System: Inherited

Chapter 25 - The Pendragons

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The man who had covered his face removed his mask. His face had a scar that ran across from his left eye to his left cheek. He had a white beard, and he was stroking it as he began to think. "I have to report back to my brother", he thought.

He picked up his glass pad and made a video call. "Let me just hope that my brother is satisfied with the reply", he thought. Just the thought of his brother made him nervous. After a couple of seconds, another old face appeared on the screen. "Brother", he said with a smile.

"Bradley, this better be something important. I am at the Empire with the King", he replied in haste. Bradley was taken aback. "Sorry for calling you at such a time. I didn't know that you were at the Empire", he said. He then thought of how to start the report. "Alright, Brad. I'm sorry about being harsh on you. Did you check up on the task that I gave you?', he asked.

Brad nodded his head. He began to narrate the things that Lucas had done during his fight against Anthony and Sally. "He took on both of them? And killed twenty-five of those Grizzly Wolves?", he said in shock. Brad nodded his head. After finishing his report, he waited for a response.

"That little brat is improving at a very fast pace. I'm happy now. Everything he had endured, as his Master, I couldn't stand by", he said. "Well, seems like Anthony and Sally seem to like their Junior. Although he isn't one of us, they still like him regardless", he smiled. "And as his Martial Uncle, I am quite impressed at his strength", said Brad.

"Any movements from them?", asked the man on the other line. Brad nodded his head sideways. "We have been keeping tabs on them for years. It seems like they have truly vanished. There isn't a trace of them", said Brad.

"Where are Anthony and Sally?". he asked. "I sent them out to investigate something. I am also keeping watch on them through Optical Sharing as we speak", said Brad. "Anything suspicious?', asked the man. Brad nodded his head. "But if 'they' ever make a move, we will be with you, Brother", said Brad.

The man on the other end nodded his head. He was pleased with his brother's work. "Alright, enough with our formalities now. How are you?", asked the man. "I'm doing good, Leon. Life's been treating me well. Unlike a certain someone who wanted to leave all this and go serve someone", mocked Brad. There was silence for a few seconds before they both burst laughing.

Leon was feeling much better when he heard that Lucas was improving well. "He needs to improve", he thought. Brad began to talk about some other things when Leon stopped him. "I guess I'll catch up with you later, little brother. See you later", said Leon and cut off the line.

Brad let out a deep breath. "Now, back to the task at hand", he thought as he took out a brooch in his hands. The brooch was pitch black and had a shield and a sword. The shield had a claw mark on it. As he looked at it, he began to remember the oath he took. "We, The Beast Brother Duo, swear allegiance to the Heart Kingdom", a voice echoed in his head. A smile broke out on his face, and he began to watch the screen.

Leon was doing the same thing Brad was doing. "Every time I talk with him, I am reminded of our days of the past. I just hope everything is well with him. He tends to stick his nose where it doesn't belong. But he always returns alive", he smiled.

A guard was walking towards the room Ben and Martha were staying in. Leon stood in front of the door, blocking his path. "The Emperor has requested for the kingdom to assemble in the meeting hall", he said and quickly turned around to walk away from the path he came. Leon knocked twice on the door, and he heard Ben call him in.

"The purpose of our visit is a meeting. I do not know what kind of information they might have. We must prepare for better or worse", he said to Ben. Ben smiled. "Well, we always tend to attract something serious", he said.

Leon smiled. Martha punched him on the shoulder. "Don't jinx it", she pouted. Even though they were King and subordinate, they didn't act like one. Rather, if one looked at them, they would think that they were a bunch of friends. And that they were. "I almost forgot. Brad called. It seems like Lucas has become stronger again. He defeated twenty-five Grizzly Wolves and took on my First and Second Disciples together. Though their strength was limited to Advanced Level", he said.

Ben smiled wide when he heard this. "So, they've met. Does he know who they are?", he asked. "No, but it seems like he discovered their identities as Beastmen", he said. "As expected of our son. And after we return, ask them to visit. I need to have a detailed report on the current events", he said. After their talk, they began to move towards the corridor that led them towards the Grand Hall, which was also the Throne Room.

They didn't enter it. Instead, they walked further down, and they stood in front of a pillar. The pillar was tall and thick. It didn't have any particular designs. Ben closed his eyes and placed his hand on the pillar.

"Ratuvotualioi lifr netu, zefrnira true pituoide. For lierekpi world ekpi alice illusion, alicetu we aliratu merely players. Take neze waoifrfrem, alicetu bestow niyofrce us enlightenment", he chanted. There was a bright glow from the pillar and Ben felt a prick on his palm. Blood was drawn and a door was revealed to them. He opened the door and entered inside.

The space inside was a total opposite of the outside. There was an elevator that was spiraling around. They stepped on it and it began to move. The walls around them were fixed with white tiles. "What in the world is this place?", asked Martha.

"This is the hidden meeting room. This place was last used when the War of the Kingdoms happened. They wanted to overthrow one of history's most prominent families, The Pendragons. Hence, the Dragon Empire. After the war, this place became surveillance of the Empire. Although they can monitor most of them, they are unable to micromanage things. Hence, we Kingdoms come into play", he said as they were moving upwards.

The escalator stopped in front of a massive steel door. The door was towering high and there were lines of blue in them. "Mana Infusion", exclaimed Leon. He had only heard of them and had never seen them in real life. He was taken aback. Martha was also looking at the door, and she was about to place her finger. "Don't", warned Ben.

She retracted her finger and stood beside him. Ben moved towards the side of the door, and he once again dripped his blood onto the scanner. The door then popped out a retina scanner and took a full-body scan. "All credentials match with the database. Opening the doors to Benjamin Heart", said a robotic voice.

Martha was stunned by the development of technology. "They still are developing it every chance they get", said Ben as they entered. "Long time no see, Mr. Heart", came a deep voice. Ben looked at the man in front of him and smiled. This was the Crown Prince of the Empire, Arthur Pendragon The Second.

Arthur was a tall and handsome young man. He had blonde hair and hazel eyes. He had a clean-shaven face and his eyes were sharp. His eyebrows were slightly thin, and his pursed lips made him look mysterious. He was wearing a black monochrome suit, and he was analyzing something on the screen in front of him.

"Where is Merlin?", asked Ben. "Father is currently busy with something. Please make yourself comfortable. Father will be here in ten minutes", he replied. Just as he took his seat, he saw the door open, and in came Merlin Pendragon, the current Emperor of the Dragon Empire.

"Ho ho, old friend. It's been a long time since I last saw you", he smiled as he entered. Ben got up and embraced Merlin. Arthur was taken aback when he saw the way his father treated Ben. "Who is Mr. Heart? What is his relationship with my father?", he thought.

Merlin was an old man, his hair and beard all turned white. He was wearing a long robe and held a walking stick in his left hand. His back was slightly hunched, and he was limping slightly to his right side. "Merlin? What happened? Why are you limping?", asked Ben.

Merlin sighed out loud. "I called you here for a reason. It seems like a new threat has risen. A threat not to just our Empire, but if left unattended, it could destroy our whole nation", he said. He took down a seat next to a glass table and tapped on it twice. After tapping, the table began to project, just like the glass pad.

He pulled out a symbol. It was across with a circle behind it. And it was drawn with blood. "They call themselves 'The Omega'. Now the most troubling fact is that they have found a way to revitalize 'Projekt: B.E.T'", he said. Ben jumped from his seat.


I do not know if you guys check the Author's Thoughts, but I appreciate every single one of you who have been supporting me from the start. From every person who added to their library, and people who had reached out to me, I thank every one of them. And for the people who vote with Power Stones too!

P.S: Uploaded a cover drawn by my talented friend, @zaree_chan! Do show her some love!

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