System: Inherited

Chapter 56 - The First Adventure - The Tower (Part Three)

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After killing the Bugbear, the floor began to rumble. It moved up like a lift, and they reached the second floor. 'Time until First Wave - Ten minutes', read the hologram above. Everyone began to take a breather, and Lucas began to analyze. "Emilia, I want you to erect a tower, and get on top. You can shoot long-range right?", he asked. Emilia nodded her head as she took out components from her pockets, and created a Sniper Rifle right there.

"Create a room in the tower, we will hide inside. And if it is a horde of those little green men, then I think we will need something to kill them off", he began to think. "Create three-round ditches, and take me along with you to the top of the tower", he said. She began to execute the plan, and soon, he and Emilia were on top, while the other three were down below.

"You will snipe, and I will use my magic to kill off these little pests. And the time is up", he smiled as he saw the same horde, except this time their skins were a bit yellow. He used the [Inspect] and saw their details.

[Intermediate Tier Beast - Goblin Chiefs]

[They are smarter than the Goblins. They can use very basic levels of magic, and they can co-ordinate their attacks, making them formidable foes to deal with when in hordes]

"Not for me", smiled Lucas as he readied both his [Fireball] and [Icicle] and began to fuse it. The heat was melting the ice, but Lucas was trying to find a way to fuse them both. "Come on, they can co-exist in my body, which means they can co-exist here as well. I just have to find the right way", he thought as he saw the Icicle being melted.

It was a failure, and Lucas saw the Icicle melt into water. He got frustrated, and projected the water into needles, and pierced it through the goblins that were climbing out of the outer ditch, killing them instantly. "I still need to learn to control my rage", he thought as he began to freeze some of them, allowing Emilia to shoot them through their heads.

The Goblin chiefs understood the strategy they were trying to implement, and they fell back. Every chief began to chant a spell, and they aimed at the base of the tower. "Alright, seems like they are trying to take down the tower. Let me try something", he thought as he cast a [Fireball].

As he threw it towards the goblins, he began to manipulate it, creating an arc of fire. After it hit the place, several goblins screeched in pain as they burned. "If only my fire was more potent. Maybe I must go to Namata and look into this", he thought as he threw manipulated [Fireball] arcs, killing several goblins before they cast their spells.

"Master once showed me that as long as I can manipulate Mana, I can turn any enemy's attack into my favor", he thought. He turned to Emilia and asked the question that was bugging him. "What is the theory behind External Mana Manipulation?', he asked her. She began to explain it to him as she shot down a few more of the goblins.

"I need a Mana Potion", she said as she stretched her hand. Lucas placed it in her hands, and she gulped it down. "It's best if I show it to you while I explain", she said. Lucas activated both [Eyes of Perception] and [Mana Vision] to see what she was doing.

She closed her eyes as she stretched her hand in front of her, and there was a change in the flow of Mana around her. It began to twirl and twist around her, and the spells that were thrown by the goblins were sucked into it. After sucking it, it began to break down into light particles, and then it began to reconstruct itself.

Lucas deactivated [Mana Vision] for a second to see if the light particles are visible to the naked eye. But it wasn't. The only thing the others could see was the changing of the shape of the spell, and thus, a cold blizzard was formed. "Hellish Blizzard", she said as she directed the blizzard towards a side of the battleground.

The goblins that stood on the side of the blizzard froze instantly, and they couldn't move. "Guys, now kill them", shouted Lucas, and the other three that were hiding came out and massacred the goblins that were frozen. "If the First Wave is this tough, then I can't imagine the upper floors", he thought as he looked around.

He began to implement what he saw Emilia doing. He closed his eyes and began to feel the energy that was surrounding him. The mana in the air shook violently, reacting to his Fire Mana. He began to pacify it like a child, and the Mana slowly began to come into his control. "That's it, now concentrate on the spells that are coming towards you, he heard Emilia guiding him.

Lucas began to use his perception for this. He felt an incoming sense of danger, and he wanted to see what it was. But he didn't open his eyes. Instead, he used his senses and began to manipulate an icicle that was thrown his way. It turned around and began to float behind Lucas.

Lucas was proud and he opened his eyes, only to lose focus for a second. Another wave of Icicle was incoming, and he still needed to perfect the manipulation. He didn't have time as he activated [Mana Vision] and used his Perception to manipulate every Icicle that was thrown on their path.

More than a hundred Icicles were floating behind him, and some of them were shaking. "You're reaching your limit", said Emilia. She turned to see Lucas closing his eyes, muttering. "Not yet... Not yet..", he kept on saying as he gathered more icicles behind him. He then began to break them into sharp and long needles, and the hundred turned into a thousand.

Now all of them were shaking, and Lucas was on his knees. He began to cough up blood, but he was still unwilling to let go. "Not... Cough... Yet", he said as he began to fuse his [Icicle], separating one into five and joining them with those icicles. After that, all the [Icicles] had Lucas's signature ice particles floating around the needles, and he launched them all with deadly accuracy.

The needles began to whiz through the air and hit the dead center of the goblins. One by one, each of them froze, allowing the people below to finish them off with ease. After killing every last one of them, Lucas still didn't give up. He got up from the ground, coughing out blood.

He downed a Recovery potion and a Mana potion, and he smiled at everyone. "Guess I am still we...", he fainted as he was about to finish his sentence. Emilia grabbed him and jumped down from the tower, and placed him in the room the others were staying in. Lucas was snoring, as fatigue overtook him.

"He has exhausted his Mana, and thus he has fainted. He will be up in at most an hour or two. We will need to guard him until then", she told them. Robert assumed command since he was the Vice-Captain. "Now, we will follow his original plan. Tobias, can you use your Lightning spells to damage targets from far away?', he asked.

"Well, if I have a bow, that would be alright for me", he said as he shrugged his shoulders. "We need to make some weapons for him as soon as possible", he thought. Tobias using his bare hands was something that could potentially cause him irreversible harm.

"But I can use these little ones as conductors and fry them up", he said as he picked up a dead body of a goblin. "Conductor, that's great!', said Robert as an idea popped into his head. "Emilia, can you dig a canal from the room to the ditch, and then use water magic to fill them up with water?', asked Robert. Emilia showed a sinister smile as she understood what he was about to do.

They all retreated into the tower, and the second wave of goblins was confused as to why there were no people here. They looked around and noticed the tower, and they made their way into the water-filled ditch that was at the outer layer of the tower. The goblins jumped in and advanced, leaving some of them behind. "Tobias, fry them", said Robert as he watched everything from the inside.

Tobias placed his hand on the surface of the water and began to pass his Lightning through, and began to fry the goblins with the might of electricity. The goblins began to die one by one, and the ones that escaped fell to the might of Emilia's sniping skills, thus saving them from dying.

"If the next round is the Boss round, I will go and fight it", said Michelle, as she felt that she didn't do anything significant during the climb into the tower.

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