System: Inherited

Chapter 113 - Striking A Deal With Henry

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Lucas was still wondering if he will meet a programmer in his journey. He was curious about the ways they make the microchips from the crystal, as they do not have access to a furnace to melt them down as the Blacksmiths do.

He fell asleep as he was thinking about it, and the morning had arrived. He had gone through his routine, and he was getting ready to check out and head back to his place. His thinking was still about the kingdom, and he wasn't sure as to how effectively they could defend against the invasion that was coming towards them.

He soon reached back to his home, and he was now sitting in his shop. And in front of him was Robert with three bags of gold. It had a total amount of 1500. He was thinking about the agreement that he had made, and the amount was not in the agreement.

"What's this?", he frowned. He was sure this was going to turn out into some favor in the future, and might even turn into a partnership in this business. He was thinking of ways to reject this fund, as he wanted to work his way up.

"This is the payment for the katanas that you made for the academy. Although the agreement was made between my family and me, the academy was never included. It is only fair that the academy pays for their orders", he said cheekily.

Lucas began to think of ways to reject this money. A bright idea then struck his mind, as he rubbed his hands in glee.

"If that is indeed the case, then this is not the price. You see, normally it takes about one to two weeks to complete mass production of the same weapon. But I did finish it within two days. And at a better quality than the sample at that. This is not enough", he said as he folded his hands across his chest.

Robert had a smirk after he heard that. He pulled out another three bags just like the first one and placed them right next to the other bags.

"You are right indeed. For your quick service and not compromising on the quality, we would need to up the payment. Maybe this might be enough for you, I presume?", he said with a smirk. Lucas didn't expect this development, and he sat back down.

"Why are you doing this? What is the reason behind this?", he asked. The smirk on Robert's face was still there, and it was like a challenge to him, calling him to face him now. A smirk formed on Lucas's face, and he was sure this time.

"I do not take business partners. Only clientele is allowed. Some people have to earn the right to become my clientele. They will have to become members of this shop, and with that, they will get the treatment they deserve", he said.

Robert now took a step back. The reason he was confident was that he knew Lucas's need for money for the renovation of the house and the shop. But if he is now imposing memberships and clientele like a real business, he was sure this was going to become a problem. 

"But Lucas, we are your first clients. Don't we get any discounts or something?", he asked. He was scared of Lucas extorting money from him. But what Lucas did next shocked him.

"Since you are indeed my first client, you will have the highest membership of the shop, a Golden Black VIP card. Will be making them soon, and will send them your way when it is ready. The cards have criteria to meet, and not everyone can get them", he said with a wink.

"You'd make one great businessman, you know that?", he said half-joking. He lost his nerve for a second and was about to turn back home and get more money to pay him. Lucas took two bags and put them under the counter. 

"Well, I can't be sure about that", he replied as he returned the other four bags to him. Robert took them back and placed them inside his ring. Lucas smiled as he showed Robert out of the place, and he began to plan what to do with the money he had got.

He had a thousand pieces of gold, which was enough for him to renovate his shop, and place some stands to showcase some of his fine works. He didn't have any, as all of them were either for his self-use or for someone else. 

He first had to invest his money in buying the basic materials, and get his shop running. He looked through all the things he had obtained from the portal, and it was a good haul. He still had to make Tobias's gauntlet and the staff for Emilia.

He wanted to make two pieces now, one for display and the other one for the person. He didn't understand the whole business aspect and thus he decided to seek the advice of Henry, his Master.

He knew how to blacksmith, and he was sure that he would be one of the best materials out in the market. But the only problem was getting his name out into the market, and for that, he needed Henry's help.

He decided to meet up with Henry and went to the branch that was in the city that was a part of the Iron Forge. None of them knew who he was, as they were in the city and never allowed into the palace. 

The office was a shop, which had the samples from the Iron Forge. It was a medium-sized one, and there were boards in which the swords were hanging. And some bows were there too. Shields were put to the side, and there were some other weapons that Lucas couldn't quite make of.

He walked up to the counter and there was a bell on it. There was no one around, and he rang the bell twice. Soon, a girl came running out into the place, and she adjusted her glasses. "How may I help you sir?", she asked as she did a curtsy.

"I would like to have a meeting with a blacksmith as I want a custom order. The Blacksmith's name is Henry", he said in a calm tone. The girl was taken aback right after she heard him say Henry's name.

"How dare you call The Iron Hammer by name! Give him some respect!", she demanded. Lucas had his hands in his pockets, and the smile he had never faded away. He saw a chair right next to the counter, and he took an arrogant posture as he sat down.

The girl was now flaring, and she called in the guards. Lucas fumbled around in his pocket and he pulled out something that he had for a long time.

"The Golden Black Card? And you're a blacksmith at that level?", she gasped right after she saw the card. It was the highest level there was in the Iron Forge, and he was a Blacksmith at that level in the Iron Forge. Her attitude did a total flip and she bowed. 

"I am sorry for my behavior earlier. I apologize for it. I shall arrange a meeting right away, Mr. Smith", she said as she quickly began to dial from her phone. A few minutes later, she led him through the counter and into a vehicle.

Lucas took his seat and the girl sat opposite to him. He was pondering his options about how to make business at his shop, and what kind of tips he could get from Henry. And if in the future he needed to expand, on what basis must he recruit people.

There was so much on his mind that the drive which should take forty-five minutes seemed like a short time. The door was opened by the girl, and he was standing in front of the Iron Forge.

It was a tall building, and it had chimneys and smoke coming out of it. The smoke, which should be black was filtered and was white. It had a glass entrance, and there was a castle behind it. 

"Mr. Smith, I am sure you know that this place is inside the Royal Palace's compounds. Please do mind yourself if you meet the princess or prince. I heard that the prince who was here was a blacksmith, and he got banished for stealing a secret blacksmithing technique from the family", she reported to him.

Lucas was chuckling on the inside while he had a serious face on the outside. The person she was talking about was walking right next to her, and he didn't want to destroy her moment, so he let her go on.

"I also do know that my father, Henry was the mentor him and he was devastated when he learned that.. He was wishing for the prince to succeed him, but it seemed like the plans were broken", she paused and looked at his face.

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