System: Inherited

Chapter 38 - Third Prince: Banished!

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Lucas did the same thing as he did last time. Plucked some fresh roses, made a bouquet, and went into the graveyard. He then placed the bouquet at the foot of the grave and walked towards the headstone. He sat down beside it and leaned his back as he looked into the skies.

"Hey, Grandma. I've passed the Test of Banishment. And now, I am going to be leaving this place soon. I just wish you were here with me, to congratulate me and make me my favorite sweets", he smiled. "I miss your tea and cakes, Grandma", he muttered. He just smiled as his eyes slowly began to close.

"Remember, little Luca. Never Lose Heart. And here you go, some cake", he reminisced. "Ah, those days. If only Grandma was not sick, she would have been here with a tray of sweets, cakes, and her special Ginger Honey Tea. I still can't remake that tea", he smiled.

"There you are. I was wondering where you were off to", came a voice from afar. Lucas opened his eyes and sat up. "I fell asleep? maybe I was just tired", he thought as he got up from the grass. He stood in front of the gravestone and smiled. "Goodbye, Grandma. See you in four years", he muttered as he turned around to look at who it was.

And stood in front of him was a panting Kate. "I guessed you would be here. But for you to fall asleep. Hehe", she chuckled. "Anyways, it's time for you to get banished. It's four, remember?", she said. "Please don't say it like I'm a criminal", he said in a dramatic voice.

Kate didn't stop chuckling as she led him out of the graveyard into the palace. They both entered the throne room, and in front of him was some sweets and cake. "Is that what I think it is?", he said as his eyes turned teary. Kate nodded her head. "Grandma's special and your favorite. Hope the tea tastes the same though", she said.

Lucas dropped to his knees as soon as he laid his eyes on the tray that was in front of him. He walked slowly towards the tray, his tears flowing down his cheeks. "This can't be..", he muttered as he looked at every dish that was laid. "Scones, Macaroons, and Creamy smooth Caramel Pudding. And there's... the special tea. Ginger Honey Tea. The sweet, and yet... slightly spicy tea", he stuttered.

Martha and everyone were just standing there frozen. Everyone knew how attached Lucas was to his Grandma, and thus Martha put her every effort to make these dishes. Lucas picked up his tea and poured it onto the pudding. "This is Grandma's favorite way of eating the pudding. She is such a sweet tooth", he smiled.

He took a small bite and closed his eyes. The flavor was bursting in his mouth, the sweetness of the pudding mixed with the spice of the tea, and the slight bitterness of the caramel was very refreshing to him. he didn't stop and began to savor every bite he had. "Oh how much I missed this", he said in a low voice.

His eyes began to turn red due to the tears that were flowing down. But it didn't stop. After finishing, he lifted the bowl. "Can I get one more serving?", he asked, just like how he used to when he was a little kid. Martha couldn't control her tears anymore, and they began to flow down. She just nodded her head as she placed another serving in his bowl.

After eating it the same way, he picked up the scone and bit the sides. He began to nibble them, and then licked the fresh cream that was inside. "Oozing cream", he said. Every moment, he was reliving the memories of the past. Ben, who was watching this, stifled his cry.

"Mother, are you seeing this? Your grandson hasn't changed one bit. He is just a big grown kid", he muttered. After eating the scone, he poured himself a cup of tea. He then placed a slice of cake on a plate and poured some tea around the cake. "Look, Sam. It's Cake Island", he said as he turned his head towards Sam.

Sam stood there, as he couldn't react to what he was doing. "Cake Island", he muttered as he looked at the cake that was surrounded by tea. "That is not how you should eat cake, you dumb idiot", he said as he sat next to Sam. If he was holding back all this while, now nothing stopped him from crying.

Kate, who was watching all this knew it was her turn. She wiped the tears that were flowing down her face, took a deep breath, and tried to put on a brave face. Lucas turned his head towards her and pointed at his cake. "So, No Cake Island?", he said with a sad face. The three of them were enacting one of the many moments that they had spent with their Grandma.

Kate fell to her knees the moment she heard him say that. All the preparations she made were naught. She crawled up to him and hit Sam on the back of his head. "This is Cake Island, and we are going to destroy it", she said. She then picked up her fork and began to eat. "NO!", said Lucas as he picked up his fork and ate another bite. Soon, the cake was done.

Lucas patted his stomach as he looked to the ceiling. "That was fun", he thought as he looked at both of them. Suddenly, Kate jumped on him and hugged him tightly. "Please don't go. Who will I fight with if you're gone? Who will I dress up and use as a model for designing clothes? Who...", she was about to rant when she felt Lucas hug her back.

"It's alright. Everything will be okay. You know I can take care of myself, right?', he asked as he pulled her out of his embrace. She nodded her head. "Then trust me. And maybe if you're out adventuring, we can party up", he smiled. He then turned towards Sam.

"Well, take care out there. And if anyone tries to mess with you, make sure to mess them up real good", he said as he fist-bumped Lucas. "I will. And take care of the family", he said as he embraced him. They embraced for a few moments.

He then walked towards Martha. They didn't speak any words and just embraced each other. "Luca, take care out there. And remember", she paused. "I always love you", they both said at the same time. He then walked towards Ben.

"My King, I shall take my leave. Do permit me", he said in a cheeky yet sad tone. "King my arse. Come here", he said as he pulled Lucas into a deep hug. "Next time we meet, make sure you're strong. A storm is coming", he said. Lucas was shocked at the information. "A storm, huh? Let's see who is brewing up that storm", he thought as he felt a black cloth cover his vision.

Ben walked out towards the podium that was overlooking the city. "Today, we, citizens of The Heart Kingdom, gather here for an announcement. I am saddened to inform you that the Third Prince has stolen something of great value to the Kingdom and has been caught red-handed", he paused. There were murmurs around among the people.

"Could it be that time has come? If it is, then the Prince is going to live like us commoners. The time has come!", said a man, and the crowd began to chant. "The time has come. The time has come. THE TIME HAS COME!", they chanted. The chants grew louder and louder. Ben smiled. "Can't fool my people", he smiled.

"Order!", said Ben in a loud voice. Lucas, who was standing in the room, heard all of it. "So the people know of the tradition?", he thought. "Yes, they've always known it. They just don't show it that much", said Sam who was standing to his right.

The crowd began to go back to silence. "As per the Order of the Kingdom, I bring to you, the Third Prince himself", he said and Lucas was brought out into the open. His head was still covered, and he heard Ben whisper to him. "Just stay calm and act along with me", he said.

"The said person has been brought forth. Now, I shall ask him and judge him. A swift and efficient judgment is needed", he said to the people. The people nodded their heads. "I, Benjamin Heart, the Fifty-Seventh King of The Heart Kingdom, will be the judge to this hearing. I announce that anything that has been brought forth to me has evidence of the crime, and I shall be the prosecutor to this perpetrator", he paused.

Lucas understood what he was trying to say. "Well, this is how Sam and Kate and even Dad got banished. So here goes nothing", he smiled. "Did you, Lucas Heart, steal the Ancestral Scroll that was locked in the Northern Palace?", he asked. "Impressive. You passed through the riddling test", said Valentine in his head.

"Yes. I was the one that stole the Ancestral Scroll that was hidden underneath the Northern Palace", said Lucas in a loud voice. "It seems that the perpetrator admits to his crime. Then I shall deliver swift justice", he said.

"I, Benjamin Heart, the Fifty-Seventh King of The Heart Kingdom, hereby banish Lucas Heart from this palace. He shall be stripped of form the position of Prince, and shall not be allowed any access to the palace. Until further notice, there shall be no Third Prince", he said in a loud voice.

"THE TIME HAS COME! THE TIME HAS COME! THE TIME HAS COME! THE TIME HAS COME!", chanted the crowd. Ben pulled Lucas back inside. "Son, this is the last moment. In fifteen minutes, the guards will escort you out of this place, and lead you to the back gate. You will be left outside and there will be nowhere for you to go", he said.

Martha took a pouch from her pockets and gave it to him. "Some money for you to survive the coming days. And once again, take care", she said as she handed him the money. "Don't forget about the Adventurer's Guild. That's where you can make a lot of money to survive, and you can also build an influence", said Sam and Kate. He picked up his bag in which he had packed some of his clothes.

He nodded his head and closed his eyes, ready to be lead towards the door of his new journey.. "Though I'm sad that I have to leave this place, I'm super excited for what's to come", he thought as he felt his hand being pulled by two men, ready to escort him out of the palace.

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