AN: This story will mainly be in first person.

We all know how it starts. A young or old man gets hit by a vehicle and dies. This time not! I was reincarnated upon my old death into my own world and 2 years in the past! With my supreme knowledge of the future I shall conquer the world haha!

-Host detected. Sending vehicle to kill host…

Shit! No! Oh mighty system spare me! I have a bright future here!


Why!? I haven't done anything! I'm still in my baby stages!

-Error -31 Couldn't send vehicle!

I sighed in relieve until I felt an intense pain which disappeared.

-Host was killed by stray test missile instead.

Shit! Here I was thinking I was safe. Stupid Missile-kun had to come and fill its senior's role! I sighed as a white door appeared before me. I didn't have arms but I managed to move and open the door. Entering I met a child that said "I am Christ!" I raised an eyebrow and asked "Really?" The kid looked at me like he was looking at an idiot and said "Of course not! I'm a saint!"

I frowned and said "Liar!" The saint slapped me and said "That wasn't a joke!" I was speechless. The saint grinned and said "What did you expect? A god? Their kind died long ago! Anyway, the next in line to supreme power was us so we now are gods but we are first saints."

I said "That makes no sense." The child nodded and said "I know. Blame the author. He doesn't want to think too hard in this story." I looked up and said "Author! Fix this! You're better than this!"

AN: Don't break the 4th wall! Anyway, you guys are my slaves so do what I write!

The saint sighed and said "See. Oh well, the usual. You have 3 wishes. What do you want?"

I shrugged and said "Depends. What world am I going to?" The saint answered "Pokemon." I nodded and said "Heard of it. Is it the anime or manga?" The saint yawned and said "Too many questions! Neither, the A thought it would be fun to make a world without the MC from it."

I nodded and said "Alright. I wish for a system that will help me in the pokemon world in about anything since why not. I wish for infinite wishes and to be incredibly handsome with a beautiful mother and little sister."

The saint nodded and said "Everything but the second wish I can do." I sighed and said "Fine! It was worth a try. Can I save it for later?" The saint nodded and said "Sure. Well goodbye."

Opening my eyes I started out as a baby but to not annoy those that want action right away lets skip that. I grew up with a loving family that for some reason or another lived in Pallet town just like every other story starting point. My mother was beautiful and my father was missing. By missing I mean he left to continue his pokemon trainer journey like the rest .001% of the other fathers in this world.

He only stayed long enough to i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e my mother with my little sister before disappearing. My mother was the home loving mother that preferred to not speak of dad and just tended to us. She was the best if not for the fact I was an old man in my mind who got bored 99% of the time with kid toys. I still acted the part though.

One of my few joys in life was my little sister. I may be old but no one is too old to be a big brother. I ended up playing with her most of the time and watching over her. She was incredibly cute. I guess genes of a beautiful mother and probably handsome father came into play here.

She was a troublemaker though as she went around pulling pranks or picking fights with other kids only to be beaten then have me beat the others. How cute but annoying. I tried to fix her habit my pinching the palm of her hand each time she misbehaved but she didn't stop. Oh well!

5 years passed in a leisure manner with me doing those kinds of things. I was expecting nothing at the moment since the system had yet to show itself. I guess it will do so when I'm 10 and old enough to become a pokemon trainer.

We also began going to a small school in Pallet Town which only held elementary and middle school. The reasoning behind this was the fact that kids could become a trainer after elementary but some would choose to stay thus they got middle school level education before going to a city to continue their studies.

A boring system I know. I ignored the teachers and just played with my sister becoming the second troublemaker but they couldn't complain since my grades were good. It was all find and dandy until Yin my little sister had the brilliant idea of 'catching a pokemon' on her own.

The reason I knew this was because she told me and escaped from school. Of course, being a big brother meant I had to chase after her by using the restroom excuse. The school was never locked until night so I managed to follow her.

Annoyed I shout "Yin get back here!" Yin laughter echoed between the trees as her voice said "Catch me if you can!" Shaking my head I just began tracing her. Good thing kids weren't the brightest. I just used some simple tracking methods and after a while I found her looking at a Rattata greedily.

She smiled and said "Come here little one. You will be my pet from now on." I watched the scene since I knew pokemon were more often than not peaceful. I was right as the Rattata just turned around leaving.

Yin didn't take this too kindly as she shouted "Hey! Get back here!" Walking over I said "That is what I should be saying Yin!" Yin froze as she stiffly looked at me. I had an evil smile causing her to run shouting "You will never catch me!" I laughed and said "I will you brat!" I chased after her. She ran through several bushes before stopping. I smiled and grabbed her hand saying "Caught you!"

I pulled her towards the back and began pushing her saying "Come on Yin! You will get in trouble!" Yin shouted fearfully "Behind you!" Confused I looked behind myself and saw an angry Nidoran boy which had jumped towards my back.

I was speechless. What kind of shit is this!? Why is the protagonist always being attacked by random pokemon and never notice them!? Crap! I felt my back stab causing me to groan but I instantly began pushing Yin forward while shouting "Let's run back!"

It took us a good 20 minutes to get back since I found myself lacking in breath and sweating heavily. It appears I was poisoned but I had a strong enough will to continue and Yin was also supporting me even though she was crying.

I just consoled her about just being a little sting and sleepiness. She calmed down and helped me a lot more. Thank god she is naïve! Oh wait! They are dead. Thank the saints! Returning to school I endured a bit as I told the teacher the situation while hinting to not panic since it would scare the kids.

She quickly assigned the kids to work by themselves while I was taken to the nurse which took me to professor Oak. At this point I was already passed out but I soon woke up on a bed. Groaning I said "My head hurts."

Professor Oak voice sounded "Of course. You nearly died from poison after all." I looked at his direction and asked "How is my sister?" He shrugged and said "Fine. School should end in a few hours. You will need to rest. I will take you back to your parents."

I did as told and I came back home just fine. I was surprised but whatever. Life returned to normal and another 5 years passed peacefully. I hoped that Yin would stay naïve but she didn't. She found out that I nearly died and cried for a while asking for forgiveness.

I just reprimanded her for being careless and forgave her. My mother just shook her head seeing this since it was sort of funny considering we were practically the same age and I acted older. Well I was either way.

Mother had also began taking more hobbies to pass the time and we spent time doing them with her. There was no special event that happened like acquiring a shiny out of nowhere but I'm expecting it to happen once I get my starter and begin my journey.

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