System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 15 - Training...

AN: There is going to be a bunch of chapters about training… Oh well!

Getting up early morning I began my training. I arrived at the Pokemon Training Field where I met the same girl. I smiled and said "Hello Lena." She smiled and said "My sisters told me about you. One said you were a disappointment while the other one thought you were something. I'm wondering what you did to make my sister from Pewter town think you're a disappointment."

I shrugged and said "I don't care. Anyway, I need to train in a water field. I'm planning on challenging this city gym leader." She nodded and said "Alright but you aren't getting out of my sight. I chuckled and said "Is that so? Maybe I should get a little closer."

I walked forward causing her to laugh and say "A bit too close though. You better follow me or I will leave you behind." I shook my head disappointed that my movements were seen as a joke but thinking back on my pokemon I couldn't dedicate too much effort on a girl at the moment.

Following her I entered the Water Field inside the place. She smiled and said "Amazing isn't it? Each field was design to help the trainer become accustomed to different environments and even for their gym matches since some areas are similar."

I nodded and said "Impressive. Well, time to go out and train guys." I threw 3 pokeballs summoning Butterfree, Beedrill and Pidgey. They looked around the place trying to see where I brought them. Smiling I said "Alright, time to plan! We need you all to become stronger than before and the previous training won't fit here."

I closed my eyes and began thinking. Butterfree and Beedrill that knew of my habit of closing my eyes to think waited patiently while Pidgey thought I was napping. It flew up to my head and began pecking my forehead causing me to laugh.

I said "Calm down Pidgey! I'm awake! I'm just thinking!" Pidgey flew away surprised I wasn't sleeping. I rubbed my head complaining happily "Aren't you a bit too eager?" Pidgey looked away trying to ignore me while Butterfree and Beedrill began playing with it.

I just shook my head with a smile. Lane said "Is this how you train your pokemon? I have to agree with my sister. Not impressive at all." I looked confused and said "What are you talking about?" She sighed and said "This is a Pokemon Training Field where you train not have fun."

Hearing this I felt upset. I frowned and said "Leave or don't bother me. I don't need to come here to train you do know that. From my knowledge I'm the only one using this facility. I can train however I want even if it means playing games with my own pokemon. You have no right to tell me how to train them."

She became angry and said "Hello! I'm the person maintaining this place. I know more about training than you." I looked at her and asked "How many?" She became confused and asked "How many what? Fields?" I shook my head and said "How many pokemon have you trained? How many have reached the league?"

She fell silent. She hasn't trained a single pokemon and only maintains the place. I nodded and said "You need to learn how to be more patient. I'm the one training them and I can take as long as I please." She looked hurt but I won't take my words back.

This was the truth. I didn't know either of her sisters too well but I couldn't care less. This girl needed a lesson in manners since maybe being along made them grow or impatient. Hopefully it was impatient since being is worse.

Shaking my head in disappointment I said to my pokemon "Alright guys give me a bit of time." They nodded not caring about Lena. Lena gripped her fist angry and sad. She knew she was in the wrong here but was angry that someone told her off. She has never been told off before.

Let us say I was challenged to a 3 on 3 match. I would need to have each of my pokemon be able to defeat 1 before losing in order to win. Butterfree would need to find a way to affect the opponent that was underwater but the question was how.

What can enter the water? I imagined myself underwater and saw rocks, sand and such. I frowned until suddenly I realized. Air! I opened my eyes and said "Butterfree you will have Pidgey teach you Whirlwind. Go on and train. After being able to make it use Psychic to control the currents into a sphere of swirling air."

Butterfree cried "Freeeee~!" It flew up into the sky with Pidgey following it. They began training. I once again closed my eyes and thought of Beedrill issue. I need to find a way to force the pokemon outside the water but how? I don't want Beedrill to be harmed just to do that.

I need a way to force the opposing pokemon to attack. What could cause a pokemon to attack you but not harm you? A decoy. How to create a decoy? Substitution or Double Team! Opening my eyes again I said "Beedrill, you will have to learn a new move too. Double Team. I don't have a deep understanding how the move works but I will gather some information and help you learn it but for now train on your speed. Previously we trained your speed to dodge but this time it is to attack. You will have around 1 second to attack no more or less. Understood?"

Beedrill nodded while I continued "Alright, Lena, do you have a giant fan we can borrow?" Lena who was upset said "I may or may not have it." I sighed and said "How useless. This facility lacks a basic thing as a giant fan. Everyone knows basic training needs a giant fan."

Hearing this, her mouth twitched as she said "Of course we do you idiot! This is the Pokemon Training Facility! We have everything!" I smiled and said "Why didn't you say so before? All the equipment in this facility is free so follow her Beedrill then come back. I will adjust the giant fan. You will train by flying against the air current so that you can move more easily and instantaneously."

It nodded as it looked at Lena waiting for her to lead the way. Lena g.r.o.a.n.e.d and said "Follow me." Soon they left. Closing my eyes I thought about Pidgey. Pidgey level was too low and needed training or at least evolve to Pidgeotto. Pidgey had lots of experience fighting but wild pokemon probably couldn't get the full benefit by themselves which is why they live longer than humans.

In order to have Pidgey train I will use it to battle most trainers to gain experience and level up. We will also have to train its attacks and hopefully achieve an attack which can go through water. A few attacks come to mind such as Razor Wind and Air Slash. Air slash is a focused attack while Razor Wind was an AoE attack.

Looking at Pidgey who was training Butterfree I shouted "Pidgey! You will need to train on a new move called Air Slash. You gather your energy then with a single flap you send a surge of air strong enough to cut. Got it?" Pidgey hearing this nodded excited for its new training. Smiling I waited for Beedrill to return and was surprised that Lena brought over the giant fan.

She frowned and said "I just want to help the pokemon train. I'm not doing this for you." I nodded and said "I understand." Considering this, I decided to loosen her up a little while we train here. Hopefully she can turn a new leaf for the better.

AN: So, should I keep the previous way where I left out most of Zane thought process in finding the best training method or should I keep adding how he thinks to find a training method? Comment to let me know!

Cliff-Kun: How is he going to 'loosen' up the Lena!? How are the fights going to be for poor Pidgey!? Stay tune to find out next time in System in Pokemon World!

AN: I already had this chapter done before the suggestions but I will use them for next time.

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