System Evolution Of Soul
Chapter 38 - 35 New Vehicles
Those of us who have weapons climb on boards arranged on the sides of the walls that surround the mansion near of the main door while other men bring what they can and stack it against the door trying to block it.
"Don't waste bullets in a silly way, just shoot when you think that they are in the distance that you can hit!"
"You already heard it !! We don't have infinite ammunition, so treasure the ones you have since the lives of everyone inside depend on it"
When I saw everyone nervous, I worried that they would shoot foolishly and spend bullets unnecessarily, so I yell at them when noticed some preparing to shoot when the zombies were still quite far away.
That is why I raise me voice to prevent that from happening, when they listen to me, stop and then Soichiro follows up with his arguments.
Zombies still walking slowly approach a steady pace, when they are about 200m away Kurisu, Hirano and one or another man fire by shooting down zombies, but even if they shoot it is impossible that with that rate of fire they can stop all the horde.
With each passing second they continue to get closer and closer, at 100m more people join Kurisu and Hirano, but this was like trying to put out a burning building with buckets of water. When they were at 50m I also shot my colt against the zombies, using loader after loader, being all empty begin to fill them to continue.
[Alexander level up to 18]
[Kurisu level up to 12]
I ignore the notifications of the system and continue shooting until Saya approaches me to speak, I holsters the gun and move away from the sound of the shots a little with her to hear better what she has to say.
"Cars are not enough! Of they, only work the school bus, the mechanic have repaired the Humvee we brought and another 2 cars. But it is impossible to put all the people and things in them ... do you think we will resist until he can repair more cars?"
I turn in the direction of the zombies and see that they have reached the fence and start shaking it, things do not look very good.
"Concentrate the fire on the fence the walls are more resistant, but the fence will fall if they continue to push it !!"
[Target kill 500 zombies completed]
As I give instructions, watch Hirano change direction when he points, then I remember when see him that his loyalty mission gives me a vehicle ... if I can make his loyalty increase further I will have another car, with that thought approach him with Saya following me Steps.
"Hirano you really are good at shooting!!"
"E-eh? Do you think? "
"Without a doubt, you are also a man who shows courage when is needed, don't you think the same Saya?"
I connect the conversation to Saya, who is puzzled by the sudden development, but after I tell her with my eyes to praise him, she doubts for a few seconds but then she does.
"Without a doubt, what Alexander-san says is true"
[Hirano's Loyalty +5]
It worked! , the mentality of a young man is a bit simple and more when he is a little despised by others ... feel like I am washing his brain ... well, it is something necessary, besides what I said are my true thoughts, I am not lying to him .
Answer a little embarrassed, but happy scratching the back of the head, let's continue, I need another 5 points to get that car.
"When we arrive at the other camp I will help you to take the position to teach others to shoot, it is a great responsibility, but I think you can carry it out perfectly"
"I-I can't do something like that ... I'm just good shooting because I like guns and had some training when went to the USA Alexander-kun, but to be in front of so many people to teach them ... that is too much for me"
"No, you can do it, you have shown that are capable since taught others in our group"
When I say look again in the direction of Saya, she seems not to understand why I am doing all this, and that is understandable since no one would believe that I try to get a car with all those words, but still she supports me by nodding her head and confirming my words and saying.
"Yes, it was easy to understand you and you also seemed to know well what you were talking about since answering everyone's questions"
"Y-you two think I can do it?"
"If Alexander-kun and Saya-san trust me so much , then I will, I will strive to do so."
After our talk I wait for the notification of the system, but it does not arrive ... damn, where my 5 loyalty points are, spit them fast or I'll throw you at the zombies! I try to praise him more, but it doesn't work, so use my last resort, I walk closer and ask to him to lend me his ear.
"Hirano, follow me and I'll tell you how to get a girl to warm your bed in the nights"
[Hirano's Loyalty +100]
[Mission / Main (Repeatable) "The path of a leader (Hirano) - H"
Excelling not only generates envy, it also brings together people who are similar in mentality or ideologies. Gaining respect and trust from others is essential to reach greater places in life.
Objective: Current Loyalty 100: 190 (Devotee)
Failure: Death of one of the two
Reward: 1x Anti-material Weapon Coupon- I
System objects extension: land vehicles
1x Armored military vehicle coupon - H]
[Mission Completed Rating: S
Additional rewards: 10,000x Crystals
100,000x Gold
Skill [Hawk Eyes - H]
1x Armored Military Vehicle Coupon - I]
" Really !? What you say is true Alexander-kun? "
Submissive and shy personality disappears from him when I whisper my words, then he looks at me with bloodshot eyes while holding my shoulders, by surprise just assent, hell, this was not Hirano was someone else.
I had to start with that from the beginning ... I forgot that he was a high school boy and as such, 90% of what fills his head are women, that for he, this is better that one power position. Whatever, the good thing is that I complete the loyalty mission.
"Then it is a promise Alexander-kun, for my part if you tell me to walk on fire that I will do, if you ask me to train a whole platoon of soldiers, you will have the best soldiers at your disposal"
"O-ok, for now help others protect the place"
I leave with Saya after he nods and begins to take down zombies with the M-16 in his hands, when we descend to the mainland from the makeshift wooden bases for people to shoot, Saya asks me.
"What did you tell him to get like this?"
"...told him that I would advise him later on what a student who go to high school wants to know more that everything else"
"Hmn? How to get into a good university?"
"... yes, is how entering, but not to the university, but to another place... I also do not think it is of any use now a advice to be admitted to the university, all schools must be in the same conditions as yours"
"That's true"
No doubt what any straight man wants at that age is to know how to enter between the legs of a woman, logically I could not say that to Saya so I try to change the subject and it works by distracting her.
"Well, I need to do something Saya. Please check how things are going with the cars and tell them to hurry up."
"It's okay"
Once I go looking for a place without people, I quickly use the holographic menu and go directly to the vehicle in the objects option, then I start to navigate through the list of all names. It good that it came together with an image, otherwise I would be lost to choose from.
I started with the rank I coupon, my last choice was an armored personnel carrier, it looked robust and also had a machine gun.
[Hunter TR-12 - I]
Armored vehicle for the transport of troops in places of difficult access. It has space for two operators plus 10 men, in addition to having an M-60 machine gun integrated.
After it materializes I observe it for a few seconds, then immediately pass to the coupon of rank H. For this I choose an 8-wheeled vehicle.
[LAV - 25 - H]
Amphibious 8-wheeled vehicle, has a turret with a 25mm Bushmaster gun, also has one M-240 machine gun. Inside it has a capacity for 3 operators and 6 crew.
Although they were certainly great war vehicles, they did not serve me for the purpose of transporting a large number of people and things. So after seeing them for a few moments I try to find one in which I can move many people and materials, unfortunately they will have to get out of my pocket.
When reading the prices I feel that my hands shake as I see the cost, even leaving for the cheapest one in the end I spending 600,000G for three military trucks [BMY M925a2], damn and so what they did not have any weapons, they are only armored high-performance trucks that brought a cargo box, although they were more resistant than any commercial car.
[BMY M925a2]
Cargo truck with 6 wheels for transport, has a cabin for 3 people and has a box at the rear to move things with a capacity of 4.5 Tons.
Aurora didn't lie when she said they were going to be expensive ... thanks to the sky I got coupons for the first ones, otherwise maybe still with all my money and crystals I would not have enough for them... I don't want to know their price, I've had enough with how much spent and the see the trucks.
I will take it as an emergency and if I want to get more cars, it is better to look for a military base and loot everything it have.
I leave the vehicles in the place and walk to where the fence is again to tell Soichiro that I found some cars that work in his backyard ...
Being close I see the pile of corpses that are piled on top of each other in side of the fence and the zombies that climb on them trying to reach those behind the walls. I approach Soichiro who observes things and I asks.
"How is the situation?"
"It is not very good, the bullets will be run out soon if this continue of the same way, in addition with so many bodies stacked in a time they will be able to scale the walls"
"Well, not everything is so bad, I've found several cars that work. Find someone to drive them and start filling them with people and things, the vehicles are over there. Oh, and don't touch the ones with weapons, those are mine and without my permission nobody can get on them "
I give him the keys of the trucks so that he distributes them to some people to drive they, he looks at me surprised ... well, with that inexpressive face it is a bit difficult to know, but I think he had his eyes more open than normal, then when take the keys ask me.
"Did you find them? Where?"
"... do you want us to talk about everything that has happened in our lives or order people to get out of here?"
"... well, let's get out of here. Yoshioka, we have cars to leave, take care of finding someone to drive and tell them to start accommodating people and things"
"I understand Takagi-san"
[Aim to kill 1,000 zombies completed]
Blood and pieces of meat flew constantly from the other side of the wall, but for all the zombies that they killed there were others to take the place of one that fell.
Several minutes after the shooting began, people here began to raise their voice informed that their bullets had run out and with fewer people shooting, zombies were gathering more and more.
Aurora do you have any idea to make more time? Seeing the situation getting worse I consult with her hoping she has a solution.
[I have it, but you won't like it. I can buy a scroll of magic in the system with which you can make time, but the only useful of this type of scrolls in this situation are those of magic with an area of effect ... and those are expensive. The parchment of [Wall of Fire] which is ideal in this situation costs 55,000 crystals, you want me to buy it for you]
... I should be able to say that bought it right away, but feel my heart clench when try to speak. I understand the logic that you cannot spend that money if you are dead, unfortunately there is a point where you begin to equalize a monetary amount with your own life.
You do not feel the same when you are at a poker table and say "I bet everything that I have", then you put 100 dollars, to say the same and put 1 million to lose later ...
Do it...
Gritting my teeth and I give the confirmation to Aurora, she immediately buys the scroll and the system sends it to my interdimensional inventory. With everything ready I turn to Soichiro who watched everything with his serious face.
"Soichiro, have all your men begin to back off and board the cars. We will leave with only what they have managed to load, this is all the time we can delay the advance of the zombies, turn on the vehicles and prepare to leave from here"
"But if we all leave at the same time the zombies will not take long to flood the house and they are also blocking the way to out ... it is necessary that some remain to ensure that there is still a way for cars to pass"
"I agree with that, but I'll take care of that, you don't have to worry."
"You alone? ... I'm sorry if didn't trust you, but it seems impossible for one person. What do you intend to do to achieve it?"
"That… well, I'll do a great magic trick!"
"... Magic you say? ... are you kidding?"
"No, I speak very seriously. You must quickly make everyone back off, anyway, they will soon run out of bullets and it won't make any sense to stay here."
"... it's fine, but I'll stay with you to support you"
[Alexander level up to 19]
With the notification of the system in the background we both looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds, I could see in his eyes that no matter what I said, he would stay. He probably thought I would sacrifice me so that everyone could escape or something like that, and although he couldn't be more wrong about that, he wouldn't believe me even if I explained it to him.
Without another solution I could only accept that he also stayed by my side, so after I nodding he speaks to his men to go back and board the cars.
"Soichiro, Alexander-kun, we got in the cars as much as we could. Besides, all the people are on board, we can leave immediately."
At that moment Yuriko-san accompanied by Saya behind her come and inform us, we both nod and approach them. Then I speak while take out the car keys with weapons that still remained with me.
"Yuriko-san, these are the 8-wheel vehicle keys. Do you think you can drive it?"
"... I think that I can do it, but where did those cars come from?"
"Let's talk about that later, now let's get out of here. Kurisu, take the key of the other vehicle, if you don't think you can drive it, give them to Shisuka, everyone else will go with them. The vehicle that Yuriko-san drives will make our way and the other will cover the rear. "
"No! I stay with you Alex"
"I understand what you are thinking Kurisu, but I will not sacrifice myself, we will go after you when I finish to doing something ... Scythe, go with her"
Everyone had grim faces thinking that we would sacrifice ourselves and Kurisu refused to leave my side, so I speak correcting her thoughts, she looks me at the eyes for a few seconds and then agree to go with the others.
You must be kidding, I can sacrifice myself for my girls, but not for people I hardly know. After my words the people of my group and all the men of Soichiro left, we were the only watching the horde of zombies that having no one to reduce their numbers, the walls and the fence were full of them.
The fence was shaking and it seemed that it would be demolished at any moment, on the walls the zombies climbed up the bodies acc.u.mulated on the ground and when pushing between them they advanced, it was a luck that they did not have a good balance and fell constantly to be stepped on by others, he bad thing about it was that bodies continued to acc.u.mulate to raise the ground level. To continue in that way it would not take long for them to climb and enter in the mansion.
"Then will we both fight with them?"
While watching the zombie horde, Soichiro speaks to me, when I look at him, he slowly draws his Katana with a dignified face as preparing to fight the last battle of his life. Sure he think that what I said was only to make Kurisu leave, and that we both had to sacrifice our-self.
"No, but go ahead, you can go and charge towards them. I will witness your last moments ... don't worry, I will take care of Saya and console Yuriko-san after your useless sacrifice."
"... if you leave here alive, I would appreciate it"
"... I said that out loud? Well, don't worry, if everything goes well, nobody will have to die"
Damn, it seems that my thoughts escaped from my mouth, but it was a relief that he interpret it with the literal meaning and not the hidden meaning in those words ... his honest gaze caused me discomfort, so I walk forward at the end of one of the walls that blocked the zombies ... hope that what I do is surprising enough for him to forget what he hear and not analyze the words I said.
I am sorry for the delay but I left work very late, but well, they say better late than never.
I hope you enjoy the chapter.
I am very tired so I will go to sleep.
Do not forget to visit my paetron and support SES.
Thank you very much for your support
"Don't waste bullets in a silly way, just shoot when you think that they are in the distance that you can hit!"
"You already heard it !! We don't have infinite ammunition, so treasure the ones you have since the lives of everyone inside depend on it"
When I saw everyone nervous, I worried that they would shoot foolishly and spend bullets unnecessarily, so I yell at them when noticed some preparing to shoot when the zombies were still quite far away.
That is why I raise me voice to prevent that from happening, when they listen to me, stop and then Soichiro follows up with his arguments.
Zombies still walking slowly approach a steady pace, when they are about 200m away Kurisu, Hirano and one or another man fire by shooting down zombies, but even if they shoot it is impossible that with that rate of fire they can stop all the horde.
With each passing second they continue to get closer and closer, at 100m more people join Kurisu and Hirano, but this was like trying to put out a burning building with buckets of water. When they were at 50m I also shot my colt against the zombies, using loader after loader, being all empty begin to fill them to continue.
[Alexander level up to 18]
[Kurisu level up to 12]
I ignore the notifications of the system and continue shooting until Saya approaches me to speak, I holsters the gun and move away from the sound of the shots a little with her to hear better what she has to say.
"Cars are not enough! Of they, only work the school bus, the mechanic have repaired the Humvee we brought and another 2 cars. But it is impossible to put all the people and things in them ... do you think we will resist until he can repair more cars?"
I turn in the direction of the zombies and see that they have reached the fence and start shaking it, things do not look very good.
"Concentrate the fire on the fence the walls are more resistant, but the fence will fall if they continue to push it !!"
[Target kill 500 zombies completed]
As I give instructions, watch Hirano change direction when he points, then I remember when see him that his loyalty mission gives me a vehicle ... if I can make his loyalty increase further I will have another car, with that thought approach him with Saya following me Steps.
"Hirano you really are good at shooting!!"
"E-eh? Do you think? "
"Without a doubt, you are also a man who shows courage when is needed, don't you think the same Saya?"
I connect the conversation to Saya, who is puzzled by the sudden development, but after I tell her with my eyes to praise him, she doubts for a few seconds but then she does.
"Without a doubt, what Alexander-san says is true"
[Hirano's Loyalty +5]
It worked! , the mentality of a young man is a bit simple and more when he is a little despised by others ... feel like I am washing his brain ... well, it is something necessary, besides what I said are my true thoughts, I am not lying to him .
Answer a little embarrassed, but happy scratching the back of the head, let's continue, I need another 5 points to get that car.
"When we arrive at the other camp I will help you to take the position to teach others to shoot, it is a great responsibility, but I think you can carry it out perfectly"
"I-I can't do something like that ... I'm just good shooting because I like guns and had some training when went to the USA Alexander-kun, but to be in front of so many people to teach them ... that is too much for me"
"No, you can do it, you have shown that are capable since taught others in our group"
When I say look again in the direction of Saya, she seems not to understand why I am doing all this, and that is understandable since no one would believe that I try to get a car with all those words, but still she supports me by nodding her head and confirming my words and saying.
"Yes, it was easy to understand you and you also seemed to know well what you were talking about since answering everyone's questions"
"Y-you two think I can do it?"
"If Alexander-kun and Saya-san trust me so much , then I will, I will strive to do so."
After our talk I wait for the notification of the system, but it does not arrive ... damn, where my 5 loyalty points are, spit them fast or I'll throw you at the zombies! I try to praise him more, but it doesn't work, so use my last resort, I walk closer and ask to him to lend me his ear.
"Hirano, follow me and I'll tell you how to get a girl to warm your bed in the nights"
[Hirano's Loyalty +100]
[Mission / Main (Repeatable) "The path of a leader (Hirano) - H"
Excelling not only generates envy, it also brings together people who are similar in mentality or ideologies. Gaining respect and trust from others is essential to reach greater places in life.
Objective: Current Loyalty 100: 190 (Devotee)
Failure: Death of one of the two
Reward: 1x Anti-material Weapon Coupon- I
System objects extension: land vehicles
1x Armored military vehicle coupon - H]
[Mission Completed Rating: S
Additional rewards: 10,000x Crystals
100,000x Gold
Skill [Hawk Eyes - H]
1x Armored Military Vehicle Coupon - I]
" Really !? What you say is true Alexander-kun? "
Submissive and shy personality disappears from him when I whisper my words, then he looks at me with bloodshot eyes while holding my shoulders, by surprise just assent, hell, this was not Hirano was someone else.
I had to start with that from the beginning ... I forgot that he was a high school boy and as such, 90% of what fills his head are women, that for he, this is better that one power position. Whatever, the good thing is that I complete the loyalty mission.
"Then it is a promise Alexander-kun, for my part if you tell me to walk on fire that I will do, if you ask me to train a whole platoon of soldiers, you will have the best soldiers at your disposal"
"O-ok, for now help others protect the place"
I leave with Saya after he nods and begins to take down zombies with the M-16 in his hands, when we descend to the mainland from the makeshift wooden bases for people to shoot, Saya asks me.
"What did you tell him to get like this?"
"...told him that I would advise him later on what a student who go to high school wants to know more that everything else"
"Hmn? How to get into a good university?"
"... yes, is how entering, but not to the university, but to another place... I also do not think it is of any use now a advice to be admitted to the university, all schools must be in the same conditions as yours"
"That's true"
No doubt what any straight man wants at that age is to know how to enter between the legs of a woman, logically I could not say that to Saya so I try to change the subject and it works by distracting her.
"Well, I need to do something Saya. Please check how things are going with the cars and tell them to hurry up."
"It's okay"
Once I go looking for a place without people, I quickly use the holographic menu and go directly to the vehicle in the objects option, then I start to navigate through the list of all names. It good that it came together with an image, otherwise I would be lost to choose from.
I started with the rank I coupon, my last choice was an armored personnel carrier, it looked robust and also had a machine gun.
[Hunter TR-12 - I]
Armored vehicle for the transport of troops in places of difficult access. It has space for two operators plus 10 men, in addition to having an M-60 machine gun integrated.
After it materializes I observe it for a few seconds, then immediately pass to the coupon of rank H. For this I choose an 8-wheeled vehicle.
[LAV - 25 - H]
Amphibious 8-wheeled vehicle, has a turret with a 25mm Bushmaster gun, also has one M-240 machine gun. Inside it has a capacity for 3 operators and 6 crew.
Although they were certainly great war vehicles, they did not serve me for the purpose of transporting a large number of people and things. So after seeing them for a few moments I try to find one in which I can move many people and materials, unfortunately they will have to get out of my pocket.
When reading the prices I feel that my hands shake as I see the cost, even leaving for the cheapest one in the end I spending 600,000G for three military trucks [BMY M925a2], damn and so what they did not have any weapons, they are only armored high-performance trucks that brought a cargo box, although they were more resistant than any commercial car.
[BMY M925a2]
Cargo truck with 6 wheels for transport, has a cabin for 3 people and has a box at the rear to move things with a capacity of 4.5 Tons.
Aurora didn't lie when she said they were going to be expensive ... thanks to the sky I got coupons for the first ones, otherwise maybe still with all my money and crystals I would not have enough for them... I don't want to know their price, I've had enough with how much spent and the see the trucks.
I will take it as an emergency and if I want to get more cars, it is better to look for a military base and loot everything it have.
I leave the vehicles in the place and walk to where the fence is again to tell Soichiro that I found some cars that work in his backyard ...
Being close I see the pile of corpses that are piled on top of each other in side of the fence and the zombies that climb on them trying to reach those behind the walls. I approach Soichiro who observes things and I asks.
"How is the situation?"
"It is not very good, the bullets will be run out soon if this continue of the same way, in addition with so many bodies stacked in a time they will be able to scale the walls"
"Well, not everything is so bad, I've found several cars that work. Find someone to drive them and start filling them with people and things, the vehicles are over there. Oh, and don't touch the ones with weapons, those are mine and without my permission nobody can get on them "
I give him the keys of the trucks so that he distributes them to some people to drive they, he looks at me surprised ... well, with that inexpressive face it is a bit difficult to know, but I think he had his eyes more open than normal, then when take the keys ask me.
"Did you find them? Where?"
"... do you want us to talk about everything that has happened in our lives or order people to get out of here?"
"... well, let's get out of here. Yoshioka, we have cars to leave, take care of finding someone to drive and tell them to start accommodating people and things"
"I understand Takagi-san"
[Aim to kill 1,000 zombies completed]
Blood and pieces of meat flew constantly from the other side of the wall, but for all the zombies that they killed there were others to take the place of one that fell.
Several minutes after the shooting began, people here began to raise their voice informed that their bullets had run out and with fewer people shooting, zombies were gathering more and more.
Aurora do you have any idea to make more time? Seeing the situation getting worse I consult with her hoping she has a solution.
[I have it, but you won't like it. I can buy a scroll of magic in the system with which you can make time, but the only useful of this type of scrolls in this situation are those of magic with an area of effect ... and those are expensive. The parchment of [Wall of Fire] which is ideal in this situation costs 55,000 crystals, you want me to buy it for you]
... I should be able to say that bought it right away, but feel my heart clench when try to speak. I understand the logic that you cannot spend that money if you are dead, unfortunately there is a point where you begin to equalize a monetary amount with your own life.
You do not feel the same when you are at a poker table and say "I bet everything that I have", then you put 100 dollars, to say the same and put 1 million to lose later ...
Do it...
Gritting my teeth and I give the confirmation to Aurora, she immediately buys the scroll and the system sends it to my interdimensional inventory. With everything ready I turn to Soichiro who watched everything with his serious face.
"Soichiro, have all your men begin to back off and board the cars. We will leave with only what they have managed to load, this is all the time we can delay the advance of the zombies, turn on the vehicles and prepare to leave from here"
"But if we all leave at the same time the zombies will not take long to flood the house and they are also blocking the way to out ... it is necessary that some remain to ensure that there is still a way for cars to pass"
"I agree with that, but I'll take care of that, you don't have to worry."
"You alone? ... I'm sorry if didn't trust you, but it seems impossible for one person. What do you intend to do to achieve it?"
"That… well, I'll do a great magic trick!"
"... Magic you say? ... are you kidding?"
"No, I speak very seriously. You must quickly make everyone back off, anyway, they will soon run out of bullets and it won't make any sense to stay here."
"... it's fine, but I'll stay with you to support you"
[Alexander level up to 19]
With the notification of the system in the background we both looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds, I could see in his eyes that no matter what I said, he would stay. He probably thought I would sacrifice me so that everyone could escape or something like that, and although he couldn't be more wrong about that, he wouldn't believe me even if I explained it to him.
Without another solution I could only accept that he also stayed by my side, so after I nodding he speaks to his men to go back and board the cars.
"Soichiro, Alexander-kun, we got in the cars as much as we could. Besides, all the people are on board, we can leave immediately."
At that moment Yuriko-san accompanied by Saya behind her come and inform us, we both nod and approach them. Then I speak while take out the car keys with weapons that still remained with me.
"Yuriko-san, these are the 8-wheel vehicle keys. Do you think you can drive it?"
"... I think that I can do it, but where did those cars come from?"
"Let's talk about that later, now let's get out of here. Kurisu, take the key of the other vehicle, if you don't think you can drive it, give them to Shisuka, everyone else will go with them. The vehicle that Yuriko-san drives will make our way and the other will cover the rear. "
"No! I stay with you Alex"
"I understand what you are thinking Kurisu, but I will not sacrifice myself, we will go after you when I finish to doing something ... Scythe, go with her"
Everyone had grim faces thinking that we would sacrifice ourselves and Kurisu refused to leave my side, so I speak correcting her thoughts, she looks me at the eyes for a few seconds and then agree to go with the others.
You must be kidding, I can sacrifice myself for my girls, but not for people I hardly know. After my words the people of my group and all the men of Soichiro left, we were the only watching the horde of zombies that having no one to reduce their numbers, the walls and the fence were full of them.
The fence was shaking and it seemed that it would be demolished at any moment, on the walls the zombies climbed up the bodies acc.u.mulated on the ground and when pushing between them they advanced, it was a luck that they did not have a good balance and fell constantly to be stepped on by others, he bad thing about it was that bodies continued to acc.u.mulate to raise the ground level. To continue in that way it would not take long for them to climb and enter in the mansion.
"Then will we both fight with them?"
While watching the zombie horde, Soichiro speaks to me, when I look at him, he slowly draws his Katana with a dignified face as preparing to fight the last battle of his life. Sure he think that what I said was only to make Kurisu leave, and that we both had to sacrifice our-self.
"No, but go ahead, you can go and charge towards them. I will witness your last moments ... don't worry, I will take care of Saya and console Yuriko-san after your useless sacrifice."
"... if you leave here alive, I would appreciate it"
"... I said that out loud? Well, don't worry, if everything goes well, nobody will have to die"
Damn, it seems that my thoughts escaped from my mouth, but it was a relief that he interpret it with the literal meaning and not the hidden meaning in those words ... his honest gaze caused me discomfort, so I walk forward at the end of one of the walls that blocked the zombies ... hope that what I do is surprising enough for him to forget what he hear and not analyze the words I said.
I am sorry for the delay but I left work very late, but well, they say better late than never.
I hope you enjoy the chapter.
I am very tired so I will go to sleep.
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