System Evolution Of Soul
Chapter 32 - 29 Towards Saya's House
We begin to dress and take our weapons, when I look for mine ask the girls, they tell me that the sword is resting on the chest of drawers and Hirano has the gun, that he take it to clean and oil it. I quickly find [Black Moon] and take it, it was strange, I could keep calm by being n.a.k.e.d in front of someone else, but restlessness invades me when I don't have my weapons with me or my inventory.
Thinking about it, who dressed me after I passed out in the bathroom? The girls? Or did they talk to the boys to do it? God, please that were the girls, I don't want to think that the boys did something strange to me while I was not aware.
[That was a heated discussion that the girls had when you passed out, as you thought someone suggested calling a boy to dress you, but they ruled out that possibility immediately. In the end Shisuka dressed you while Kurisu and Saeko watched ... according to them so that she didn't do anything to you while you slept]
"Shisuka-san, please get up"
"Hn? A few more minutes ... zzz ..."
"Shisuka-san get up fast! We need to get dressed to go"
"Fwuaa… fine."
When trying for a few minutes Kurisu and Saeko manage to lift Shisuka who wake up ... seeing now it seems that Saeko and Shisuka sleep in underwear, the first with clothes that do not leave much to the imagination and the second with a shirt that, if she continues stretching it that way, it will explode. On the other hand, Kurisu is the one who sleeps with the highest proportion of clothes, she wears a pajamas that she had given her before, I cannot say that it is bad because it highlights her cuteness.
I'm glad it wasn't the boys who dressed me, I don't care if the girls watched me n.a.k.e.d. When all the girls are ready, I advance to the door to leave the room, we slept in the room where the weapons were. I wonder how they accommodated others? Out of curiosity I ask when leaving.
"How did you distribute to others to sleep?"
"Those of the Shido-sensei group stayed down, as you did not want them to be near the weapons we decided so, and forbade them to climb, if they did we told that Schythe-chan would attack them"
"That's fine, then and the others?"
"At the beginning we left the other room for others ... but the girls didn't want to sleep together with the boys, so they stayed with the room while the boys took the living room. Besides, Alice-chan stayed with her father equally in the living room "
Saeko and Kurisu answer me respectively, that leaving the other down 10 seems me perfect, I do not want to they do nonsense if have a chanse of take a gun, it also look that Saeko became fond of Scythe after the bath ... finally hearing a strange name of Kurisu, ask for inertia in doubt.
"It's the name of the little girl we saved with her father last night"
"I get it"
As she spoke we arrived at the living room and watched around it, Komuro and Hirano have woken up ... or maybe they didn't sleep so well thinking about everything that happened yesterday. The girl, Alice, slept beside her father who seemed to have a much better tone than the last time I saw him.
"Well, you are going to see the other 10 and tell them to prepare to leave soon. Shisuka checks on Alice's father's status. I will inform the others."
"Yes ~"
I see Kurisu and Saeko go down the stairs and Shisuka walk to Alice's father, then I walk in the direction of Komuro and Hirano. The latter do the mantein of the weapons while the other seemed to ask him for advices, they talked quietly until see me approaching them. Then I did what any good friend would do after having a good time.
"Good morning guys ... had fun yesterday in the bathroom? Surely you two enjoyed your time alone among men comparing to see who had it bigger. It's a shame that I could not accompany you and I had to bathe with all the girls ... you do not know how difficult it is it was seeing all the n.a.k.e.d girls and not being able to do anything "
That's right, like a good friend I goes and show off what hapened yesterday in they face, I start the conversation, then I do a pause and smiled broadly to continue telling them. With my words Hirano drops the weapon from his hands and it falls to the ground, damn that is dangerous, hold it correctly. As for Komuro, he only looks at me with his mouth open without finding words to say.
I approach my face even more and with a voice so that only both listen, explain the details that make them shed tears of blood.
"Do you see Shisuka's body?… It's certainly great, but it's even better when you see it without clothes on. Saeko-chan and Kurisu have a slimmer body compared, but their curves are even more noticeable n.a.k.e.d. Rei's and Sayas´s…"
I turn and look at Shisuka, they both do the same. She reached down to change Alice-chan's father's bandage, causing those big b.r.e.a.s.ts to hang, so when they hear what I say the sound of swallowing comes from their throats. Mentioning the other girls their bodies begin to shake and they look at me as if they see their enemy, when I say the name of the two latter they take a step forward towards me, I step back while licking my lips in the most visible and slow way that can do.
"Kakaka, maybe tyou two will never know"
"Do you need to mistreat us in this way ?!"
I turn and run to where Shisuka is treating the stabbed subject while I hear the screams from the heart of the two boys who are chasing me. Why I do this says Hirano? Obviously because it's fun.
When I am within reach of Shisuka I hug her and tell as I point to the two who follow me, woh, she's really soft ... I would never get tired of this feeling.
"Shisuka they are bothering me!"
"Moo, you two shouldn't bother someone smaller"
"No, Shisuka-san ... that guy before ... no, forget it"
"Nurse, do you really think anyone here dares to annoy him? ... I have seen him kill zombies without blinking and he was even about to execute Shido-sensei, although he deserved it. He surely just ran to hug you..."
Hahaha, Komuro stops in the middle of his words, well, what would he say? That while I was talking about my time in the bathroom with her, he was drooling imagining it? As for Hirano, he seems to have a good brain inside that head, let's leave the two poor unlucky and see how the other guy that have worse luck to be stabbed is.
"How is Alice-chan's father?"
"Mn? He's much better, the medicine you gave me seems to be very effective. I don't think he have trouble recovering in a few more days."
"Do you think he supports being moved to another place?"
"It's not ideal, but it's stable, so if we don't move it too much he, I don't think there's a problem."
"Well, prepare he to move him. You two stop looking at me like that and quickly search or do something like a stretcher, besides Hirano give me my gun. Oh I forgot, Shisuka do you have a car?"
"My car stayed in the school parking lot, but here is one. Why?"
"We'll take it, it's good to have another one in case something happens. Where are the keys?"
I change the topic to serious issues, it was enough to have fun for a while. I take my colt from Hirano's hands, it's clean and shiny, he's a good guy and very dedicated in his hobbies. While I keep it they are going to look for something to make the stretcher.
I'm going to look for the keys in the place Shisuka told me, I find them and then decide to go downstairs to see how things go to Kurisu and Saeko, in doing so my faithful shadow follows me.
Below I see the two girls and go to them, they are saying some things to the group of 10 but when they notice me, turn and make a nod, not knowing why I simply return the gesture. I speak to Kurisu when stand beside her.
"Take this Kurisu, Shisuka's friend has a car in the house, you will drive it to have another car with us, by the way, what were you talking about?"
"Another car? I understand"
"We only explained to them where we will go now, I told them that we will go to the house of Saya's family because they were one of the most influential people in the city and there could find information about what happens"
"Well, we will leave after breakfast. Just like yesterday they will go up one by one to give them something to eat"
"Then, I will prepare breakfast for us"
"After seeing the car I will help you Saeko-san"
Some when they hear Saeko about preparing food show envy, but when see Scythe standing by my side, any complaint that intended to make is trapped inside their mouth. I accompany Kurisu to the garage to check the car, when we arrive, there are a green Humvee.
"A military car?"
"That seems"
A few seconds after seeing it, she opens it and inspects it then tells me that she has no problem driving it, without more to do in the garage we return. Kurisu goes to the kitchen to find Saeko and I climb the stairs to wait for breakfast.
Komuro and Hirano manufacture a stretcher with the tubes that hold the curtains and with several layers of sheets. Also waiting for the food, the other group come up and receive their portions, during that time the 4 girls in my group leave the room where they slept.
Not long after Kurisu and Saeko come up with the food, with the scent of food Alice and her father also wake up and everyone comes around the pot same as yesterday, except for the injured man who seems to suffer trying to get up. Niki voluntary and feeds him on the couch he was lying on.
"How are you old man?"
"I'm alive thanks to you. I don't know how to pay you this favor."
"Don't worry about that old man, while you're alive can pay me in the future. Besides, I did it because didn't want to see a child lose his father."
"Thanks again, without your help I couldn't keep taking care of my little girl"
"Yes, oni-chan thanks for saving my dad"
I smiled at Alice who happily speaks watching her father recovering. I don't consider myself a saint, but don't think am a demon either. Helping them didn't cost me much work, besides apart from the feelings of love, I believe that the gratitude that is generated by saving someone's life is a strong bond to gain his loyalty.
So surely after he recover totally, I will have another faithful subordinate to count on to prepare to build a survival camp.
While we were talking also filled our stomachs, soon everyone's dishes were empty so started preparing to leave here.
"We will separate into two groups to go in the car and the bus. Kurisu will drive the car, with it will go Misuzu, Niki, Komuro, Rei and Saeko, in addition as it will be more stable than the bus, they will also take Alice and her father.
The bus will continue to be driven by Shisuka, there will go I, Hirano, Saya and the other 10 people, as it is heavier than the car we will position ourselves in front of the road, Kurisu you will follow us closely. "
"I understand Alex"
With all that said we go down to inform others, they just nod and take their things to leave. I see the 2 of that group that previously I given them the bat and spear of Komuro and Rei.
"Probably today you can try if you can leave this group and earn the privileges that have those who stayed on the second floor with me yesterday"
Kurisu and the others go to the garage to get the car, Komuro and Hirano carry the stretcher where Alice's father is, and the others who would go in the Humvee follow them
With me, the group with weapons that took the bus to make way for the other unarmed people leaves the house, it really seems as if the zombies multiply faster than a rat ... the street was again invaded by them. Maybe they have some ability to feel the living beings...
"Scythe makes a way to the bus"
With my orders Scythe knocks down any zombie in her path, I run alongside her eliminating any nearby enemy she overlooks. When I get to the bus open and turn around to shout at the others to get on.
In my words, those who remained inside run to the truck with Shisuka and her two big b.r.e.a.s.ts taking the lead. When she arrives next to me I give her the key to start the engine and while the others enter watch those who fight with the zombies.
The two new members manage to overcome their fear and face them, I see them gasping after finishing them, but for the euphoria that they feel desperately attack anyone else close to unload their feelings.
When the last of the people without weapons enters I raise my voice so that those who fought also enter, in the next seconds we are all on the bus and Shisuka steps on the accelerator driving down the street.
After moving a few meters, I see the garage open and then the Humvee comes out at full speed and follows us. I check that all are well, it does not seem that someone was bitten since the system does not mark anyone as infected.
"You two did well"
"Ha...ha...ha thanks"
"Ha ... ha ... they are not so terrible once you face them"
I commend the two who fought for the first time with the zombies, I think they were called Yamada and Yuki, the others in the group of 10 see them with envy or mockery, probably thinking that they should also be treated well or that they are dumbs to take at risk.
I don't think they are useless, nor do despise them because they don't have the courage to face zombies, being a normal person is not irrational fear them, but unfortunately I don't have a job for them to perform, for now want to have people who can fight since With them will build the foundations for my survivor camp.
Until it does, people like them will have to keep their dissatisfaction and endure their situations, nor should it be very unfair since we are the ones who take the front line facing a greater risk.
"Saya, tell Shjisuka the way to your house"
Saya gets up from her seat and stands next to Shisuka giving her directions on what path to take, with nothing more to do, I look for a free seat, as Scythe takes her characteristic position beside me, stroking her hair to distract me.
[Kill 250 zombies completed]
[Alexander level up to 16]
Driving for several minutes I hear the notification of the system, some zombie must have been trapped in the tires of the bus since felt as if we were going through a pothole, I completed the 4 target and my level increased.
It is not a bad feeling that things progress well while you are sitting quietly distracting yourself with something. Having that thought the truck continues to move smoothly and when I turn occasionally to the rearview mirror can see Kurisu driving behind us.
When I almost fell asleep because of the cooing of the sound of the friction of the tires on the asphalt, Shisuka's somewhat worried voice prevents me.
"Alex-kun ... what do I do with that"
I look up where she points and see a large group of zombies walking slowly down the road, no doubt, if the bus hits with all of them it will get out of control or stop and they will surround us ...
"Quick stop the bus"
The squealing of the tires and the sound of the screams of the people inside who shake from the sudden braking are heard. Those who are lucky can hold on to something and those who do not stop their inertia until they collide with something.
The cars stop about 100m from the zombie crowd, we only have two options, to find another way or make way for the cars ...
Hello everyone, New chapter
Visit my *******, have 1 week (3 chapter) in advance. If you can and whish, please do a little contribution that motive me to continue writing SES.
If you wish support SES, I would appreciate it a lot.
Thanks, for read and your support.
Especial thanks to Daoist105098,ivan_Espinosa and Ascharit for the review.
I hope liked the new chapter.
Thinking about it, who dressed me after I passed out in the bathroom? The girls? Or did they talk to the boys to do it? God, please that were the girls, I don't want to think that the boys did something strange to me while I was not aware.
[That was a heated discussion that the girls had when you passed out, as you thought someone suggested calling a boy to dress you, but they ruled out that possibility immediately. In the end Shisuka dressed you while Kurisu and Saeko watched ... according to them so that she didn't do anything to you while you slept]
"Shisuka-san, please get up"
"Hn? A few more minutes ... zzz ..."
"Shisuka-san get up fast! We need to get dressed to go"
"Fwuaa… fine."
When trying for a few minutes Kurisu and Saeko manage to lift Shisuka who wake up ... seeing now it seems that Saeko and Shisuka sleep in underwear, the first with clothes that do not leave much to the imagination and the second with a shirt that, if she continues stretching it that way, it will explode. On the other hand, Kurisu is the one who sleeps with the highest proportion of clothes, she wears a pajamas that she had given her before, I cannot say that it is bad because it highlights her cuteness.
I'm glad it wasn't the boys who dressed me, I don't care if the girls watched me n.a.k.e.d. When all the girls are ready, I advance to the door to leave the room, we slept in the room where the weapons were. I wonder how they accommodated others? Out of curiosity I ask when leaving.
"How did you distribute to others to sleep?"
"Those of the Shido-sensei group stayed down, as you did not want them to be near the weapons we decided so, and forbade them to climb, if they did we told that Schythe-chan would attack them"
"That's fine, then and the others?"
"At the beginning we left the other room for others ... but the girls didn't want to sleep together with the boys, so they stayed with the room while the boys took the living room. Besides, Alice-chan stayed with her father equally in the living room "
Saeko and Kurisu answer me respectively, that leaving the other down 10 seems me perfect, I do not want to they do nonsense if have a chanse of take a gun, it also look that Saeko became fond of Scythe after the bath ... finally hearing a strange name of Kurisu, ask for inertia in doubt.
"It's the name of the little girl we saved with her father last night"
"I get it"
As she spoke we arrived at the living room and watched around it, Komuro and Hirano have woken up ... or maybe they didn't sleep so well thinking about everything that happened yesterday. The girl, Alice, slept beside her father who seemed to have a much better tone than the last time I saw him.
"Well, you are going to see the other 10 and tell them to prepare to leave soon. Shisuka checks on Alice's father's status. I will inform the others."
"Yes ~"
I see Kurisu and Saeko go down the stairs and Shisuka walk to Alice's father, then I walk in the direction of Komuro and Hirano. The latter do the mantein of the weapons while the other seemed to ask him for advices, they talked quietly until see me approaching them. Then I did what any good friend would do after having a good time.
"Good morning guys ... had fun yesterday in the bathroom? Surely you two enjoyed your time alone among men comparing to see who had it bigger. It's a shame that I could not accompany you and I had to bathe with all the girls ... you do not know how difficult it is it was seeing all the n.a.k.e.d girls and not being able to do anything "
That's right, like a good friend I goes and show off what hapened yesterday in they face, I start the conversation, then I do a pause and smiled broadly to continue telling them. With my words Hirano drops the weapon from his hands and it falls to the ground, damn that is dangerous, hold it correctly. As for Komuro, he only looks at me with his mouth open without finding words to say.
I approach my face even more and with a voice so that only both listen, explain the details that make them shed tears of blood.
"Do you see Shisuka's body?… It's certainly great, but it's even better when you see it without clothes on. Saeko-chan and Kurisu have a slimmer body compared, but their curves are even more noticeable n.a.k.e.d. Rei's and Sayas´s…"
I turn and look at Shisuka, they both do the same. She reached down to change Alice-chan's father's bandage, causing those big b.r.e.a.s.ts to hang, so when they hear what I say the sound of swallowing comes from their throats. Mentioning the other girls their bodies begin to shake and they look at me as if they see their enemy, when I say the name of the two latter they take a step forward towards me, I step back while licking my lips in the most visible and slow way that can do.
"Kakaka, maybe tyou two will never know"
"Do you need to mistreat us in this way ?!"
I turn and run to where Shisuka is treating the stabbed subject while I hear the screams from the heart of the two boys who are chasing me. Why I do this says Hirano? Obviously because it's fun.
When I am within reach of Shisuka I hug her and tell as I point to the two who follow me, woh, she's really soft ... I would never get tired of this feeling.
"Shisuka they are bothering me!"
"Moo, you two shouldn't bother someone smaller"
"No, Shisuka-san ... that guy before ... no, forget it"
"Nurse, do you really think anyone here dares to annoy him? ... I have seen him kill zombies without blinking and he was even about to execute Shido-sensei, although he deserved it. He surely just ran to hug you..."
Hahaha, Komuro stops in the middle of his words, well, what would he say? That while I was talking about my time in the bathroom with her, he was drooling imagining it? As for Hirano, he seems to have a good brain inside that head, let's leave the two poor unlucky and see how the other guy that have worse luck to be stabbed is.
"How is Alice-chan's father?"
"Mn? He's much better, the medicine you gave me seems to be very effective. I don't think he have trouble recovering in a few more days."
"Do you think he supports being moved to another place?"
"It's not ideal, but it's stable, so if we don't move it too much he, I don't think there's a problem."
"Well, prepare he to move him. You two stop looking at me like that and quickly search or do something like a stretcher, besides Hirano give me my gun. Oh I forgot, Shisuka do you have a car?"
"My car stayed in the school parking lot, but here is one. Why?"
"We'll take it, it's good to have another one in case something happens. Where are the keys?"
I change the topic to serious issues, it was enough to have fun for a while. I take my colt from Hirano's hands, it's clean and shiny, he's a good guy and very dedicated in his hobbies. While I keep it they are going to look for something to make the stretcher.
I'm going to look for the keys in the place Shisuka told me, I find them and then decide to go downstairs to see how things go to Kurisu and Saeko, in doing so my faithful shadow follows me.
Below I see the two girls and go to them, they are saying some things to the group of 10 but when they notice me, turn and make a nod, not knowing why I simply return the gesture. I speak to Kurisu when stand beside her.
"Take this Kurisu, Shisuka's friend has a car in the house, you will drive it to have another car with us, by the way, what were you talking about?"
"Another car? I understand"
"We only explained to them where we will go now, I told them that we will go to the house of Saya's family because they were one of the most influential people in the city and there could find information about what happens"
"Well, we will leave after breakfast. Just like yesterday they will go up one by one to give them something to eat"
"Then, I will prepare breakfast for us"
"After seeing the car I will help you Saeko-san"
Some when they hear Saeko about preparing food show envy, but when see Scythe standing by my side, any complaint that intended to make is trapped inside their mouth. I accompany Kurisu to the garage to check the car, when we arrive, there are a green Humvee.
"A military car?"
"That seems"
A few seconds after seeing it, she opens it and inspects it then tells me that she has no problem driving it, without more to do in the garage we return. Kurisu goes to the kitchen to find Saeko and I climb the stairs to wait for breakfast.
Komuro and Hirano manufacture a stretcher with the tubes that hold the curtains and with several layers of sheets. Also waiting for the food, the other group come up and receive their portions, during that time the 4 girls in my group leave the room where they slept.
Not long after Kurisu and Saeko come up with the food, with the scent of food Alice and her father also wake up and everyone comes around the pot same as yesterday, except for the injured man who seems to suffer trying to get up. Niki voluntary and feeds him on the couch he was lying on.
"How are you old man?"
"I'm alive thanks to you. I don't know how to pay you this favor."
"Don't worry about that old man, while you're alive can pay me in the future. Besides, I did it because didn't want to see a child lose his father."
"Thanks again, without your help I couldn't keep taking care of my little girl"
"Yes, oni-chan thanks for saving my dad"
I smiled at Alice who happily speaks watching her father recovering. I don't consider myself a saint, but don't think am a demon either. Helping them didn't cost me much work, besides apart from the feelings of love, I believe that the gratitude that is generated by saving someone's life is a strong bond to gain his loyalty.
So surely after he recover totally, I will have another faithful subordinate to count on to prepare to build a survival camp.
While we were talking also filled our stomachs, soon everyone's dishes were empty so started preparing to leave here.
"We will separate into two groups to go in the car and the bus. Kurisu will drive the car, with it will go Misuzu, Niki, Komuro, Rei and Saeko, in addition as it will be more stable than the bus, they will also take Alice and her father.
The bus will continue to be driven by Shisuka, there will go I, Hirano, Saya and the other 10 people, as it is heavier than the car we will position ourselves in front of the road, Kurisu you will follow us closely. "
"I understand Alex"
With all that said we go down to inform others, they just nod and take their things to leave. I see the 2 of that group that previously I given them the bat and spear of Komuro and Rei.
"Probably today you can try if you can leave this group and earn the privileges that have those who stayed on the second floor with me yesterday"
Kurisu and the others go to the garage to get the car, Komuro and Hirano carry the stretcher where Alice's father is, and the others who would go in the Humvee follow them
With me, the group with weapons that took the bus to make way for the other unarmed people leaves the house, it really seems as if the zombies multiply faster than a rat ... the street was again invaded by them. Maybe they have some ability to feel the living beings...
"Scythe makes a way to the bus"
With my orders Scythe knocks down any zombie in her path, I run alongside her eliminating any nearby enemy she overlooks. When I get to the bus open and turn around to shout at the others to get on.
In my words, those who remained inside run to the truck with Shisuka and her two big b.r.e.a.s.ts taking the lead. When she arrives next to me I give her the key to start the engine and while the others enter watch those who fight with the zombies.
The two new members manage to overcome their fear and face them, I see them gasping after finishing them, but for the euphoria that they feel desperately attack anyone else close to unload their feelings.
When the last of the people without weapons enters I raise my voice so that those who fought also enter, in the next seconds we are all on the bus and Shisuka steps on the accelerator driving down the street.
After moving a few meters, I see the garage open and then the Humvee comes out at full speed and follows us. I check that all are well, it does not seem that someone was bitten since the system does not mark anyone as infected.
"You two did well"
"Ha...ha...ha thanks"
"Ha ... ha ... they are not so terrible once you face them"
I commend the two who fought for the first time with the zombies, I think they were called Yamada and Yuki, the others in the group of 10 see them with envy or mockery, probably thinking that they should also be treated well or that they are dumbs to take at risk.
I don't think they are useless, nor do despise them because they don't have the courage to face zombies, being a normal person is not irrational fear them, but unfortunately I don't have a job for them to perform, for now want to have people who can fight since With them will build the foundations for my survivor camp.
Until it does, people like them will have to keep their dissatisfaction and endure their situations, nor should it be very unfair since we are the ones who take the front line facing a greater risk.
"Saya, tell Shjisuka the way to your house"
Saya gets up from her seat and stands next to Shisuka giving her directions on what path to take, with nothing more to do, I look for a free seat, as Scythe takes her characteristic position beside me, stroking her hair to distract me.
[Kill 250 zombies completed]
[Alexander level up to 16]
Driving for several minutes I hear the notification of the system, some zombie must have been trapped in the tires of the bus since felt as if we were going through a pothole, I completed the 4 target and my level increased.
It is not a bad feeling that things progress well while you are sitting quietly distracting yourself with something. Having that thought the truck continues to move smoothly and when I turn occasionally to the rearview mirror can see Kurisu driving behind us.
When I almost fell asleep because of the cooing of the sound of the friction of the tires on the asphalt, Shisuka's somewhat worried voice prevents me.
"Alex-kun ... what do I do with that"
I look up where she points and see a large group of zombies walking slowly down the road, no doubt, if the bus hits with all of them it will get out of control or stop and they will surround us ...
"Quick stop the bus"
The squealing of the tires and the sound of the screams of the people inside who shake from the sudden braking are heard. Those who are lucky can hold on to something and those who do not stop their inertia until they collide with something.
The cars stop about 100m from the zombie crowd, we only have two options, to find another way or make way for the cars ...
Hello everyone, New chapter
Visit my *******, have 1 week (3 chapter) in advance. If you can and whish, please do a little contribution that motive me to continue writing SES.
If you wish support SES, I would appreciate it a lot.
Thanks, for read and your support.
Especial thanks to Daoist105098,ivan_Espinosa and Ascharit for the review.
I hope liked the new chapter.
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