System: Inherited

Chapter 130 - Leon's Investigation (Part Two)

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He scooped her up and snuggled her close to his face, and began to rub his fingers at her nose, and her face had a tinge of satisfaction. 

"Of course Daddy misses you. We have an old guest here that has come after a long time, and he wanted to meet Mother", the kid turned her head at Leon and her eyes were filled with curiosity.

"What was Father like when he was young? Was he fierce? How much anger did he have? I have heard all kinds of stories from him and Uncle Alex, but this is the first time someone from outside has come to visit Father. Are you truly, his friend?", she asked as she began to sniff around him just like Denver did.

Denver was about to pull her away, but Leon held his hands up to stop him as he wanted to see if his theory was correct. The girl, after sniffing for a while stepped back.

"You are the same as Mother, but there is a slight difference in the scent. There must be no mistake then. You are a Wolf, and you must be Mother's sibling! Come, let me take you to Mother", she said enthusiastically and pulled his hand.

Denver pointed to the brooch he was wearing, indicating that he must show that to her. Leon nodded his head in response and he followed behind the kid. 

She was leading him through the city, and it was something he thought was not possible to exist. The place had technology that was available everywhere, and it even had a market inside. 

People were standing in a line somewhere, and kids were playing on the streets. Some of the other kids were engrossed in their books, but most of them were kicking a ball around and laughing.

Looking at them brought back countless memories he had in his childhood. He was having a nostalgic feel when he was suddenly brought to a stop in front of a building that read, 'Magic Combat Academy'.

She pulled Leon's hand, but he was unmoving. She turned around and saw Leon looking towards a certain direction, and a couple of kids were ganging on up a single kid.

The little girl that was with him saw it and she flared up. 

"These jerks. I swear I have to tell them off every time they try to pick on these kids", she huffed and stormed off in the direction of the kids. The moment she left, Leon felt a claw right at his neck.

"What is with this place? Everyone seems like they just want to kill. My neck", he thought as he raised his hands again and turned around.

He saw a woman looking deep into his eyes, and after a few seconds, she removed her hands from his neck. She then noticed the Guardian's Brooch and looked back at him.

"The Guardians are back?", was her first question. There were a lot of emotions behind her words, and one of them was extreme happiness. Her face was flushing the moment she mentioned the Guardians were revived.

Leon nodded his head, as he didn't know why they were disbanded in the first place. He thought they were the new Guardians, but when he entered the Tower, he saw records of many previous Guardians.

That was the moment he learned that The Guardians had been around for a long time, and Ben was just reviving a dead project. He had always wanted to meet the Previous Guardians, but he never left in search of them.

The woman motioned for her to follow behind him. Leon nodded and followed along, and left the kid to deal with the problems on her own. 

"We were disbanded. And if I presume correctly, little Benjamin must be the one who must have revived the project again. We were given 'Protocol X', and from that day, we were in hiding. Only my husband and another person from the Guardians do in search of two others that were part of the Guardians."

"But they were never found. Not till this day. But recently, my husband came back with a feather that was a part of the person that was missing. And I have been running a whole lot of tests on it. And it seems like something interesting has happened".

By this time, they were in front of a building that had the words 'Labaratory' on it. She opened the door and the smell of chemicals blasted into Leon's nose.

He scrunched up as being a person of the Wolf Family, he had very keen smelling senses, and something like this tends to make him nauseous. 

"Even Bradley won't be able to handle this smell", he thought as he took a whiff. Iris continued forward, and in front of him was a feather that he had seen before.

"You see, the person that was the owner of the feather was a female. But now, the same feather belongs to a male. And the most interesting fact is that the feathers match the same size she had when she was in her prime."

"Now, I don't know if you are sure with this, but before we were disbanded, we were investigating a man who was experimenting on beasts and creating a new type of Beastmen", she finished.

Leon was shocked when he heard that news. He didn't know that 'The Omega' that they were facing was something that dated back to the times that the Former Guardians were present. That was almost 50 years ago!

Leon didn't think at that moment and knew that if they were facing forces that had built slowly over 50 Years, then an attack from the outside wasn't the only possibility.

He looked at her, and worry was evident in his eyes. He was about to turn around and run to catch up with the things that were happening outside, as he could not receive a transmission on his device.

"I know about that feather. I will come back soon and bring the person who is related to the feather. I have to run, RIGHT NOW!", he said and accidentally roared the ending a little. 

The woman who was looking at him and his expression understood something. She took calm steps and came near him.

"Is the Kingdom in danger?", she asked as she locked eyes with him. The trick didn't work for him, but he decided to tell the truth anyway. 

"Yes, as we speak. I need to contact The Tower, but I can't get reception", he said and a smile spread across Iris's face. She motioned for him to follow behind him, and took him to a corner of the room. 

There was a computer, and on it was a device that burrowed up to the surface. Iris sat on it and extended her hand to Leon.

"The Device?", she asked and Leon handed out his device. She attached a cord to his device and connected it to the device. A radio appeared, and Leon grabbed the microphone that he saw.

"Bradley, update?", he asked in nervousness. He was sweating and his heart was beating out of his chest, and worry was evident all over his face.

"The Army hasn't arrived yet. But an attack has been commenced from within the Kingdom. Seems like this has been planned for a very long time. And most of them are the Kingdom's Magicians, Archers and others", he reported.

"Where are the others?", he asked. He knew that Bradley had the brains and that was the reason why he was back at the table rather than the battlefield. Leon was waiting for an answer.

"I have dispatched all three to protect the King. Since there are traitors within the small ranks, I am sure there should be someone on top pulling the strings to commence this attack. And seems like this is just the beginning", he said in a low voice.

Leon was frustrated and mad that he wanted to punch something at that moment. He began to transform unknowingly, and his breathing was getting erratic.

"Calm down, Leon. Control that anger", he thought and the next moment he began to take deep breaths and calm down a little.

"What do you mean by 'beginning'?", he asked and right at that moment, he saw a timer pop up on the screen. It had 'The Omega' symbol on it, and there was a timer counting down.

It had thirty-five minutes, and it was counting downwards. The words written beneath it were something that he had to worry about more. 

"Wave 2? Do they think the lives of all these people are a mere joke?!", he bellowed out loud, and his shout knocked the wind out of Iris. She had her hands over her ears, and the kid that was outside came running to see what was happening.

"Mother, why is the Uncle howling?", she asked right after she had entered. She hid behind Iris timidly and was peeking at Leon.. She had a good impression of him, and his shouting was something she never expected from a calm man she had seen before.

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