System: Inherited

Chapter 153 - The Sphinx's Riddle

Jason frowned as he heard the request. He was not great at thinking, but he did have some experience with riddles. He wanted to ask something, but the Sphinx stopped him. 

"You have three chances to give the right answer. So far, the progress you have shown to reach this place is commendable, and I would like to see if you are worthy enough to use my power."

"If I deem you worthy, then you will be able to use it freely, and with no restriction. I will also help you to find a way and fuse that other two with you", she said as she turned her head towards her left.

Jason looked in the same direction and saw an Ape and a Minotaur quarrel with each other. They were fighting like children over some fruit, and the Sphinx sighed.

"And here I am just to baby-sit them", she muttered as she looked back at him. The next moment, she transformed into a beautiful woman, and she looked nothing like the Beast she was.

She had wings folded behind her, and a tail that came out from the end of the spine. Her hair was golden with streaks of red, and it flowed down to her back. She snapped her fingers and clothes appeared on her body.

She had a curving figure, and Jason was attracted towards her the moment he laid his eyes on her. She coughed once just to bring him back to his senses and make him stop staring at her.

"A contronym is a single word that has two meanings that are contradictory in nature. What is a contronym for having "watchdog" responsibility vs. the result of failing to be watchful and responsible?", she asked as she took her seat next to him.

"There is such a thing as a contronym?", he exclaimed, having learned something new. He was astonished that such a thing even existed in the first place.

"So the question is, What is a contronym for having "watchdog" responsibility vs. the result of failing to be watchful and responsible?", he repeated. The Sphinx nodded her head and looked at him. 

"So, a watchdog is an animal that keeps watching all the time. And let's say that the animal has failed in keeping watch. Doesn't that mean it is neglecting its duty?", he muttered. He was rambling, and all of his thoughts were heard by The Sphinx.

She just chuckled as she heard his thinking process. It was something she did not expect from him, but she found it amusing that he had caught on quickly.

"So, if it is being lazy, and neglecting its duty, then there is only this word", he thought as he turned his head towards the Sphinx.

"It's irresponsibility", he said with confidence. The Sphinx chuckled at his confidence, and the way he answered was amusing to her.

"You have two chances left", she said as she smiled at him. He was flabbergasted when he heard that he was wrong, but he didn't give up.

He then began to rethink the options that were available in the riddle.

"So, he is irresponsible. But is there another word for it, that is close to responsibility, and matches with something that I need right now? And there is also the circumstance of me receiving the strength of the Sphinx", he began to grind his gears.

He didn't understand much about the riddle in particular, but what he understood was that the answer was a word that had polar opposite meanings. And the answer which he gave before was something that had a distinct single meaning. 

He began to wrack his brain for any synonyms that he could remember for irresponsible, and he remembered two words.

"Now which one will it be? Is it overhasty, or insouciant? I only have two more strikes, and I do not want to lose both of them to both the words. Let me choose one, and if it is wrong, I will have to reanalyze the riddle again", he thought as he fixed his answer.

"The answer is insouciant", he replied. The Sphinx, who was holding up two fingers folded one of them, indicating he had only one final chance.

He threw the possibility of the other synonym out the window and began to reanalyze the riddle that was given to him. 

"What is a contronym for having "watchdog" responsibility vs. the result of failing to be watchful and responsible?", he repeated and once more began to break it down. 

"So, if a watchdog has the responsibility to watch, it means it is supposed to keep watch, which is related to sight. And the next sentence says that the opposite of it is when it fails to keep watch, and that is not keeping sight."

"Now, is there a word with the sight that has two meanings that are directly opposite to each other, and yet exist in the same word? If there is, then what would the word be?", he thought. 

The Sphinx now had a smile plastered across her face as she watched him being deep in thought. She placed her hands on her cheek as she watched him think, finding him to be cute.

"Let me see, sight. And then there is another word which is related to sight, oversight. Oversight is when someone fails to keep sight, but does it also mean that there is another meaning to the same word?", he thought.

His pondering was deep, and all of his thoughts were being heard by the Sphinx. She chuckled, and it distracted him from his thoughts.

"Beautiful", he thought and it was once more heard by her. A slight blush appeared on her cheeks as she turned around, and Jason had a smile on his lips as he was confident this time of his answer.

"The answer is Oversight", he said. The Sphinx raised one of her brows, and she looked at him skeptically.

"Elaborate as to why you think that would be the answer", she asked with a chuckle. She knew it was the correct one, and yet she demanded an explanation from him.

Jason frowned as he knew she was now testing him to make sure that he was not making a guess, and had derived the answer with his efforts. He smiled and began to elaborate on how he derived the answer.

"The key to the riddle lies in the word watch. If one were to misunderstand it as a word, and not take the action that is being made, they would arrive at the wrong answer, like I did the first and second time."

"The action in the word watch is sight. Now, sight is a word that has a lot of meanings. And words that are related to it are very few. And one among them is the word, oversight."

"Oversight is a word that differs according to the sentence. One is the action of overseeing something, which is related to supervision, and thus the word, watchdog."

"The other meaning is the unintentional failure to notice or do something, which is related to the failure of being watchful or responsible. This was how I derived the answer and came to this conclusion", he finished his sentence.

The Sphinx nodded her head earnestly as she was satisfied with his answer. She never thought of him to break down the riddle and pick up something from within the word 'watch'.

"Well, I am satisfied with your answer, and as I had promised, I will allow you to use my powers freely. There is a catch though, as it will take me at least a month to configure your DNA and mine to be compatible with each other", she said.

Jason nodded his head and was waiting for an alternative answer. He was sure as a very smart being that was alive, it would have a solution to his problem.

"For now, I will allow you to use the part lion within me, as that is the only thing compatible as of this moment. And I am sure it would be very useful for the situation you are stuck in", she completed.

Jason smiled and extended his hands towards her. The both of them shook their hands, and a golden hue enveloped him. "Done", she said as the both of them broke their handshake.

Jason felt a surge of strength, and his muscles were growing at a fast pace. His hair was flowing, and his eyesight had increased exponentially. 

"Learn to control this first, and when I find a way to insert the bird part of my DNA, I will let you know. Now, go and have a look at yourself", she said as she placed her hands on his chest, and Jason felt himself being sucked out of the space that he was in.

"Someday, we will figure out how to unlock your memories, but for that to happen, you will need strength.. Good Luck, Jason", she muttered as she watched him being sent out of The Eye of The Mind.

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