System: Inherited

Chapter 63 - The First Adventure - The Tower (Part Ten)

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He used his [Inspect] to look at the specifications of the weapon he had made.

[King Tier Weapon - ???? (Incomplete)]

[Passive Skill - Able to use the Azure Flame and Flowing-Ice efficiently]

[Active Skill 1 - Azure Flame Strike]

[Create a slash towards your opponent made of the Azure Flame]

[Active Skill 2 - Flowing-Ice Bind]

[Command the Flowing-Ice to bind your enemies. The area of Effect is one hundred meters. Bind effective for ten minutes. Single opponent use lasts for twenty minutes]

[Active Skill 3 - Burn to Cinders]

[Use your Azure Flame to burn the enemies around you. Can be directed in a straight line or an area of effect, depending upon the will of the user. Distance in both instances, five hundred meters]

[Combat Skill - Cryo-Blaze]

[Freeze your opponent with your slash. Then consume the heat of your opponent use that energy to burn]

[Mana Repair - Inject your Mana into the blade to restore Durabilty]

"Well, seems like you need a name. Let me see, how about Exploding Ice Blade?", he thought as he got out. The first one to come jumping towards him was Robert. "Let me see your new weapon", he said like a little child. He picked it up and gave it two swings. He began to frown.

"The weight balance is a bit off", he said. Lucas swung it and frowned as he saw the same. He then remembered why. He turned the hilt and saw another compartment just like the one in front. He went and saw that there was another fragment that was shining brightly. The purple and blue were swirling one another, and he picked it up. After inserting it into the slot, the balance was even.

"The spread of the Mana is now even", he smiled as he handed it to Robert. He swung it twice, and he tried to use his Aura along with it. But it wasn't possible. "What kind of a weapon is this? I can't use my Aura", he exclaimed. There was a buzz, signaling the start of the round.

He was about to down the potions when he saw that there was little, and he knew they would need it on the upper floors. "Guess I'm going to have to pull out something after all", he thought as he smiled. He stood there, waiting for the monster to appear in front of him.

[Legendary Tier Beast - Orc War Chief]

[The Orcs are a family of the goblins. They are larger and have superior strength to the goblins. They are smart, and they have great battle sense. The Orcs can call upon the power of Grummsh, the One-Eyed God of the Orcs]

The Orc stood at ten feet tall, and it had greenish skin, just like the goblins. It also had a striking red paint over its left eye, and it ran down towards its abdomen in a straight broad line. The Orc was wearing heavy body armor, which hindered its mobility. It held a broadsword, had husks protruding out of its mouth.

Lucas readied his stance, and he took a stance similar to Robert's. "Is he going to copy what I did?", he thought as he watched with keen interest. Lucas closed his eyes. His breathing changed and he bent his body forwards. "Copy Style: First Form. Basics", and he did the same move Robert did.

"That's the Third Form. Kuiarasu! But how?", he exclaimed. But what happened next put him in utter amazement. "Copy Style: Second Form. Honing", he muttered and he held the blade in its sheath for long, and his Aura covered the entire blade. He did the same move, but this time, there wasn't a slash, but a full arc that reached his height.

They both connected at the same place, and The Orc was still in shock. It didn't make its move and yet it got hurt twice. It roared out loud and was about to make its move when Lucas switched his gear. "Copy Style: Third Form. Rapid Familiarise", he muttered as he sent slash after slash in rapid succession, and he didn't budge from his place.

All he did was imitate Robert's move, but what he did, opened up something for Robert. "Is this what Father meant when he said, 'make it your own?", he thought in awe. He had a new respect for Lucas now. He not only saw him as a leader but as his rival. "Someday, I will make this style my own", he said with determination in his eyes.

Lucas was oblivious to the fact that he had made a rival. The Orc swung its sword towards his head, ready to smash him down. Lucas switched it up again. "Copy Style: Fourth Form. Blinking Footwork", he muttered and he began to move. Up until now, all the damage he dealt with the Orc was from one single position.

The Orc was damaged in its left leg, and Lucas wanted to use it to his advantage. His footwork was the same Robert used, except that this was a notch faster. "But how? How in the world could he take up just one form of mine to that extent!", he thought. To say that he was baffled was an understatement.

He weaved and moved his body, and he sent barrages of slashes towards both of its legs, and the movements began to slow down. Lucas smirked. "Robert. I thank you for allowing me to use this form of yours. Let me show you something. Something that you must have felt but failed to execute. Watch closely", he said.

Robert had his eyes peeled open. He understood what Lucas said immediately. Lucas crouched low and spread his legs. "Copy Style: Fifth Form. Devour and Unleash", he muttered as he let his breath out. He increased his speed, and he ran up the Orc.

The Orc tried shaking him off, but it was failing miserably. "That footwork. It can't be", he thought in awe. He knew what he was doing was the feeling he always got, but whenever he tried to do it, he would go through it all the way. But the problem was he felt that the power was lacking. Lucas switched it up again, and his movement was faster than before.

Nobody from the audience could keep up except Robert. "Show me, Lucas. Show me the true essence of this move. Prove to me that you are worthy. Worthy to be my equal and rival", he thought in excitement. The Orc was unable to shake him off, and it tried to swat him with its hand. Lucas did a slash, and he kept the momentum on.

He never lost sight of his target. After he reached the shoulder, he jumped off. He then cast his [Icicle] mid-air, to make him return to its neck. As he neared it, he did one quick slash with his Aura loaded. The slice looked like Lucas went along with it, but he didn't. It looked like Lucas cut through, but only Robert knew what happened.

"So this is the true essence of Muramasa Blade's Third Form, Kuiarasu? I am amazed", he thought as he watched Lucas come back down from its body, and the head rolled down on the floor. The cut was clean and precise. Lucas came back and did a bow to Robert. He felt like he needed an explanation as to why he used his move.

Lucas began his explanation. "I couldn't use Mana or Aura until recently. My powers remained dormant inside me, and when I was at a nearly dying stage, it awakened. When I didn't have either of those, I could only use my eyes to learn something. Thus I came up with this style of mine. I call it the 'Copy Style'. This is a self-invented one by me, and as I have been always learning things by experimenting and self-study, It was really hard for me to perfect this style", he sighed.

Robert was shocked when he heard this. "How long has it been?", he asked. "A month or more, I'm not sure. As I was taught the fundamentals before, I always imagined myself doing it. I imagined and imagined, and I trained my body to the limit. After awakening, I felt like I had been doing this for my whole life", he said as he paused.

Robert was impressed. "To be able to train to this extent without anything, and then integrating his years of training in just one month. Truly worthy to be my rival", he thought. "So you can use this style to copy any move?", he asked. "Not any move. For instance, I can't copy your Seventh Form, as it includes a lot of things. I need to watch it more and imagine myself doing it. I have to train my brain to make the corresponding muscles work, thus it's quite a long process", he said.

Robert understood as he also knew how much hard work he had to put in physically. But he did it mentally. "Guess everyone has their perks. Don't you have your style though?", asked Lucas. Lucas affirmatively shook his head. "Though I am not allowed to use them. Not until I break through to Stage Three", he said dejectedly.

The floor rumbled, breaking everyone's train of thought.. "Well, guess it's going to be harder", said Lucas in a motivated tone.

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