System: Inherited

Chapter 41 - Adventurer's Guild Test (Part One)

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He looked at the quest and was smiling. "Now look at this quest. That looks like a bountiful harvest", he thought.

[Quest Initiated]

[Place D Rank or above in this test

Beasts Killed

Demon Tier Beast 0/1

Demi-God Tier Beast 0/3

Emperor Tier Beast 0/5

King Tier Beast 0/7

Legendary Tier Beast 0/9

Advanced Tier Beast 0/11

Intermediate Tier Beast 0/15 +11

Basic Tier Beast 0/20] +24

[Rewards, EXP x2 for every Beast you kill. According to your placement, EXP will be as follows.

S Rank - EXP +10,000

A Rank - EXP +8000

B Rank - EXP +6000

C Rank - EXP +3000

D Rank - EXP +1500

E Rank - -1 Level

F Rank - -3 Levels

Intermediate HP Limit Breaker Potion x1

Intermediate MP Limit Breaker Potion x1]

The final part is where Lucas began to smile. "Limit Breaker Potions again", he smiled in glee. "Don't be so confident brat. This isn't just a quest from the system. Did you forget that I am part of this system?", said Valentine. Lucas scowled as soon as he heard that. "So you can issue quests too?", he asked.

"Yes, I can. And I won't issue you quests just because you could level up faster", he said. Lucas was taken aback after he heard that. "You cheap idiot", he thought. Valentine heard it but wasn't so keen on responding to his taunt. They weren't that friendly, or not yet anyway.

He then began to look around, and he saw light particles beginning to construct themselves in different shapes. "Truly fascinating indeed", he muttered as he watched the way the beasts popped out after the light finished constructing. He was amazed by the way they held the test. "These things can kill us, but they aren't real. Why didn't they use virtual reality? They would be able to reduce the casualties", he thought.

"Because only under sheer pressure can one outperform their own self", replied Valentine to his thoughts. Lucas nodded his head, as he was the same. He remembered the fight against the Legendary Tier Beast, in which he went beyond his limits. "Well, here it goes. Guess I'm going to have to bring my A-game to this one", he smiled again.

"Valentine, is it possible for you to make a map of this place and mark the players in red while marking the beasts in yellow and high tiers in orange?", he asked. "Well, I will mark them in green, orange, and red. Red are the ones you will currently be unable to face in your strength. And for the people, they will be marked in white. Does that sound cool? And remember, this is only a one-time thing", said Valentine.

Lucas nodded his head. Then a prompt popped up in front of him.

[Temporarily activating Sonar Mode]

[Host will have to scream]

"Huh?", and Lucas's eyes went wide. "Are you freaking kidding me?", he asked Valentine. "I'm afraid not. Without this, I would not be able to sense anyone or anything. What are you thinking? Like some satellite in the sky is a personal server for the systems?", scoffed Valentine. Lucas then nodded his head. "Will they hear me?", he thought.

"It's in a higher frequency than what the human ear can pick up, but you will be able to for the next five minutes. And you will also be channeling this Sonar Energy into the earth, which will make me monitor the movements that are being made", said Valentine. "Alright, let's get this over with", he thought and screamed at the top of his lungs.

The Sonar waves began to spread around him, and he began to hear the same sound back in his ears. He looked at the screen that was in front of him and saw all types of colors popping up. "Well, seems like there aren't many people though", he thought. Then after that, he felt a weird energy course through his arms.

"Now, place your hands with your palms facing the Earth", instructed Valentine. He did as he was told, and soon he saw the dots on the screen move. "Does this amazing mode exist in my system?", he thought. "Yes, it does. And sadly, you will not be able to access it. Admin privileges. Hehe", mocked Valentine.

Lucas was pissed, and he saw a lot of green dots around him. "Time to see what I'm capable of", he thought as he dashed towards a cluster of green dots huddled together. As he reached the place, he didn't hear anything. He hid behind some trees, and he saw a group of beetles all huddled together. He used his [Inspect] on it.

[Basic Tier Beast - Bronze Horned Beetle]

[Their tough hide makes it hard to cut through. With a high-tier weapon, you can kill them effectively. And watch out for the acids that they spit from their mouths. Weak against Magic attacks]

After he read the information, Lucas placed his blades back. "Well, Let me use my fireball on them", he thought and summoned a [Fireball]. He hurled it towards the nearest beetle that he could see, and it began to burn while screeching. The group now surrounded him in an instant, and they opened up their mouths, ready to spew their acids.

Lucas smirked as he dashed towards a beetle and used [Fireball] and [icicle] simultaneously. "I need more attack spells. Can't be using the same spells, though it does have its benefits", he thought as he remembered that the more he used, the more he could increase the Mastery and level of the spell.

The beetle died in an instant after it was hit with both of his spells. Lucas then ran towards a tree and jumped into the air. "Let me see if I can cast more spells at the same time", he thought. He then cast [3x Fireball] and [3x Icicle]. He held the spell long enough under his control and threw it towards six beetles. "Let me see my stats", he thought.


[Name: Lucas Heart]

[HP: 220/220]

[MP: 157/220]

[Level: 10]

[Job: None]

[Title: Defying The Odds, Master Of Stealth]

[EXP: 3950/5000]

[System Level: 2/10]

[Strength: 43]

[Stamina: 43]

[Agility: 43+19]

[Perception: 41]

[Magic: 43]

[Stat points to be used: 0]

"Seems like it's one less MP point due to the level up. Maybe I should learn Mana Manipulation next. Hope there's someone out there who can do that. Well, I can still use it for about twenty times continuously", he thought. The limit he could cast simultaneously was six spells. "Maybe if I increase Perception, I will be able to cast more", he concluded as he cast six spells one again, killing the six beetles he hit first.

There were a total of twenty-four in the beginning. With him taking out seven and one still burning to its death, there were sixteen left to take out. "Sixteen left, and I have only about fourteen spells left", he thought. He pulled out his blades and activated [Chain Of Hades].

[Damage of blades increased by fifty percent]

[Icy Flame Burst output increased by 150%]

[Flames of Hell has been activated]

[Strength has been increased by fifteen percent]

Chains appeared on his forearms, and they wrapped around them. He then felt a slight increase in strength coursing through his body. He threw the Fire blade towards a beetle and saw a slight burst of flames surround his blade. He then threw the other one towards another beetle and saw a slight covering of Icy Flakes around his blade.

"An Icy Flame Dance?", he thought as he looked at the blades that sliced through the beetles. "But I still have to gain control of the throwing and pulling as this will become the death of me", he thought as he sensed danger from behind him.

The blades were stuck in a tree, and he was unable to pull it out. The chains were expandable at will, thus he decided to go for a blade, and retrieve it. He ran towards the Fire blade and escaped the acid that was about to hit him in the back. "Remind me to never try something that I haven't mastered the next time", he said as he wiped his face on his sleeve.

He then looked at the remaining beetles, and he deactivated the skill. He placed the blades back inside and began to multicast spells. After a good ten minutes, all of them were dead. "One target down, let's move to the next tier", he thought as he left the place.

He looked at the map and saw another bunch of green dots. "What are those?", he asked Valentine. "Well, since taking down a couple of Basic and Intermediate Tier Beasts are piece of cake for you, I marked them green", he said.

"Well, make Intermediate a darker shade of green I don't want to be stuck clearing only Basic tier beasts", scowled Lucas as Valentine changed the color scheme once again. He then looked at the screen and smiled.. "Now that's more like it", he smiled as he looked at the time remaining. 'Time Remaining 02:45:32'

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