System: Inherited

Chapter 125 - Attack Of The Spies (Part Three)

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"You indeed meant no harm", said Lucas as he saw the movement she made in the split second during the end. The light was pulsing, but it didn't take its form. Lucas wasn't frustrated by that, as all he needed was to ask it some questions.

"Who woke me up? Sarah did you...", he paused when he saw that he was in Lucas's arms. He cleared his throat and was trying to get up, but he felt his body give in. A smile was spread across Lucas's face as he looked at Robert.

He then looked at the green light, which was Sarah. Robert then nodded his head at Lucas, and he closed his eyes again.

"Seems like he still wants to rest. I was just being precautious. Do not be offended, Miss Sarah. Some Spirits tend to take over the host and cause a ruckus, and thus I wanted to be sure if this was a mutual agreement. I thank you for your cooperation", he said in an apologetic tone. 

A humph was all he heard as a reply as he saw her get back into his body and regain control of Robert. The same was happening, and Lucas called down the Domain.

Right after that, he saw the archers and a whole lot of Magicians trying to enter the Underground city through the tunnel that they were guarding.

Just when a Magician was about to step into the tunnel, he felt a piercing pain from behind him. He looked down his chest and saw a blade sticking out from it, and the life in his eyes began to fade away.

"Anyone who wants to step foot inside this tunnel, needs to pass through us", said Lucas as he pulled himself towards that place. Robert, or to be more precise, Sarah followed close behind him.

"KILL THEM ALL!", commanded Lucas and that was all Sarah needed. The moment he gave the announcement, the both of them went on a killing spree, and bleed was painted on the floor of the entrance of the tunnel as screams were heard all around them.

The teamwork between the both of them was impeccable, and Lucas was able to keep up with Sarah's speed. A smile was formed on Sarah's face as she saw that Lucas was keeping up with her speed.

"Not only are you a good blacksmith, but it also seems like you are a great swordsman. As all swordsmen say, it is an honor to fight by your side, Kind Sir", he said as he cut down the last of the archers. 

One of the Magicians was running away from the field, and Sarah was about to cut them when Lucas held his hand up, stopping her from cutting the Magician.

He let the man go running with his tail between his legs, and he was whistling with his hands in his pockets. The man who went running away came running back to Lucas, and behind him was a woman with a rapier in her hands.

The woman was none other than Kate. She was walking towards him and her eyes were spewing fire in all directions. 

Lucas stood in front of the man and stopped her from taking his life. She stopped and looked at Lucas with hate in her eyes when she saw him wink at her.

"As you can see, the Kingdom is quite upset with your betrayal. Now, I would like to know who is the person behind this whole operation. Just nod your head as the answer, alright?", he asked as he looked the man in the eye.

The man, who was now on the floor felt a terrifying presence from Lucas. He felt like he was looking at a tiger that was suppressing its urge to feast, and presenting itself with a smile. He just nodded his head, indicating that he will comply with the said request.

"Is it the Leader of The Omega?", he asked. He was having his doubts as to who it will be, and the leader was one of them. He had just learned that his Father has some history with them, and it seemed like it was not a good one.

The man nodded his head sideways, indicating that they were not the people who were leading this operation. Lucas now had one more person in his mind, and he prepared to ask the question.

"Is it one of the Branch Families?", he asked. The moment he said the word 'Branch Families', the man shuddered. This small movement made sure that Lucas's hunch was right.

"They're trying to usurp the throne and take it all for themselves. This isn't just war, they're planning a coup d'etat! This is bad", exclaimed Lucas.

"HAIL THE OMEGA!", said the magician and he committed suicide just like the one he had seen before. Lucas's head was beginning to think, and the gears were now in full motion.

"Guys, I hope that you are all right. This is getting more complicated than it first seemed", he thought as he began to sort out his thoughts. 

(Underground City, Main Entrance)

"Are you guys seeing what we are seeing?", asked Michelle. The scene she was seeing was the same as Lucas had seen, only that the Golems that were in front of them were different. 

There were Three Earth Golems, Two Water Golems, and One Dark Golem. The moment the Dark Golem arrived, it covered for the other Golems as they began to merge. Two of the Earth and the Water Golems began to merge, and the remaining Earth and Dark Golem began to attack.

Michelle and Emilia began to defend, and the Staff she had received helped her in creating the spells faster than her normal time.

Tobias was wearing the gauntlets, and he was smiling wide. He jumped past the both of them, and he ran straight at the Earth Golem.

"You, fight me!", he said in a taunting manner. The magician on the top of the Golem saw him and was easily enraged by his taunt. The Earth Golem let out a roar, and it shook the place.

The Dark Golem was facing Emilia and Michelle together. With Michelle's affinity to darkness, taking care of a Golem of the same Element was easy for her. She was trying to get the Golem under her control, and Emilia was keeping the Golem distracted.

After a few minutes, Michelle gave up about gaining control of the Golem. She pulled out her scythe and assimilated with Death. 

"Let's do this", she muttered as she spun her scythe and attacked the Golem's legs. It didn't take any damage, and Emilia was confused as to why.

"She is definitely along with Death, then why doesn't it do any damage?", she thought. Just as her thoughts were about to run rampant, she felt a hand come her way. Mud was dripping from the hand, and she jumped back to avoid the strike.

"They have merged", she thought as she saw two Mud Golems standing right behind the Dark Golem. They now had to face four Golems, and Mud Golems are very difficult to face.

Tobias was dancing with the Earth Golem and the magician on the top of the Golem was getting mad. No matter how quick he moved, Tobias just vanished from the place he was standing. 

The Earth Golem raised Earth walls on all sides of Tobias, trapping him in the middle. He then closed the top, and Tobias was trapped inside. A smirk formed on his face, and he began to charge his body with Lightning.

"Lightning is ineffective against Earth, but I am sure that my strength and if I develop enough speed, I can break this place", he thought as he began to run around in circles.

He was building up momentum, and when he thought that it was enough to break through the wall, he ran straight at it. His speed coupled along with his insane strength blasted the wall and a gaping hole was visible. 

The Earth Golem turned its head towards him, and a smile was seen on Tobias's face. He stood his ground and motioned for the Golem to come at him with two fingers. 

The Magician was mad, and with the lightning passing through his body, Tobias made his move. He ran straight at the ankle of the Golem, and it shattered. He didn't stop and moved to the next ankle, doing the same.

After shattering both of the ankles, the Earth Golem was losing its balance. It tried to heal itself, but the Earth which tried to fix itself was shattered the moment it made contact. The magician was stunned at the development.

"What in the world is this?", he asked as the Earth Golem fell to the ground. Tobias smiled as he neared the man that was now grovelling on the ground.. He put his face right in front of his, and the smile on his face was sending chills down his spine.

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