System Evolution Of Soul
Chapter 30 - 27 Rescue
"Help! Please open"
My comfort in hearing the scream is that it was not Kurisu's voice, in fact, it was from a man. He shouts as knocked on something, surely a door for the interpretation of his words, although it was nobody I known, ran quickly to the house.
It was already dark and when I reached my destination, on a street under a lamp in the porch of a house, two silhouettes were distinguished, one large and one small. The big one was knocking desperately on the door, ignoring that with his actions he was drawing the attention of the Zombies.
Shit, now I remember. It must be the father of the little girl who accompanied the protagonists of the story and if things follow the original plot then ...
Together with my thoughts the door opens and a knife comes out stabbing the man, he is surprised and sees inside the house. Something is heard, but for the distance there are only murmurs in the wind.
Well, for a stabbing in the stomach you will not die immediately, you have a chance to survive ... obviously, if that help does get before the zombies that the fool called to feast with their body reach them.
"They've stabbed him!"
Watching everything that happened, above my head, on the second floor the voice of Hirano is heard. It seems that everyone was watching the show. For now let's save the guy and the girl, I would probably have nightmares if see how a group of zombies devour the little girl. I raise my voice to get everyone's attention on the balcony.
"Kurisu and Hirano, cover the two people so that zombies don't bite them, surely with your aim it would not be a difficulty. No, wait ... you don't shoot Hirano, your weapon has no silencer."
"Alex! You returned"
"Yes, I'm-"
"Watch out, you have a zombie by your side !!"
E-eh? Damn it, I didn't realize it was coming ... where is it? I turn my head in all directions to find the zombie, but can't find him, then Saeko tells me his location by pointing.
"She must refer to Schythe, right?"
Oh I see. Although it is no longer a zombie, it cannot be denied that it has some characteristics similar to one. I quickly speak to Kurisu and the others who pointed at Schythe to prevent them from firing.
"Don't shoot, she's ... it's hard to explain now, just don't shoot her since it's not dangerous"
They hesitated a little, but abide by my words, that's good, Schyte had also turn in a defensive mod, although it is most likely that they will kill her with shots, there are also chances that she will reach them and if she can get more closer to they, none of them could stop her.
" You also don't attack them Schythe, instead, go and kills all the zombies that try to reach that 2 over there"
After uttering, she throws herself running to where the 2 that were indicated, these on the balcony are surprised to see her run that way, since no zombie moved at that speed until now, if they did so, certainly humans would not have salvation.
"Kurisu, focus on covering the 2 over there and don't worry about her. Saeko-chan, we also follow Scythe, we have to carry the wounded and bring the girl"
I and Saeko start running in the direction of the blood path that Schythe had created, we killed a few zombies who were lucky not to meet the claws of my ghoul. With the path half clean of enemies, we soon reached the porch where the two were.
The girl cried as she lay on the chest of her dad who was lying on the floor, I saw bodies of zombies around both, Kurisu was correctly covering them. Schythe was on the side of the street killing any living dead approaching, giving us enough peace of mind to proceed.
It is not chivalrous, but with my body it is very uncomfortable to carry an a.d.u.l.t, without another option I turn to Saeko and tell she.
"Saeko tries to support the man, I will open the way for any zombie that comes close and also take care of the girl"
"Please just save her, that's enough for me ... I won't delay you making carry me, but save her I beg you!"
"No, dad, don't leave me alone!"
The girl's father speaks with tears in his eyes, and the girl sadly says between her tears. On the other hand, where did the dog come from? Thinking in that, I vaguely remember that if there was a dog in the anime ... whatever, I made the decision beforehand and will do it as planned.
"Do not cry girl and take your dog, don't worry, I will also help your dad, but if you keep crying the monsters will come"
"Will you really save my dad? !!"
"I pretend that, now step aside and let this one-chan help your dad to get up to get out of here."
The girl turns to Saeko who smiles at her, then quickly she stands aside while takes the dog with both of her hands and hugs it. Saeko bends down and incorporates the man who still insists that we leave him and that we only take the little girl.
"Stop complaining man, if you're worried that you're a delay us, is better clench your teeth and speed up the pace."
"Papa you can do it, keep walking !!"
After several minutes arrived at the door of the house where we lived, the one that receives us are Shisuka and several more. With the support of more people they move the man easily, but when went to lay him down in the living room, I spoke.
"Take it up"
"But he's hurt and it's better to treat him here."
"Never mind, take it up"
"Moo, Alex-kun dumb ... fast, take him up"
After Shisuka is convinced, they change direction to the stairs and begin to climb he among several people. When I see that they take the path that told them, go back outside and put two fingers in my mouth and whistle.
"Schyte, come back"
Immediately after the echo of the whistle be heard, is followed by my voice, Schyte who is covered in blood come seconds later while jogs to where I am, but does not seem hurt by what should be of the zombies. Then next to her I enter the house.
"Haaa !! Why there is a zombie inside? !!"
Once inside, a scandal breaks out with the group of people who previously directed the weasel with glasses.
"Grhaaa !!"
Everyone is silent, more than by my words it was because of Schythe's support followed after me, the fear of drawing her attention led them to close their mouths.
Since everyone is quiet, I head for the stairs and as if it were my faithful dog Scythe follows me without having to say anything. When I arrive upstairs it is good that they do not receive me with shouts like the others, but they still seem puzzled and distrustful of Scythe who is behind me. The one that breaks the tense atmosphere is Shisuka, who either didn't realize the ghoul in the room or just doesn't care.
"This is bad Alex-kun, the stab touched the internal organs. He needs to go to a hospital and have a doctor operate it or he will bleed out and die."
The stabbed man seems to have lost consciousness at some point during the move to the second floor and now breathed weakly while lying in an couch.
"A hospital? Surely the doctor there will eat he instead of treating he ... I doubt that there is still one working"
[A potion of rank [I] that you have should be enough to block internal bleeding. Just do the same as before, have he to drink half of the potion and the rest apply it to the wound]
When the girl hears that her father would die, she again becomes a water fountain with speakers included. In the midst of her lament I listen to Aurora, it seems that the girl's father is lucky and can be saved. I put my hand in my pocket, take out an [I-potion] and handed it to Shisuka at the same time comfort the child.
"Don't worry, your dad will not die, Shisuka, you have to make him drink the half of this and the rest empty it over the wound"
"What is this?"
"If I tell you, I would have to ..."
I say with a serious face and stop my words in the middle of sentence, I look directly at her and caress the colt with my fingers. I hear several people swallow and I see their bodies shake with a slight tremor, Shisuka on the other hand ... tilts her head in doubt. Damn, is she immune to stress? With everyone else in suspense I repeat.
"If I tell you, I would have to make love to you"
"E-eh? Moo, Alex-kun rascal !~"
"Alex !!"
"Fufufu ..."
[Shisuka Affection +5]
Kurisu yells at me in complaint while Saeko laughs discreetly, the others I see they almost slip and fall on the floor. Only the girl and Schyte do not seem to understand my words, one continues to worry about her father and the other just observes everything that happens. Stopping to joke, I hurry Shisuka that although she complains seems happy.
"Just apply it or he will get worse"
In the end she follows my instructions and gives the man half a bottle to drink, then cuts the cloth around the wound and applies the potion. Everyone gathers around curious, without being an exception I also stand aside. The liquid sprayed on the wound seems to clot into a kind of green jelly, it wasn't very pleasant to see, but at least it stopped the bleeding.
"Now we just have to wait for him to recover"
"Hopefully it works, for now I will bandage his wound so that it does not stay exposed"
"Well, we should go out since there is nothing else we can do, can only let he rest quietly"
I down the stairs and the others one by one do the same. Kurisu takes the girl's hand that unwilling to leave her dad but finally accompanies her, I look for a place in the living room on the first floor, but as if it were a plague everyone stand aside and immediately vacates the largest armchair. That hurts my feelings a little ... no, the truth does not matter to me, besides, more than avoiding me, they do it for my new shadow that immediately sits aside where I do it and she takes her characteristic crouched position.
Oh, She at the right height to stroked her hair, so that is precisely what I do. Gek, now is full of blood, hell, won't I get infected by this?
[Don't worry Alexander, because of the data that I have been able to collect, the virus cannot survive an exposed environment, so after a few seconds that the zombie's blood comes into contact with the air it dies]
Ooh, can you do things like that Aurora? That's great, so you know if a terrorist or a crazy pharmacist spread the virus?
[I afraid that none, because of the data it is very likely that the world itself created the virus. This world is in a process to transform itself into a world of level 2, many worlds when they enter a process of evolution unleash catastrophes so that the living beings in them adapt]
Haa? Is the world evolving? That's not a problem? Won't I suddenly find a creature with a level 2 soul? Aurora please tell me that information as a priority, I came here because thought it was safer than Gaia ...
[Fufuu, Calm down Alexander, I could not know that information if do not inspect the environment, besides the evolution from one world to another level is not something that happens overnight. If it is fast it will take about 100 years, if it is slow about 500 years]
Fuuu ... it's a relief. My deadlines in this world are minimum 6 months, and I will not last long here after I meet it.
"It seems that what you give me worked, he has stabilized and if continue that way, he will recover"
Shisuka coming down from the second floor interrupts my dialogue with Aurora, but it seems to be good news. The girl listening to them rejoices and jumps energetically. Several people smile watching and share her emotion, well it is a world in which hope has been lost so seeing something positive is pleasant.
"Who is she?"
"Yes Alex, now you have enough time to explain it"
Going down the stairs to meet the others, Shisuka asks, and being unable to resist curiosity or jealousy when she sees me stroking Schythe's hair, Kurisu seconded her.
"Well, How I explain this..."
As I say, I observe Schyte who obediently closes the eyes and lets me stroke her hair, no matter how look at it, can only think of one thing.
"My new pet"
"Alex-Kun, you can't have people as pets. That's wrong!"
"No nurse, that's not a person ... it's a zombie"
The others are surprised and Shisuka scolds me, but a fussy person corrects her. That guy is rude ... my Scythe won't rot and she's already vaccinated, so won't spread disease.
"Eh? Zombie? ... well, then if you are going to keep it, you must feed it properly!"
"Hiiii !!"
Seriously, Shisuka is a genius in her own way ... what else can I say? A girl fell after screaming scared, and everyone else move further away of me, her and Scythe. On the other hand, she seems not to understand the implications of her own words.
"Okay, I'll feed her correctly"
"Alex! Stop joking"
"Fufufu ..."
All 10 of the other group look at me in fear as if they look at a demon, they can't stand a joke ... of course I won't feed Schythe with strange things ... maybe my plant will do that.
But speaking of feeding them, I have no idea what they eat. Aurora do you know what I should feed the monsters that I've tamed recently?
[No, but I can buy information in the system. I only need 500G, is it ok for you?]
Oh Aurora, now you're talking to someone rich. That's like a pocket change for me, you don't need to ask me about something of that amount.
[Fufufu, it seems that you are in a very good mood Alexander ... the Venus Luciferina can feed it with any type of bodys, it also seems that she has a great appetite so you will have to feed her constantly, but in exchange the more she eat and strong the thing you feed it with, will grow faster. As for Scythe, she-]
[Grooown ~]
Before she could finish the growl of someone's stomach is heard in the room clearly, and everyone focuses their eyes on the origin. She was next to me and looks at me a little discouraged then speaks.
From our connection by my ability to tame I can feel that she is hungry, the good thing is that no longer sees me as someone tasty ... . Before I could say anything she gets up and runs to the door, unable to open it goes to a window and breaks it by throwing herself through it.
"Damn, my new pet got away!"
I get up quickly and leave behind her, you must be kidding, I just captured her and also even if look for another zombie, would have to wait a month to name it. On leaving I see that Schythe had not gone so far and was pulling a head from a dam she found.
When she releases it, she runs happily towards me and after reaching where I was, extends her hands while holding the head ... it is good that she does not escape, but now what? Do she want me to throw it to chase it?
She seeing that I did not make any movement, proceeds to sink her nails into the skull. True,she was hungry ... for whatever you want, tell me you don't eat zombie brains.
After rummaging for a moment inside the head, withdraws her hand and throws it aside losing interest in it. When I had doubts about what she was doing, shows a crystal between the fingers, then opens her mouth and try to eat it, but before put it in, I stop her.
"Wait Scythe, give me that!"
She stops her hands and directs her gaze to the glass and me repeatedly, being a little annoyed extends her hand to hand it to me.
[Scythe loyalty -10]
So the crystals are in the zombies head ... leaving that aside, it seems that she was really reluctant to hand it over to me, but it was not pleasant to see her eat something that was in someone's head, which was stained with blood and with pieces of brains.
Not that I care about the glass itself, I put my hand in my pocket, withdrew 100 C together in one piece and handed it to Scythe who, seeing that it was a little brighter than the previous one, takes it quickly.
[Scythe loyalty +50]
She has a very volatile character ... look at the glass for a few moments and eat it . So that's what she eats, but how constant does need eat it? If they are about 3 times a day ... in a week they are 2,100 crystals, not a small amount.
[Don't worry Alexander, that probably keeps her hungry for a week. It can't process energy as fast as Venus]
That's great, otherwise I could go bankrupt in a few months. We all go back inside and everyone gets settled in a place in the living room.
"Somebody look for something to block the window,after that since everyone must be exhausted, could relax for a short time. We will take a bath and rest for tomorrow to continue. First will do it the 10 that were on the ground floor, as we are good few of people, will enter ingroups separated by gender"
We should rest to continue our trip to Saya's house tomorrow, and everyone probably likes have a good a night's sleep. Everyone makes a nod to my words and quickly begins to move.
Hello everyone, sorry for the delay, but I had to stay more time in the work.
Want to announce that I make a *******.
If you wish support SES, I would appreciate it. That way I would feel that the days I fall asleep late writing have more meaning.
I will continue published every 2 days in , but for those that following SES in *******, I will writing chapters in advanced there for thanks his support.
In this week I will start to published chapters in advanced.
Thanks, for read and your support.
Hope liked the chapte
My comfort in hearing the scream is that it was not Kurisu's voice, in fact, it was from a man. He shouts as knocked on something, surely a door for the interpretation of his words, although it was nobody I known, ran quickly to the house.
It was already dark and when I reached my destination, on a street under a lamp in the porch of a house, two silhouettes were distinguished, one large and one small. The big one was knocking desperately on the door, ignoring that with his actions he was drawing the attention of the Zombies.
Shit, now I remember. It must be the father of the little girl who accompanied the protagonists of the story and if things follow the original plot then ...
Together with my thoughts the door opens and a knife comes out stabbing the man, he is surprised and sees inside the house. Something is heard, but for the distance there are only murmurs in the wind.
Well, for a stabbing in the stomach you will not die immediately, you have a chance to survive ... obviously, if that help does get before the zombies that the fool called to feast with their body reach them.
"They've stabbed him!"
Watching everything that happened, above my head, on the second floor the voice of Hirano is heard. It seems that everyone was watching the show. For now let's save the guy and the girl, I would probably have nightmares if see how a group of zombies devour the little girl. I raise my voice to get everyone's attention on the balcony.
"Kurisu and Hirano, cover the two people so that zombies don't bite them, surely with your aim it would not be a difficulty. No, wait ... you don't shoot Hirano, your weapon has no silencer."
"Alex! You returned"
"Yes, I'm-"
"Watch out, you have a zombie by your side !!"
E-eh? Damn it, I didn't realize it was coming ... where is it? I turn my head in all directions to find the zombie, but can't find him, then Saeko tells me his location by pointing.
"She must refer to Schythe, right?"
Oh I see. Although it is no longer a zombie, it cannot be denied that it has some characteristics similar to one. I quickly speak to Kurisu and the others who pointed at Schythe to prevent them from firing.
"Don't shoot, she's ... it's hard to explain now, just don't shoot her since it's not dangerous"
They hesitated a little, but abide by my words, that's good, Schyte had also turn in a defensive mod, although it is most likely that they will kill her with shots, there are also chances that she will reach them and if she can get more closer to they, none of them could stop her.
" You also don't attack them Schythe, instead, go and kills all the zombies that try to reach that 2 over there"
After uttering, she throws herself running to where the 2 that were indicated, these on the balcony are surprised to see her run that way, since no zombie moved at that speed until now, if they did so, certainly humans would not have salvation.
"Kurisu, focus on covering the 2 over there and don't worry about her. Saeko-chan, we also follow Scythe, we have to carry the wounded and bring the girl"
I and Saeko start running in the direction of the blood path that Schythe had created, we killed a few zombies who were lucky not to meet the claws of my ghoul. With the path half clean of enemies, we soon reached the porch where the two were.
The girl cried as she lay on the chest of her dad who was lying on the floor, I saw bodies of zombies around both, Kurisu was correctly covering them. Schythe was on the side of the street killing any living dead approaching, giving us enough peace of mind to proceed.
It is not chivalrous, but with my body it is very uncomfortable to carry an a.d.u.l.t, without another option I turn to Saeko and tell she.
"Saeko tries to support the man, I will open the way for any zombie that comes close and also take care of the girl"
"Please just save her, that's enough for me ... I won't delay you making carry me, but save her I beg you!"
"No, dad, don't leave me alone!"
The girl's father speaks with tears in his eyes, and the girl sadly says between her tears. On the other hand, where did the dog come from? Thinking in that, I vaguely remember that if there was a dog in the anime ... whatever, I made the decision beforehand and will do it as planned.
"Do not cry girl and take your dog, don't worry, I will also help your dad, but if you keep crying the monsters will come"
"Will you really save my dad? !!"
"I pretend that, now step aside and let this one-chan help your dad to get up to get out of here."
The girl turns to Saeko who smiles at her, then quickly she stands aside while takes the dog with both of her hands and hugs it. Saeko bends down and incorporates the man who still insists that we leave him and that we only take the little girl.
"Stop complaining man, if you're worried that you're a delay us, is better clench your teeth and speed up the pace."
"Papa you can do it, keep walking !!"
After several minutes arrived at the door of the house where we lived, the one that receives us are Shisuka and several more. With the support of more people they move the man easily, but when went to lay him down in the living room, I spoke.
"Take it up"
"But he's hurt and it's better to treat him here."
"Never mind, take it up"
"Moo, Alex-kun dumb ... fast, take him up"
After Shisuka is convinced, they change direction to the stairs and begin to climb he among several people. When I see that they take the path that told them, go back outside and put two fingers in my mouth and whistle.
"Schyte, come back"
Immediately after the echo of the whistle be heard, is followed by my voice, Schyte who is covered in blood come seconds later while jogs to where I am, but does not seem hurt by what should be of the zombies. Then next to her I enter the house.
"Haaa !! Why there is a zombie inside? !!"
Once inside, a scandal breaks out with the group of people who previously directed the weasel with glasses.
"Grhaaa !!"
Everyone is silent, more than by my words it was because of Schythe's support followed after me, the fear of drawing her attention led them to close their mouths.
Since everyone is quiet, I head for the stairs and as if it were my faithful dog Scythe follows me without having to say anything. When I arrive upstairs it is good that they do not receive me with shouts like the others, but they still seem puzzled and distrustful of Scythe who is behind me. The one that breaks the tense atmosphere is Shisuka, who either didn't realize the ghoul in the room or just doesn't care.
"This is bad Alex-kun, the stab touched the internal organs. He needs to go to a hospital and have a doctor operate it or he will bleed out and die."
The stabbed man seems to have lost consciousness at some point during the move to the second floor and now breathed weakly while lying in an couch.
"A hospital? Surely the doctor there will eat he instead of treating he ... I doubt that there is still one working"
[A potion of rank [I] that you have should be enough to block internal bleeding. Just do the same as before, have he to drink half of the potion and the rest apply it to the wound]
When the girl hears that her father would die, she again becomes a water fountain with speakers included. In the midst of her lament I listen to Aurora, it seems that the girl's father is lucky and can be saved. I put my hand in my pocket, take out an [I-potion] and handed it to Shisuka at the same time comfort the child.
"Don't worry, your dad will not die, Shisuka, you have to make him drink the half of this and the rest empty it over the wound"
"What is this?"
"If I tell you, I would have to ..."
I say with a serious face and stop my words in the middle of sentence, I look directly at her and caress the colt with my fingers. I hear several people swallow and I see their bodies shake with a slight tremor, Shisuka on the other hand ... tilts her head in doubt. Damn, is she immune to stress? With everyone else in suspense I repeat.
"If I tell you, I would have to make love to you"
"E-eh? Moo, Alex-kun rascal !~"
"Alex !!"
"Fufufu ..."
[Shisuka Affection +5]
Kurisu yells at me in complaint while Saeko laughs discreetly, the others I see they almost slip and fall on the floor. Only the girl and Schyte do not seem to understand my words, one continues to worry about her father and the other just observes everything that happens. Stopping to joke, I hurry Shisuka that although she complains seems happy.
"Just apply it or he will get worse"
In the end she follows my instructions and gives the man half a bottle to drink, then cuts the cloth around the wound and applies the potion. Everyone gathers around curious, without being an exception I also stand aside. The liquid sprayed on the wound seems to clot into a kind of green jelly, it wasn't very pleasant to see, but at least it stopped the bleeding.
"Now we just have to wait for him to recover"
"Hopefully it works, for now I will bandage his wound so that it does not stay exposed"
"Well, we should go out since there is nothing else we can do, can only let he rest quietly"
I down the stairs and the others one by one do the same. Kurisu takes the girl's hand that unwilling to leave her dad but finally accompanies her, I look for a place in the living room on the first floor, but as if it were a plague everyone stand aside and immediately vacates the largest armchair. That hurts my feelings a little ... no, the truth does not matter to me, besides, more than avoiding me, they do it for my new shadow that immediately sits aside where I do it and she takes her characteristic crouched position.
Oh, She at the right height to stroked her hair, so that is precisely what I do. Gek, now is full of blood, hell, won't I get infected by this?
[Don't worry Alexander, because of the data that I have been able to collect, the virus cannot survive an exposed environment, so after a few seconds that the zombie's blood comes into contact with the air it dies]
Ooh, can you do things like that Aurora? That's great, so you know if a terrorist or a crazy pharmacist spread the virus?
[I afraid that none, because of the data it is very likely that the world itself created the virus. This world is in a process to transform itself into a world of level 2, many worlds when they enter a process of evolution unleash catastrophes so that the living beings in them adapt]
Haa? Is the world evolving? That's not a problem? Won't I suddenly find a creature with a level 2 soul? Aurora please tell me that information as a priority, I came here because thought it was safer than Gaia ...
[Fufuu, Calm down Alexander, I could not know that information if do not inspect the environment, besides the evolution from one world to another level is not something that happens overnight. If it is fast it will take about 100 years, if it is slow about 500 years]
Fuuu ... it's a relief. My deadlines in this world are minimum 6 months, and I will not last long here after I meet it.
"It seems that what you give me worked, he has stabilized and if continue that way, he will recover"
Shisuka coming down from the second floor interrupts my dialogue with Aurora, but it seems to be good news. The girl listening to them rejoices and jumps energetically. Several people smile watching and share her emotion, well it is a world in which hope has been lost so seeing something positive is pleasant.
"Who is she?"
"Yes Alex, now you have enough time to explain it"
Going down the stairs to meet the others, Shisuka asks, and being unable to resist curiosity or jealousy when she sees me stroking Schythe's hair, Kurisu seconded her.
"Well, How I explain this..."
As I say, I observe Schyte who obediently closes the eyes and lets me stroke her hair, no matter how look at it, can only think of one thing.
"My new pet"
"Alex-Kun, you can't have people as pets. That's wrong!"
"No nurse, that's not a person ... it's a zombie"
The others are surprised and Shisuka scolds me, but a fussy person corrects her. That guy is rude ... my Scythe won't rot and she's already vaccinated, so won't spread disease.
"Eh? Zombie? ... well, then if you are going to keep it, you must feed it properly!"
"Hiiii !!"
Seriously, Shisuka is a genius in her own way ... what else can I say? A girl fell after screaming scared, and everyone else move further away of me, her and Scythe. On the other hand, she seems not to understand the implications of her own words.
"Okay, I'll feed her correctly"
"Alex! Stop joking"
"Fufufu ..."
All 10 of the other group look at me in fear as if they look at a demon, they can't stand a joke ... of course I won't feed Schythe with strange things ... maybe my plant will do that.
But speaking of feeding them, I have no idea what they eat. Aurora do you know what I should feed the monsters that I've tamed recently?
[No, but I can buy information in the system. I only need 500G, is it ok for you?]
Oh Aurora, now you're talking to someone rich. That's like a pocket change for me, you don't need to ask me about something of that amount.
[Fufufu, it seems that you are in a very good mood Alexander ... the Venus Luciferina can feed it with any type of bodys, it also seems that she has a great appetite so you will have to feed her constantly, but in exchange the more she eat and strong the thing you feed it with, will grow faster. As for Scythe, she-]
[Grooown ~]
Before she could finish the growl of someone's stomach is heard in the room clearly, and everyone focuses their eyes on the origin. She was next to me and looks at me a little discouraged then speaks.
From our connection by my ability to tame I can feel that she is hungry, the good thing is that no longer sees me as someone tasty ... . Before I could say anything she gets up and runs to the door, unable to open it goes to a window and breaks it by throwing herself through it.
"Damn, my new pet got away!"
I get up quickly and leave behind her, you must be kidding, I just captured her and also even if look for another zombie, would have to wait a month to name it. On leaving I see that Schythe had not gone so far and was pulling a head from a dam she found.
When she releases it, she runs happily towards me and after reaching where I was, extends her hands while holding the head ... it is good that she does not escape, but now what? Do she want me to throw it to chase it?
She seeing that I did not make any movement, proceeds to sink her nails into the skull. True,she was hungry ... for whatever you want, tell me you don't eat zombie brains.
After rummaging for a moment inside the head, withdraws her hand and throws it aside losing interest in it. When I had doubts about what she was doing, shows a crystal between the fingers, then opens her mouth and try to eat it, but before put it in, I stop her.
"Wait Scythe, give me that!"
She stops her hands and directs her gaze to the glass and me repeatedly, being a little annoyed extends her hand to hand it to me.
[Scythe loyalty -10]
So the crystals are in the zombies head ... leaving that aside, it seems that she was really reluctant to hand it over to me, but it was not pleasant to see her eat something that was in someone's head, which was stained with blood and with pieces of brains.
Not that I care about the glass itself, I put my hand in my pocket, withdrew 100 C together in one piece and handed it to Scythe who, seeing that it was a little brighter than the previous one, takes it quickly.
[Scythe loyalty +50]
She has a very volatile character ... look at the glass for a few moments and eat it . So that's what she eats, but how constant does need eat it? If they are about 3 times a day ... in a week they are 2,100 crystals, not a small amount.
[Don't worry Alexander, that probably keeps her hungry for a week. It can't process energy as fast as Venus]
That's great, otherwise I could go bankrupt in a few months. We all go back inside and everyone gets settled in a place in the living room.
"Somebody look for something to block the window,after that since everyone must be exhausted, could relax for a short time. We will take a bath and rest for tomorrow to continue. First will do it the 10 that were on the ground floor, as we are good few of people, will enter ingroups separated by gender"
We should rest to continue our trip to Saya's house tomorrow, and everyone probably likes have a good a night's sleep. Everyone makes a nod to my words and quickly begins to move.
Hello everyone, sorry for the delay, but I had to stay more time in the work.
Want to announce that I make a *******.
If you wish support SES, I would appreciate it. That way I would feel that the days I fall asleep late writing have more meaning.
I will continue published every 2 days in , but for those that following SES in *******, I will writing chapters in advanced there for thanks his support.
In this week I will start to published chapters in advanced.
Thanks, for read and your support.
Hope liked the chapte
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