System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 10 - The Fierce Pidgey!

For the next two days I was quickly trying to traverse through the path since I was behind schedule. The route was supposed to take us 5 days to cross to reach Mt. Moon which should take one entire day to pass through and arrive at Cerulean city.

Honestly I didn't plan on resting too much and even took traveling as a training exercise for my pokemon. I had Butterfree continue master its Psychic abilities by having it move the rocks in a pattern. The patterns got more complex the better Butterfree became.

Beedrill was told to focus on agility and attack power since previously it took too many hits to defeat Brock's Onix. During this time I also bought myself a method to make Poke Food Cubes which boosted their growth physically and in their attributes.

Of course, being able to get the method in making it didn't mean nothing if I couldn't buy the resources. Fortunately, my previous victory earned me 10k poke dollars from the system. I paid 1.5k points for the method. Previously the Friendly Aura had cost me 750 points meaning had 1250 and earned 1k with my victory. This left me 750 points left.

It wasn't enough for much but for now I needed to gain more points. In order to do so I will have to beat a bunch of trainers in order to acc.u.mulate points since getting from gym to gym is taking forever. Anyway, enough about the system.

My journey was mostly pleasant as my pokemon and me trained while traveling. That was until I witnessed a battle between a Pidgey and several Spearows. Most people would think that the group of Spearows would be winning but the situation in front of me said otherwise.

The Pidgey flew between the Spearows with its wings shining causing them to fall down. I was surprised as I said "Is that Wing Attack?" It was really surprising since Wing Attack was a high level move which could only be gotten after training long and hard by the Pidgey or evolving it allowing it to easily learn it.

This Pidgey cried its victory call as the Spearows hatefully glared at it trying again only to be send flying away by Pidgey using Whirlwind. I was shocked. This freaking Pidgey is a beast! It then looked at me and my pokemon.

I frowned as I had a feeling this Pidgey was not exactly the friendliest Pokemon one would want to meet in his journey. I was right as it flew towards my pokemon planning on using Wing Attack on them. Wing Attack was a flying move meaning my bug type pokemon were at a disadvantage and would suffer greatly if Pidgey succeeded.

I quickly ordered "Beedrill Agility and up! Butterfree Stun Spore and Psychic!" Beedrill raced towards the sky while Butterfree send a wave of Stun Spore towards Pidgey who dodged upward. Seeing this I smiled and shouted "Beedrill use Pin Missile!"

Pidgey who tried to escape noticing it was outmatched was trapped. Being hit by the Pin Missile it was thrown into the Stun Spore wave controlled by Butterfree that made it clump onto it. Pidgey fell onto the ground but still struggled to move.

I was internally surprised it was still conscious causing me to quickly grab a pokeball and throw it. Pidgey that was hit by the Pokeball struggled for a bit but sadly it messed with the wrong Duo. Beedrill and Butterfree made an incredible combo when they worked together.

The cl.i.c.k.i.n.g sound was emitting meaning that Pidgey was successfully captured. I sighed in relieve and got the pokeball. That Pidgey was really fierce! It was able to battle a group of Spearows and win easily. It also attacked whatever it saw trying to prove its prowess to itself.

Unfortunately for Pidgey, it decided to attack me. It was now my pokemon. I shook my head and said "This little guy sure is something. Time to check on the stats of my pokemon again."

-Butterfree: lvl 23 / Medium Potential / Moves: String Shot, Tackle, Harden, Confusion, Sleep or Poison Powder, Stun spore, Psybeam, Psychic, Supersonic, Quiver Dance

-Pidgey: lvl 11 / High Potential / Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Mirror Move, Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Whirlwind

I nodded and said "I got myself a good Pidgey here thanks to you guys!" Butterfree went over and rubbed its head onto my cheek while Beedrill began flexing. I found it funny how they changed so much after their capture.

I remember when Weedle was a little shy guy. It was adorable and now this Beedrill is brimming with confidence. Smiling I said "Good work." Suddenly the cry of an angered pokemon sounded. Looking to the side I paled and shouted "Time to put our training to the test! Secret Technique! Sprint like your life depends on it!"

I sprinted away like a mad man while an angry Fearow followed us. It took a good hour for it to give up and I mainly believed it gave up because Pidgey the aggressor of the whole situation was nowhere to be seen. We were all on the floor breathing like dead dogs wondering what else could go wrong.

Just on cue an angry voice sounded "Hey! Give those back! They're my pokemon!" Lifting my head tiredly I saw a red head girl shouting and 3 people. Well, 2 people and a Meowth. Slamming my face on the ground I said "Not these idiots again."

It appeared my luck was worse as they were running towards me. James shouted "Finders keepers losers weepers!" Jessie laughed as she said "See you never brat!" Getting up I sighed and said "Butterfree use Psychic and Sleep Powder." Butterfree who also got off the ground used it and the 3 idiots fell onto the ground snoring away.

Walking over lazily I grabbed a red bag as I heard "Hey! Give those back!" I turned around and leaned back dodging a slap. I frowned as I tripped her while walking away a few steps saying "Crazy girl." Misty who fell down on Jessie shouted "Who you calling crazy!?" I looked at her and said "Is there anyone awake other than me here?"

This only made her angrier but I just shook my head and tossed her bag to her saying "Don't go losing your pokemon. They will be very sad if they find out they were stolen from their trainer if they have a good bond."

She was surprised as she said "Thanks! You aren't as bad as I thought." I smiled slightly and said "So you're quick to judge huh?" She became angry again as she shouted "Spoke too soon!" I laughed and said "Well got to get going. I need to challenge the Cerulean Gym after all."

I took a deep breath and said "Alright you guys ready?" Beedrill and Butterfree who recovered nodded as they flew over getting ready to move and train. Right before I ran Misty spoke "Hey wait!" I looked at her and asked "Yeah? What is it?" She got up and said "I can help you get to the gym."

I raised my brow and said "Suspicious. No one offers to help someone else unless they want something. What do you want?" Annoyed she said "Fine! Then go by yourself!" I ran in front of her and said "Wait! I didn't say no! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Zane and the idiots on the floor are called Team Rocket. Blue haired guy is James, shameless woman is Jessie and the weird cat is Meowth."

She tilted her head and asked "Did you have to introduce them?" I nodded and said "Yeah, I ruined their intro so that is my payment to them." If Jessie heard what I said then she would be furious demanding why I called her shameless.

Misty continued "My name is Misty. I came to train and become a better trainer but you could guess what happened." I nodded and said "Yeah, let me guess. They stole your bag while you were fishing?" She was surprised and asked "How did you know?"

I smiled and said "You look like a water pokemon trainer so you must fish often right?" She nodded and said "Yeah. Well, follow me. I got a bike and can lead the way for you." I nodded and we recovered her fishing rod and bike and she offered to give me a ride but I didn't accept and said I was training myself.

That is how I gained my first temporary companion.

Cliff-Kun: I hate this author but I can make things up! How long will Misty travel with Zane!? Will she fall for him!? Will Zane add her to his harem!? Stay tune to find out in the future chapters of System in Pokemon World!

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