… it's fine."
When I say the number 2 pull the hammer preparing me to shoot, he panics over the sound produced and fear seizes him
"Y-you will be the le-"
"Kyaaaa !!"
"Noooo !!"
"Sensei !!"
The bus first fills with screams and seconds later seeing that things were not as they thought it, remains in silent until Kurisu speaks.
"I really thought you would kill him"
I eject the magazine from my gun and change it, what can I say ... the guy who fainted by dirtying himself must be very lucky or has a worse fate waiting for him. Charge the gun and I answer Kurisu.
"Let's ignore the above and think that this did not happen. Kurisu wake him up to count him again"
" So you really shot he wanting to kill him, but you had run out of bullets? !! "
Who said that? Were you chubby with glasses? Don't mention it, it's embarrassing. Here I am wanting to act great and then things do not turn out as I wanted ... it will become an shameful story of my life.
"Even I think lifting it to make him to have the same experience, is too cruel."
"Fine, then I'll kill him like that"
"S-stop Alex-kun, you don't need to kill him"
Saeko says taking a look at the fainted guy, when I try to kill him and point the gun, the nurse stops me hugging me by sticking her two big cushions on the back of my neck.
"Ok, open the door and throw it in the street ... it's stinking the bus."
Everyone listens to my words and they look at me like see a demon, when I thought nobody would do it, Saeko approaches the wheel and opens the door. Komuro's girl then kicks him out ... though I said that someone did , was a bit surprised when they do . The girl must have enough rancor to do that.
"Now we can continue to our destination. Nurse, drive"
"He'll be fine? Well, he'll probably manage. Besides, don't tell me nurse Alex-kun, you're so cold. Call me Shisuka-onesan."
"... drive Shisuka"
"Muuu ... you haven't called me onesan"
F.u.c.k, don't do that specific pout ... now I'm imagining you in a white suit with black spots and horns on your head ... this can't be considered my fault.
"Where are we going?"
When my imagination wandered in strange things, the voice of a girl from the teacher's group who got off when he reached his stop echoes out of the image of my mind. I look at her and then to Kurisu to tell her to explain for they, I didn't want to repeat things for the third time. Then she starts saying where the bus heading would be.
"Why do we have to obey her orders?"
Someone dissatisfied speaks expressing their disagreement, followed by the second and then the third until the whole group complains. Kurisu looks in my direction asking for help by not knowing what to do, so I have no choice but to support her.
"Guys have not seen what I have in my hands?"
"E-eh? What does that have to do with this?"
"As I am the person with the gun in my hands, I take the decisions. Besides, this bus is now mine, and that is why is my choice where it is going"
"Y-your bus? This bus belongs to the school, in addition she also has a weapon"
"Now it is mine, as for her… you can think that she is my follower. With things clarified, since am not a kidnapper, you all have two ways to go. The first is to remain seated, silent and abide the instructions given to you. The other is to go after your dear teacher "
With my words pointed at the door, it happens that at that moment the guy named Shido awakens from his heartbreak. Look around seeking to understand his situation, also because we had taken a long time in this place, zombies inside the school and other places in the surrounding area had gathered again in the parking lot.
When he sees the zombies, the guy goes into a panic and rises hurriedly, sees the bus and when he wants to get back in, look at me raising the gun because I emphasized it before, so he stops. Remembering our altercation trembles a little, turns and runs in the opposite direction.
To his misfortune the number of zombies was much greater than the first time he ran through the parking lot, so he is surrounded immediately and the screams are heard throughout the area.
"... please let us stay inside the bus"
"Then do the first instruction and will be fine, I will also tell you in advance so that you do not take by surprise, whoever makes a stupid thing like attacking me or those of my group I will leave them in the middle of a horde of zombies. Is that clear? "
Everyone swallows and nods with fear. I did not come to this world to be a savior or a messiah, if I could help them then i will do, but not at the cost of the life of those of my side, so I do not care if they fear me, in fact, it is better that have that feeling present It is their minds so they don't think about trying to step on my head.
"Then, let's not waste time anymore. Go ahead Shisuka"
Finishing my words I shot a zombie trying to board the truck. And without more setbacks the bus moves to the door of the school, hits it and opens it entering the street and advances by crushing any zombie that crosses its path.
"Where is the bus?"
"To the right"
The nurse's voice responds to me, I turn my head a little in reaction to her voice and then I see an impressive scene. Her two big b.r.e.a.s.ts shake from top to bottom, and as if they created waves by their movements my soul also shakes accordingly. I am surprised that she can maintain her balance and not fall for the force generated by their weight and gravity.
"Alex! Put your eyes on the road"
With Kurisu's words I manage to look away, close my mouth that without knowing had opened and take care of the zombie that was a few steps away from me.
"It seems that you are a man after all, fufufu"
Saeko who was following me closely speaks, I just smiled in response. That is the nature of a man, it is not uncommon for your eyes to be attracted to them, the strange thing is to be able to ignore them as if nothing happens, that would be simply unnatural.
Komuro and his girl were also active killing zombies during the journey preventing them from reaching the center, so they in the middle only had to concentrate on running. In addition, with the occasional help of Kurisu and the type of lenses we advance easily.
"Is that an M-14? Can I see it? "
"I think so ... no, Alex will get mad if I lend you the gun."
Kurisu knocks down a zombi with the rifle, the type of lens witnessing it gets excited and asks her for the weapon to see it ... it is good that Kurisu maintains common sense and does not give a weapon to someone who has just know.
The school bus was getting closer, but zombies came out from everywhere and tried to surround us with their numbers. Thanks to the fact that we kept running without stopping and with me , Saeko, Komuro and the brown-haired girl making our way we all arrived safely.
Being the most advanced Saeko and I are the first, I advance to the door of the truck and take the key out of my pocket, focus on the lock and while sheathe [Black Moon] shout at Saeko.
"Cover me Saeko-chan"
In a few seconds the door opens and with an almost perfect synchronization the others arrive, I step aside and let them pass by keeping an eye on the zombies that drag their feet in our direction.
"Ladies first"
"How nice"
When there is only me and Saeko, I tell her to get on the bus, she answers me smiling and enters it. I board behind following her, inside the others look for a place to sit, the nurse takes the wheel, sees me inside and closes the doors.
I approach and hand over the key, enter it and try to start the engine. After a couple of attempts it turns on and the sound of the cylinders moving is heard. Turn the steering wheel, introduce the gear in the transmission and step on the accelerator.
The bus moves and those who were standing have to hold on to something so as not to fall, for my luck the closest thing was Saeko, so I hug her to keep the balance and she with one arm holds me and with the other hand takes a tube as support.
[Mission / Main "Conquest of the Heart (Saeko) -D"]
To maintain confidence in a person must be based on some emotion, the stronger the greater security will be created.
Objective: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100 Current: Affection 75 (Friendly) Loyalty 60 (companionship)
Reward: 1x Coupon for a random rank [G] weapon
1x Random sword technique [D]
Skill [Focus-J]
"You're fine?"
"Yes, very comfortable"
Now is Saeko eh? For now, let's not focus on that, just let nature take its course. If I try to conquer the girls proactively, will feel that do it for other reasons than the fact of just liking it, so will just enjoy my time with them and whatever happens has to happen.
I raise my head from between her chest to look out the windshield and see zombie bodies fly as they are hit by the bus. The nurse drives around the parking lot and runs over everyone in her path.
"How long are you two going to be hugging !!?"
Kurisu raises her voice questioning, seems jealous of my actions. Probably when the nurse did not find another target to crush with the tires, she stops the bus. Consequently, I and Saeko do separate, so I extend my arms and walk towards Kurisu smiling at she.
"Don't get like that Kurisu, come I'll give you a hug too"
"F-fool, that's not the problem. Hump"
Even saying that does not reject my progress, She only blushes when my hands wrap her and snorts as a last resort when don't know what to do. Taking us out of our moment, hear the voice of a girl.
"Can we leave that for another time, now that we have the bus where we will go? Can we go to our homes?"
The origin of the voice was the pink-haired girl, still hugging Kurisu turned me head to inform the new members of our goal.
"First we will go to the nurse's house, after that we can make other decisions"
Those who already knew simply nod to my words, but the new ones have doubts about the objective and the most dissatisfied is the girl of Komuro who unsatisfied claims.
"Why do we have to go to her house first? I can't contact my father and am worried that something might happen to him."
"Well, surely everyone else has the same concerns, you are not the only one who is uneasy to think about how his relatives will be. But we will go to the nurse's house because she has weapons in this, and as I said, after that, we can decide how to continue "
"Yes, my friend is some kind of military, the house belongs to her and she has a big vehicle and weapons"
To the doubt of the new members the nurse speaks explaining, all then accept to go and the discussion stops. I tell the nurse to drive with a gesture, but when she prepares to make it walk, a frantic pounding coming from the door is heard.
All are surprised and direct their attention to the place, there were several students desperate and afraid asking to open the door to enter. When the nurse drive the bus had to make enough noise to be heard and when clearing the parking lot to smash the zombies, they should took the opportunity to get here.
The others look at me as if waiting for me to make a decision, assent and the nurse takes the lever to open the door and activates it. Soon those who were outside while panting begin to climb.
There are 4 men and 6 women students, plus a young man in glasses who enters at the end. Everyone starts to take a seat and the one who must be a teacher at this school speaks.
"Thank you for opening, we must help each other now in these times of uncertainty"
When he speaks, reviews each one of our group and his eyes go through the body of each one of the girls. The most affected seems to be Komuro's girl, who doesn't bother to pretend her displeasure since he entered.
Honestly, I don't find it pleasant either, when everyone entered, activate the ability in my eyes to check them and all the students are in an altered mental state understandable by what is going on, but he even with his smile and calm attitude has a black aura that It covers his entire body that I did not go unnoticed.
"Some should know me, but for those that don´t, I am Koichi Shido, teacher of this school"
With the smile on his face in a demure way, presents himself, mainly for me and Kurisu in which puts the eyes, in truth his look produces an unpleasant feeling, even causing me to shiver, so I respond coldly.
"I don't care, take a seat like the others"
"Who is your leader?"
With his sentence everyone in my group directs his gaze to me ... it seems that I steals Komuro's role, but if I remember well, he has a more passive personality, so if he sees someone taking the lead will surely step back.
"That a cute little girl bears everyone's responsibility is not right, as a teacher let me take that role. I will strive to make everyone survive this calamity, we will overcome all obstacles to be able to go to a better future. Besides ..."
Out of nowhere he began to give a speech about everything would do as if were running for a political candidacy. The people who came up with him listened to him almost with idolatry and commence to say words of support. Those who were initially with my group had different reactions, some listened only because he was talking, others opt to ignore it and some seem to have swallowed something bitter.
"It's true, Shido sensei will protect us"
"As the eldest of the group should be who directs us"
"Yes, yes. He has saved all of us."
But among them the brown-haired girl could not stand it anymore, she stood up with obvious distaste and shouted furiously.
"If he stays, I'm leaving. I don't plan stay in the same place-"
"Hey, weasel four eyes, come here a moment"
Before she could finish I spoke, saw him in the anime, he was someone manipulative and I remember that he had a problem with that girl. I wasn't going to do anything against him if he didn't bother me, but this is the third mistake he has made since entered the bus. Questions what were they? The first was to look with those eyes as if licking all the girls in my group, can let it happen that he do with brown and pink hair, but not with Kurisu, Saeko and the nurse.
His second mistake was to direct those eyes with the same previous emotions on my body. And last but not least, tell me cute little girl. As a result with a cold voice I called him.
"Does anyone else look like a weasel and bring glasses? Yes, you, come here"
With a confused look he obeys my orders and his feet move to where I was, stops about 30cm from me and asks with a warm tone of voice, but also a flash of coldness appeared in his gaze for a moment.
"What's wrong little girl? You know, you have to respect your elders, surely you are in fear by everything that happened so I will ignore it, but you must be more pol-ickuuu"
Before he could finish what him said, received a kick in his twins from me, for the strength of this and the pain that I generate is hunched forward holding the crotch. I take it from the collar of the shirt and drag it so he looks at me with the back against the bus door.
I ignore everyone that is taken by surprise for my actions and he who tries to say something, take the colt and place the end of the barrel against the forehead stopping his words and causing his lips to tremble when he sees the gun .
"I will give you two options, so choose carefully. Your first option is to go away and screw someone else. For the second, I will be good and do you a favor, will make you avoid the suffering of being eaten alive by them, putting a bullet in your head ... decide quickly, because otherwise in 3 seconds I will make the decision for you "
"W-what are you saying?"
"No, you can't do it"
"Hiiii… it's fine."
When I say the number 2 pull the hammer preparing me to shoot, he panics over the sound produced and fear seizes him
"Y-you will be the le-"
"Kyaaaa !!"
"Noooo !!"
"Sensei !!"
The bus first fills with screams and seconds later seeing that things were not as they thought it, remains in silent until Kurisu speaks.
"I really thought you would kill him"
I eject the magazine from my gun and change it, what can I say ... the guy who fainted by dirtying himself must be very lucky or has a worse fate waiting for him. Charge the gun and I answer Kurisu.
"Let's ignore the above and think that this did not happen. Kurisu wake him up to count him again"
" So you really shot he wanting to kill him, but you had run out of bullets? !! "
Who said that? Were you chubby with glasses? Don't mention it, it's embarrassing. Here I am wanting to act great and then things do not turn out as I wanted ... it will become an shameful story of my life.
"Even I think lifting it to make him to have the same experience, is too cruel."
"Fine, then I'll kill him like that"
"S-stop Alex-kun, you don't need to kill him"
Saeko says taking a look at the fainted guy, when I try to kill him and point the gun, the nurse stops me hugging me by sticking her two big cushions on the back of my neck.
"Ok, open the door and throw it in the street ... it's stinking the bus."
Everyone listens to my words and they look at me like see a demon, when I thought nobody would do it, Saeko approaches the wheel and opens the door. Komuro's girl then kicks him out ... though I said that someone did , was a bit surprised when they do . The girl must have enough rancor to do that.
"Now we can continue to our destination. Nurse, drive"
"He'll be fine? Well, he'll probably manage. Besides, don't tell me nurse Alex-kun, you're so cold. Call me Shisuka-onesan."
"... drive Shisuka"
"Muuu ... you haven't called me onesan"
F.u.c.k, don't do that specific pout ... now I'm imagining you in a white suit with black spots and horns on your head ... this can't be considered my fault.
"Where are we going?"
When my imagination wandered in strange things, the voice of a girl from the teacher's group who got off when he reached his stop echoes out of the image of my mind. I look at her and then to Kurisu to tell her to explain for they, I didn't want to repeat things for the third time. Then she starts saying where the bus heading would be.
"Why do we have to obey her orders?"
Someone dissatisfied speaks expressing their disagreement, followed by the second and then the third until the whole group complains. Kurisu looks in my direction asking for help by not knowing what to do, so I have no choice but to support her.
"Guys have not seen what I have in my hands?"
"E-eh? What does that have to do with this?"
"As I am the person with the gun in my hands, I take the decisions. Besides, this bus is now mine, and that is why is my choice where it is going"
"Y-your bus? This bus belongs to the school, in addition she also has a weapon"
"Now it is mine, as for her… you can think that she is my follower. With things clarified, since am not a kidnapper, you all have two ways to go. The first is to remain seated, silent and abide the instructions given to you. The other is to go after your dear teacher "
With my words pointed at the door, it happens that at that moment the guy named Shido awakens from his heartbreak. Look around seeking to understand his situation, also because we had taken a long time in this place, zombies inside the school and other places in the surrounding area had gathered again in the parking lot.
When he sees the zombies, the guy goes into a panic and rises hurriedly, sees the bus and when he wants to get back in, look at me raising the gun because I emphasized it before, so he stops. Remembering our altercation trembles a little, turns and runs in the opposite direction.
To his misfortune the number of zombies was much greater than the first time he ran through the parking lot, so he is surrounded immediately and the screams are heard throughout the area.
"... please let us stay inside the bus"
"Then do the first instruction and will be fine, I will also tell you in advance so that you do not take by surprise, whoever makes a stupid thing like attacking me or those of my group I will leave them in the middle of a horde of zombies. Is that clear? "
Everyone swallows and nods with fear. I did not come to this world to be a savior or a messiah, if I could help them then i will do, but not at the cost of the life of those of my side, so I do not care if they fear me, in fact, it is better that have that feeling present It is their minds so they don't think about trying to step on my head.
"Then, let's not waste time anymore. Go ahead Shisuka"
Finishing my words I shot a zombie trying to board the truck. And without more setbacks the bus moves to the door of the school, hits it and opens it entering the street and advances by crushing any zombie that crosses its path.
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