System Evolution Of Soul
Chapter 365 - 363 [Chaos in the Bedroom Pill] 4
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(POV Kurisu)
Thinking as things would become now, before I knew it, my eyes were already searching for somewhere I could escape! I-It wasn't just nervousness that I felt anymore! T-The fear had taken over me completely!!
Unfortunately, before my feet could move, I suddenly felt how someone held my waist! Of course, it couldn't be someone other than Alex who had gotten to where I was before I knew it!!
"A-Alex... E-Emmm... S-Saeko-san..."
Right away, he-he starts to slowly push me back as my mind starts to think quickly of whatever excuse I could make! But as much as I thought, nothing seemed like it could solve this now!!
I first thought about telling him why we weren't waiting for the pill to wear off, but... feeling the warm breath from his gasps, I quickly dismissed that... it didn't seem like he could wait any longer!
So realizing that I probably couldn't reason with him now, then I could only turn to the other person in this room, Saeko-san! I-I was about to tell her that I had changed my mind and that maybe it was better for another girl to take my place! So when I see her and think that she probably would not have much problem replacing me now, the problems that I had previously thought reappear in my mind and preventing me from continuing with my words!!
But while my brain continued to function at its maximum capacity, my steps would not stop and I kept backing slowly! Looking back for a second, I could see that the bed where we all slept was getting closer and closer!
With every step I took, my heartbeat intensified! My heart might end up exploding when we get there!!
"T-This ... Hmm~!"
Apparently, my heart was stronger than I thought and this one managed to resist it! I feel the edge of the bed behind my knees, and they bend so that I remain seated since Alex kept pushing me...
Our heads were now almost level… but now I had to look up a little to see him in the eyes! Then seeing his golden eyes staring directly into mine, I could only think of trying to talk about anything to buy more time and hope that the effect of the pill would wear off during that span!
Unfortunately, he does not give me a chance to do that! His lips block my mouth, and prevent me from continuing with my words!! W-Well... either way, probably I could not tell anything right now... w-what would I talk in this situation? Of the weather?!!
Also, in a sense, when I felt his tongue curling with mine, I calmed down a bit... or maybe it was that I just got carried away by the sensations of our kiss. His tongue just stopped intimidating mine so that he could suck my lips and saliva...
Not only that, his right hand with which he had supported himself on my leg began to move in my outer thɨġh from the bottom up while the other one that he had placed on my shoulder slowly descended until it was positioned on one of my brėȧsts which he pressed and released from his fingers repeatedly!
So soon it wasn't just Alex who was panting… now I was doing it too to try to fill my lungs with oxygen which they had been deprived of for several minute intervals!
I cannot deny that these sensations were pleasant, but… they still caused me a bit of fear! I was afraid that losing myself in these would make me a fool!! I-I was proud of my intelligence, so what if this actually killed some of my neurons?! T-That scared me... if that happened, then I would lose something that I thought stood out from other girls and which was my advantage over them a bit!
"…Don't worry, Kurisu. Later I will give you a better team than the one you had now... "
"T-That's not the problem! Hyaan~"
I-It seemed like Alex wasn't going to allow me to calm down a bit not for a second! Alex had literally started ripping my clothes off!! P-Probably the ċȧrėsses on these weren't enough for him now, and so he decided to simply remove them… my shirt had been fȯrċɨbŀƴ opened showing my bra, and my pants pulled from my waist down exposing my pȧntɨės!!
Then feeling that my undėrwėȧr had been exposed, my hands move covering my private parts while I claim a little... at this moment, I did not care much that a couple of clothes were ruined!
"Kurisu... ha... ha..."
"... Haaa ~"
...once my shirt and pants were thrown by him somewhere in the room, his fingers were placed on the last garments that covered my privacy... the good thing is that maybe because my hands were defending these, this time he is not so abrupt and instead he looked at me as if asking my consent to remove them...
T-This is not at all how I thought it would be my first time! W-Well... I think my life was never as I thought it would be... but at least, I think this time things are not so bad.
Before, I fought hard for my father's approval... and in the end, he almost killed me… no, I probably would have if Alex didn't show up in my life… so he saved me from ending without can achieving anything in my life!
I couldn't tell how much I thanked him for that...
Also, I'm sure I love Alex… only that I didn't think this would happen so soon! B-But it's not like I have a big rejection for what is happening now… and, above all, I think my feelings are reciprocated this time! Although... I'm not the only one whose feelings are reciprocated by this boy!!
B-But well, I think things ended in a much better way than with my father... right?
"…A-Alex? Hyaa~ Y-You can't… "
Although he had seen me nȧkėd several times, seeing him get just below my legs... to be more precise, he was able to fully see my b-butt and va-vagina now... so a great shame as never before invades me!
"Ha... ha... it's fine Kurisu... your whole body is beautiful and you have nothing to be ashamed of... your vȧġɨnȧ is quite cute too"
"D-Don't say that! It's pretty embarrassing!! Nyaa~! "
When I feel his fingers rubbing that part of me, an electric shock runs through my back causing me to twist the sheets on the bed, and my body arches a little! I feel like my position wasn't much different from what Milene was doing before! Do not! My situation should be worse since I am nȧkėd !!
…T-Thinking in that pose I do, the shame and shuddering in my body intensified a bit! T-The only thing that consoled me was that only Alex is the only one present here...
"E-Eh? W-Wait, Alex… w-what are yo- Hyaaaan~"
When I feel Alex move a bit on the bed, I look down to see what he was doing now. So, before I could recover a bit from before, the warmth and moisture of his tongue are transmitted to my entire body from my vȧġɨnȧ! As if that place of mine were a sweet lollipop, his entire tongue slid from the bottom up constantly!!
My protests and denials for him to continue with that are completely ignored and instead only seemed to motivate him to do it with more force! Besides, he holds my thɨġhs tightly and prevents me from backing up to escaping or closing my legs!!
Sounds similar to those that were produced when we kissed echo throughout the room! Also, thinking that this was really something similar but with the difference that instead of the lips of my mouth now these were replaced by my vȧġɨnȧŀ lips, I did not know very well what to think about that... I just knew that I would probably die of shame before I could lose my vɨrġɨnɨtƴ!!
"E-Eh? T- That's- Haaauu ~!! "
So as if he wanted to destroy my sanity and tell me that I was not entirely wrong for comparing that to a kiss, h-his tongue... his tongue makes its way into my vȧġɨnȧ! And as if this one was dissatisfied and upset that this time it did not find a rival to intimidate, then his tongue decides to attack the inner walls of my vȧġɨnȧ!
"Ha ... Ha ... E-Eh?"
This time the one gasping for air was me… Alex on the other hand, was busy swallowing his saliva and surely some other things… Also, at some point, it seems that his clothes had also disappeared now!
Watching him lick his lips as if he had just swallowed was delicious, already think that was it enough bad to want to hide my face somewhere now, but... suddenly, a second swallowing sound reaches my ears...
T-Twirling my head slowly following the other sound, not far from the bed, there was Saeko-san sitting in seiza watching us while the blush on her cheeks was obviously perceived...
D-Damn it! I had completely forgotten about her at some time since this started!!
It is true! She had stayed inside the room! Because of everything that had happened all this time and that she hadn't made a sound until now, then her presence was put aside in my mind!!
... I-I really think I'll die of shame today!! Also, the way it would be my first time is really very different from how I thought it would be!!
I-I understood that it wasn't his fault, but… even so, I couldn't help but give Alex a reproachful look right now!!
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(POV Alexander)
At this moment, Kurisu lying on the bed completely nȧkėd while she was covering her face with her arms... I think that seeing that Saeko-chan was witnessing all this was a bit too much for her...
But probably remembering the words she said before... or just Because it was too late to ask her to leave the room now since she had witnessed everything so far, she chose to simply hide her face.
Maybe it would be good to tell Saeko to look away a bit now, but… I didn't want to make her presence more noticeable to Kurisu… so we could only pretend we were alone.
I felt a little sorry for all this, but… sadly for everyone here, the point to stop us was long past. In fact, I think I had tried very hard not to try to penetrate her the moment I took her clothes off!
After kissing for a while and running my hands over her body, I lost control for an instant! Before I knew it, I had already torn Kurisu's clothes exposing almost all of her body to nȧkėdness!!
But while seeing almost all of her exposed skin had stimulated me even more, observing her with a bit of fear in her eyes brought some sanity back to me!
Well, I think that was the best for both of us. That way I could try to stimulate her more, and so her vȧġɨnȧ will be fully wetted to make things easier for her... and that also served me to try to calm down a bit... if things had developed so quickly, probably at the moment I had penetrating her would have ėʝȧċuŀȧtėd like an erupting volcano!
It would be very unfortunate if things ended just with that! No... perhaps to Kurisu was better for things to end quickly? Well, I think that no man can help to be a little selfish about this… everyone would seek to prolong the moments of pŀėȧsurė for as long as possible!
Either way, I'll try to make her feel the least uncomfortable about this as is possible... so I go back to my work to make Kurisu's vȧġɨnȧ relax a bit and make her moisten even more with her natural secretions and my saliva.
The softness of her vȧġɨnȧŀ lips, the slight tickling that her beautiful pubic generated me, and running my tongue through the indentation that they formed were a quite pleasant sensation... also, although the taste was a bit salty, I think I could continue with this for hours without my tongue getting scalding! She would probably be the first one that would get this part of her to get a little irritated, instead than I would have some disagreement about this!!
Well... even though I could lick her pussƴ for quite some time, I think the exterior of this was already quite wet... and indeed, this part was not so essential to be so wet for the next things... so then I decided to check again the inside of it instead. Although... I think it was rather that while l be spending my tongue over the slit closed with a little force, this aroused a great dėsɨrė in my digging just there!!
Every time she felt my tongue enter inside her body, I got a great reaction from her… her whole body twisted, and sweet mȯȧns escaped her mouth!
Although, having remembered the presence of Saeko-chan who was trying to keep a serious face when seeing all this, this time Kurisu made an effort to suppress her mȯȧns or block them with her hands...
...but even with the effort and focus from her, neither of these things seemed to be able to achieve her wishes! Well, I think this was quite understandable...
My intimate moments with Kurisu had only reached the degree of ċȧrėsses and kisses, so these sensations for her were totally new.
On the other hand... for the other girl here, I think she bit off more than she could chew. I don't doubt her motives and I truly believe that she decided to stay here to help Kurisu if things got too out of hand... given Saeko-chan's personality, she must not have had any hidden thoughts and she surely thought that she could witness this and intervene if necessary without any problem...
Unfortunately, now she must have understood that one thing is to know what a thing is like on her mind, and another very different one to witness it so close... I even think that Kurisu's thought of escaping did not only appear in her mind and Saeko-chan must have had it several times for a while as well!!
...surely the only thing that keeps her sitting in that place is that she does not want to break the words she had said before with such confidence. It's a bit curious to see how they both ended up in a situation that they both most likely regret now...
Well, I think I should have done everything in my control by now to help Kurisu with this... I think the other liquids that were accumulating in my mouth were more than my own saliva...
""Ha... ha…""
So with the three of us gasping at different levels of intensity, I crawl over Kurisu so I could see her face… it was time for both of us to lose our vɨrġɨnɨtƴ!! (just delete the first ".")
If you want, you can, and you like the novel, I hope to see you in my pa.treon soon!!!
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(POV Kurisu)
Thinking as things would become now, before I knew it, my eyes were already searching for somewhere I could escape! I-It wasn't just nervousness that I felt anymore! T-The fear had taken over me completely!!
Unfortunately, before my feet could move, I suddenly felt how someone held my waist! Of course, it couldn't be someone other than Alex who had gotten to where I was before I knew it!!
"A-Alex... E-Emmm... S-Saeko-san..."
Right away, he-he starts to slowly push me back as my mind starts to think quickly of whatever excuse I could make! But as much as I thought, nothing seemed like it could solve this now!!
I first thought about telling him why we weren't waiting for the pill to wear off, but... feeling the warm breath from his gasps, I quickly dismissed that... it didn't seem like he could wait any longer!
So realizing that I probably couldn't reason with him now, then I could only turn to the other person in this room, Saeko-san! I-I was about to tell her that I had changed my mind and that maybe it was better for another girl to take my place! So when I see her and think that she probably would not have much problem replacing me now, the problems that I had previously thought reappear in my mind and preventing me from continuing with my words!!
But while my brain continued to function at its maximum capacity, my steps would not stop and I kept backing slowly! Looking back for a second, I could see that the bed where we all slept was getting closer and closer!
With every step I took, my heartbeat intensified! My heart might end up exploding when we get there!!
"T-This ... Hmm~!"
Apparently, my heart was stronger than I thought and this one managed to resist it! I feel the edge of the bed behind my knees, and they bend so that I remain seated since Alex kept pushing me...
Our heads were now almost level… but now I had to look up a little to see him in the eyes! Then seeing his golden eyes staring directly into mine, I could only think of trying to talk about anything to buy more time and hope that the effect of the pill would wear off during that span!
Unfortunately, he does not give me a chance to do that! His lips block my mouth, and prevent me from continuing with my words!! W-Well... either way, probably I could not tell anything right now... w-what would I talk in this situation? Of the weather?!!
Also, in a sense, when I felt his tongue curling with mine, I calmed down a bit... or maybe it was that I just got carried away by the sensations of our kiss. His tongue just stopped intimidating mine so that he could suck my lips and saliva...
Not only that, his right hand with which he had supported himself on my leg began to move in my outer thɨġh from the bottom up while the other one that he had placed on my shoulder slowly descended until it was positioned on one of my brėȧsts which he pressed and released from his fingers repeatedly!
So soon it wasn't just Alex who was panting… now I was doing it too to try to fill my lungs with oxygen which they had been deprived of for several minute intervals!
I cannot deny that these sensations were pleasant, but… they still caused me a bit of fear! I was afraid that losing myself in these would make me a fool!! I-I was proud of my intelligence, so what if this actually killed some of my neurons?! T-That scared me... if that happened, then I would lose something that I thought stood out from other girls and which was my advantage over them a bit!
"…Don't worry, Kurisu. Later I will give you a better team than the one you had now... "
"T-That's not the problem! Hyaan~"
I-It seemed like Alex wasn't going to allow me to calm down a bit not for a second! Alex had literally started ripping my clothes off!! P-Probably the ċȧrėsses on these weren't enough for him now, and so he decided to simply remove them… my shirt had been fȯrċɨbŀƴ opened showing my bra, and my pants pulled from my waist down exposing my pȧntɨės!!
Then feeling that my undėrwėȧr had been exposed, my hands move covering my private parts while I claim a little... at this moment, I did not care much that a couple of clothes were ruined!
"Kurisu... ha... ha..."
"... Haaa ~"
...once my shirt and pants were thrown by him somewhere in the room, his fingers were placed on the last garments that covered my privacy... the good thing is that maybe because my hands were defending these, this time he is not so abrupt and instead he looked at me as if asking my consent to remove them...
T-This is not at all how I thought it would be my first time! W-Well... I think my life was never as I thought it would be... but at least, I think this time things are not so bad.
Before, I fought hard for my father's approval... and in the end, he almost killed me… no, I probably would have if Alex didn't show up in my life… so he saved me from ending without can achieving anything in my life!
I couldn't tell how much I thanked him for that...
Also, I'm sure I love Alex… only that I didn't think this would happen so soon! B-But it's not like I have a big rejection for what is happening now… and, above all, I think my feelings are reciprocated this time! Although... I'm not the only one whose feelings are reciprocated by this boy!!
B-But well, I think things ended in a much better way than with my father... right?
"…A-Alex? Hyaa~ Y-You can't… "
Although he had seen me nȧkėd several times, seeing him get just below my legs... to be more precise, he was able to fully see my b-butt and va-vagina now... so a great shame as never before invades me!
"Ha... ha... it's fine Kurisu... your whole body is beautiful and you have nothing to be ashamed of... your vȧġɨnȧ is quite cute too"
"D-Don't say that! It's pretty embarrassing!! Nyaa~! "
When I feel his fingers rubbing that part of me, an electric shock runs through my back causing me to twist the sheets on the bed, and my body arches a little! I feel like my position wasn't much different from what Milene was doing before! Do not! My situation should be worse since I am nȧkėd !!
…T-Thinking in that pose I do, the shame and shuddering in my body intensified a bit! T-The only thing that consoled me was that only Alex is the only one present here...
"E-Eh? W-Wait, Alex… w-what are yo- Hyaaaan~"
When I feel Alex move a bit on the bed, I look down to see what he was doing now. So, before I could recover a bit from before, the warmth and moisture of his tongue are transmitted to my entire body from my vȧġɨnȧ! As if that place of mine were a sweet lollipop, his entire tongue slid from the bottom up constantly!!
My protests and denials for him to continue with that are completely ignored and instead only seemed to motivate him to do it with more force! Besides, he holds my thɨġhs tightly and prevents me from backing up to escaping or closing my legs!!
Sounds similar to those that were produced when we kissed echo throughout the room! Also, thinking that this was really something similar but with the difference that instead of the lips of my mouth now these were replaced by my vȧġɨnȧŀ lips, I did not know very well what to think about that... I just knew that I would probably die of shame before I could lose my vɨrġɨnɨtƴ!!
"E-Eh? T- That's- Haaauu ~!! "
So as if he wanted to destroy my sanity and tell me that I was not entirely wrong for comparing that to a kiss, h-his tongue... his tongue makes its way into my vȧġɨnȧ! And as if this one was dissatisfied and upset that this time it did not find a rival to intimidate, then his tongue decides to attack the inner walls of my vȧġɨnȧ!
"Ha ... Ha ... E-Eh?"
This time the one gasping for air was me… Alex on the other hand, was busy swallowing his saliva and surely some other things… Also, at some point, it seems that his clothes had also disappeared now!
Watching him lick his lips as if he had just swallowed was delicious, already think that was it enough bad to want to hide my face somewhere now, but... suddenly, a second swallowing sound reaches my ears...
T-Twirling my head slowly following the other sound, not far from the bed, there was Saeko-san sitting in seiza watching us while the blush on her cheeks was obviously perceived...
D-Damn it! I had completely forgotten about her at some time since this started!!
It is true! She had stayed inside the room! Because of everything that had happened all this time and that she hadn't made a sound until now, then her presence was put aside in my mind!!
... I-I really think I'll die of shame today!! Also, the way it would be my first time is really very different from how I thought it would be!!
I-I understood that it wasn't his fault, but… even so, I couldn't help but give Alex a reproachful look right now!!
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(POV Alexander)
At this moment, Kurisu lying on the bed completely nȧkėd while she was covering her face with her arms... I think that seeing that Saeko-chan was witnessing all this was a bit too much for her...
But probably remembering the words she said before... or just Because it was too late to ask her to leave the room now since she had witnessed everything so far, she chose to simply hide her face.
Maybe it would be good to tell Saeko to look away a bit now, but… I didn't want to make her presence more noticeable to Kurisu… so we could only pretend we were alone.
I felt a little sorry for all this, but… sadly for everyone here, the point to stop us was long past. In fact, I think I had tried very hard not to try to penetrate her the moment I took her clothes off!
After kissing for a while and running my hands over her body, I lost control for an instant! Before I knew it, I had already torn Kurisu's clothes exposing almost all of her body to nȧkėdness!!
But while seeing almost all of her exposed skin had stimulated me even more, observing her with a bit of fear in her eyes brought some sanity back to me!
Well, I think that was the best for both of us. That way I could try to stimulate her more, and so her vȧġɨnȧ will be fully wetted to make things easier for her... and that also served me to try to calm down a bit... if things had developed so quickly, probably at the moment I had penetrating her would have ėʝȧċuŀȧtėd like an erupting volcano!
It would be very unfortunate if things ended just with that! No... perhaps to Kurisu was better for things to end quickly? Well, I think that no man can help to be a little selfish about this… everyone would seek to prolong the moments of pŀėȧsurė for as long as possible!
Either way, I'll try to make her feel the least uncomfortable about this as is possible... so I go back to my work to make Kurisu's vȧġɨnȧ relax a bit and make her moisten even more with her natural secretions and my saliva.
The softness of her vȧġɨnȧŀ lips, the slight tickling that her beautiful pubic generated me, and running my tongue through the indentation that they formed were a quite pleasant sensation... also, although the taste was a bit salty, I think I could continue with this for hours without my tongue getting scalding! She would probably be the first one that would get this part of her to get a little irritated, instead than I would have some disagreement about this!!
Well... even though I could lick her pussƴ for quite some time, I think the exterior of this was already quite wet... and indeed, this part was not so essential to be so wet for the next things... so then I decided to check again the inside of it instead. Although... I think it was rather that while l be spending my tongue over the slit closed with a little force, this aroused a great dėsɨrė in my digging just there!!
Every time she felt my tongue enter inside her body, I got a great reaction from her… her whole body twisted, and sweet mȯȧns escaped her mouth!
Although, having remembered the presence of Saeko-chan who was trying to keep a serious face when seeing all this, this time Kurisu made an effort to suppress her mȯȧns or block them with her hands...
...but even with the effort and focus from her, neither of these things seemed to be able to achieve her wishes! Well, I think this was quite understandable...
My intimate moments with Kurisu had only reached the degree of ċȧrėsses and kisses, so these sensations for her were totally new.
On the other hand... for the other girl here, I think she bit off more than she could chew. I don't doubt her motives and I truly believe that she decided to stay here to help Kurisu if things got too out of hand... given Saeko-chan's personality, she must not have had any hidden thoughts and she surely thought that she could witness this and intervene if necessary without any problem...
Unfortunately, now she must have understood that one thing is to know what a thing is like on her mind, and another very different one to witness it so close... I even think that Kurisu's thought of escaping did not only appear in her mind and Saeko-chan must have had it several times for a while as well!!
...surely the only thing that keeps her sitting in that place is that she does not want to break the words she had said before with such confidence. It's a bit curious to see how they both ended up in a situation that they both most likely regret now...
Well, I think I should have done everything in my control by now to help Kurisu with this... I think the other liquids that were accumulating in my mouth were more than my own saliva...
""Ha... ha…""
So with the three of us gasping at different levels of intensity, I crawl over Kurisu so I could see her face… it was time for both of us to lose our vɨrġɨnɨtƴ!!
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