System: Inherited

Chapter 103 - Muay Thai Vs Capoeira (Part One)

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The both of them checked out of the hotel, and they went towards the place they had planned to meet up. He held the drawings which he had planned to share with them, and since Michelle was a Legacy weapon wielder, she would not need a weapon. And Robert had received his weapon in the Portal.

He smiled as he thought of the fact that he will be making something new. "Seems like I must find a place to rent out, and a place to blacksmith. Have to make some income", he concluded as he took a seat in the shop. They were the first to arrive, and the others had yet to arrive. 

Lucas knew it was near the time, and everyone should have arrived by now. His instincts were tingling, and he felt that something was wrong since they were not supposed to be late. And for Tobias to be late was something he didn't expect. 

"He was the one who was enthusiastic about his weapon and he should be the first to be here, given his nature", he thought. Just as he was about to go and look for them, he heard a voice call out to him. "Lucas!", exclaimed the voice. 

He turned his head quickly and saw Tobias standing there. And there was a small amount of bloodstain on his shirt. Lucas jumped and ran outside. He didn't ask what happened as he knew from the huffing Tobias that something was serious.

"Where? Take me", he said and Tobias began to run once again. He followed behind him and was led to an alleyway right behind the cafe they had to meet. Michelle was there on the ground, and Robert was standing with his sword drawn.

He didn't need to ask much to know what had happened. He took a step forward, and he began to spin his arms and jump to loosen himself.

"Now, which one of you bastards were about to do something to my friends?", he asked as he began to go towards the group that was facing Robert. Robert smiled as soon as he saw Lucas. "You're here", he said with a smile as he placed his sword back inside the sheath.

Lucas stepped in front of him and saw the anger evident on Robert's face. He placed his hand on his shoulder, and the both of them shared a look. He smiled as he put his fists up, and smirked at the gang that was in front of him.

He motioned for them to make a move as he stood there. The man at the front was enraged and jumped to attack him. He sidestepped and moved, and the man who jumped lost his footing.

Lucas tripped him and he fell facedown, and some dirt was visible on his face. Lucas jumped slightly, and made his move. The man who was the leader had his eyes wide as he saw Lucas go through all the four people he had hand-selected for combat. After he reached the Leader, Lucas stepped back. 

"I'll give you grace and allow you to make three moves. Since you want to make trouble for my friends, I must give you a piece of my mind, arrogant pricks", he said as he clicked his tongue.

The leader was pissed at his attitude. He wanted to knock him down a few pegs, so he put his fists up. He was moving from side to side, and his body was moving like a snake. Lucas instantly recognized the form. 

"Capoeira", he frowned as soon as he saw the dance. He could defend against it, but whenever an attack is made, connecting them would always be hard as their Martial Art was flexible to the point that some people thought it was a dance.

Capoeira was a martial art that was found at the beginning of the 16th century. It's a martial art that combines the elements of dance, aerobatics, and music. It involves complex maneuvers like handstands and inverted kicks. 

It emphasizes flowing movements rather than fixed stances, and the rocking step, the Ginga is the focal point of all the techniques. 

The dance and the music were first incorporated into the system as a form of disguise to hide the fact that slaves were practicing martial arts. After the abolition of slavery, Capoeira slowly began to gain recognition as many masters began to roam around the world to spread martial art.

Now, it has become a martial art that a lot of people have learned. Being one of the harder Martial Arts to master due to its unconventional methods of attacking, it has fewer users. But the people who learn them are mostly flexible.

Lucas was now standing in front of a person of such caliber. No amount of sheer force will be able to damage him, as he can either weave out of the way, or he could just minimize the damage by twisting his body in absurd angles.

He was frustrated, but he didn't lose his confidence. Rather he wanted to test out how effective his martial art is when used against Capoeira. He put up his fists with a smirk, and he began his footwork as well.

"Muay Thai", recognized the other man in an instant. The smirk on Lucas's face widened. "A master level artist", he said as she nodded his head. The man quickly placed his hands on the ground and did an inverted kick. Lucas moved back and dodged it, or so he thought.

As soon as he dodged it, he saw another leg come at him like a whip. He put up his block, and blocked it, and count one. The man quickly change and did a low kick from a negative stance.

Lucas raised his leg and dodged it again, only to be kicked square in the gut. Two moves had been made by now, and only one move was left before Lucas made his move. He was still observing and judging the man's strength. 

The man went back to the base form of Capoeira, the dance which is also known as the Ginga. Lucas was still smirking, but his mind was racing as he felt the strength behind the kicks. He was waiting to see if the man used his hands, and it came.

The man lunged forward and used a knife-hand strike straight to his throat. He felt the danger behind the strike, but he didn't feel any killing intent. He moved his neck, and he felt a slash on his cheek. 

"Such Speed!", he thought. The speed to change the direction of attack in a split second meant only one thing, that the man in front of him was at a hundred percent mastery, like him. Lucas was itching to fight someone just like him, and the fire inside him was lit. "Let's use [Inspect]", he thought and activated his skill.

[Name:  Eddy Gordo]

[HP: 350/350] 

[MP: 350/350]

[Strength: 38]

[Stamina: 37]

[Agility: 33]

[Perception: 20]

[Magic: 25]

"So those are his stats? Even though it seems weaker than me, I am not up to par in the numbers on my list. Seems like we are evenly matched. It all boils down to skill proficiency now", he concluded as soon as he saw the numbers.

Lucas was sure about it now. He was a master, and he didn't understand why a master needed to go to the distance of bullying a person who was much weaker than them. "Three moves are done. Now, let's fight for real", said Lucas as he jumped forward. 

Eddy smiled. He had gauged Lucas's strength after the three moves. "He's the same as me", he smiled as he saw Lucas coming towards him. The both of them began to fight, and this time everyone was shocked.

Lucas gave a punch straight to his face, and he weaved away. But Lucas changed his hands at the last second, and he connected. The force behind the attack was maximized due to his feint, and Eddy felt the attack.

The smile on his face never faded, as he began to weave much faster. "Don't you dare hold back", said Lucas as he moved again, and made a kick straight to his face. Eddy twisted his body, and he leaned backward. 

Lucas changed the leg and brought it down, and he did a handstand. With his legs split, he got a hold of Lucas's leg and twisted it. Lucas jumped and twisted his body back as it wouldn't break.

They looked at each other, and the smile grew wider. To Robert, it seemed like two rivals were now facing off with each other. He wanted to finish them off, and his hands were itching to kill Eddy.

"Argh! Why is Lucas doing this?", he thought as he looked back at him. He wanted to know the reason, but as he saw the smile on both their faces, he knew what was going on.. "They are enjoying the fight", he thought as he looked at them.

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