System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 27 - Training Again!

Intro-kun: Our young Zane has recently won the Thunder Badge from defeating Lt. Surge. Now he pursues to strengthen his pokemon by giving them a new form of training! Continue reading to learn what new moves or kind of training they will go through!

Getting up, I did my usual routine in order to maintain my hygiene. For those that are reading this please take a few minutes to brush your teeth. Remember, hygiene is important! Anyway, finishing cleaning myself up I began my day with a scream.

"Today we are going to train until we drop!" Misty said in an irritated tone, "Can you keep it down? People are sleeping here." I sighed and said, "You ruined the mood." She made a tired smiled and said, "I'm glad I did. Now let's just go back to sleep."

I argued, "But aren't we supposed to train right now?" Misty pointed at the clock at the end of the hall and said, "The birds aren't even awake yet." It was 5 am. I fell silent. She has a good point, but it was too late. Shaking my head, I said, "Forget the birds. I'm a worm that snuck out at night!"

Misty was amused as she said, "That makes no sense." I sighed and said, "I know but let's just go." Misty begrudgingly followed me out. Arriving at the Pokemon Training Field I began already formulated a plan on how to make my pokemon stronger.

For starters, I will focus on training Butterfree and Beedrill in combat. They leveled up a lot and they know quite a few moves and tactics I taught them but when it came down to actual fighting experience they were still amateurs like myself.

Pidgeotto was a battle maniac before reaching my hands so it should have a decent amount of fighting experience, but I was not too sure how much. Hopefully, it is enough, but I will assign it to train with Butterfree and Beedrill too, and then strength training.

Pidgeotto attacks mainly relied on hitting the opponent physically thus I plan on training it to increase its physical attacks. I will do this by having it strike a sandbag until it is able to tear it open with a single strike. Afterward, I will aim for something more difficult such as a metal pole with cushioning around it. That will be much harder to break.

Zubat will be a difficult pokemon to train taking 2 things into consideration. The first being its limited attacks thus limiting its versatility when fighting and its low potential. It might not be able to pick up moves within 2 weeks and it might take 3 or worse 4 weeks. It could even take longer. I will have to focus on training it in a different way.

I will also begin looking into purchasing the ingredients that could make the poke food that allows my pokemon to further develop, but it will definitely cost a pretty penny considering that it was a low tire recipe that was bought cheaply.

The reasoning behind this was low tire recipes at high prices will be easy to make and have good results but low tire recipes with low prices will have more expensive ingredients or restrictions included in it. The result was obvious. My cheaply bought recipe that I got when I did not think things through was somewhat useless. I will have to spend more time fighting trainers and gaining points to get me something good.

I could also do my own research but how long will that take? I could find a breeder and have them travel with me, but expenses would go up and we might not get along. The only solution was for me to get more points right away and get me a good recipe for pokemon food.

Returning to training, I will assign Zubat to practice its maneuverability in order to have it react faster when an attack is launched. I will assign it to do a similar training as before when I trained Beedrill to weave between trees for the rematch against Brock.

Zubat will be doing hit and run tactics instead of a straight-up pokemon brawl although if it trains hard enough to dodge attacks at close range then it will be great at close combat as it will be running circles against its opponent.

I grinned and said, "Alright everyone, time to get to training! Pidgeotto we will increase your physical attack prowess. I hope you manage to learn Aerial Ace. Aerial Ace is an attack that uses its speed to make it nearly impossible to evade and then you slash the pokemon. Got it?"

Pidgeotto raised it rings and chirped, "Pidgeotto!" I nodded and said, "Good! Train first by destroying that sandbag. I will be with you soon." Pidgeotto flew off and began trying to tear up the sandbag by flying and striking it with its wing. Maybe later I can try to teach it Steel Wing too.

Moving on, I looked at Beedrill and said, "You did amazing in the fight Beedrill but in the end, you still got hit. I can't say that it was your fault because I think I could have done better too. Nonetheless, we need to train you more! This time let us try to improve your ability to outlast your enemy. I heard that bug and poison pokemon are capable of creating a poison trap for the opposing pokemon. There is also another move I wanted all my pokemon to learn which is flash. It may not be anything impressive except a flash of light, but we can use it to our advantage in buying time and making openings. We will train you on that before training the others too."

Beedrill nodded with a confused expression. I chuckled and said, "Sorry, I talked too much. Well, let's just make it simple. Train to gather your poison energy and infect a certain area where if someone touches it becomes poisoned. Got it?" It nodded with a buzz before heading to somewhere safer to perform its task. I nearly wiped a tear seeing how cautious it was. I'm so proud!

Looking at Butterfree I said, "Honestly you lost because I refused to use Psychic attack. I'm sorry Butterfree." Butterfree humph feeling upset. I chuckled and said, "Please don't be mad! I will make special poke cubes soon! Just give me a bit more time and then you will taste something really delicious! So, do you forgive me?"

Butterfree flew over and rubbed its head against mine. I laughed and said, "You're the best! Well, we can't slack off anyway. I wanted you to learn a few moves too! Your Psychic power has so much room for improvement and I think it would be for the best to focus on them. The first move I wanted you to learn is Hypnosis before moving onto Acrobatics. It is an attack, but I would prefer it to be used more for dodging. You never know when your knocked to the floor and there is a pokemon attacking you right away am I right?"

I winked causing Butterfree to nod remembering when it was knocked down. It wasn't happy that Raichu managed to punch it down and if this Acrobatic thing you help it then why not? It wanted to be strong not only for itself but for its trainer. He did cheer for it when it was knocked down and it proved it was the right choice. Now it wanted to show it can improve and instead of cheering it could hear praises!

Butterfree had fire in its eyes before heading off. I chuckled and said, "I'm going to have to get Lena quickly at this rate." Misty said, "That won't be hard." Another voice added, "Yeah! I'm right behind you!" I practically jumped surprised as she was smiling right behind me.

I coughed and said, "Did you have to do that?" She laughed and said, "Of course! It's so boring around here! Also, I have been following right behind you from the start. I got my pc with recordings of many moves. It is not as good as a TM, but it could give them an idea.

I chuckled and grabbing her neck with my arm I began to noogie her saying, "You brat! You could have told me sooner!" She made a >.< face shouting, "Ah let go of me! It hurts!" I laughed and said, "That's what you get!"

Grabbing the computer, I thanked her. She smiled and said, "Glad to be of service! I heard Surge actually went easy on some trainers this morning and gave them advice! I can't wait to have this place filled up with trainers! I owe you one anyway!" I shrugged and said, "I did nothing." Misty giggled as she said smugly, "His the shy type." Grabbing a rock, I threw it to her forehead and said, "Shush you." She rubbed her forehead and shouted, "What is that for!?" I answered, "I can accept your remarks when outside of training but not now hehe. I will train my pokemon to be the best!"

Misty hmphed and said, "Then I will train mine to beat yours! Let's see how you like that!" I grinned and said, "I can't wait! The stronger my opponents the better! Train hard!" Misty grumbled annoyed that she did not get the response she wanted.

Shaking her head, she wanted to leave but was distracted by a sudden realization. I actually looked pretty darn good when focused on training. She blushed slightly before shaking her head thinking, 'What is wrong with you Misty! You can't think of this kid as attractive! You're more m.a.t.u.r.e than him!' She stomped and left to train her own pokemon for revenge.

Lena smiled and said teasingly, "Oh my! Did I do something wrong? I think your girlfriend didn't like us being so close together." She placed her hands on my shoulders while I just said calmly, "Like I said. I'm training my pokemon so not now. Ah! Found them! I will have to show them the moves so they can get a better idea."

Lena pouted and said, "I thought you were more fun. My sister in Cerulean City said you were pretty darn serious in training, but also had a soft spot." I shrugged and said, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

She took out a phone then showed it to me. It displayed a video of me gently covering Cerulean City Lena with a blanket when she fell asleep. Grabbing her phone, I threw it shouting, "Go to hell technology!" Lena shouted with tears running down her face, "My phone!" She rushed away to recover it before returning sighing in relief saying, "Thank god I asked for the extra reinforced phone!" I grabbed it and threw it again shouting, "Let it die!"

This repeated a few times until I gave up. She began annoying me as she poked fun at me. I decided to just ignore her at this point. Instead, I had my current 3 pokemon training watch the videos that displayed the moves I wanted them to learn. Afterward, I moved to train my other 2 pokemon.

Dratini and Zubat. I had Dratini aim to learn 2 moves: Tail Whip and Bind. Afterward, if I still had time then I would try to make it learn Aqua Jet and Iron Tail. Some may ask why bother learning the first two moves since their useless? I personally say that no move is useless. There are only useless trainers.

Tail Whip was also a good starting point to learn Iron Tail and Bind was also another version of Wrap but with a different name. Nonetheless, I want to see if there is anything special about it, or were they exactly the same? Maybe both moves could be combined to show a different effect? I didn't know but that sounded awesome!

I had it train against a tree since neither was a destructive attack. Sure, bind might snap the tree like a twig if it trains it hard enough but until then it is fine. Zubat was given the same course as Pidgeotto in dodging trees and finally focusing on learning moves that gave it better maneuverability.

Honestly, I don't think the game gave it many support moves such as agility or anything. This though was not a game, so I had it train its speed while also watching Butterfree learn Acrobatics from it. It may sound dumb to expect a low potential Zubat to learn such moves but I wanted to give it a try.

I was not known for giving up easily when it came to my pokemon. Hell! I would risk my life for them if the need ever appeared. That was just the kind of person I was. Shaking my head, I went to Pidgeotto and began training myself. I tackled sandbags with Pidgeotto.

This ended up becoming a competition of who can tackle it harder but of course I gave Pidgeotto tips on how it could improve to do Aerial Ace. Gain speed then use it to slash an enemy. When I went to Beedrill I was lost of what to do and instead decided to learn more about the environment since you never know when you pass by a free natural snack or herb.

Beedrill was not impressed and began slacking off until I scolded it. It complained but after I taught it a bit of what I was learning it acknowledged my efforts of self-improvement. It began training harder. I chuckled and focused on my studies.

Butterfree was doing its own training but with me. I had it try to hypnotize me to fall asleep. I did feel momentary moments where my conscious felt hazy, but my memories remained completely intact for now. It still needed more training, but for now, we trained together to perform acrobatics. That day I went to sleep with a lot of scratches on my legs and arms.

Butterfree felt bad for me and kept cheering for me when I failed. It was both heartwarming and irritating. Thankfully, Butterfree did better in learning Acrobatics, and wow! It could so a lot of fancy movements in the air like sharp turns or u turns as if it were nothing! That reminds me of an attack called U-turn. I will have to see if it can learn it in the future.

Dratini trained its Tail Whip and Bind attack. I trained my bear hug attack too! Dratini beat me to snapping a small tree. Lena then got after us for destroying nature making us apologize for the plant and plant a new tree. We had to train our attacks on rocks afterward.

Zubat was training really hard seeing that it was actually the one farthest behind. I helped it by studying how flying pokemon moved and gave it suggestions as to how it could maneuver better. It was having a hard time learning but it showed improvement. I think it will learn agility after all in a week or two. Sadly, its progress was definitely slower compared to the rest making it feel bad for it.

I need pokemon food that can increase their potential! That was a must now! I can't have my pokemon suffer just because of some stupid innate potential they were born with! I swear that I will give them food that will increase it!

Once a week and a half passed, we mastered what we wanted and together we made a plan. We will destroy this city wahaha!

-Beedrill: lvl 28 / Medium Potential / Moves: String shot, Poison Sting, Bug Bite, Harden, Peck, Twineedle, Rage, Fury Attack, Agility, Pin Missile, Focus Energy, Poison Jab, Double Team, Toxic Spikes, Flash

-Pidgeotto: lvl 25 / High Potential / Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Mirror Move, Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Whirlwind, Air Slash, Aerial Ace, Flash

-Dratini: lvl 13 / High Potential / Moves: Leer, Wrap, Bind, Tail Whip, Flash, Agility, Thunder Wave, Dragon Rage, Flash

-Zubat: lvl 12 / Low potential / Moves: Absorb, Supersonic, Astonish, Wing Attack, Bite, Swift, Agility

Cliff-kun: Zane has just finished training his pokemon! Now his next course of action is to destroy the city! What exactly is Zane planning!? Find out next time in Stev- I mean, System in Pokemon World!

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