System In Another World

Chapter 83 - Arriving at Elsos

Jin and the rest arrived at the dead forest. The greenery scene lost their color and turned into a withered trees and plants. Antares, the monster they need to subdue, already contaminated everything that was five kilometers away from the ruins of Antares.

"It's worse than I imagined." Ur muttered as she looked at the forest.

"If we can't stop it, Antares would eventually contaminated the whole world." Hermes said in a gloomy tone.

"Ahh!" Suddenly Artemis felt a pain attack her in the heart. She frown as she put her hands on her ċhėst.

"What's wrong Artemis?" Jin asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"It's coming!" Artemis said as she gritted her teeth.

Jin quickly looked up in the sky and saw several dozens of rays of light flashing.

"Look up!" Jin shouted at the rest.

Hermes, Ur, Jellal, and Mercphobia quickly looked up in the sky when they heard his words.

"Let me." Ur slowly stood up on the back of the dragon. She looked up and face the ray of lights in the sky. She slowly brought her hands together. Her magic power fluctuate greatly.


A dome mage of ice formed above them.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The ice dome was hard and thick. It also contains Ur's magic power that made it more tough.

The ray of light continue to collide at the ice dome, but it still couldn't pierce through the ice dome.

After a few minutes the ray of lights stop firing at them. Then, the ice dome slowly fell towards them.


"WHAT?!!" Hermes was stunned. He didn't think that Ur was capable of creating an ice dome that could block those attacks.

"JIN!!" Ur shouted when she saw the ice dome slowly falling towards them.

"Okay, leave it to me." Jin replied. He then turned towards Artemis and patted her head.

"I will leave for a while, Artemis." Jin said before he jump in the mid air. He clenched both of his fist and a flame covered it.


A large ball of flame crashed in the ice dome.


Mist spread out in the whole area. It covered the whole sky.

Jin then took a deep breath and he lifted up his mask, revealing his mouth.


Large amount of flame shot out from his mouth. It was an AOE attack and it quickly swallowed the remaining part of ice. The ice immediately turned into mist.

"The hell! What kind of magic is that?!" Hermes was speechless when he saw the sea of fire in the sky.

Jin landed down on the back of the dragon.

"Are you okay, Orion?" Artemis immediately asked him.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Jin replied to her with a smile on his face. He then fix back his mask to his face.

"I could sense a group of monsters below us." Jin said as he looked down at the withered forest.

"Yeah. I could sense it too." Mercphobia said.

"What should we do, Jin?" Ur asked him.

"Let go down, I want to warm up before I fight that Antares." Jin said as he patted Artemis.

Artemis nodded at him before she control the dragon to go down. When they reach a certain distance from the ground, Jin jump and landed on the group.

Jin immediately looked at his surrounding. He could feel that monster was gathering around him, hiding in the shadows of the trees.

Up above the forest, Hermes looked curiously at Jin. As far as he know, there's no strong individual outside of Orario. This was the first time he heard his name. Jin and Ur possesses powerful strength. Although, Mercphobia and Jellal haven't display their powers yet, he guess that they were also powerful.

"Time to earn some points." Jin said as he smirked. He opened both of his arms widely.


The monsters were swallowed by the huge amount of water.


The water around suddenly became heavy and tried to crush everything in the whole area.

Jin then jumped in the air and a lightning crackle around his body.


Lightning swept around the surrounding and it went in the water.


"Done." Jin said as he heard a series of notification inside his mind.

The monsters were either crushed by high pressure or toasted by lightning.

"I wonder what would happen if he develop all the dragon slaying magic to the level of Acnologia. Would he manage to fuse all the transformation or not?" Mercphobia muttered while looking at Jin. He wants to see the day where Jin could transform into eight different dragons and eventually fuse all of it. At that time he was sure that Jin would become the greatest dragon slayer in history. A form that was more perfect than Acnologia.

Hermes who was in front of him heard his words. He frown and thought, 'Dragon Slaying Magic? It's different from the Dragon Slaying Magic we have. No, we only have a Dragon Slaying Weapon not the magic.'

Jin smirked when he saw the points he earn. Although, these monsters give him low points, but with their numbers it's enough to compensate it.

Each monsters only gave him 30 to 40 points, but their numbers reach one hundred. So he quickly earn three thousand and above points from that wave of monsters. He just earned that kind of amount in just a single wave of monsters.

This world is good for grinding points as there's many monster here that could respawn. It's easy to earn points here compare to DxD world and Fairy Tail world. Although the points he received was lower here in this world but the amount of monster here was something else conpared to those two worlds.

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