System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 17 - Challenging the Cerulean Gym!

(Author's Note:I know what you all are thinking. I died right? College does that to people especially when a certain class assigns a bunch of work that annoys you to no end. Anyway! I am not dead! Sorry for the long Hiatus without much notice. I had some time to think about the future of the novel and I still want to keep writing it regardless. Once vacation comes I will spent more time writing.

More Importantly! I want Zane to catch the three starter pokemon since I really like them. He might catch a Pichu once he enters the Johto region and it will evolve to a Pikachu. For now, no Pikachu since I don't want an exact copy of Ash here. I would love to hear your opinion on that. Should Zane catch the starter pokemon or should he catch different ones like Dratini and so on. Finally, should he catch a Pikachu before entering the Johto region or not? I would love to hear your opinions.

Sorry for talking for so long. Enjoy the story and if you forgot then just skimp through the past events like me!)

Intro-kun: System in Pokemon World is back! Zane will finally face Misty! Will he achieve a victory or will he have to spent more time training!? Find out now!

Getting off the bed, I went over to the closest bike store where I just looked at the bikes with the price I promised. I eventually found one. I didn't buy it right away but kept looking around until I found one similar to the bike that Misty lost. I nodded and said "Yeah, she is getting a too good of a deal…"

The description of the 40k poke dollar bike was great for traveling but not meant for all terrain while the 60k was all terrain making it much comfier than the other one. I g.r.o.a.n.e.d and with tears soaking my face I bought the 60k bike and road to the gym.

Arriving, I shook my head seeing that there was an audience which I found slightly annoying but had to deal with it. That reminds me. The next gym I should gather money and buy myself my own bike since it would help me travel quickly. Sure, there might be a problem with gaining a bit of fame but I doubt many people will remember me.

I waited for the crowd of people that wanted to watch the trio sisters to leave. Once they left, I calmly entered inside and looked around. There were aquariums in the side of the halls causing me to nod in admiration. It was only a basic decoration but it showed that their d.e.s.i.r.e to be near water and in general water type pokemon.

A few fishes were swimming around. I looked in amazement since there were fishes that I never seen before. I smiled and said, "This is fun. Discovering new things and getting to enjoy new sights. Sadly, I was not too experienced in identifying fishes so I cannot tell if this fishes existed before or not. Better keep going though."

Detaching myself from the aquarium I moved to the next door to find myself in front of the gym's battlefield. The pool measured a good 20 meters long and 10 wide. It was a good size. It was way bigger than any other pool I have seen. I pouted and said, "Lucky them." Walking down the stairs I approached it wondering if I should explore the place to challenge them.

Sadly, I doubted that they would accept so easily since they just finished their performance. I began getting annoyed at the prospect of needing to wait a long period of time. Gritting my teeth, I sat down on the challenger position and said, "One hour. If they do not come out in one hour I will barge in and pull them all out for a challenge."

I heard an angered voice from behind, "Who are you going to pull out!?" I jumped into the pool in fear shouting, "No one! I mean! I was going to pull out some snacks and relax while waiting for the challenge!"

Misty smiled as she said, "You better. Anyway, sorry for keeping you waiting but I did not expect you to arrive so early in the morning. I smiled embarrassed and said, "Yeah, well, I was thinking of leaving already and this was one of the stops I needed to take."

Misty turned around to see the all terrain bike. She made a mad dash to it and shouted, "Is this the all terrain-x3 bike that just came out!?" I pouted and asked, "Does that mean your bike was in the relative expensive side?"

She smiled proudly and said, "Of course! I am also a gym leader so I would not spare a bit of change for my own method of transportation." I felt my heart shatter in a million pieces as I became depressed and said, "Is that so…" Sinking into the water I began shedding tears and making bubbles to alleviate my misery.

This girl got really lucky to have her bike destroyed. I wish it was my bike then that way she would give me a free one. In reality though, Misty would have just shifted the blame to the pokemon in order to not pay for the bike and would have never made such a promise.

Swimming out of the pool I said weakly, "Let us fight…" Misty asked confused, "What is wrong? You look pretty pale. Did something happened?" I felt a sting in my heart as I shouted internally, 'You happened!' Concealing my sorrow with a smile I said, "No. Nothing happened. Let us just have our fight." She nodded and said, "Alright but I need to call my sisters. They are technically managing the gym right now."

I nodded and said, "Go ahead." She smiled and said, "Thank you for getting me a new bike." Running up to me she kissed my cheek and rushed off. I was pretty shocked and smiled saying, "Well, I definitely did not expect that. Sadly, I feel that I may go broke no matter how rich I become if I pair up with her. Whatever, she is a bit young for me but no one knows what will happen in the future at the moment. Anyway! My fight is about to start! Come on! I can do this!"

After regaining my spirit, I grinned foolishly as the 4 girls entered. I shouted, "I challenge you all to a gym battle! I will defeat all of you!" The three sisters laughed while Misty just smiled embarrassed. One of them spoke, "Don't worry. I heard that you helped out little sister out so we accept the challenge but first we should introduce ourselves."

The blonde hair girl made a pose and said, "My name is Daisy!" The pink haired girl made another and shouted, "Mine is Lily!" The indigo haired girl went next. "My name is Violet!" I nodded and said, "Nice meeting you all. My name is Zane. Anyway, we should begin our battle."

They all fell to the ground. Misty had an awkward face as her sisters began barraging her with questions "What the hell Misty! Didn't you say he was more fun than this?" "Yeah Misty! Were you lying to us?" "Is he really as daring as you mentioned!?"

Misty backed away and said, "Wait! I did not lie. He must just want to get his gym badge quickly that is all. Remember the other trainers from Pallet Town. They all beat you so he must feel desperate as he is behind them."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d as I felt stabs all over my body. Is that the only value I have? A pretty boy? I knew my looks weren't that bad but now that they were mentioned I felt damaged being done to my ego instead of helping it. Turning around I drew circles in depression and said, "That is not fair. I trained hard to have this battle and I am not a good for nothing pretty boy. Stupid Gary. Stupid other trainers."

Misty sighed noticing me enter a state of depression. She said, "Well, if you won't fight him then I will. After all, I cannot let you just hand over the badge to anyone." Violet and the others look at each other before nodding and agreeing to Misty proposal.

Misty took her position and shouted, "Zane! I will be your opponent!" Jumping up I shouted, "Excellent! I will prove my skills in this match!" Misty laughed as she said, "If you can beat me that is and since you are the challenger I will choose my pokemon first! Go Goldeen!" She threw out a pokeball that opened and flashed a light into the water.

I frowned and thought of counter measures against Goldeen. Goldeen was practically a fish so it can be expected to be agile in the water and difficult to hit no matter what. It also had an advantage with its horn that could deal significant damage if one is not careful.

All of my pokemon were flying types and held a certain disadvantage in this field although we already went through training. A single mistake could be fatal in this match too. At this moment there is no best pokemon for the job but my ability to fight with my pokemon will determine the winner.

Grabbing my pokeball I threw it out into the air letting open and reveal my decision. "Pidgey!" I smiled and said, "This is your moment Pidgey! Give it your all!" Pidgey chirped in agreement. Misty smiled and said, "It won't be that easy! Goldeen! Use Water gun!"

Goldeen appeared from the water behind Pidgey shooting water towards it. I shouted, "Up!" Pidgey flapped its wings soaring up and dodging the water. Mist shouted, "Goldeen use Agility and then Horn Attack!" Goldeen began swimming around at increasing speed.

Grinning I shouted, "Pidgey us Mirror Move!" Pidgey began using agility and began speeding up as well. Misty frowned and shouting, "Goldeen attack Pidgey quickly! Don't let it get momentum!" Goldeen shot out into the air aiming her own to the next place Pidgey would be at.

Seeing this I shouted, "Pidgey twist and use Quick Attack and Wing Attack!" Pidgey flapped its wings once and used Quick Attack picking up the speed another notch and swings shone as it twisted its body dodging the horn and landing a deadly Wing Attack on Goldeen sending it flying.

I shouted, "Pidgey use quick attack and dodge it!" Pidgey sped away from the supersonic waves that were going for it. Pidgey made many twists and turns but eventually was hit causing it to lose its balance and fall towards the pool.

Gritting my teeth I shouted, "Pidgey use Whirlwind all around you!" Pidgey began flapping its wings send wind everywhere. Fortunately, my plan worked as it stopped Pidgey from falling into the pool by using the air as propulsion off the ground even if it was really messy and blew away any platforms around it.

Relieved I said, "Pidgey shake it off and fly up quickly!" Misty shouted, "Oh no you don't! Goldeen! Swim under and strike Pidgey from below with Horn Drill!" Goldeen disappeared into the water. Frowning I saw Pidgey shake its head recovering enough and as it tried to fly up Goldeen appeared below it and used its spinning horn to attack Pidgey!

There was not enough time to dodge so I could only shout, "Air Slash!" Pidgey flapped its wing send a blade of air towards Goldeen while Goldeen struck body the Air Slash and Pidgey belly causing an explosion. Covering my eyes from the intense wind I saw both Pidgey and Goldeen fall into the water.

Jumping inside it without hesitation I quickly swam towards it to see it shining brightly. I smiled knowing what was happening. Moving towards it I saw it evolve into a Pidgeotto. Grabbing it gently I swam up onto the side of the pool and placed it down on dry ground.

Pidgeotto woke up coughing some water before looking towards me. I grinned and said, "You did great Pidgeotto. Congratulations on your evolution." Pidgeotto chirped happily before collapsing. I smiled and said, "Take a good rest. You deserve it."

Returning Pidgeotto into its pokeball I heard Misty say, "Amazing! I did not expect your Pidgey to evolve after the battle." I laughed and said, "I thought it would happen during the battle but who would have known it was going to be after hehe."

Misty stuck her tongue out saying, "Liar! Anyway, get back to your post so we can continue our battle." I nodded and getting out of the pool I returned to my position. Ignoring the fact I had wet clothes I said, "I'm ready!" Misty nodded and grabbing another pokeball she threw it shouting, "Go Staryu!"

Staryu appeared in the water before making a grand entrance by shooting up with the water and landing on the circular platform. Misty boasted, "My Staryu is pretty strong. I went easy on you before but not this time."

Misty smiled and said, "Your Butterfree doesn't stand a chance! I know how you fight! Your web field won't work here!" I laughed and said, "I know! I wasn't planning on depending on it. More importantly, Butterfree use Psychic on Staryu and blow it away!"

Misty shouted hurriedly, "Staryu hide in the water!" Butterfree tried to use Psychic but before the attack could activate Staryu already hid in the water. I g.r.o.a.n.e.d as Psychic just caused the water to explode upwards since it failed to land on Staryu.

Misty shouted, "Staryu use Rapid Spin!" Staryu shot out while spinning rapidly from the water behind Butterfree. I shouted, "Butterfree use Quiver Dance!" Butterfree's wings fluttered as it began moving in an erratic way. Staryu attack barely missed by an each thanks to Quiver Dance. Misty shouted, "Staryu turn around and use Swift!"

I shouted, "Butterfree! Dive and use Whirlwind with Psychic and Sleep Powder! Force it onto a platform!" Butterfree dived down dodging the swift attack and began flapping its wings while pouring out sleep powder and while doing so it used Psychic to control the currents.

Soon a bluish pink air ball shot out towards Staryu. Misty startled shouted, "Staryu try to avoid it!" Staryu struggled to move out of the way but it was too late. The ball crashed onto it but instead of sending it flying away it was absorb inside causing it to spin wildly. The ball slowly moved over to a platform and dispersed dropping a sleeping Staryu.

Misty shouted, "Staryu wake up!" I smiled and said, "It won't be that easy! Butterfree roll it up with String Shot and send it away with a Psybeam attack!" Butterfree shot its String Shot onto the sleeping Staryu causing it to be all tied up. Misty shouted, "Oh no! Staryu! Hurry and wake up!" Sadly, considering the amount of Sleeping Powder that hit it Staryu was deep asleep.

Butterfree shot out its Psybeam and blasted it away. Staryu led out a sound signaling that it was no longer able to battle. I grinned and shouted, "Great job Butterfree! All that training finally paid up!" Butterfree tiredly flew over to me and said happily, "Free!"

I laughed and said, "Sorry, it must take a lot out of you right? After all, you used 3 moves at the same time. It must be very taxing for you." Butterfree nodded saying, "Free." I chuckled and said, "Take a good rest. Want to watch or do you want to return to your buddy?"

Butterfree regained some vigor and said, "Free!" I nodded and said, "Alright! Misty! Let us keep going!" Misty pouted annoyed as she shouted angrily, "Quiet! I will definitely beat your next pokemon! Come out! Starmie!"

Misty frowned feelings creeped out by Beedrill but resisted the urge to say anything as she shouted, "Starmie use Bubble Beam!" I shouted, "Beedrill use Agility!" Beedrill quickly dodged the Bubble Beam. Misty smiled and said, "Staryu spin around and jump while using Psybeam!" I was surprised as I shouted, "Beedrill quickly use Double Team!"

Beedrill began moving at breathtaking speed making after images that spread around in an attempt to confuse Starmie but it was the wrong decision. Starmie Psybeam shot everywhere in a indiscriminate manner and even though Beedrill dodged a few by turning and twisting it was eventually hit.

Misty laughed as she shouted, "Starmie don't let up! Go ahead and use Water Gun!" I shouted, "Beedrill try double team again and use Supersonic right after!" Beedrill escaped the Water Gun and used Supersonic towards Starmie.

Misty shouted, "Dive and then Double Edge!" Starmie dived into the water and shot towards one of the Beedrills in the field. Unfortunately for Starmie it was an after image. Grinning I shouted, "Beedrill agility and Pin Missile! All the remaining Beedrills dashed towards its and shot out Pin Missiles. Misty shouted, "Starmie use Water Gun and get away from it!"

A little to late as Beedrill attack landed before it could even do so and blasted it onto the water. A few seconds later it floated up with its gem blinking on and off. It was over. Misty sighed as she said, "Return Starmie!"

I said in relieve, "We won… We won! We did it!" Taking out Pidgeotto we all began celebrating. We began dancing and goofing around upsetting Misty as she said, "Alright enough. We get it. You won but you only got lucky on that last battle. If my Starmie's attack landed then it would have been over for your Beedrill."

I smiled and said, "I know. It was really fortunate that the attack hit one of the afterimages or it would have ended badly for me." Misty smiled satisfied as she said, "Yeah but luck is also a form of strength. Anyway, congratulations on obtaining the Cascade badge."

Cliffhanger-kun: After the long awaited return there is no Cliff!? Does this author have a screw loose!? You will never be able to keep readers like this! Argh! What will happen next!? Will Zane leave right away or will he take a break!? Find out next time in System in Pokemon world!

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