System: Inherited

Chapter 28 - Till Death Do Us Apart....

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(An hour before Ben's Interrogation)

A man could be seen walking up and down the room, he was in. The room had plain white walls, and there were no windows inside. The only light source for the room came from the ventilation that was above, and that too was blocked by Iron bars placed in between them. "Gina, where are you? The mission shouldn't have taken this long", he thought. This man was none other than the person that killed Gina.

Just as he was panicking, he heard an announcement through the speaker which was in one of the corners of his room. "Number 00753, step into the Arena", said the speaker. He was shocked. "It shouldn't be my turn today. Unless..", his thoughts paused as he ran through the now open door.

The Arena was a place in the facility that he was in. It was an entertainment platform for extremely rich people. The more entertaining the fight was, the more money The Omega would earn for their researches. Then, the winner might get a Tier upgrade based on the performance. "Gina, please be okay", he thought as he ran.

In the Arena, there was another man that was standing. He was almost six feet tall, and his muscles were bulging. His top was bare, showcasing numerous scars on his back, and a scar that ran across his chest. "Number 00891, or Kevin", he muttered under his breath. Kevin let out a roar that shook the floor of The Arena.

"Kevin, don't make me do this man", he whispered. Kevin spoke in a voice that was only audible to him. "It's better to die at your hand than to die at their hands. Please show mercy, and kill me swiftly. And it was an honor knowing you, Thomas", he said. Thomas was taken aback by his words.

Kevin quickly turned into a grey wolf, but the transformation was only limited to his hands and legs. Thomas then activated his beast form. His normal eyes turned completely red. His back grew a pair of transparent wings. He then flew at a high speed, creating ripples in the air as he moved forward.

The Zookeeper, who was broadcasting this, took this opportunity to comment. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the odds of the bets are 2:0.75. Number 00891 has the highest chance as he is an animal, while the other person is an evolved insect. Place your bets", he said in a static voice.

Thomas was fast even for the wolf to catch him. Kevin quickly used his strength to catch him, but Thomas evaded it quite easily. Kevin got mad, and he roared in anger. Thomas took this opportunity to slow down and he looked at Kevin. "I will give you the death you want. And one last battle. Battle to your heart's content!", he said.

After he said that to Kevin, he disappeared. Kevin sniffed around, and with his heightened smell, he sensed Thomas behind him. He quickly turned around and was about to connect the hit to his head. But Thomas's eyes were quite different from an ordinary one. He could see the trajectory of the leg, and thus dodged it quite effortlessly.

He began to confront him in hand-to-hand combat. The bets were stacked in Kevin's favor. The Zookeeper saw this and smiled. "I guess it's time to finish this facade", he thought as he pressed a button in front of him. The Arena began to shift and Thomas was thrown back. Structures began to pop out from underneath them.

"The City?", he thought. And he was right. A city was erected in the place they were fighting. Kevin smiled as he lunged towards Thomas, and he dodged it. Kevin then began to fight once again, but this time blasts were heard through the air. "What kind of power is that?", thought the other prisoners that were watching the battle.

Thomas then transformed his fingers, into thin and sharp blades. He then slashed at Kevin's chest, which made him jump back. "Come. Let me give you peace", said Thomas. He wanted to prolong this battle, but the next thing he heard made him want to finish it instantly. "The one who wins will be sent on a mission", was what came through the speakers.

Kevin smiled. "Let's finish this, shall we? I know you want to see her since she has been stuck outside. And I want to meet the person I loved", he said in a sad voice. Thomas nodded his head. He understood the pain he was in. "Then this is goodbye. May you find Solace", said Thomas as he thrust his fingers through Kevin's chest, ripping out his heart.

"Thank you", were the last words of Kevin. Blood was dripping as he held Kevin's heart that was slowly stopped beating. Kevin's face had a wide smile, and he fell to the floor of The Arena. "And the winner of the match is Number 00753. Iron Fly", announced The Zookeeper.

Thomas wasn't happy. Instead, he was sad. Extremely depressed even. "I had to kill my only friend for my selfish desires", he thought as he looked up at the ceiling. "May you forgive me, Kevin", he said as he clenched his fists. A pathway opened in front of him and he began to walk through it, hoping that this mission was something related to Gina.

After he reached the place, there was a dark glass in front of him. "Iron Fly. We, The Omega, have a mission for you. Your mission is to kill a person that has been caught and kept under strict surveillance. Eliminate Number 00654, and then eliminate yourself", said a robotic voice.

Thomas was taken aback. "That number, Gina was caught? But how?", he thought. She was a person who could fly, and she had insane strength that even made anyone among the prisoners shake in fear. "I can't tell you who they were caught by. Infiltrate this palace, and eliminate her", said the robotic voice, and the glass in front of him turned dark.

He then felt a sting on the back of his neck. His world turned dark, and the next thing he knew was he was out in the open. There was a green forest in front of him, and he was lying just in front of it. "I guess the mission has begun?", he thought. He quickly moved and ran through the forest, skipping any beast he saw.

"The more I delay, the more she is in danger. I don't care about myself, as the moment I accepted this mission, I had sacrificed myself. But if I fail, they will send those monsters after her, and she wouldn't be able to handle them", he thought. Almost forty-five minutes had passed ever since he had accepted the mission.

The palace in front of him was large and he looked around. He then activated his transformation and flew from the forest into the palace at high speed. The moment he entered, he deactivated the transformation, but he had his iron fingers on him, ready to slice any threat he saw. But luckily for him, there were no guards in the palace.

He quickly ran, remembering the layout that was shown to him. He reached the door through which he had to enter the interrogation place. There were two guards outside, but he didn't want to kill them. Se he took flight, knocking them out in an instant.

After knocking them out, he pushed the door but it didn't budge. Then he saw something peculiar. "What is this?", he thought as he placed his finger on a scanner. It blinked red. He then picked up the guards and placed their fingers on the scanners. It flashed a green light, and the door in front of him hissed open.

"I have to go in quick", he thought as he was about to take off. But something made him stop and wait until the door opened. He was also in awe of the tech behind the door. "But this tech might be a little backdated from the tech in the prison", he thought. He then moved slowly, as he activated the transformation in his eyes.

His compound eyes allowed him to see in the dark, like night vision. He walked by the walls, listening keenly as he tried to hear the sounds of Gina. As he reached the end, he saw a light on his right side. He heard a voice talking, but it was faint. "Gina, are you there?", he thought.

He then began to tiptoe towards the cell, using his Fly abilities to keep him hidden. He then listened to what she was saying. ". But what I do know is that he calls himself The Zookeeper. And we are his caged animals. But there is someone above him. I overheard him once talk to someone, but I do not know his name. I have one final request", he heard and he paused.

He knew what that request would be. As someone from the same hellhole as her, he knew what she was going to ask. His heart was wrenching at the thought that she wanted to die. He waited for her to say those exact words. " Please kill me. Before The Zoo....", she said.

Thomas's body went out of control as he threw something. "No. No. NO!", he said in his mind as he saw the knife going towards her. "Move, Dammit", he thought. But his body wouldn't listen. "Hail Omega!", he said. He then felt something in his mouth, and he bit it. Nothing that was happening was under his control until he left fluids flowing into his stomach.

After that point, he knew his death was near. He stretched his hand to look at the woman he loved, her head slowly falling towards her chest. He then muttered his final words. "I Love You, Gina.....".

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