System: Inherited

Chapter 30 - Hardwork Never Fails!

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Henry looked at Lucas, and his tone was threatening. "Boy, if you don't want to damage the final product, I suggest that you back down", he said. His tone was flat, but it carried a tinge of authority. Lucas wasn't going to back down either. He stared at Henry in the eye. "If you're worried about the output, I can assure you that it will turn out fine", he said as he released a little bit of his aura.

As soon as Lucas released his Aura, Henry was taken aback. "This.... when did this happen, kid?", he asked. It seemed that Henry knew what he was dealing with. Lucas began to explain what happened during the fight, and omitting the parts about his system. Henry listened keenly, and then he nodded his head. "Kid, it seems that the Aura within you has changed due to two factors", he said.

Lucas was stunned. "Changed? What do you mean?", he asked. He always thought that this Aura was within him, but when he heard this from Henry, he was confused. "Yes, kid. The Aura that was within you, was not the Weapon Master's Aura. But it was a Martial Artists Aura. I think that you is most of the time in the forge, and you being next to me when I worked, changed the Aura within you", he said.

"Is that even possible?", he asked. Henry nodded his head. "I am one of such case. I am a swordsman and a blacksmith. At first, I had two separate Auras within me. But then Leon taught me how to fuse them into one", he said with a smile. "And ever since then, my work efficiency also increased", he said.

"Maybe, you didn't need to fuse your Aura, but when you faced a crisis, it might have fused under the sheer pressure. It is also another method of extreme awakening. It can be a possibility", he said. Lucas nodded his head, taking all the information in him. "And the Weapon Master's Aura, it is not something that someone is born with. This is how they form themselves. And thus, that is why they are considered one of the powerful Auras out there", he said.

The final sentence caught his ear. "There are other Auras that are strong as this one?", he exclaimed. Henry laughed out loud. "That shall be a tale for another time. Now, let me teach you how to harness your Aura in Blacksmithing", he said. As the system was under upgrade, he thought that it would be impossible for him.

But then he realized something. "Even without the system, I can control my Aura? Then can I use my spells too?", he thought with a smile. He then said [Icicle], but there was no reaction. "Or maybe not", he thought as he watched Henry leave the door.

Henry began to guide Lucas through the Forge. There were rooms with steel doors, and there was the sound of banging on all sides. "They are truly hardworking", he thought. He then saw Henry opened a room with his key, and they all entered inside. Sam and Kate were curious, so they followed Lucas down here.

After they entered, Henry motioned for Lucas to sit on the ground. "Do you know how to meditate?", he asked. Lucas nodded his head and sat on the floor cross-legged. He began to meditate and do what Leon had shown him to do, but he didn't channel it into his bones, as he did not want to end up like Leon's best friend.

Henry looked at him with deep interest. "It seems that the boy has broken through the Second Stage, and is now in the Third Stage. An impressive feat, kid", he said. As Lucas heard that, a smile began to form. "The old man seldom gives compliments", he thought. His body began to envelop in a dark blue hue.

"His Aura is much denser than mine. Maybe, it might be possible with him", Henry thought. He placed his hand under his chin, and he began to scratch as he went deep in thought. "You can stop, kid", he said and Lucas stopped. He got up from the floor, and he barely broke a sweat. "It seems like this kid has developed his resistance quite quickly too. Most people will be sweating by now", he thought.

Lucas patted the dust away from his pants and looked Henry in the eye. "Do I pass?", he asked. Henry laughed out loud again. "You are a peculiar one among your lot. Even the Crown Prince's mouth is shut", he said. Lucas just shrugged his shoulders. "That's who I am", he thought as he shrugged.

Henry then picked up the hammer and gave it to Lucas. "Now, channel your Aura into the hammer", he said. Lucas smiled, as it was quite similar to channeling it into a sword. He quickly followed the same process, and the hammer began to glow. Henry smiled as he saw that.

"As expected. The kid has channeled it into weapons before. But the next part is going to be the tricky part", he thought as he picked up the anvil and placed it in front of Lucas. He then gave his instructions. "Strike the Anvil. And when you strike, transfer all your Aura into the Anvil", he said as he smiled.

Lucas was determined to learn. He had already learned how to smith before. So he knew what needed to be done. "But transfer my Aura to another thing without me channeling?", he thought. "This is going to be quite challenging. But I am not someone who never backs down from a challenge", he smiled with determination. Seeing the smile, Henry knew what was going to happen.

"That smile. It's been a long time since I have seen that smile", he thought. Lucas hit the Anvil and tried to transfer his Aura. But the moment he hit the Anvil, his aura dispersed. Lucas knew this was going to be hard. He began to strike it again and again, but the result always seemed to be the same. "What am I doing wrong here?", he thought.

He began to think about the actions that he was doing. He hit the Anvil, and after that, he tried to channel his Aura through the hammer into the Anvil. But the moment he tried to do that, the Aura dispersed instantly. "Maybe, I should not channel my Aura, but transfer the Aura that is within the hammer?", he thought.

He then decided to try what he thought, and it showed some results. The Aura that was within the hammer began to move into the Anvil, but not all of it. Only a tiny portion was transferred while the rest of the Aura was scattered around. "Go ahead", said Henry. Lucas understood what he was trying to say.

When teaching, Henry was a man of few words. He would let you do all the thinking, and if he deems that it is time for some guidance, he only shows tells them something vague. But for Lucas, being under Henry for quite some time helped him in understanding his way of teaching.

And so, Lucas smiled. He knew what he was saying and he began to hit the Anvil fervently. Slowly but steadily, The Aura that was transferred into Anvil grew. After about an hour and a half, the amount of Aura transferred into the Anvil was ninety percent. Henry was still amazed when he saw the progress that was made by him.

"This kid never ceases to amaze me. Every time just creating miracles", he thought. The last time he taught him to blacksmith, he quickly learned it. He was even one of the best forges in the Iron Forge. Many people were amazed by his talent, and they thought he would be the one to succeed Forge Master Henry.

But they knew making Lucas a successor was not possible. They just left it up to fate. Henry was now watching as Lucas transferred almost one hundred percent of his Aura into the Anvil. "Do this for the next one hundred times", said Henry in a commanding tone.

Lucas nodded his head. He also had to make this second nature to him. It had been a long time since he picked up a hammer and did some blacksmithing. After finishing it a hundred times, Henry took out the ingredients from his apron.

There were two dark red crystals, and there were two Blue clear crystals. But the other two crystals were different. One of them was a deep purple, and the other was a dark blue. "The four, I get it. But what are these two for, Forge Master?", he asked. Henry smiled. "They're the same element, only that they are dark", he said.

Lucas was about to drop the crystal in his hands when he heard what he said. "Dark Black Flames and Dark Water?", he asked. Henry nodded his head. He then placed another block that was silver in color next to the crystals. "We will also be adding one of the strongest metals known. Vibranium", he said.

Lucas then began to look at the blueprint and the materials. The only things matching were the fire and ice crystals. "But why these?", he asked. Henry smiled. "Let's upgrade your blueprint. The weapon design and everything shall be the same, but there will only be a change in the materials", he said.

Lucas smiled. "Well, if Forge Master has set him mind, there is nothing that can stop him", he thought. He also knew how much experience Henry has in making weapons.. And thus, he trusted in Henry's judgment.

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