System Evolution Of Soul
Chapter 369 - 367 [Bedroom Chaos Pill] 8
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"A-Auunn~ Alex… I-love you~ "
"Ha... ha…"
I wish could say that I was a gentleman and that I was soft with Kurisu for being her first time, but… I think in the end I put a "little" too much effort into this! W-Well… n-not that I was harsh or too intense on her... maybe. In fact, I think things were on a fairly kind level...
T-The problem was the prolongation of the act! I-I think it's quite normal that after more that 6... or 7 times that I reached the climax then Kurisu ended up in her current state now... she was lying on the bed with her face... no, with her body totally flushed, while trying to stabilize her breathing.
I-It would be nice if she was just resting, but... more than resting, I-I think it was more like Kurisu was between consciousness and unconsciousness right now!!
U-Umu… I definitely got a little carried away. T-The good thing is that at least Kurisu doesn't seem to be suffering right now. Although… if we continue with this, then things could take a very bad turn! So I could only leave her alone in bed while I looked at her with a little pride and concern...
The feeling of sufficiency, of course was not because of anything other thing than because this fed my pride as a man! I don't think there is a man who doesn't feel good about seeing his partner lying down while she had a face of happiness and joy like the one Kurisu had now!
As for my concern… a part was also for that very reason. If it was not the first time Kurisu, then there would not be so much problem ... the concern I had was that the next day she could have some inconvenience or discomfort because of all this!
But I think if that happened, there should be a potion or something for that to help her… surely Lena could do something. So I could calm down a bit… sadly, that wasn't the only issue that was worrying me right now! There was something that made me even more uneasy!!
" A-Alex-san, are you okay?
E-Emmm… is-is that normal? "
"Ha… ha... Hmn? T-This… a-as far as I know, it's not that normal Saeko-chan… "
My pėnɨs at this point was fully erect as if everything that had occurred now hadn't happened and I was just ready to start to make love with a girl! In fact, I never lost my erection even having ėʝȧċuŀȧtėd more than 6 times so far!!
... a-although it was not that difficult to maintain the erection after ejaculating if you kept some stimulus on it, now that had been a few minutes since my pėnɨs felt the warmth of Kurisu's vȧġɨnȧ or have some other physical stimulation, it did not seem to lose any enthusiasm and it kept standing pretty firm!
Even though I had vent enough of the fire inside me now, I still felt like if after being hungry and I could taste the most delicious dish you could imagine, then before I was satiated it was taken from me! While I wasn't that hungry now, still there was a great dėsɨrė on me to keep eating!!
A-Although… I couldn't say that Kurisu had taken that delicious food from me! It was more as if the pot from which she served me this one, had now run out!! This was not her fault!!
I could only blame the excitement I still felt on my body. Also… things that I had heard before in my other world made me shiver a bit! There I learned of some similar cases... that some people after taking some medicine for the strengthening of sėxuȧŀ potency experienced something similar!
…In those stories that I heard, there were guys who had lasted quite a few hours maintaining an erection until inevitably it became very painful. As for me, I was relieved that I hadn't reached that point yet… although the sensations I had with Kurisu during ɨntėrċȯursė were intense, I could probably blame this body for being more sėnsɨtɨvė than the one I had before.
So I was still holding on to the possibility that I just needed to vent all this sėxuȧŀ dėsɨrė that I had to get my pėnɨs back to normal... but the thing that scared me was that, if not, the treatment to try to fix this make everything my body shudders! I-I didn't even want to think about that!!
...m-maybe in this world there is another type of solution, right?
I-I had to ask myself that question since even though I felt like I could fix this just by continuing to make love to Kurisu, she was now out of the question to help me with it! Thus, when Saeko-chan reminded me of her presence here, I couldn't help but feel a great relief!
No, of course I didn't have a problem with her helping me with this! I would be more than happy about that!! T-The complication was… I-I couldn't just tell her "Now it's your turn, lie down next to Kurisu", right?!!
... m-maybe if I blame the effect of the damn pill [Chaos in the bedroom] then she will forgive me for suggesting we make love right now? B-Besides... Saeko-chan has always been a pretty forgiving and understanding girl with me! And also let's not forget the fact that she had stayed here while doing it with another girl... s-so it's probably not that difficult for her to accept my petition, right?
W-Well… none of those thoughts made it easier for me to open my mouth to tell Saeko-chan that I wanted to sleep with her now… I couldn't find the right words to invite her to bed now!!
"E-Emmm ... i-if Kurisu-san can't continue, t-then ... t-then I ... I'll help you... Alex-san"
So while torturing my head with that problem, she is the one who opens her mouth to say something first... I was about to simply seek comfort with my hand since I also knew that Saeko was a vɨrġɨn... after all, it was quite cruel to ask something like that to a girl to have her first time!
I-I had probably already ruined a girl's dreams about her first time a few moments ago! Not that I wasn't aware of that! Only, since in the end it wasn't my decision but Kurisu's, I could forgive myself a bit for that… so hearing Saeko say that herself, was a huge relief for me!
... t-the pride I felt before for being able to have climaxed Kurisu several times even though she was a vɨrġɨn, had lessened a bit now. I felt a little bad for making a girl embarrass herself for having to say those words!
So, in order not to let her continue to be embarrassed by this, I quickly go over to her and kiss her hard!
"…Thank you"
"U-Un ..."
[Chu ~]
Well, I also did it to express the emotions I felt towards her right now! I was really grateful for this!!
After a light kiss between us once more, Saeko applies a little force to separate us, and then in the next instant she begins to slowly remove her clothes...
"Glup..." seems that in truth my level of arousal had dropped a bit ... or maybe it was just that I was no longer as desperate as before. This time, without being impatient, I wait for her to finish undressing by herself... well, it was also quite nice to see this... with each piece of clothing that Saeko took off, I felt my pėnɨs get hard even more...
Soon, there was another totally nȧkėd girl in this room!
" Hmmn~! "
I wanted to indicate to her with something that there was no need to be ashamed of anything and that her body was beautiful and quite sensual… she was a little bigger in the important areas than Kurisu after all. Of course, I couldn't put it into words because of the possibility that Kurisu would hear it and so I just had to do it physically...
So taking her hands and keeping a silence between us while we only looked at each other, I tug them slightly until we were both on the bed... once there, I stay in a sitting position. Saeko walks a little more on her knees and opening her legs a little to surround my legs.
She positions herself on top of me now...
The truth is that I expected her to take a position where she felt more comfortable on the bed… so I thought she would take a position equal to Kurisu's. I don't know why, but it seemed to be one of the preferred positions for a vɨrġɨn girl… so I was a bit surprised by her decision to put her hands on my shoulders and stand right on my ŀȧp.
I didn't have any complaints about the missionary position I made love with earlier with Kurisu before, it was good too and even though it demanded a bit more from the man, I didn't have much of a problem with it.
But to be honest, I always liked it more when I could have a little more control over the girl's body… just like this position! I think it was inevitable as I was always a bit domineering on these issues.
Although… I didn't know whether to be happy or complain because, due to our heights, Saeko's ċhėst is in front of my face now… it was a bit difficult to feel that I was on the dominant side in this way! But it could also be considered that my head had been in an excellent place...
When Saeko was on my ŀȧp, I quickly and almost unconsciously brought my hands to her buŧŧȯċks, squeezed and massaged them a bit, and then gently brought them to her waist… I probably just wanted to ȧssert my dominance over her.
"H-Hyaan~ Y-You really like girl's brėȧsts, don't you Alex-san? Fufufu, this makes you look a bit like a little baby, you know?
Nyaaa~ W-Well ... p-probably a baby wouldn't do the same as you do now... "
Wanting to carry out my thought from earlier and since Saeko-chan's brėȧsts were right in front of me, then I decide to attack them! As I wrap my left hand around her waist, my right hand grasps her left brėȧst, begins to knead it, and then my fingers lightly pinch her nɨppŀė.
On the other hand, my mouth opens wide enough to encompass a large area of her right brėȧst, and I suck to get a little bit into my mouth so I can ċȧrėss her aureole with my tongue... although I said a large area, this was quite big and that's why I can't seem to cover that much with my mouth... Kurisu is not small, but I can certainly understand why she is insecure around girls like Saeko!
Well, I'm glad that this is enough to make her stop comparing me to a baby... if it weren't for the complex that I have, that wouldn't matter much to me! But... the least I wanted to hear now were the words little, child, baby, or whatever was related to this!
"...I think you'd better let me continue for a while, Saeko-chan... "
When I was concentrating on stimulating Saeko-chan's erogenous zones on her brėȧsts, I have to stop to speak since I felt that she had aligned the entrance of her vȧġɨnȧ with my pėnɨs, and then began to lower her hɨps...
After all, just like with Kurisu, it would be best if she was wet enough to make things easier for her. But I really didn't expect the next words from her!
"I-I think it's okay... I-I'm pretty wet in that p-place..."
Probably wanting to hide her face right now, Saeko-chan puts her head on my shoulder so I can't see her and immediately whispers those words in my ear...
Immediately I look down, and then I realize that she was not lying...
I-It almost looked like that spot was leaking a bit… even the crease between her thɨġhs and vȧġɨnȧ was wet! It was at a level where I had to wonder if when I and Kurisu were "busy" with our thing and we forgot about her, then Saeko-chan started to play with herself during that time!!
Either way... I had to check that inside of her was in the same state as the outside, right? My hand that was on her waist slides down her buŧŧȯċks again, down the line that separated them both, and then my fingers reach her vȧġɨnȧ...
Effectively... when two of my fingers enter her and make Saeko-chan jump a little while letting out a sweet mȯȧn, I find the inside completely wet... then, there should be no problem if she is in this state... my pėnɨs should be able to slip into her vȧġɨnȧ without much trouble!
This was a bit unfortunate since I wanted to "play" a bit with Saeko-chan until she was the same as she is now… after all, seeing other expressions on this proud girl while stimulated her body would have been quite good!
"H-Hyaaan~ A-Alex-san… Nuuunt~!"
Thinking that, I can't help but scratch her vȧġɨnȧŀ walls a bit... it really seemed that she was a bit embarrassed to produce those sweet sounds that kept escaping from her mouth despite trying to contain them...
Also, her whole body was shaking making her brėȧsts that were now pressing my face due to her hugging me with more force, vibrate a little... of course that at being in this position, I could not do anything other thing than resume my attack on them!
[Tshun ~] [Tshun ~] [Chu ~] [Lick ~]
So while some of the liquid inside Saeko-chan's vȧġɨnȧ began to drip through my fingers that were constantly moving inside her and generating watery sounds as they entered and exited a little, then my mouth suċkėd and licked one of her brėȧsts while my hand squeezed the other quite hard!
Fuck! These were actually quite big, it almost seemed that each one of them was the size of my head!! Also, even though I stretched my fingers to the maximum, I couldn't fully encompass them!!
Saeko-chan's brėȧsts were a little firmer and put up more resistance to make them change shape… they seemed to be quite a rebellious pair!
What I told Kurisu that I didn't care much about the size of a girl's brėȧsts while we were doing it wasn't a lie, but… it's not like I would complain if a girl stood out in this regard! The sublime sensation of being able to sink your face into the softness and warmth of these was something that only a girl with large brėȧsts could provide a man!
Well… it's not like Kurisu is too lacking in this regard… also, Saeko-chan wasn't in the top places for brėȧst size out of all the girls!
Also, it did not make much sense to focus on what a girl does not have and it is better to do it on what she does have... feet, legs, buŧŧ, back, neck, the beauty of her face, eyes, hair,... there are too many parts that can be quite stimulating on a girl! Although... it may also depend a little on the person... in my case, I may have a slight preference over some parts, but... I can also continue to enjoy and appreciate the other parts of a girl!
So as to reaffirm my words, my two hands go back to Saeko-chan's fleshy buŧŧȯċks, massage them, and try to separate them from each other by making the line that separated these a little wider... after all, her brėȧsts weren't the only thing remarkable about her body! In fact, I think she was one of the most physically balanced girls!!
"Ha ... Ha ... A-Alex-san ... I-I too will completely become your woman now..."
After a while of satiating my dėsɨrė to ċȧrėss Saeko-chan's whole body, she tells me that by putting her face in front of mine looking directly into my eyes, and then putting a little strength in her legs, she raises her waist who had fallen on my thɨġhs at some point due to my incessant attacks on her body...
Seeing her wet eyes and gasping breath, I could only nod to her words as I also couldn't wait any longer at this moment.... now it was time to check the inside of her vȧġɨnȧ with my pėnɨs too! (just delete the first ".")
If you want, you can, and you like the novel, I hope to see you in my pa.treon soon!!!
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"A-Auunn~ Alex… I-love you~ "
"Ha... ha…"
I wish could say that I was a gentleman and that I was soft with Kurisu for being her first time, but… I think in the end I put a "little" too much effort into this! W-Well… n-not that I was harsh or too intense on her... maybe. In fact, I think things were on a fairly kind level...
T-The problem was the prolongation of the act! I-I think it's quite normal that after more that 6... or 7 times that I reached the climax then Kurisu ended up in her current state now... she was lying on the bed with her face... no, with her body totally flushed, while trying to stabilize her breathing.
I-It would be nice if she was just resting, but... more than resting, I-I think it was more like Kurisu was between consciousness and unconsciousness right now!!
U-Umu… I definitely got a little carried away. T-The good thing is that at least Kurisu doesn't seem to be suffering right now. Although… if we continue with this, then things could take a very bad turn! So I could only leave her alone in bed while I looked at her with a little pride and concern...
The feeling of sufficiency, of course was not because of anything other thing than because this fed my pride as a man! I don't think there is a man who doesn't feel good about seeing his partner lying down while she had a face of happiness and joy like the one Kurisu had now!
As for my concern… a part was also for that very reason. If it was not the first time Kurisu, then there would not be so much problem ... the concern I had was that the next day she could have some inconvenience or discomfort because of all this!
But I think if that happened, there should be a potion or something for that to help her… surely Lena could do something. So I could calm down a bit… sadly, that wasn't the only issue that was worrying me right now! There was something that made me even more uneasy!!
" A-Alex-san, are you okay?
E-Emmm… is-is that normal? "
"Ha… ha... Hmn? T-This… a-as far as I know, it's not that normal Saeko-chan… "
My pėnɨs at this point was fully erect as if everything that had occurred now hadn't happened and I was just ready to start to make love with a girl! In fact, I never lost my erection even having ėʝȧċuŀȧtėd more than 6 times so far!!
... a-although it was not that difficult to maintain the erection after ejaculating if you kept some stimulus on it, now that had been a few minutes since my pėnɨs felt the warmth of Kurisu's vȧġɨnȧ or have some other physical stimulation, it did not seem to lose any enthusiasm and it kept standing pretty firm!
Even though I had vent enough of the fire inside me now, I still felt like if after being hungry and I could taste the most delicious dish you could imagine, then before I was satiated it was taken from me! While I wasn't that hungry now, still there was a great dėsɨrė on me to keep eating!!
A-Although… I couldn't say that Kurisu had taken that delicious food from me! It was more as if the pot from which she served me this one, had now run out!! This was not her fault!!
I could only blame the excitement I still felt on my body. Also… things that I had heard before in my other world made me shiver a bit! There I learned of some similar cases... that some people after taking some medicine for the strengthening of sėxuȧŀ potency experienced something similar!
…In those stories that I heard, there were guys who had lasted quite a few hours maintaining an erection until inevitably it became very painful. As for me, I was relieved that I hadn't reached that point yet… although the sensations I had with Kurisu during ɨntėrċȯursė were intense, I could probably blame this body for being more sėnsɨtɨvė than the one I had before.
So I was still holding on to the possibility that I just needed to vent all this sėxuȧŀ dėsɨrė that I had to get my pėnɨs back to normal... but the thing that scared me was that, if not, the treatment to try to fix this make everything my body shudders! I-I didn't even want to think about that!!
...m-maybe in this world there is another type of solution, right?
I-I had to ask myself that question since even though I felt like I could fix this just by continuing to make love to Kurisu, she was now out of the question to help me with it! Thus, when Saeko-chan reminded me of her presence here, I couldn't help but feel a great relief!
No, of course I didn't have a problem with her helping me with this! I would be more than happy about that!! T-The complication was… I-I couldn't just tell her "Now it's your turn, lie down next to Kurisu", right?!!
... m-maybe if I blame the effect of the damn pill [Chaos in the bedroom] then she will forgive me for suggesting we make love right now? B-Besides... Saeko-chan has always been a pretty forgiving and understanding girl with me! And also let's not forget the fact that she had stayed here while doing it with another girl... s-so it's probably not that difficult for her to accept my petition, right?
W-Well… none of those thoughts made it easier for me to open my mouth to tell Saeko-chan that I wanted to sleep with her now… I couldn't find the right words to invite her to bed now!!
"E-Emmm ... i-if Kurisu-san can't continue, t-then ... t-then I ... I'll help you... Alex-san"
So while torturing my head with that problem, she is the one who opens her mouth to say something first... I was about to simply seek comfort with my hand since I also knew that Saeko was a vɨrġɨn... after all, it was quite cruel to ask something like that to a girl to have her first time!
I-I had probably already ruined a girl's dreams about her first time a few moments ago! Not that I wasn't aware of that! Only, since in the end it wasn't my decision but Kurisu's, I could forgive myself a bit for that… so hearing Saeko say that herself, was a huge relief for me!
... t-the pride I felt before for being able to have climaxed Kurisu several times even though she was a vɨrġɨn, had lessened a bit now. I felt a little bad for making a girl embarrass herself for having to say those words!
So, in order not to let her continue to be embarrassed by this, I quickly go over to her and kiss her hard!
"…Thank you"
"U-Un ..."
[Chu ~]
Well, I also did it to express the emotions I felt towards her right now! I was really grateful for this!!
After a light kiss between us once more, Saeko applies a little force to separate us, and then in the next instant she begins to slowly remove her clothes...
"Glup..." seems that in truth my level of arousal had dropped a bit ... or maybe it was just that I was no longer as desperate as before. This time, without being impatient, I wait for her to finish undressing by herself... well, it was also quite nice to see this... with each piece of clothing that Saeko took off, I felt my pėnɨs get hard even more...
Soon, there was another totally nȧkėd girl in this room!
" Hmmn~! "
I wanted to indicate to her with something that there was no need to be ashamed of anything and that her body was beautiful and quite sensual… she was a little bigger in the important areas than Kurisu after all. Of course, I couldn't put it into words because of the possibility that Kurisu would hear it and so I just had to do it physically...
So taking her hands and keeping a silence between us while we only looked at each other, I tug them slightly until we were both on the bed... once there, I stay in a sitting position. Saeko walks a little more on her knees and opening her legs a little to surround my legs.
She positions herself on top of me now...
The truth is that I expected her to take a position where she felt more comfortable on the bed… so I thought she would take a position equal to Kurisu's. I don't know why, but it seemed to be one of the preferred positions for a vɨrġɨn girl… so I was a bit surprised by her decision to put her hands on my shoulders and stand right on my ŀȧp.
I didn't have any complaints about the missionary position I made love with earlier with Kurisu before, it was good too and even though it demanded a bit more from the man, I didn't have much of a problem with it.
But to be honest, I always liked it more when I could have a little more control over the girl's body… just like this position! I think it was inevitable as I was always a bit domineering on these issues.
Although… I didn't know whether to be happy or complain because, due to our heights, Saeko's ċhėst is in front of my face now… it was a bit difficult to feel that I was on the dominant side in this way! But it could also be considered that my head had been in an excellent place...
When Saeko was on my ŀȧp, I quickly and almost unconsciously brought my hands to her buŧŧȯċks, squeezed and massaged them a bit, and then gently brought them to her waist… I probably just wanted to ȧssert my dominance over her.
"H-Hyaan~ Y-You really like girl's brėȧsts, don't you Alex-san? Fufufu, this makes you look a bit like a little baby, you know?
Nyaaa~ W-Well ... p-probably a baby wouldn't do the same as you do now... "
Wanting to carry out my thought from earlier and since Saeko-chan's brėȧsts were right in front of me, then I decide to attack them! As I wrap my left hand around her waist, my right hand grasps her left brėȧst, begins to knead it, and then my fingers lightly pinch her nɨppŀė.
On the other hand, my mouth opens wide enough to encompass a large area of her right brėȧst, and I suck to get a little bit into my mouth so I can ċȧrėss her aureole with my tongue... although I said a large area, this was quite big and that's why I can't seem to cover that much with my mouth... Kurisu is not small, but I can certainly understand why she is insecure around girls like Saeko!
Well, I'm glad that this is enough to make her stop comparing me to a baby... if it weren't for the complex that I have, that wouldn't matter much to me! But... the least I wanted to hear now were the words little, child, baby, or whatever was related to this!
"...I think you'd better let me continue for a while, Saeko-chan... "
When I was concentrating on stimulating Saeko-chan's erogenous zones on her brėȧsts, I have to stop to speak since I felt that she had aligned the entrance of her vȧġɨnȧ with my pėnɨs, and then began to lower her hɨps...
After all, just like with Kurisu, it would be best if she was wet enough to make things easier for her. But I really didn't expect the next words from her!
"I-I think it's okay... I-I'm pretty wet in that p-place..."
Probably wanting to hide her face right now, Saeko-chan puts her head on my shoulder so I can't see her and immediately whispers those words in my ear...
Immediately I look down, and then I realize that she was not lying...
I-It almost looked like that spot was leaking a bit… even the crease between her thɨġhs and vȧġɨnȧ was wet! It was at a level where I had to wonder if when I and Kurisu were "busy" with our thing and we forgot about her, then Saeko-chan started to play with herself during that time!!
Either way... I had to check that inside of her was in the same state as the outside, right? My hand that was on her waist slides down her buŧŧȯċks again, down the line that separated them both, and then my fingers reach her vȧġɨnȧ...
Effectively... when two of my fingers enter her and make Saeko-chan jump a little while letting out a sweet mȯȧn, I find the inside completely wet... then, there should be no problem if she is in this state... my pėnɨs should be able to slip into her vȧġɨnȧ without much trouble!
This was a bit unfortunate since I wanted to "play" a bit with Saeko-chan until she was the same as she is now… after all, seeing other expressions on this proud girl while stimulated her body would have been quite good!
"H-Hyaaan~ A-Alex-san… Nuuunt~!"
Thinking that, I can't help but scratch her vȧġɨnȧŀ walls a bit... it really seemed that she was a bit embarrassed to produce those sweet sounds that kept escaping from her mouth despite trying to contain them...
Also, her whole body was shaking making her brėȧsts that were now pressing my face due to her hugging me with more force, vibrate a little... of course that at being in this position, I could not do anything other thing than resume my attack on them!
[Tshun ~] [Tshun ~] [Chu ~] [Lick ~]
So while some of the liquid inside Saeko-chan's vȧġɨnȧ began to drip through my fingers that were constantly moving inside her and generating watery sounds as they entered and exited a little, then my mouth suċkėd and licked one of her brėȧsts while my hand squeezed the other quite hard!
Fuck! These were actually quite big, it almost seemed that each one of them was the size of my head!! Also, even though I stretched my fingers to the maximum, I couldn't fully encompass them!!
Saeko-chan's brėȧsts were a little firmer and put up more resistance to make them change shape… they seemed to be quite a rebellious pair!
What I told Kurisu that I didn't care much about the size of a girl's brėȧsts while we were doing it wasn't a lie, but… it's not like I would complain if a girl stood out in this regard! The sublime sensation of being able to sink your face into the softness and warmth of these was something that only a girl with large brėȧsts could provide a man!
Well… it's not like Kurisu is too lacking in this regard… also, Saeko-chan wasn't in the top places for brėȧst size out of all the girls!
Also, it did not make much sense to focus on what a girl does not have and it is better to do it on what she does have... feet, legs, buŧŧ, back, neck, the beauty of her face, eyes, hair,... there are too many parts that can be quite stimulating on a girl! Although... it may also depend a little on the person... in my case, I may have a slight preference over some parts, but... I can also continue to enjoy and appreciate the other parts of a girl!
So as to reaffirm my words, my two hands go back to Saeko-chan's fleshy buŧŧȯċks, massage them, and try to separate them from each other by making the line that separated these a little wider... after all, her brėȧsts weren't the only thing remarkable about her body! In fact, I think she was one of the most physically balanced girls!!
"Ha ... Ha ... A-Alex-san ... I-I too will completely become your woman now..."
After a while of satiating my dėsɨrė to ċȧrėss Saeko-chan's whole body, she tells me that by putting her face in front of mine looking directly into my eyes, and then putting a little strength in her legs, she raises her waist who had fallen on my thɨġhs at some point due to my incessant attacks on her body...
Seeing her wet eyes and gasping breath, I could only nod to her words as I also couldn't wait any longer at this moment.... now it was time to check the inside of her vȧġɨnȧ with my pėnɨs too!
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Chapter 208 2 hours ago -
Infinite incarnations starting from swallowing the starry sky
Chapter 141 2 hours ago -
In the future I will become a magic fairy, and the whole world will know it
Chapter 473 2 hours ago -
After my daughter died, I turned into a killer and took her life
Chapter 52 2 hours ago -
All Gods: Lords of War
Chapter 399 2 hours ago -
Secret: Storm Pigeons are still Storm Pigeons
Chapter 413 2 hours ago -
Who is playing the love development game in Gundam?
Chapter 672 2 hours ago