System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 22 - Buzzing Forest!

Intro-Kun: Another chapter! This one is 3k+ words long! Today our young Zane is traveling through a forest but the journey may not be as peaceful as it may appear to be!

Author's note: Well damn, another chapter. I wrote enough for 5 chapters if they were all divided by 2k today but I deleted a good amount feeling that it wasn't good. I hope you enjoy this chapter! It took me quite a bit of thought to make it!

We tiredly made our way through the forest. Misty said, "I already told you we can't go off the road." I complained, "Come on! It will be way more interesting! Last time I did it I nearly died! That was a blast!" Misty shouted, "Are you an idiot!?"

I laughed and said, "Of course I am! If not, how can I be so fearless? Fortunately, my idiocy only works on fear and not on my actual intelligence so I am just fine." Misty g.r.o.a.n.e.d and said, "I don't think that is any better."

I became depressed and said, "I thought it was great. I am not afraid of anything other than losing money for wasteful reasons." Misty face palmed and said, "You can't be serious. Aren't you afraid of something like fire or darkness? Maybe even certain pokemon." I shook my head and said, "Na, I love all of those. I love a lot of things but mostly my pokemon."

POV Change

Jessie screamed, "Meowth, where did you hide the food! Tell us and we won't kill you!" Meowth shouted, "Not in a million years! You always eat everything and leave not even scraps for me!" James sighed and said, "I'm starving. Come on Meowth. If you give us some food I will let you look at my bottle cap collection."

Meowth said, "Why would I want to look at bunch of useless bottle caps!" James became aggrieved as he shouted, "How can Meowth call my bottle caps useless! He just can't see their true worth!" Jessie waved her hand dismissively and said, "No, they are definitely useless. Meowth is right this time."

Suddenly a buzzing sound was heard. Surprised they looked up to see 3 Beedrills carrying a bunch of food. James said, "Isn't that the food we wanted?" Jessie said, "I think your right." Meowth shouted, "Idiots! They are taking the food I hid! Go get them!"

Chasing the Beedrills they arrived at a tree filled with Beedrills. They froze as the Beedrills heads creepily turned their way. Meowth said, "We better get going guys. This Beedrills don't look happy about having us around."

Jessie said proudly, "So what! No Beedrill steals my food and gets away with it! Go Ekans! Use Poison Sting attack!" James g.r.o.a.n.e.d and said, "We have no other choice! Go Koffing! Use Sludge Attack!" Both Ekans and Koffing shot their attacks towards the Beedrills.

Many Beedrills did not react in time and were defeated. Others flew into the air and tried attacking. Jessie shouted, "Ekans use Poison Sting!" James shouted, "Koffing use Smokescreen and cover our escape!"

Koffing using smokescreen hindered the vision of the Beedrills and Ekans Poison Sting struck them. James and Meowth who were about to run were grabbed my Jessie who shouted irritated tone, "Where do you think you two are going! Help me capture this pokemon already! I just had a wonderful idea! If we go around catching Beedrills and train them to attack cities then we can rob them clean when they all the people go take cover!"

Meowth and James stopped in their tracks. James said, "That actually is not a half bad idea." Meowth nodded and said, "Yeah, this is the first time I heard Jessie say something smart." Jessie who became furious grabbed Meowth and slapped him repeatedly shouting, "How dare you say that I'm not smart! I am the smartest and most beautiful person in the world!"

Meowth shouted in pain, "Please let me go! I was just playing around!" Jessie being satisfied dropped the bruised Meowth and said, "James go get the nets and start capturing them! By tomorrow we will capture all the Beedrills of the forest and terrorize all the nearby towns! While doing that we can finally eat well for once! Imagine all the uneaten food when people evacuate!"

James and Meowth began drooling as they thought of all the delicious meals they would love to have. James said, "I will feast on pork meat and a fine dish of ribs tomorrow!" Meowth said, "I can't wait to eat all the fried fish I can!"

Pulling out the nets from who knows where they began reeling in the Beedrills.

After traveling a few hours I began feeling uneasy. Misty noticing asked, "What is wrong?" I shook my head and said, "It is probably my imagination but I feel that something bad is about to happen." Misty laughed and said, "Maybe you are feeling scared. After all, being in the middle of a forest is quite scary for beginners."

I shrugged and said "Not a chance. I spent an entire week in a forest but never felt like this. I wonder what is going to happen." Misty said, "Nothing is going to happen. Let's just get going." I nodded and said, "Alright." We continued walking for another few minutes until an intense buzzing sound began. Misty shivered as she said fearfully, "This, it sounds like-"

I shouted, "Beedrills! I know this sound!" Dozens of Beedrill shot up from the nearby trees shocking us. Misty who had a phobia of bees shouted, "Eeew! Nooo! Don't get close to me!" She sped away faster than a sports car. I shouted, "Hey! Don't leave me behind!"

It was too late as she already disappeared from the horizon. The nearby Beedrills shot at us with an angry glare on their eyes. I tried grabbing my pokeball and got ready to fight but the Beedrill was too fast as it tried to sting me. I rolled away and was forced to focus on dodging as multiple Beedrills flew towards me.

I frowned as I continued jumping from side to side and twisting my body to avoid being hit. Ducking the tree behind me was stabbed through. It appears that I have a more worrisome matter compared to just being poison by its needles.

Another Beedrill came from below and tried to stab me. I did not have enough time to dodge. "Scyther use Cut attack!" Scyther appeared next to the Beedrill and used Cut attack sending it flying back. The Beedrill above me went in to attack Scyther but Scyther dodged it and Tackle it away.

The nearby Beedrills descended getting ready to fight. A woman voice sounded, "Get over here quickly! We need to get away!" I looked over to see a golden hair brunette with an outfit that screamed Forest Patroller. Getting up I saw red as I said, "Not a chance! This Beedrills will get a nice nap today! Go Butterfree! Use Psychic to bunch them up and Sleep Powder!"

Butterfree appeared shouting, "Free!" It used Psychic to force the Beedrills to all slam together into one spot and flying over them it sprayed Sleep Powder over them causing them all to fall asleep and fall to the ground.

I punched m fist and said, "Now then, how should I teach this brats a lesson?" The Patroller ran over to me and said, "That was amazing but please don't harm these Beedrill." Confused I asked, "Why not? They attacked me so they should be prepared for the consequences."

I nodded and said, "I see. Well, I don't mind letting them off the hook since I wasn't hurt but more importantly I need to reach the next town right away. I am going for to Vermillion city and this looks troublesome."

She apologized, "I'm sorry but can you come with me. You will be safe back at the patrol station nearby." I shook my head and said, "I can't. My friend is dreadful fear of Bug pokemon and I need to go find her since she ran away. Can you tell me where the center of the accident is so I can avoid it?"

She nodded and pointed at the direction that Misty rode off and said, "It is over there." I face palmed and said, "Of course it is. Not only do I need to rescue her but I need to solve the problem." The Patroller said, "You mean that your friend ran away in that direction?" I nodded and recovered Butterfree and got into racing position.

"Get ready, get set-" She stood in front of me and said, "Hold up! You can't go there alone!" I shrugged and said, "I can and will. If you want to tag along then you can too but I don't get in my way." Sprinting forward with a side step I went around her and rushed towards where Misty disappeared to.

The patroller was left speechless at my surprising speed. Shaking out of her shock she shouted, "Let us go Scyther! We need to make sure they don't get hurt!" They chased after me soon after.

POV Change

Misty rushed away seeing all the Beedrills that appeared. She did not want to have anything to do with those wild Beedrills. Pedaling away she shouted, "I am getting out of here! Zane will definitely be alright! He beat me after all!" She pedaled for a few minutes before seeing something that may give her nightmares.

She said in terror, "Be- Beedrills! So many Beedrills!" In front of her were nearly 100 Beedrills that were moving around angrily inside a glass cage. She froze in terror as she heard, "Hurry up James! You too Meowth! Put more Beedrills in there!" Once we have them inside we will force them to listen or else!"

In front of her was Team Rocket who tried to steal her pokemon when she was trying to fish something. She was not afraid of the trio since they were more of a nuisance than a threat but the angry Beedrill definitely frightened her.

Jessie shouted, "Quiet you! I don't care what it takes! Just capture more Beedrills then once we force them to attack a city we will get rich!" James laughed as he said cheerfully ignoring the stings, "Yeah Meowth! Imagine everything you can eat with that food!"

Meowth g.r.o.a.n.e.d and said, "Alright but I'm no longer fighting! Send your Ekans and Koffing from now on."

Misty who heard their conversation wanted to leave but couldn't. She thought, 'If I leave now then the city near here will be attacked but if I stay then those Beedrill… I don't want to be anywhere near them but if I leave then the city will be in danger!'

Forcing herself to get off the bike she shouted with shaky legs, "It is you all again! I won't let you get away with this!" Jessie turned around and said, "It is that twerp again. The one that the other twerp helped. Go away! We are conducting important matters here!"

Misty shouted, "Stop trapping those Beedrill!" Meowth said, "Hey look at that! She is frightened so much her legs are shaking. I wonder is it because of us?" James said, "I don't think so. She looks to be afraid of the Beedrill instead."

Jessie showed a smile and said, "You want us to stop trapping them? Alright, James! Release the Beedrill!" Misty who was frightened shouted, "Wait! No! Please stop! I hate bugs!" Jessie said, "Then scram or else!" Misty gripped her fists. She wanted to help but she was scared of the Beedrill. She did not want to near one and releasing 100 might be enough to kill her with just the fear.

That though didn't stop her from wanting to help pokemon in general even if she is scared of them. Standing her ground she pulled out a pokeball threw it shouting, "Go Staryu! Use Water Gun on them!" Jessie shouted, "Ekans use Bind attack!" "Koffing use Tackle!" Staryu shot Ekans with Water Gun but was tackled onto a tree by Koffing. Misty shouted worriedly, "Staryu! Can you get up!?"

Staryu tried but eventually collapsed. Misty gritted her teeth and prepared to withdraw her Staryu but Meowth hoped in the way blocking the red beam of light. Meowth laughed and said, "Not so fast twerp! We will be taking Staryu from here!" Meowth picked up Staryu and began running away towards their side.

Misty shouted, "Staryu! Give back my Staryu! Go-" Jessie shouted, "You better not or else we might hurt your little Staryu." Misty lowered her pokeball and shouted, "Give me back my Staryu!" Meowth said, "Not a chance!"

I frowned noticing that the situation wasn't good. There were too many Beedrills to deal with since even Psychic attack may not affect them all and Butterfree may not be able to put them all to sleep. I will need to change my plans on how to deal with the situation.

Slowing down I began running around through the trees. The patroller said, "Aren't you going to help your friend!? How can you just abandon her!?" I scowled, "Shut up! I don't abandon my friends even if it costs me my life. I am not a hero or the luckiest person alive. I need to make strategies and win through them. Otherwise, many bad things can happen if I fail."

The patroller fell silent for a moment and apologized, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said something like that. Is there a way I can help?" I nodded and said, "I need help in finding a way to subdue the Beedrills. What moves does your Scyther have?" She said, "Scyther has Leer, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Cut, Double Team, Feint, Agility and Wing Attack."

I nodded and said, "I have a plan but first we need to defeat the three idiots and save my friend." She nodded and said, "Alright." Closing in I paid attention to the situation. Misty had to toss over her pokeballs to Meowth. Closing in I saw them bunch up together and celebrating that they will soon become rich.

Summoning Butterfree I whispered, "Butterfree fly over them and pour sleep powder on them right away." Butterfree nodded and silently flapping its wings it flew over them and dropped Sleep Powder on them causing them to fall asleep. I complained, "Wasn't that too easy?"

The Patroller tripped and said, "Shouldn't you be happy that it was easy?" I shook my head and said, "I prefer challenges and that was a bit too anticlimactic for me. Oh well! Let's go." Walking out I smiled and said, "Hey Misty! Long time no see!" She was speechless as she shouted, "Zane! You saved me!" I waved my hand dismissively and said, "Yeah whatever. More importantly, your Staryu is hurt."

Ignoring the idiot trio I kneeled next to Staryu and pulled out my potion and said, "Here you go. This should sting a bit but it should make you heal better." Spraying it onto the injured part of Staryu I smiled as it recovered enough to stand up. Nodding I said, "Go back to Misty." Staryu nodded and rushed back to Misty who said, "Thanks Zane!" I nodded and said, "Well then. Patroller, mind arresting them or sending them flying far away?"

She said, "Um, I don't have handcuffs." I said, "Send them away then." She hesitated for a moment and I said, "Do it. They will be fine. They always survive anything that life throws at them. I saw them being send flying by an explosion and here they are like nothing happened. That and they will probably destroy the forest if you don't."

Nodding she said, "Alright! Scyther use Focus Energy and Wing Attack to send them flying away!" Scyther focused its energy and used Wing Attack to send them away. "We are blasting off again!" I frowned and said, "Did they still say that they were blasting away while sleeping? Their dedication to saying that is truly powerful. We have a bigger problem than them though."

Beedrill nodded and flying over to the cage of glass it tried speaking to them. Sadly, it appears its efforts would be in vain. The Beedrills only became more agitated and try attacking my Beedrill through the glass only to fail. I frowned and said, "Alright, time for plan B. Misty, get ready to pedal in case the plan fails!"

Misty nodded and said, "I'm already ready!" I smiled while the Patroller asked, "What are you planning on doing?" I answered, "I will try to put them to sleep and you will use your Scyther to scare them away."

The Patroller asked, "How can my Scyther scare away so many?" I answered, "Tell your Scyther to use Agility and Double Team to maximize the amount of afterimages it creates then have it do Leer to scare the Beedrill. Of course, against 100 this would not work so we are putting to sleep the rest so that way it can have the highest chance of working. If it fails though then we will have to run away."

She nodded and said, "I got it! We have no choice to release them in order to help the Beedrill but we need to subdue them afterwards in order to come out safely. I'm ready!" I nodded and said, "Beedrill use Focus Energy!" Beedrill focused its energy. I looked at Butterfree and said, "Butterfree, you will use Whirlwind and Sleep Powder once the glass brakes alright?"

Butterfree nodded. Smiling I shouted, "Beedrill use Fury Attack!" Beedrill began repeatedly stabbing the glass cage until it cracked and shattered. I shouted, "Agility and back away!" Beedrill used agility to escape the swarm of Beedrill that came out.

Butterfree fluttered its wings to do Whirlwind and Sleep Powder into the opening causing dozens of Butterfree to fall asleep and fall onto the ground. Unfortunately there was still 20+ Beedrills remaining. The Patroller shouted, "Scyther use Double Team and Agility then use Leer!" Scyther began moving at rapid speed creating 30 afterimages and they all used Leer. To the Beedrill it appeared as if they were fighting 30 giant Scythers ready to cut them into pieces.

Scared silly, they fled away from the place. Sighing in relieve I said, "Thank goodness it worked. Not even I can beat that many pokemon with an exhausted Butterfree. Butterfree nodded weakly and said, "Free!" Recalling them into their pokeball I said, "You all did great now get a good rest."

The Patroller said, "We better get going! We won't want to be around when they wake up!" I nodded and we all escaped together even though Misty had a good 50 meter head start for some reason. Arriving at the Patroller Station miss Patroller said, "Thank you for helping us. I wouldn't know what to do with some many enraged Beedrills."

I smiled and said, "No problem. I just wanted to help my friend." Misty nudged my rips and said, "I didn't know you cared about me so much." I said, "I only wanted to help you since I did not want your pokemon to get hurt. That is all."

Misty felt her confidence fall as she said, "Really?" The patroller laughed and said, "He was very worried about you. Are you his girlfriend?" We both shouted, "No she isn't!?" "No I'm not!" She laughed and said, "It must be good to be young. Well, if he isn't then in a few years I wouldn't mind taking him."

I waved my hand dismissively and said, "Too far in the future. I have quite a long journey for my dream ahead and I have no idea if I will visit this place again." She smiled and said, "That is fine. I will just find someone else. Anyway, is there anything that I can help you with?"

I thought for a moment and said, "A ride to the next town or just a snack box will be fine." Misty hit me shouting, "You were supposed to say that you did not want anything!" I rubbed my arm and said, "But I don't want to lie and it will make my travel easier."

The Patroller said, "Well, I can't give you a ride since we don't have vehicles here but I can give you a snack box before you go. Let me just go make you two one. It shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes. I nodded and said "Thanks!"

She walked inside. Sitting down on the ground I sighed and said, "I want to have a big fight. In the end I only put people and pokemon to sleep." Misty smiled and said, "I would have preferred putting people to sleep instead of having my Staryu nearly stolen. Hey, did she say the truth?" I shrugged and said, "Maybe or maybe not. I just wanted to help your pokemon after all."

She smiled and said, "So you were worried about me." I was confused and asked, "How did you come to that conclusion?" She answered, "If you were being honest then you would have said that you only wanted to help my pokemon and not make it sound so mysterious." I nodded and said, "That makes sense. I guess I was caught red handed."

Misty smiled smugly and said, "I knew it!" The patroller walked out and said, "Not only that. He said something about protecting his friends until death or something. How romantic." I g.r.o.a.n.e.d and said, "I feel embarrassed…" Grabbing the lunch I said, "Got to get going! Bye!" I ran away trying to ignore my embarrassment.

Misty smiled and said, "I guess I have a really good friend. Well, see ya um- I didn't get your name." The Patroller laughed and said, "I didn't tell Zane my name either. My name is Yena. Tell Zane that he has my gratitude for helping me."

Misty nodded and said, "I will!" Getting onto the bike she began pedaling away while Yena waved her goodbye.

Cliff-kun: Zane is quickly approaching Vermillion city and only one more town stands in his way! What will happen in the next town!? What interesting adventure will they experience this time!? Find out next time in System in Pokemon World!

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