System: Inherited

Chapter 50 - The UCDM Division

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Their journey towards the place of the mission was at a drive of twelve hours. Lucas pulled up his stats, and wanted to check it before he got into combat in the mission.


[Name: Lucas Heart]

[HP: 220/220]

[MP: 220/220]

[Level: 16]

[Job: None]

[Title: Defying The Odds, Master Of Stealth]

[EXP: 6950/20,000]

[System Level: 2/10]

[Strength: 43]

[Stamina: 43]

[Agility: 43+19]

[Perception: 41]

[Magic: 43]

[Stat points to be used: 30]

"Should I use the Limit Breaker Potion here? Or maybe try it tonight? We are going to attempt it tomorrow as we will be reaching that place in the evening, and we will be tired", he thought as he laid his head back on the headrest behind him. Next to him was Emilia, and Michelle was seated next to her. Tobias was seated in the front, and Robert was driving the car. "Alright, we will be taking turns driving. After reaching the small town ahead, we will change drivers", he said.

Lucas began to concentrate on his Aura, and he began to infuse it into the bones in his fingers, and the Aura began to inject into the bone marrow of his fingers, and Valentine kept count of the percentage. As soon as he reached eighty percent, he told him to move to the next bone. Lucas kept following the procedure until his turn to drive came.

He was the last person to drive towards the destination. Everyone was asleep and tired, as the journey was quite taxing. After they reached the place, Robert opened up the map on his phone, allowing Lucas to follow to the location that was shown. After they reached the Inn, they freshened up and went to Robert's room, as his was the largest amongst them.

Robert took out a glass pad from the drawer in his bedside table, and placed it in front of everyone. "Now, everyone knows that this UCDM missions aren't as easy as the ranks show. Some people, who are overconfident in their abilities, have attempted and each one of them ended up in failure. Now, combine those facts with this", he paused and showed the details of the mission.

[UCDM No. 99]

[Mission Objective: Close the Portal that has been opened in the outskirts of Manchester]

[Portal Rank: E]

[Portal Type: Unknown]

[Monsters in the Portal: Unknown]

[No of people allowed inside: 5]

After reading the details, Lucas was shocked. "So, we're basically walking into the unknowns. But don't most portals reveal their types?', he asked. Robert cleared his throat as he began to explain. "Yes, what Lucas here said is true. If a portal opens up here, it has always been classified into types. But since this one is unknown, we must assume the worst. And the worst type of portal someone can walk into without any preparation are two types", he paused.

"Survival and Puzzle", said Lucas as he smiled. If it was a Puzzle type, Lucas can clear it alone. He didn't need anyone to be around him as he could solve anything that is thrown at him. But for the Survival type, there is a time limit, and an unlimited spawn of monsters. Only if we survive through the time would we be able to get out of the portal.

Portals are rare on Earth, but they do happen. Most of the Adventurers are usually busy dealing with beasts around, and they have less time for the portals. But the Guild always make sure that the Portals are not busted open, thus keeping the peace within the cities and villages around.

Everyone nodded their heads when they heard the news. Lucas got up and yawned, and left the room. He then went towards the nearest Alchemy store, and he wanted to ask around for information. He entered the store and walked inside. There was a little girl sitting on the desk, and she was looking at the door.

"How can I help you, Mister?", she asked. Lucas smiled at the little girl. "She must be around eight to nine years old", he thought as he looked around. "Where's the store keeper?", he asked. The girl looked at him and smiled. "My father is out. He has been gone for three hours but he hasn't come back. He said that he would be back in an hour or two", she said with a tinge of worry.

Lucas was taken aback. "Mama, someone is here. Seems like he needs some medicine", she said as she ran inside. A beautiful lady came outside, and she stood behind the counter. "What can I help you with, kind sir?", she asked politely. Lucas was still shocked by the information he heard from the little girl. "Isn't it a bit too late though?", he thought.

"May I know where I can find your husband?", he asked. The woman's face turned stern, and she ushered the little girl to go inside. The girl went back, and the woman jumped over the counter. "Did they send you again? We have paid back the money! What else do you want?", she asked in a harsh whisper.

Lucas put both his hands up in the air. "I don't know what you're talking about. But I did come here to buy some potions, and for some information. But after I heard the little girl say that her father is missing, I thought I could help", he replied. The woman let out a sigh after a few seconds of staring at his face.

"Yes, he went to the woods to look for some herbs for a rare potion. The client gave us the money, but since he couldn't find the same ingredients, he went to make something equivalent to it. But he should be back soon. May I know what kind of potions and information is this young sir looking for?", she asked.

Lucas smiled politely and listed his potions. "I would like to have strengthening potions, stamina potions, recovery potions, and healing potions. I would like a dozen each", he said. "And the information I'm seeking is about the portal that has been...", he was about to continue when he felt a soft hand on his lips.

"Not here, young sir. Follow me", she said as she motioned him to follow behind him. They entered the shop and she pulled something underneath the counter. The display that was on the wall slid open, and revealed an elevator. She wrote a note and left it on the counter, and she entered the elevator. After going down for a few minutes, the elevator stopped.

"That portal is different from the normal portals that you Adventurers have been clearing. I see that you are a fairly new one. Then before I give you access to the portal, you must complete a mission of mine. Find my husband and bring him back here in an hour", she said as she walked forward. "And if you're wondering who I am, I am the head of the UCDM Division, Andrea Young", she said as she reached the center of the room.

The woman was a beautiful woman, and her eyes were small. She had a beautiful figure, and she was the same height as Lucas. Her eyes were purple, and her jaws were well defined. Her rosy lips were alluring, and the way she carried herself was charming. She changed from her home outfit into a professional suit, and stood in front of him.

There was a big computer in front of him. "It looks like those computers in the movies? What was that called, Batman, was it?', he thought as he looked at it in awe. She walked and typed in some commands, and it revealed a red dot. "This is my husband's location. To learn more about the portal, you must prove that you are worthy to enter it", she said.

Lucas nodded his head as he walked back. "And make sure that you do that. If not, Hehe", she chuckled. "There really is a separate division for this UCDM. Let's get going and complete the mission", he smiled as he left the shop, going in search of Andrea's husband.

After he left the shop, a notification popped up, which made Lucas frown. "Well, first things first, let me get ready for this adventure. My first Mission", he thought as he looked at the notification.

[Quest Initiated]

[First Mission]


Rescue Andrea's Husband 0/1

Enter the E Ranked Portal 0/1]

[Rewards - EXP +1000]

"That's it? No more rewards?", he thought as he looked at it in frustration. "Maybe there will be something noteworthy in the Portal?", he thought as he moved towards his destination. There was a blinking red light on his maps, and his was a blue mark. After following for a while, a forest came into view.

"Maybe he went inside this place? Why are there chills over my body when I am clearly so far away from this place?', he thought as he entered the forest. "Hehe kid.. Let's see how you will overcome this difficulty", thought Valentine as he watched everything Lucas did.

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