System: Inherited

Chapter 4 - The Test Of Banishment: Commence!

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After getting ready, Lucas strapped the dual blades onto his back in the shape of an 'X'. He wore a plain white tee with a pair of black pants. He then wore the chest piece on top and the boots. He placed the dagger to his waist and took a look at himself in the mirror. "I hope I pass today's test. It is going to be hard, but ultimately, my goal is to have life experiences", he said with resolve.

He opened the door of his room, to see his parents and his siblings standing there with a smile. "Where is grandfather?", he asked. "Your grandfather is with Leon", he said with a smile. He then pulled Lucas into a hug. After giving him a comforting hug, he looked at him with eyes of determination. "You can do this son", he said.

He looked at his siblings and smiled. Both of them nodded their heads and they set towards the place where the test would be held. Outside the arena, he saw his grandfather and master standing, talking to each other. "Good Morning, Grandfather. Master", he said and did a bow.

"This test is to know your own limits so that you won't overestimate yourself and end up dying on your journey. Just make sure to do your best. And stay alive", said his grandfather with a wink.

He was an old man in his eighties. His face had a lot of wrinkles and he held a walking stick in his right hand. He seldom uses it to support himself. He was wearing a white shirt tucked into his black pants. He had a black tie around his neck and wore a long black tailcoat. His eyes were a deep hazel and he wore a pair of round glasses.

"There is only a few minutes before the test. What do you want to do?", asked his master, Leon. "I want to see grandmother", he said in a solemn tone.

"Very well. You may go. Take Kate along with you", said his grandfather. He nodded his head and began to walk away. Kate followed behind him, silently. She didn't want to say anything to him. She was scared that she might break his concentration. They both entered a garden.

The aroma within the garden was rich and there was an embedded stone pathway in the middle. Lucas began to walk and he plucked a pink flower. "Grandmother likes Pink and white roses", he mumbled as he picked a few more pink and white roses. The aroma was fresh and he went to a corner. He took a whiff of the flowers and exhaled. It made him feel relaxed.

He then went to a table in the corner of the garden and arranged the flowers into a bouquet. After finishing it, he kept moving forward in the garden, towards a tall black gate. He looked at Kate and she too had prepared the same bouquet. Both of them opened and went past the gate. There was a board that read, 'Heart Family's Resting Place'.

There were a lot of gravestones, all belonging to his ancestors. He walked in and found the gravestone he was looking for. 'Lilliana Heart', it read. He smiled and placed the bouquet next to it. "Grandma, I know you'll be watching me from up there. I'll be taking the test today. And after I pass it, I'll be leaving this palace. Maybe I will see all the wonders you used to tell me as tales before bedtime. Sayonara, Grandma", he said as a tear rolled down his cheek. He then felt two warm arms wrap around him. "We'll miss you too, you idiot", came a soothing voice.

He then looked up and saw Kate smiling at him. "It's time. We have to go", she said as she checked the time. Lucas nodded his head and he began to go back down the same path, returning to the arena. Just as he was about to enter the arena, he heard a loud voice calling him. "Hey Eunuch Mage, just go in there and come out dead", said the female voice. There was a group sneering behind the voice.

Annoyed, Lucas and Kate turned around to see the owner of the voice. "Grace Heart", he said. Just as he was about to bicker with her, he felt Kate's hand on his shoulder. He shook his head sideways and was ready to leave, but not without comment. "Sure enough. Her name is Grace but she doesn't even have an ounce of it. Whoever suggested it must have been blind", he retorted and left.

Grace was a short and slender girl. She was the same age as Lucas and they were cousins. She had blonde hair that was curled behind her back. Her angular face and her stern eyes made her look fierce. She was also one of the top three mages in their family, and thus she had a lot of pride and arrogance.

She was enraged with his comment and was about into an argument, but then her phone buzzed, as she stormed away in a rage.

He reached the arena and entered it. It was a large colosseum-type building, and there was a screen hovering in the middle of the stadium. He entered a pathway which was a tunnel to the stage in the middle. There was a black iron gate in front of him, and he was standing behind it, waiting for him to be called.

His grandfather stood up in the podium above and began to announce. "I, Christopher Heart, welcome everyone from the family to the gathering of the Ancestral test, The Test of Banishment. Today, Lucas Heart, son of the king, Benjamin Heart, shall be the one taking this test. May the Goddess of Luck shine upon him, and grant him victory", he finished his short speech.

The gate opened and the light shone into the tunnel. Lucas was standing there, a little nervous but the determination shone in his eyes. 'Hey look, it's the Eunuch Mage", came a voice from the stands.

Lucas closed his eyes and concentrated, pushing away all the voices that were demotivating him. He looked towards the podium, looking at his parents and siblings, who never gave up on him. The people that loved him for the way he was. He smiled and thought, "I will make you proud."

The screen that was floating in the middle of the arena buzzed out loud. "Round one will be commencing", it said in its robotic voice. Just moments after, The gate opposite to him opened and there was a slight rumble underneath his feet. "It's a group. The test is no joke, never has been", he thought as he assumed a fighting stance.

"What is that stance?', thought everyone. "I see he has finally begun to merge those two techniques which I taught him", said Leon. Ben nodded his head. "It is a mix of Muay Thai and Taekwondo. His legs that are apart instead of close to each other show that he has begun to mix, still haven't perfected it. The way he is holding his fists close to his face, seems like there will be a good show", said Ben.

A dozen bulls charged into the arena, their horns all pointed towards Lucas. The screen above popped up information on the beasts that were about to wreak havoc all over the arena.

[Basic Tier Beast: One-Horned Bull]

[A beast that moves in groups and once a target has been fixed, it's do or die. They may use elemental energy to attack their target, and they can use all types of basic elements. Highly resilient to physical attacks]

"Just had to bring in the beats with high resistance to the only thing I am good at. Do you want me to pass this, Dad?", he chuckled as he thought of all the tough love he had been receiving from his father since childhood. He flipped over the horde, landing behind them. The bulls skidded to a stop as they turned around.

Lucas used this chance as he charged towards the bulls, and grabbed the horn of a bull. Using his momentum, he tried to pull them off the ground. It was in vain. He quickly let go and gave a punch to another bull to his left. The bull was slightly dazed and stumbled a little, but got back again.

"Seems like this is going to be a tough one", Lucas thought as he moved back into position, and took his stance.

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