System: Inherited

Chapter 151 - Training Jason (Part One)

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"I didn't know who you were and messed with you. I am sorry!", he groveled on the ground. Zen was about to kill him when something popped in his head.

"Who is your Boss?", he asked. The leader looked back up at him, and once more began to grovel.

"Our Boss is the Fourth Rank, Silver Wings", he replied. He was hoping that would get him some amnesty, and he might even spare his life. 

A snap was heard, and he saw Zen snap a twig in half as he closed his fist. He was amazed by the strength and understood that the rumors he had heard did him no justice.

"The man without a single loss, Shadow Fang. It was rumored that he was quick and decisive, and his strength was unmatched. The reason he was number three was that he had the least number of matches fought", he thought as he waited for his verdict.

"Any last words?", he asked as he took a step towards him. The leader nodded his head sideways, and Zen slashed his head clean off his shoulders.

"Just you wait, Silver Wings. I am coming for you", he muttered as he followed the path Lucas had shown him. After a few minutes, he reached the Palace.

He saw a lot of men scattered around, and they were placed strategically so that no one would be able to enter. If someone placed his foot inside, the next moment he would be bombarded with bullets and killed.

He was thinking of a way to enter the place, and how to divert the situation and make it favorable to him. He was formulating a plan, and all of his men were behind him.

He wanted to let Lucas know that he was near the Palace, and was wondering if he should. Just when he thought he would need his help, he got an idea.

He jumped down from the tree and moved towards the Palace with his hands behind his head. The sounds of guns clicking were heard, and he stepped forward slowly.

"I come here in peace. I seek an audience with the king. I and my people are here to aid you in this war", he said as he stepped forward. One of the men was skeptical and fired a warning shot right at his feet.

"Stay where you are. We will inform the king of your arrival", said one of the men and began talking into the earpiece he had. The next moment, there was a loud thud, and from the dust came Ben and Jason.

Zen was shocked when he saw the King. He quickly kneeled and bowed his head, and sensed the strength from him.

"Just his Aura is enough to make me bow down to him. If this person is the King, the people who have waged war against them are screwed", he thought as he kept looking at the ground.

"Rise", said Ben, and the words carried a magic sense within them. Zen was unable to resist the words and stood up instantly.

"What is happening to me?", he thought as he stood up on his own. He was now looking at Ben directly, and confusion was visible in his eyes.

"State your purpose", he commanded and Zen felt the urge to disobey it. But he couldn't do it and ended up stating why he was here.

"I was sent here by Lucas. He told me to assist in defending the Palace against any incoming attacks, and we found some intruders while we were on our way. We took them out on Lucas's orders, and I now stand before you", he replied without hesitation.

Ben smiled right after he heard Lucas's name. He was wondering how he was doing amid all this chaos, and it seemed to him that he was doing well.

"For him to find allies amongst the enemies, he has shown me once again that he is fit to be out in the world", he muttered as he turned around. 

"Release", he said and Zen felt the control over him being released. He wanted to ask what that was, but before he could voice out his question, Ben gave his answer.

"I am sorry about what I just did. It is something that had to be done, and I had to make sure that you are not a threat to my Kingdom. After making that sure, I have released the spell hold that I had over you", he explained.

Zen began to ponder upon the words that were spoken by Ben. Something inside him clicked, and he looked around.

"Call your men in, I can sense them standing around", he said and everyone appeared out from the shadows. There were a hundred men, and each of them was sneaky as they appeared all around the entrance.

One of them even had his weapon drawn, but he placed it back as soon as he sensed Zen's eyes on him. Ben smiled as he looked at them.

"Everyone of you is to guard the Forest, and if anything goes south, you are to retreat into the Palace. We have almost thirty hours before the Horde marching towards us strikes. Until then, I would like to keep every person safe", he said.

Zen had a smile across his face right after he heard the final words.

"A man who is honest and careful. And a man who cares about lives more than winning. Seems like this person is worthy of being a King", he concluded from the little information he had obtained at the moment.

He snapped his fingers and every person that had appeared vanished back into the shadows. Ben, who was watching this had his hands behind his back.

"Son seems like you have brought in some worthy allies", he muttered as he watched them go back into the forest, and stay camp there. He motioned for Jason to follow behind him and entered the Palace. 

He brought him to a room and closed the doors behind. After closing it, he looked at Jason and smiled.

"I am going to teach you how to keep your power in your total control. Since you have three beasts DNA within you, it is going to be hard. For now, let me teach you how to harness the power within you", he said and motioned him to sit right next to him.

Jason was excited to be learning from someone much stronger than him, and the King at that. He had learned how to transform to the First Stage and to transform certain parts of his body. 

He was now looking forward to the lessons from him and sat down in anticipation. Ben placed his hands on his back, and Jason felt something inside him.

"Sense the Beast that resides within you, and try to communicate with it. It is a dangerous task, and it might even try to take over your body. If that happens, I have the serum to inject", he explained. 

Jason nodded his head and began to follow the flow that Ben was showing him. He slowly began to catch on, and Ben withdrew his efforts and allowed him to circulate it within him.

"For now, you need to make the Beast awaken. When it does, it will go on a rampage, and that is why I have locked you here. And I am sure that I can subdue it with my strength." 

The First full transformation is the only time you will be able to communicate and form a bond. After that, you will need to subdue them in The Eye Of The Mind. But that is something you can't do unless you make the three Beasts that are within you reach an agreement", he muttered.

Everything he muttered was heard by Jason as his ears had begun to transform into that of a Lion. His hair began to grow, and his body began to change.

"This is going to be tough. How much I wish Merlin was here with me now", he smiled as he looked at a fully transformed Jason.

He had turned into a full lion and was now roaring at Ben. Ben had entered Partial Transformation, and he looked at the Aura that the Beast was exuding.

"Now what kind of twisted experiment were you trying, Mad Scientist? Let me find it out", he muttered as he came back to the ground and looked at the beast in the eye.

The lion began to circle him around, and Ben was in the middle. He was waiting for it to make the attack, and Jason, who was now a lion looked at him and was analyzing him before making his attack.

His rationale was lost, and the Lion was now in control. But inside, Jason was trying to find the Lion that had control over him, and communicate something with it.

Ben had a smug smile as he looked at the Beast in the eye, and it enraged the Beast further. It roared right at his face and jumped back.

"COME AT ME!", he said out loud and the Lion came running towards him, with its mouth wide open, ready to bite him down.

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