System Evolution Of Soul
Chapter 25 - 22 Taking refuge in Shisuka's house
Me, Komuro and Saeko get off the bus, take a look around and see only some zombies walking the streets, but none too close. I go ahead and reach the door, with the key that Shisuka handed me before, turn the bolt and open.
Inside everything was in order, according to what Shisuka told me, she lived alone and her friend only stayed here at times because went out a lot for her work, I also don't remember that there was a zombie in the house when saw the anime. But to avoid some tragedy we searched the whole house.
After several minutes the three of us met again in the living room and with none of us finding any problem, then I proceed to leave and tell those who wait on the bus that it is safe inside and can enter.
Next to the door I see the others enter while watch to take care of any zombie that gets too close. Some enter carrying food packages and then leave them on the table in the living room, look for a place and sit or keep stand.
When the last one enters I close and also go to the living room. I look at Shisuka and talk to her… she seems to have forgotten why we are here, is lying comfortably in an couch.
"Shisuka, where are the weapons?"
"Oh, right. They're in a bedroom on the second floor ~"
When she finishes saying, lies face down on the couch with everyone watching her ... or rather those large lumps of meat that press with their weight and protrude to the sides.
" Get up and take me where they are"
"Eeeh, but I'm tired ... it has been a very bad day"
Well, that's for sure, not every day see the beginning of a zombie apocalypse. But I need her to climb for several reasons, extend my hands to one of those round buttocks that stand out superbly, with the index finger and thumb grab a good piece of meat and turn it clockwise.
" Quick , take me to where the weapons are! "
"Hyaaan ... Alex-kun you are bad. You're always harassing me"
In my defense can only say that with her body and personality it is practically as if she had a sign on the forehead with the phrase "Please harass me". Even saying that, she gets up walks in the direction of the stairs and climbs them. I'm follow behind her while instruct others.
"Kurisu, Saeko, Komuro and You 5 come too, also bring all the food we get"
Apart from the 3 that I name, point to the two girls I saved in the beginning, Komuro's childhood friend, the chubby guy with glasses and the pink-haired girl. Kurisu sees me for a second and then goes to the table, takes the tings she can and follows us. The others have doubts, but after seeing Kurisu move, they also do.
Shisuka takes us to a bedroom, inside points out some locker and realizing that they need keys goes to a chest of drawers and takes some keys from it and then hand me them over. Everyone starts to arrive and put the things on the bed, I take the keys and open the locker.
Inside I find several firearms with the black metal shining, their names appear in my vision as text boxes of the system [Ithaca M-37], [Spingfield A1M1], [M-16].
[Ithaca M-37]
Semi-automatic sliding shotgun, uses a loading / ejection hatch at the bottom of it, facilitating the use of right and left handed people. Caliber of .10 - .28 with a capacity for 8 cartridges.
[Springfield A1M1]
Carbine semi-automatic caliber .30, light with a capacity of 15 cartridges. It has a gas activated system with a rate of fire of 800 - 900 shots per minute.
Assault rifle, first rifle made of composite material (Steel, Aluminum and Plastic) with a gas-powered recharge system. It has a 5.56mm caliber with a STANAG magazine with a capacity of 30 cartridges, has telescopic sight.
The first two were the first time that I listen and see them, the third was the weapon that initially wanted to buy for Kurisu, but for lack of funds had to opt for the M-14. Also inside the locker there was a lot of bullets ... without a doubt Shisuka's friend could attack a goblin settlement on her own and without having to worry about ammunition.
But even with all these weapons they are not enough for everyone here, take the shotgun and throw it at Komuro. Everyone's vision goes to the weapon and taking the opportunity buy 2 AK-47 and a beretta in the system spending for 14,000G and put them in the locker while I speak.
"Take it, the chubby ... well, I think we should all introduce ourselves since we don't have to worry about zombies"
I recently thought that this would be my core group at the moment, in the anime everyone has skill and a respectable personality ... Komuro's friend although I do not like her personality, that is something personal, in the anime at least she showed herself Skilful and courageous enough to kill zombies with short range weapons.
So if I wanted to create a group with them we should get to know each other and gradually form a fellowship between us. For that reason started with everyone's presentations.
"I am Alexander, an exemplary citizen in search of peace"
I inflate my chest and speak with pride, but everyone looks at me as if they don't know whether to laugh because it's a joke or have a dignified face because it's something serious. The exception was Kurisu who touched her forehead with the hand and someone else.
"And surely you're looking to win the Nobel Prize, right?"
"How do you know my dream?"
"Stop nonsense, you are as unbelievable as a boxer who says he hates fighting"
"You see it in the wrong way, the boxer can live by fighting, but it is not as if he fights with anyone who comes across him, juxtaposing with my ideology, not for wanting peace I will be a philanthropist. The peace I seek It is for those around me, those who try to harm us I will not receive them whit a discourse of how to live together, it will be whit the metal of my sword and gun "
Arguing with the brown-haired girl, who was the other exception, others seem to think about my words.
For some time I have noticed it, wanted to deny it for fear of stopping being myself, but my way of thinking has changed slowly, before it was not so dominant, did not seek to be above others. But now ... was it for Gaia? Or because I rejected anything that limited me?
[That may have influenced a little, but mainly it is because you have other innate that in your previous life you did not have and in developing these, your ideologies that is agree with these innate will also increase. In this case, your [Emperor's Will] has been influencing you]
... Do you mean that if for some reason get an innate who focuses on murder I will become a ruthless person who seeks to kill at all the time?
[Not necessarily, the innate can influence the person, but for this to develop, the individual must have a mind according to it. For example, if we speak it with concepts from your world, there are people genetically predisposed to behave aggressively or evilly, this person can have that genetics, but they can live a normal life without knowing they have it, since it will only be activated if there is a trigger that causes it.
The fact that your [Emperor's Will] ability grows in rank means that within you there was that mentality and perhaps as you say, by the fact of being in a different environment or stop sticking to the established limits, that conception floated .
That is why you can be calm, you will not become someone who you are not, and you always have to be the one who controls your skills and not in the opposite way]
Well, that's a relief. When I wandered in my thoughts I feel a deja-vu, something lifts me up by taking my back hugging my chest and a feeling of softness surrounds my head, so words that almost make me spit blood are heard in the room.
"Alex-kun is so smart, he understands such complicated things"
This woman sure must have a hidden murder skill ... will remember this and make she pay later, for now I will simply enjoy the pleasant sensation in my head. I lie on her chest and she begins to hum happily, sits on the bed and puts me on her legs.
"Hey you! Release it"
"Eh? Why?"
Kuruisu shouts while pointing at Shisuka with the finger, but when she asks her, her response stagnates when she finds no words or doesn't want to say them. So Kurisu simply sees her with angry eyes, unfortunately for her, doesn't seem to have an effect on Shisuka that tilts the head waiting for her to continue, but by not doing so she starts humming.
"Well as I said, let's continue introducing ourselves, is your turn Kurisu"
"... I'm Kurisu Makise, a scientist who worked in a laboratory"
"When have you seen a scientist carry a gun and shoot?"
"You stop interrupting the presentations of others, if you want to talk do it to introduce yourself"
" Tch , I'm Rei Miyamoto firs year student"
"Takashi Komuro sophomore"
"Saeko Busijima third year student"
"Saya Takagi freshman"
"Kohta Hirano also freshman"
"Toshimi Niki sophomore, thanks for saving us at school"
"I am Misuzu Ichijo, if it weren't for you we would surely have died"
Everyone shows up, just missing the person who hums happily. The eyes of others go is our direction and when it feels their eyes she takes a few seconds to understand the reason, but in the end it says she is name.
"I'm Shizuka Marikawa, school nurse, nice to meet you"
"Fuuu ... I don't want to discourage you all, but should change how present yourself, because I don't think you can continue as students. Well for now everyone will take a weapon to defend yourselves against zombies."
"Ah! Alex-kun..."
I regretfully get up from Shisuka's lap that looks like a child whose toy was taken away. I begin to take out the other weapons from the locker and deliver them one by one. To Komuro I had handed him the shotgun before, remember it is the one he used in the anime, give to Misuzu and Niki the Ak-47 and reviewed with evaluation when I pass them on.
Assault rifle major produced in history, so this shows its effectiveness and performance for combat. It is 7.62mm caliber with semi-automatic or automatic functions and with 40-cartridge curved magazine.
It seems to be a good weapon and it is an advantage that is of the same caliber as the M-14, I had got enough bullets in the system store for Kurisu, I will tell she to spend a few because they only had 100 shots each when I bought.
The A1M1 carbine was delivered to Rei while we watched each other for a few moments, even with our differences I don't think she shoots me in the back ...
To Saya I deliver the beretta and she happily receives it, as for Hirano when I see the M-16 in my hand speak to Kurisu.
"Kurisu pass your weapon to Hirano and take this one."
"Eh? ... can I keep this one? I've got used to this weapon and I like it ... it was also the first thing you gave me"
I smiled bitterly, wanted to give she the best weapon, but if her doesn't want it I can't do anything. Well, it's not as if the M-14 is a bad weapon, it has worked very well so far.
"Take Hirano, this is yours. Saeko you want a gun? Besides, Shisuka ... you always stay with someone who has a gun"
"I prefer my sword, I'm used to it and if the bullets run out I won't be able to do anything with it"
"I'll get you a real sword later. Hirano take care to explain everyone how uses their weapons and make sure they understand it well so there are no accidents."
With the weapons delivered intended to return to the most comfortable seat I had ever known, but Kurisu intercepts me halfway, it will have to be at another time. Komuro and Rei approach Hirano and he begins to explain how to use the weapon, the other three girls walk towards me and ask.
"Can you teach us?"
"I'm sorry, it's not that don't want to teach you, but honestly don't know much about weapons as Hirano. It is certain that he has more knowledge than me on those issues."
"It's true, we've only used them a few days, go with him to he explain you"
I tell to the three girls and Kurisu puts herself among us continuing with my words, she was like a cat that protects her food so that others do not take it away. From what it seems, she won't let other girls get close to me.
With my words I remember something, then walk to Hirano and when he notices me, ask to him taking out my colt and pointing to the M-14 of Kurisu.
"Hirano, you can do the maintain of my weapon and Kurisu's, in the locker I saw the materials needed to do it"
"Of course, leave it to me !!"
I sit on the bed after handing Hirano the weapons, Kurisu takes one of my sides and Shisuka the other. I watch everyone in the room and speak again.
"Then let's move on to the second topic I wanted to talk about whit all of you. I need that eveyone following the thing that I am going to do and support what I will talk below to the people that stay down , you maybe not agree, but for now you have to follow the flow of the conversation "
"Who put you as a leader?"
"You have every right not to follow me and I will not prevent it, but then after leaving this house we will take separate paths. I also have no duty to protect and take care of all of you, take the weapon I gave you as a gift for having worked together
You can't complain to me, I've been pretty good at giving you a weapon to protect yourself. If you have any problem with me taking command, anyone can say it now, so that each one goes his own way "
The last sentence is directed to everyone, you would think it was better first to talk about this and then give them the weapons. But with weapons will give them more courage to make their own decisions.
I'd rather lose a weapon than have someone following me because am the one with the weapons hiding his true intentions and betraying me when feels safe. I look at everyone in the room waiting for his decision.
"I'll stay next to Alex-kun to take care of him ~"
"You don't need to take care of he, you can go your own way ... he already have me as partner to help him"
"Eee? Why?"
The first to break the tension that felt in the room was Shisuka followed by Kurisu who gives her an annoying look. And in reaction to them the others begin to speak taking a side.
"I will follow you ... as I said, if it weren't for you we would have died"
"Me too"
"I'm sorry, but my ideas are more in common with Alex-san"
"I'd rather be with someone who acted than one who only knows how to open his mouth, I'll go with him"
"Emmm ... I will go with Alexander-kun, his decisions have kept us safe until now"
Misuzu and Niki are next to speak, then when Rei looks and wants to say something to Saeko, but she speaks first without giving her the opportunity to say something. Saya is the next to give her opinion as she passes the eyes on Rei and Komuro . In the end Hirano watching Saya and take a side also making a choice.
"You!! why you're always mean whit me !?"
With those words, Rei, unable to withstand the atmosphere, hurries out of the room ... haaa, I don't think I have done anything against she and this is due to her own actions.
"I'll talk to her, she's only hurt by the death of a friend. We'll follow what you say so please forgive her."
"If you can achieve what you say I have no problem with both of you following me"
At that moment Komuro turns to me and tells me to later run after Rei, following they with her eyes Saya and Kurisu complain for their own reasons.
"What is her problem? It is obviously she who has gone against Alex without reason"
A few minutes later the two return, Komuro walks to stand in front of me and Rei a little behind covering herself with him. The hen urge her to speak.
"Come on Rei , we'll talk about it"
"... Fine! I will also follow what you say, are you happy with that !?"
"Then if they have already made a decision let's go down and talk to the others."
At the end of this discussion I walk to the stairs where others are waiting for us, after my steps what would be the core of my group in this world for the moment follows me. The others will also have to submit to my instructions if you want us to still protect them.
Inside everything was in order, according to what Shisuka told me, she lived alone and her friend only stayed here at times because went out a lot for her work, I also don't remember that there was a zombie in the house when saw the anime. But to avoid some tragedy we searched the whole house.
After several minutes the three of us met again in the living room and with none of us finding any problem, then I proceed to leave and tell those who wait on the bus that it is safe inside and can enter.
Next to the door I see the others enter while watch to take care of any zombie that gets too close. Some enter carrying food packages and then leave them on the table in the living room, look for a place and sit or keep stand.
When the last one enters I close and also go to the living room. I look at Shisuka and talk to her… she seems to have forgotten why we are here, is lying comfortably in an couch.
"Shisuka, where are the weapons?"
"Oh, right. They're in a bedroom on the second floor ~"
When she finishes saying, lies face down on the couch with everyone watching her ... or rather those large lumps of meat that press with their weight and protrude to the sides.
" Get up and take me where they are"
"Eeeh, but I'm tired ... it has been a very bad day"
Well, that's for sure, not every day see the beginning of a zombie apocalypse. But I need her to climb for several reasons, extend my hands to one of those round buttocks that stand out superbly, with the index finger and thumb grab a good piece of meat and turn it clockwise.
" Quick , take me to where the weapons are! "
"Hyaaan ... Alex-kun you are bad. You're always harassing me"
In my defense can only say that with her body and personality it is practically as if she had a sign on the forehead with the phrase "Please harass me". Even saying that, she gets up walks in the direction of the stairs and climbs them. I'm follow behind her while instruct others.
"Kurisu, Saeko, Komuro and You 5 come too, also bring all the food we get"
Apart from the 3 that I name, point to the two girls I saved in the beginning, Komuro's childhood friend, the chubby guy with glasses and the pink-haired girl. Kurisu sees me for a second and then goes to the table, takes the tings she can and follows us. The others have doubts, but after seeing Kurisu move, they also do.
Shisuka takes us to a bedroom, inside points out some locker and realizing that they need keys goes to a chest of drawers and takes some keys from it and then hand me them over. Everyone starts to arrive and put the things on the bed, I take the keys and open the locker.
Inside I find several firearms with the black metal shining, their names appear in my vision as text boxes of the system [Ithaca M-37], [Spingfield A1M1], [M-16].
[Ithaca M-37]
Semi-automatic sliding shotgun, uses a loading / ejection hatch at the bottom of it, facilitating the use of right and left handed people. Caliber of .10 - .28 with a capacity for 8 cartridges.
[Springfield A1M1]
Carbine semi-automatic caliber .30, light with a capacity of 15 cartridges. It has a gas activated system with a rate of fire of 800 - 900 shots per minute.
Assault rifle, first rifle made of composite material (Steel, Aluminum and Plastic) with a gas-powered recharge system. It has a 5.56mm caliber with a STANAG magazine with a capacity of 30 cartridges, has telescopic sight.
The first two were the first time that I listen and see them, the third was the weapon that initially wanted to buy for Kurisu, but for lack of funds had to opt for the M-14. Also inside the locker there was a lot of bullets ... without a doubt Shisuka's friend could attack a goblin settlement on her own and without having to worry about ammunition.
But even with all these weapons they are not enough for everyone here, take the shotgun and throw it at Komuro. Everyone's vision goes to the weapon and taking the opportunity buy 2 AK-47 and a beretta in the system spending for 14,000G and put them in the locker while I speak.
"Take it, the chubby ... well, I think we should all introduce ourselves since we don't have to worry about zombies"
I recently thought that this would be my core group at the moment, in the anime everyone has skill and a respectable personality ... Komuro's friend although I do not like her personality, that is something personal, in the anime at least she showed herself Skilful and courageous enough to kill zombies with short range weapons.
So if I wanted to create a group with them we should get to know each other and gradually form a fellowship between us. For that reason started with everyone's presentations.
"I am Alexander, an exemplary citizen in search of peace"
I inflate my chest and speak with pride, but everyone looks at me as if they don't know whether to laugh because it's a joke or have a dignified face because it's something serious. The exception was Kurisu who touched her forehead with the hand and someone else.
"And surely you're looking to win the Nobel Prize, right?"
"How do you know my dream?"
"Stop nonsense, you are as unbelievable as a boxer who says he hates fighting"
"You see it in the wrong way, the boxer can live by fighting, but it is not as if he fights with anyone who comes across him, juxtaposing with my ideology, not for wanting peace I will be a philanthropist. The peace I seek It is for those around me, those who try to harm us I will not receive them whit a discourse of how to live together, it will be whit the metal of my sword and gun "
Arguing with the brown-haired girl, who was the other exception, others seem to think about my words.
For some time I have noticed it, wanted to deny it for fear of stopping being myself, but my way of thinking has changed slowly, before it was not so dominant, did not seek to be above others. But now ... was it for Gaia? Or because I rejected anything that limited me?
[That may have influenced a little, but mainly it is because you have other innate that in your previous life you did not have and in developing these, your ideologies that is agree with these innate will also increase. In this case, your [Emperor's Will] has been influencing you]
... Do you mean that if for some reason get an innate who focuses on murder I will become a ruthless person who seeks to kill at all the time?
[Not necessarily, the innate can influence the person, but for this to develop, the individual must have a mind according to it. For example, if we speak it with concepts from your world, there are people genetically predisposed to behave aggressively or evilly, this person can have that genetics, but they can live a normal life without knowing they have it, since it will only be activated if there is a trigger that causes it.
The fact that your [Emperor's Will] ability grows in rank means that within you there was that mentality and perhaps as you say, by the fact of being in a different environment or stop sticking to the established limits, that conception floated .
That is why you can be calm, you will not become someone who you are not, and you always have to be the one who controls your skills and not in the opposite way]
Well, that's a relief. When I wandered in my thoughts I feel a deja-vu, something lifts me up by taking my back hugging my chest and a feeling of softness surrounds my head, so words that almost make me spit blood are heard in the room.
"Alex-kun is so smart, he understands such complicated things"
This woman sure must have a hidden murder skill ... will remember this and make she pay later, for now I will simply enjoy the pleasant sensation in my head. I lie on her chest and she begins to hum happily, sits on the bed and puts me on her legs.
"Hey you! Release it"
"Eh? Why?"
Kuruisu shouts while pointing at Shisuka with the finger, but when she asks her, her response stagnates when she finds no words or doesn't want to say them. So Kurisu simply sees her with angry eyes, unfortunately for her, doesn't seem to have an effect on Shisuka that tilts the head waiting for her to continue, but by not doing so she starts humming.
"Well as I said, let's continue introducing ourselves, is your turn Kurisu"
"... I'm Kurisu Makise, a scientist who worked in a laboratory"
"When have you seen a scientist carry a gun and shoot?"
"You stop interrupting the presentations of others, if you want to talk do it to introduce yourself"
" Tch , I'm Rei Miyamoto firs year student"
"Takashi Komuro sophomore"
"Saeko Busijima third year student"
"Saya Takagi freshman"
"Kohta Hirano also freshman"
"Toshimi Niki sophomore, thanks for saving us at school"
"I am Misuzu Ichijo, if it weren't for you we would surely have died"
Everyone shows up, just missing the person who hums happily. The eyes of others go is our direction and when it feels their eyes she takes a few seconds to understand the reason, but in the end it says she is name.
"I'm Shizuka Marikawa, school nurse, nice to meet you"
"Fuuu ... I don't want to discourage you all, but should change how present yourself, because I don't think you can continue as students. Well for now everyone will take a weapon to defend yourselves against zombies."
"Ah! Alex-kun..."
I regretfully get up from Shisuka's lap that looks like a child whose toy was taken away. I begin to take out the other weapons from the locker and deliver them one by one. To Komuro I had handed him the shotgun before, remember it is the one he used in the anime, give to Misuzu and Niki the Ak-47 and reviewed with evaluation when I pass them on.
Assault rifle major produced in history, so this shows its effectiveness and performance for combat. It is 7.62mm caliber with semi-automatic or automatic functions and with 40-cartridge curved magazine.
It seems to be a good weapon and it is an advantage that is of the same caliber as the M-14, I had got enough bullets in the system store for Kurisu, I will tell she to spend a few because they only had 100 shots each when I bought.
The A1M1 carbine was delivered to Rei while we watched each other for a few moments, even with our differences I don't think she shoots me in the back ...
To Saya I deliver the beretta and she happily receives it, as for Hirano when I see the M-16 in my hand speak to Kurisu.
"Kurisu pass your weapon to Hirano and take this one."
"Eh? ... can I keep this one? I've got used to this weapon and I like it ... it was also the first thing you gave me"
I smiled bitterly, wanted to give she the best weapon, but if her doesn't want it I can't do anything. Well, it's not as if the M-14 is a bad weapon, it has worked very well so far.
"Take Hirano, this is yours. Saeko you want a gun? Besides, Shisuka ... you always stay with someone who has a gun"
"I prefer my sword, I'm used to it and if the bullets run out I won't be able to do anything with it"
"I'll get you a real sword later. Hirano take care to explain everyone how uses their weapons and make sure they understand it well so there are no accidents."
With the weapons delivered intended to return to the most comfortable seat I had ever known, but Kurisu intercepts me halfway, it will have to be at another time. Komuro and Rei approach Hirano and he begins to explain how to use the weapon, the other three girls walk towards me and ask.
"Can you teach us?"
"I'm sorry, it's not that don't want to teach you, but honestly don't know much about weapons as Hirano. It is certain that he has more knowledge than me on those issues."
"It's true, we've only used them a few days, go with him to he explain you"
I tell to the three girls and Kurisu puts herself among us continuing with my words, she was like a cat that protects her food so that others do not take it away. From what it seems, she won't let other girls get close to me.
With my words I remember something, then walk to Hirano and when he notices me, ask to him taking out my colt and pointing to the M-14 of Kurisu.
"Hirano, you can do the maintain of my weapon and Kurisu's, in the locker I saw the materials needed to do it"
"Of course, leave it to me !!"
I sit on the bed after handing Hirano the weapons, Kurisu takes one of my sides and Shisuka the other. I watch everyone in the room and speak again.
"Then let's move on to the second topic I wanted to talk about whit all of you. I need that eveyone following the thing that I am going to do and support what I will talk below to the people that stay down , you maybe not agree, but for now you have to follow the flow of the conversation "
"Who put you as a leader?"
"You have every right not to follow me and I will not prevent it, but then after leaving this house we will take separate paths. I also have no duty to protect and take care of all of you, take the weapon I gave you as a gift for having worked together
You can't complain to me, I've been pretty good at giving you a weapon to protect yourself. If you have any problem with me taking command, anyone can say it now, so that each one goes his own way "
The last sentence is directed to everyone, you would think it was better first to talk about this and then give them the weapons. But with weapons will give them more courage to make their own decisions.
I'd rather lose a weapon than have someone following me because am the one with the weapons hiding his true intentions and betraying me when feels safe. I look at everyone in the room waiting for his decision.
"I'll stay next to Alex-kun to take care of him ~"
"You don't need to take care of he, you can go your own way ... he already have me as partner to help him"
"Eee? Why?"
The first to break the tension that felt in the room was Shisuka followed by Kurisu who gives her an annoying look. And in reaction to them the others begin to speak taking a side.
"I will follow you ... as I said, if it weren't for you we would have died"
"Me too"
"I'm sorry, but my ideas are more in common with Alex-san"
"I'd rather be with someone who acted than one who only knows how to open his mouth, I'll go with him"
"Emmm ... I will go with Alexander-kun, his decisions have kept us safe until now"
Misuzu and Niki are next to speak, then when Rei looks and wants to say something to Saeko, but she speaks first without giving her the opportunity to say something. Saya is the next to give her opinion as she passes the eyes on Rei and Komuro . In the end Hirano watching Saya and take a side also making a choice.
"You!! why you're always mean whit me !?"
With those words, Rei, unable to withstand the atmosphere, hurries out of the room ... haaa, I don't think I have done anything against she and this is due to her own actions.
"I'll talk to her, she's only hurt by the death of a friend. We'll follow what you say so please forgive her."
"If you can achieve what you say I have no problem with both of you following me"
At that moment Komuro turns to me and tells me to later run after Rei, following they with her eyes Saya and Kurisu complain for their own reasons.
"What is her problem? It is obviously she who has gone against Alex without reason"
A few minutes later the two return, Komuro walks to stand in front of me and Rei a little behind covering herself with him. The hen urge her to speak.
"Come on Rei , we'll talk about it"
"... Fine! I will also follow what you say, are you happy with that !?"
"Then if they have already made a decision let's go down and talk to the others."
At the end of this discussion I walk to the stairs where others are waiting for us, after my steps what would be the core of my group in this world for the moment follows me. The others will also have to submit to my instructions if you want us to still protect them.
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